» Biography

Dr. Nese Akis Sansa, BChE, MSc, PhD, PDF is an associate professor with tenure in immunology at Trakya University (TU). She received her Ph.D. in immunology from the University of Istanbul (UI) in 1996, with a focus on endothelial cell response to diabetic insults. She completed her postdoctoral research training at UPenn and its associated centers, where she studied DNA-PKcs mutations in leaky scid mice (at FCCC), joined a phase-I trial of an anti-idiotypic cancer vaccine project (at The Wistar Institute), and researched nephritogenic endothelial antigens (at the Division of Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension, Department of Medicine). Her current research interests include atheroprotective genes and the evolution of Ikaros family members. Her research expertise lies in bioinformatics, molecular biology (PCR, RT-qPCR, cloning), cellular techniques (tissue culture, flow cytometry), immunochemistry, and animal experimentation.

Dr. Akis Sansa graduated with a BChE degree from UI in 1980 and worked in industrial quality control and research and development laboratories on coatings untill 1985. She then moved to the Istanbul School of Medicine (I-SOM) at UI, where she practiced laboratory medicine in immunology. She furthered her skills in T cell cytotoxicity and multiple sclerosis diagnosis at the University of Birmingham and in complementology and its diagnostic applications at the Institute of Enzymology-Budapest and the Clinical Hematology Lab. She also established a diagnostic laboratory for complementology and primary immune deficiencies at I-SOM. Her master's thesis (1989) focused on Salmonella OMP antigens. During her pre-doctoral research training, she studied on an anti-idiotypic HBV vaccine at the Institut Pasteur-Paris. In 2003, she joined the faculty at Halic University's Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), where she developed courses and her research program. She also taught human physiology and bioinformatics to undergraduate students at Bogazici University's MBG from 2003-2005. After moving to TU-SOM in 2006, she taught basic immunology, scientific reading and writing, and problem-based case study lectures. She also developed lectures on immune physiopathology for the MD program and established graduate programs in immunology. In 2012-2013, she took a learning sabbatical to develop her skills in miRNAs at FAU Erlangen-N. Her tangiable achivements include are four anti-bradykinin antibodies (UI DETAM, 1996) and three glomerular cell lines (UPenn CTT TechID: O2748, 2002). Her publications have been cited 802 times. She holds certifications in Associate Professorship in Immunology and High School Teachership in Chemistry, both signed by the National Council of Higher Education in Türkiye. She is a member of UCTEA-CCE, TID, ESM, EVBO, DGfI, and GEBIN. She founded the Basic Medical Sciences Commission at the TMA-IMC in 1991 and the Basic Health Scientists Commission at UCTEA-CCE Istanbul Branch in 1992. She headed the Education Commission of TID from 2012-2016. https://unis.trakya.edu.tr/akademisyen/akisn/lang=en

» Academic and Administrative Positions

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Pawar RD, L Castrezana-Lopez, R Allam, OP Kulkarni, S Segerer, E Radomska, TN Meyer, CM Schwesinger, N Akis, HJ Gröne, HJ Anders, “ Bacterial Lipopeptide Triggers Massive Albuminuria in Murine Lupus Nephritis By Activating Toll-like Receptor 2 at the Glomerular Filtration Barrier”, Immunology 128(1 Suppl):e206-21 (January 2009)
  • Ninichuk V, O Gross, S Segerer, R Hoffmann, E Radomska, A Buchstaller, R Huss, N Akis, D Schlondorff, HJ Anders. “Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reduce Interstitial Fibrosis But Do Not Delay Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Collagen4A3-deficient Mice”, Kidney Int. 70, 121-9 (January 2006)
  • Feliers D, X Chen, N Akis, GG Choudhury, MP Madaio, BS Kasinath. “VEGF Regulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase in Glomerular Endothelial Cells”, Kidney Int. 68, 1648-59 (January 2005)
  • Akis N, Madaio MP, ‘’Isolation, Culture, and Characterization of Endothelial Cells from Mouse Glomeruli’’, Kidney Int 65(6):2223-7 (January 2004)
  • Birebent, B., E. Mitchell, N. Akis, W. Li, R. Somasundaram, E. Purev, D. Hoey, M. Mastrangelo, H. Maguire, D. T. Harris, S. Nair, D. Cai, T. Zhang, D. M. Herlyn, “Monoclonal Anti-idiotypic Antibody Mimicking the Gastrointestinal Carcinoma-Associated Epitope CO17-1A Elicits Antigen-Specific Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Colorectal Cancer Patients“, Vaccine, 21, 1601-1612 (January 2003)
  • Akis N, C. Andl, D. Zhou, “A Mixed Hemadsorption Assay for Detection of Cell Surface Binding Anti-tumor Antibodies in Human Sera“, J Immunol Methods, 261, 119-127 (January 2002)

International Books and Book Chapters

  • Herlyn, D., B. Birebent, N. Akis, E. Purev, R. Somasundaram, E. Mitchell, H. Maguire, L. Staib, M. Mastrangelo, “Colon Cancer Antigen and Anti-Idiotype Vaccines“, Cancer Chemotherapy & Biological Response Modifiers Annual 21, ed. G. Giaccone, R. Schilsky, P. Sondel, Vol. 21, 287-298, Elsevier B.V., Oxford (January 2003)

National Articles

  • Yurdakul S, N Akis, S Findik, “Transition to Adaptive Immunity”, Turkish Journal of Immunology, 11, 17-26 (January 2006)
  • Akış N, O. Sayhan, A. Karaçavuş, K. Töreci, “Immunogenicity and Specificity of Salmonella typhimurium Outer Membrane Antigens“, Journal of Cell&Molecular Biology, 2:91-96 (January 2003)
  • Türkoğlu S, A.P. Çamurdan, N. Akış, S. Badur, “Epidemiological Study of the Rotaviral Diarrhea of Children in Istanbul Using Electrophoresis of Viral Genomic RNA“, Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni, 27, 93-99 (January 1993)
  • Akış N, S. Badur, “Detection of Specific Antibodies in Enterobacterial Infections by Enzyme-immune-assay“, İnfeksiyon Dergisi, 4, 533-539 (January 1990)
  • Badur S, N. Akış, A. Öztoprak, G. Çelik, M. Bayık, N. Uras, “The Prevalance of Hepatitis B and HIV Infections in the Prostitudes, Homosexuals, and Hospital Staff in Istanbul“, Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi, 16, 135-146 (January 1986)

National Conferences and Symposiums

  • PRESIDENT: Turkish Society for Immunology XII. Regional Symposium: Immunology School (2017). • • • SPEAKER: TİD-İO (2017). National Immunology Congress (2007-2013). CCE-İB-Biochemistry Days (2011). TÜBİTAK-MAM-GMBEA Seminars (2004-2006). Haliç Üniv. MBG Spring Symp. (2008) (October 2017)

National Books and Book Chapters

  • ORPHEUS/AMSE/WFME Task Force (2013) Avrupa'da Biyotıp ve Sağlık Bilimlerinde PhD Eğitim Standartları (Standards for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Europe: a proposal from ORPHEUS-AMSE-WFME. Aarhus University Press, 2012). Translated by Say A, Guc D, Tiyekli D, Ilhan F, Arasli M, Akis N (translation editor and translator). Zagreb, Croatia: ORPHEUS. https://orpheus-med.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/ORPHEUS-AMSE-WFME_tur.pdf (July 2013)
  • N Akis. Clinical Immunology Laboratory Manual (Turkish). Istanbul University Immünology Graduate Group Booklet, Istanbul (May 1995)
  • N Akış. Rotavirüs İmmünolojisi. In: Viral İmmünoloji, ET Çetin (ed), 1989, Anadolu Üniversitesi Basımevi, Eskişehir (ISBN: 975-492-100-8)

Doctoral Dissertations Advised

  • Immunology PhD Programme: Dilek Tiyekli, BSc, MA (June 2016)
  • Medical Microbiology Residency Programme: Demirhan Güven, MD (April 2012)

Master`s Theses Advised

  • Immunology MSc Programme: Behzat Hashemzadeh, BA (October 2018)
  • Medical Microbiology MSc Programme: Samet Alboy, BSc (October 2012)

Editorial Positions

  • Immunology Bulletin (1991-1996), Editor, University of İstanbul Immunology Graduate Group, Istanbul >>>transformed to>>> Turkish Journal of Immunology, Assistant Editor (1996-2004) and Advisory Board Member (2021-2023), Istanbul

Referee Positions

  • ARTICLE: TMSJ (2023), TJI (2017-2021), Microbiological Research (2017), Balkan Medical Journal (2012-2014), JCMB (2004-2005) • • • GRANT: TÜBİTAK reviewer-moderator (2008, 2018, 2020-2022), Akdeniz Univ Project Fund (2013), TÜBAP (2008).


  • Study Of Cytotoxic CD4+ T Lymphocytes and Stress Proteins in Blood of Patients Suffering from Inflammatory Diseases and Immunodeficiency Syndromes (MSc education and thesis supervisor, TÜBAP) (December 2019)
  • Mononuclear Cell Binding and Protective Gene Expression Patterns of Endothelial Cells in Response to Insults of Different Types of Diabetes (PhD mentor and dissertation supervisor, TÜBAP) (June 2016)
  • Controlling Atheroprotective Gene Expression by Controlling Expression of Its Specific miRNAs (Research supervisor for a research bursary holder, EFIS • • • Sabbatical bursar, YÖK) (February 2013)
  • Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus' Response Following Exposition of Bacteria to Vancomycin and Meticilline (MSc education and thesis supervisor, TÜBAP) (October 2012)
  • Electrophoretic Typing of Stress Response of Salmonella (Medical Microbiology Residency Program thesis supervisor, TÜBAP) (April 2012)
  • CRISPR repertoire of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 (PI) (February 2012)
  • Protective Gene Expression in Diabetic Endothelial Dysfunction (Mentor and research supervisor for a postdoctoral bursary holder, TÜBİTAK) (January 2010)
  • Examination of Anti-apoptotic Response of Endothelial Cells by Fluorescence Microscopy Following Exposition of The Cells to High Concentration of D-Glucose and Insulin (PI: 2006 Haliç Unv. BAP – 2015 TÜBAP) (September 2006)
  • Molecular Mechanism of Renal Injury (Postdoctoral fellow, NIH-RTG 5T32DK007006-29) • • • Molecular Mechanism of Renal Inflammation and Injury (Postdoctoral fellow, NIH-CG 5P50DK045191-10) • • • Immunologic Mechanism of Lupus Nephritis (Postdoctoral fellow, NIH-5RO1DK33694-18) (September 2002)
  • Monoclonal Anti-idiotype Antibody Against Colorectal Cancer (Postdoctoral trainee, NIH-3RO1CA060975-03S1; and Postdoctoral bursar, NATO-TÜBİTAK-B1) • • • Recombinant Antigen Vaccines (Postdoctoral trainee, CA010815; and Postdoctoral bursar, NATO-TÜBİTAK-B1) (March 1998)
  • B Cell Differentiation in Ig Transgenic Mice (Postdoctoral trainee, NIH-5RO1CA004946-35; and Postdoctoral bursar, NATO-TÜBİTAK-B1) (March 1997)
  • Effect of Bradykinin To Endothelial cells-Blood Cells Interactions In Models of Diabetes (PhD dissertation, Istanbul Univ. BAP) (September 1996)
  • Developing Anti-idiotypic Antibody, Which Mimics Receptor Binding Site of Hepatitis B Virus (Predoctoral student research bursar, France Government Scholarship) (August 1992)
  • Studying Antigenic Properties of S. typhimurium OMP by ELISA (MSc thesis, Istanbul SOM Div. Microbiology Fund) (September 1989)


  • Homogenous mouse glomerular endothelial (Penn Docket 02748-1), renal mesengial (Penn Docket 02748-2), and glomerular visceral epitelial (Penn Docket 02748-3) cell lines; University of Pennsylvania- Center for Technology Transfer, 2001, Philadelphia (September 2001)


  • ------------------------------------------------------------ SELECTED ABSTRACTS/ PROCEEDINGS ---------------------------------------------

» Courses Given

Medical Microbiology Residency Program and Fellowship: Lab Basics, Serology, Molecular Microbiology, Viral Culture

PhD and MSc Programs (in Immunology, in Medical Microbiology)

Undergraduate MD Program: Immunobiology, Immune Physiopathology, Case Studies, Basic Virology

» Announcements

10 April 2015 » Postdoctoral Training in Immunology