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Elmaslar Mert HT, Aytekin M, Topcu E, Yulugkural Z, Kuloglu F. Acute Hepatitis B and Syphilis Coinfection in an Immunocompetent Patient with a Prosthetic Aortic Valve. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2024: 39, 77. (November 2024) |
Elmaslar Mert HT, Yuluğkural Z, Kula E, Yüzügüldü B, Kuloğlu F. Neuroinvasive West Nile Virus Infections in the Trakya Region of Türkiye. Balkan Medical Journal, 2024:41(6), 511. (October 2024) |
Emel Azak, Ahmet Sertcelik,2 Gulden Ersoz,3 Guven Celebi,4 Fatma Eser,5 Ayse Batirel,6 Yasemin Cag,7 Zeynep Ture,8 Derya Ozturk Engin,9 Meltem Arzu Yetkin,10 Sedat Kaygusuz,11 Aslıhan Candevir,12 Ermira Tartari,13 Jordi Rello,14 Emine Alp,corresponding author5 and THIRG, Turkish Hospital Infection Research Group. Evaluation of the implementation of WHO infection prevention and control core components in Turkish health care facilities: results from a WHO infection prevention and control assessment framework (IPCAF)—based survey.Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2023; 12: 11. (February 2023) | 8 ATIF |
Aydın M, Azak E, Bilgin H. et all. Changes in antimicrobial resistance and outcomes of health care–associated infections. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (2021) 40:1737–1742 (February 2021) | 19 ATIF |
Korkmaz, P (Korkmaz, Pinar) [1] ; Demirturk, N (Demirturk, Nese) [2] ; Batirel, A (Batirel, Ayse) [3] ; Yardimci, AC (Yardimci, Ahmet Cem) [4] ; Cagir, U (Cagir, Unal) [5] ; Nemli, SA (Nemli, Salih Atakan) [6] ; Korkmaz, F (Korkmaz, Fatime) [7] ; Akcam, FZ (Akcam, Fusun Zeynep) [8] ; Barut, HS (Barut, Huseyin Sener) [9] ; Bayrak, B (Bayrak, Burcu) [10] ; Karakecili, F (Karakecili, Faruk) [11] ; Tarakci, H (Tarakci, Huseyin) [12] ; Yulugkural, Z (Yulugkural, Zerrin) [13] ; Yuksel, E (Yuksel, Esma) [14] ; Demir, NA (Demir, Nazlim Aktug) [15] ; Ural, O (Ural, Onur) [15] ; Sumer, S (Sumer, Sua) [15] ; Harman, R (Harman, Rezan) [16] ; Kadanali, A (Kadanali, Ayten) [17] ; Ozturk, S (Ozturk, Sinan) [17] ; Akhan, SC (Akhan, Sila Cetin) [18] ; Tulek, NE (Tulek, Necla Eren) [19] ; Keten, D (Keten, Derya) [20] ; Sener, A (Sener, Alper) [21] ; Aygen, B (Aygen, Bilgehan) [22] ; Celikbas, AK (Celikbas, Aysel Kocagul) [23] ; Karadag, FY (Karadag, Fatma Yilmaz) [24] ; Aydin, G (Aydin, Gule) [25] ; Arslan, E (Arslan, Eyup) [26] ; Sacligil, C (Sacligil, Cahide) [27] ; Ocal, GA (Ocal, Gulfem Akengin) [27] ; Tanoglu, A (Tanoglu, Alpaslan) [28] ; Ulcay, A (Ulcay, Asim) [29] ; Karagoz, E (Karagoz, Ergenekon) [29] ; Saltoglu, N (Saltoglu, Nese) [30] ; Sirmatel, F (Sirmatel, Fatma) [31] ; Akdeniz, H (Akdeniz, Hayrettin) [31] ; Aynioglu, A (Aynioglu, Aynur) [32] ; Ozel, SA (Ozel, Selcan Arslan) [33] ; Caylak, SD (Caylak, Selmin Dirgen) [34] ; Celik, I (Celik, Ilhami) [35] ; Alpay, Y (Alpay, Yesim) [36] ; Dursun, ZB (Dursun, Zehra Bestepe) [35] ; Bekcibasi, M (Bekcibasi, Muhammed) [37] ; Ertem, GT (Ertem, Gunay Tuncer) [19] ; Tigli, A (Tigli, Arzu) [38] ; Altunok, ES (Altunok, Elif Sargin) [39] ; Avsar, K (Avsar, Kemal) [38] ; Suer, K (Suer, Kaya) [40] ; Sayan, M (Sayan, Murat). Noninvasive Models to Predict Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: A Study from Turkey. HEPATITIS MONTHLY. Vol17Issue12 DOI10.5812/hepatmon.60266 (December 2017) | 1 ATIF |
Ozturk-Engin, D (Ozturk-Engin, D.) [1] ; Erdem, H (Erdem, H.) [2] ; Gencer, S (Gencer, S.) [3] ; Kaya, S (Kaya, S.) [4] , [13] ; Baran, AI (Baran, A. I.) [5] ; Batirel, A (Batirel, A.) [3] ; Tekin, R (Tekin, R.) [6] ; Celen, MK (Celen, M. K.) [6] ; Denk, A (Denk, A.) [7] ; Guler, S (Guler, S.) [8] ; Ulug, M (Ulug, M.) [9] ; Turan, H (Turan, H.) [10] ; Pekok, AU (Pekok, A. U.) [11] ; Mermut, G (Mermut, G.) [12] ; Kaya, S (Kaya, S.) ; Tasbakan, M (Tasbakan, M.) [14] ; Tulek, N (Tulek, N.) [15] ; Cag, Y (Cag, Y.) [3] ; Inan, A (Inan, A.) [1] ; Yalci, A (Yalci, A.) [16] ; Ataman-Hatipoglu, C (Ataman-Hatipoglu, C.) [15] ; Gonen, I (Gonen, I.) [17] ; Dogan-Celik, A (Dogan-Celik, A.) [18] ; Bozkurt, F (Bozkurt, F.) [6] ; Gulsun, S (Gulsun, S.) [4] ; Sunnetcioglu, M (Sunnetcioglu, M.) [5] ; Guven, T (Guven, T.) [19] ; Duygu, F (Duygu, F.) [20] ; Parlak, E (Parlak, E.) [21] ; Sozen, H (Sozen, H.) [22] ; Tosun, S (Tosun, S.) [12] ; Demirdal, T (Demirdal, T.) [23] ; Guclu, E (Guclu, E.) [24] ; Karabay, O (Karabay, O.) [24] ; Uzun, N (Uzun, N.) [25] ; Gunal, O (Gunal, O.) [20] ; Diktas, H (Diktas, H.) [26] ; Haykir-Solay, A (Haykir-Solay, A.) [27] ; Erbay, A (Erbay, A.) [28] ; Kader, C (Kader, C.) [28] ; Aydin, O (Aydin, O.) [29] ; Erdem, A (Erdem, A.) [30] ; Elaldi, N (Elaldi, N.) [31] ; Kadanali, A (Kadanali, A.) [32] ; Yulugkural, Z (Yulugkural, Z.) [18] ; Gorenek, L (Gorenek, L.) [2] ; Altindis, M (Altindis, M.) [33] ; Bolukcu, S (Bolukcu, S.) [1] ; Agalar, C (Agalar, C.) [34] ; Ormeci, N (Ormeci, N.) . Liver involvement in patients with brucellosis: results of the Marmara study.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Vol33 Issue7; p:1253-1262 DOI10.1007/s10096-014-2064-4 (June 2014) | 4 ATIF |
D Ozturk-Engin 1, H Erdem, S Gencer, S Kaya, A I Baran, A Batirel, R Tekin, M K Celen, A Denk, S Guler, M Ulug, H Turan, A U Pekok, G Mermut, S Kaya, M Tasbakan, N Tulek, Y Cag, A Inan, A Yalci, C Ataman-Hatipoglu, I Gonen, A Dogan-Celik, F Bozkurt, S Gulsun, M Sunnetcioglu, T Guven, F Duygu, E Parlak, H Sozen, S Tosun, T Demirdal, E Guclu, O Karabay, N Uzun, O Gunal, H Diktas, A Haykir-Solay, A Erbay, C Kader, O Aydin, A Erdem, N Elaldi, A Kadanali, Z Yulugkural, L Gorenek, M Altındis, S Bolukcu, C Agalar, N Ormeci Liver involvement in patients with brucellosis: results of the Marmara study. J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2014) 33:1253–1262 (February 2014) | 3 ATIF |
Leblebicioglu, H ; Cakir, N ; Celen, M ; Kurt, H ; Baris, H ; Laeuffer, J and Turkish COMPACT Study Grp (Turkish COMPACT Study Grp)Comparative activity of carbapenem testing (the COMPACT study) in Turkey. BMC Infectiossus Diseases 42(12) (February 2012) | 2 ATIF |
Celik, Aygul Dogan; Yulugkural, Zerrin; Kuloglu, Figen; et al.CTX-M Type Extended Spectrum beta-Lactamases in Escherichia coli Isolates From Community Acquired Upper Urinary Tract Infections at a University in the European Part of Turkey. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION.Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Pages: 163-167 Published: APR 2010 (April 2010) | 2 ATIF |
Celik, A.D., Z. Yulugkural, F. Kuloglu , F. Akata, “Candida glabrata: etiologic agent of soft tissue abscess in a diabetic patient”, Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 53, 590-591 (2010) | 4 ATIF |
Tansel, Ö, Ekuklu, G, Eker, A, Kunduracilar, H, Yulugkural, Z , Yüksel, P. Community-Based Seroepidemiology of Diphtheria and Tetanus in Edirne, TurkeyJAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Volume62Issue4Page275-278 (June 2009) | 3 ATIF |
Eker, A.,Tansel, O., Kunduracilar, H., Tokuc, B., Yulugkural, Z., Yusel, P. HEPATITIS E VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY IN ADULT POPULATION IN EDIRNE PROVINCE, TURKEY. MIKROBIYOLOJI BULTENI. Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Pages: 251-258 (April 2009) | 5 ATIF |
Celik, AD , Celik, Y, Yulugkural, Z, Balci, K , Utku, U . Acute Onset Myositis Associated with Brucellosis, Quite a Rare Diagnosis. INTERNAL MEDICINE Vol;47I ssue:23; Page2091-2093 DOI10.2169/internalmedicine.47.1108 (January 2008) | 1 ATIF |
Yulugkural, Z. Mutlu, B. Susceptibility of escherichia coli strains isolated from urine cultures to some commonly used antibacterial agents. Balkan Medical Journal. Volume:24 Issue: 1Pages: 6-11 (April 2007) | 1 ATIF |
Yılmam İ, Serez Kaya B, Temelli S, Çakır Edis E, Yuluğkural Z. Evaluation of insomnia in healthcare personnel after COVID-19 vaccination.Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology - Volume 25, Issue 3, September-December 2023 (December 2023) |
KorkmazP et all. Noninvasive Models to Predict Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: A Study from Turkey. HEPATITIS MONTHLY. Volume: 17 Issue: 12 (December 2017) |
Celik, AD., Yulugkural, Z., Kilincer, C.,Hamamcioglu, MK., Kuloglu, F.,Akata, F. Negative serology: could exclude the diagnosis of brucellosis? RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL Volume: 32 Issue: 8 Pages: 2547-2549 (August 2012) | 3 ATIF |
Noninvasive models to predict liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B: a study from Turkey (April 2017) | 3 ATIF |
Epidemiology, Clinical Features and Predictors of Mortality in Patients with Candidemia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Turkiye: A Single-Center Retrospective Study. Phoenix Med.J. 2024:6: 3; 110 - 117 (November 2024) |
Management of Fulminant Hepatitis B: A Consensus Report of the Study Group for Viral Hepatitis of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (June 2013) |