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The relationship between anti-seizures medications and metabolic acidosis in craniotomy operations: is topiramate or zonisamide the cause of metabolic acidosis? Şahin SH, Küçük O, Tütüncüler B. (August 2024) |
Acute kidney disease beyond day 7 after major surgery: a secondary analysis of the EPIS-AKI trial. Meersch M, Weiss R, Strauß C, Albert F, Booke H, Forni L, Pittet JF, Kellum JA, Rosner M, Mehta R, Bellomo R, Rosenberger P, Zarbock A; EPIS-AKI Investigators. (February 2024) |
A comparison of the effects of different types of laryngoscope on the cervical motions: randomızed clinical trial. Çolak A, Çopuroğlu E, Yılmaz A, Sahin SH,Turan N. Balkan Med J 2015; 32(2): 176-182 (August 2015) |
Caudal ropivacaine and bupivacaine for postoperative analgesiain infants undergoing lower abdominal surgery. Cinar SO, Isil CT, Sahin SH, Paksoy İ. Pak J Med Sci. 2015;31(4):903-908. (June 2015) | 3 ATIF |
Modified 45 degree head up tilt increases success rate of lumbar puncture in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. Sahin SH, Colak A, Arar C, Yıldırım I., Sut N, Turan A. J Anesth DOI: 10.1007/s00540-013-1764-8 (January 2014) | 3 ATIF |
Effectiveness of preoperative plasmapheresis in a pregnancy complicated by hyperthyroidism and anti-thyroid drug-associated angioedema. B. Ekiz Bilir, N. Soysal Atile, O. Kirkizlar, Y. Kömürcü, S. Akpinar, A. Sezer, M. Demir, S. Hekimoğlu. Gynecol Endocrinol 2013;29(5):508-10. (February 2013) | 3 ATIF |
Comparıson Of Different Anesthetic Techniques On Postoperative Outcomes In Elderly Patients With Hıp Fracture. Sahin SH., Heybeli N., Colak A, Arar MC., Alan K., Copuroglu C., Yilmaz B., Sut N. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi: 32 (3): 623-629 (2012). (February 2012) | 6 ATIF |
A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of the effects of bupivacaine vs. levobupivacaine on pulmonary function in patients with COPD undergoing urologic surgery. S.H. Sahin, M. Inal, A. Alagol, A. Colak, C. Arar, T. Basmergen, I. Gunday, N.F. Turan. Current Therapeutic Research 2011;72(4):164-72. (February 2011) |
A retrospective trial comparing the effects of different anesthetic techniques on phantom pain after lower limb amputation. S.H. Sahin, A. Colak, C. Arar, E. Tutunculer, N. Sut, B. Yılmaz, M. Birtane. Current Therapeutic Research 2011;72(3):127-37. (February 2011) | 8 ATIF |
Trakeal stenoz sonrası trakea rezeksiyonu (Olgu Sunumu). M. İnal, SH. Şahin, G. Kaya, I. Günday. Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2008;25(2):149-51. (March 2008) |
Komplikasyonsuz internal juguler venöz kateterizasyon sonrası gelişen horner sendromu (olgu sunumu). S.H. Şahin, G. Kaya, O. Koyuncu, Z. Pamukçu. Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2008;25(1):79-81. (March 2008) |
Propofol-lidokain karışımı ile anestezi indüksiyonunda yağ embolisi gelişimi: Olgu Sunumu. S.H. Şahin, D. Memiş, A. Çolak.Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2008;25(1):52-5. (February 2008) | 3 ATIF |
Nazogastrik tüp ile beslenme sırasında gelişen duedonal nekroz (Olgu Sunumu). D. Memiş, S.H. Şahin, A. Sezer. Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2007;24(3):252-5. (February 2007) |
Sezaryen operasyonu sonrası pulmoner emboli (olgu sunumu). S.H. Şahin, D. Memiş, Ş. Şeker, Ö. Sarıtabak, T. Yandım.Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 2007;24(2):165-8. (January 2007) |
The Effects of Glasgow Coma Scales and Bispectral Index on General Anaesthesia in Neurosurgery Patients Coker, T; Sahin, SH and Sut, N Jun 2021 | TURKISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND REANIMATION 49 (3) , pp.230-237 (June 2021) |
Deniz E, Sahin S, Sut N. Effects of General Anaesthesia on the Middle Ear Pressure. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2019;47(2):92-97. (April 2019) | 1 ATIF |
Çopuroğlu E, Sağıroğlu G, Bilgili B, Hekimoğlu S. Comparasion of epidural and spinal anesthesia techniques for transurethral resections: Ideal anesthesia technique for transurethral resections. J Surg Cl Res 2018;9(1):1-10. (October 2018) |
Sağıroğlu G, Sezer A, Cakcak E, Çopuroğlu E, Sağıroğlu T, Hekimoğlu S. Non- intubated thoracic epidural anesthesia for modified radical mastectomy as an alternative to general anaesthesia. J Surg Cl Res 2018;8(2):140-150. (June 2018) |
Sahin SH, Karamanlioglu B, Inal MT, Ugur H, Akıncı T, Tagrikulu H, Tutunculer B. Endotracheal intubatıon for penetratıng neck trauma: a case report. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jan-Mar;13(1):75-77 (March 2018) |
S.H. Sahin, E. Copuroglu, G. Taylan, E. Yamak, N. Sut, B. Karamanlioglu, K. Elter The Effects of Different Anesthetic Techniques on QT, Corrected QT (QTc), and P Wave Dispersions in Cesarean Section. 7th International Trakya Family Medicine Congress 21-25 March 2018 Edirne Turkey(Sözlü sunu) (March 2018) |
S. Hekimoğlu Şahin, Z. Çakıcı, F. Sağ, E. Çopuroglu, G.Sagıroglu, A. Colak, G.Çetin, B. Karamanlıoglu. Anesthesia management in a patient with takayasu arteritis 7th International Trakya Family Medicine Congress 21-25 March 2018 Edirne Turkey (March 2018) |
S. Hekimoğlu Şahin, G. Argunşah, F. Sağ, E. Çopuroglu, G.Çetin, E. Süleyman, B. Karamanlıoğlu. Anaesthetic management of children with choanal atresia. 7th International Trakya Family Medicine Congress 21-25 March 2018 Edirne Turkey (March 2018) |
Non-intubated anesthesia in respiratory failure due to metastatic lung cancer. G. Sağıroğlu, B. Gürkaynak, E. Çopuroğlu, E. Yılmaz, Ö. Akbaş, S. Hekimoğlu Şahin. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November, 2017 Poster no:PP-180, P:382. (November 2017) |
Epidural versus spinal anesthesia for inguinal surgeries. E. Çopuroğlu, Beliz Bilgili, G. Sağıroğlu, T. Sağıroğlu, S. Hekimoğlu Şahin. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November, 2017 Poster no:PP-179, P:381. (November 2017) |
Anesthesia management in emergency conditions in neurofibromatosis pregnancy” Trakya University Institue of Health Sciences. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. S. Hekimoğlu Şahin, G. Kıray, E. Çopuroğlu, F. Sağ, A. Çolak, G. Sağıroğlu, G. Çetin, B.Karamanlıoğlu. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November, 2017 Poster no:PP-142, P:199. (November 2017) |
Using temporomandibular joint mobility to predict difficult tracheal intubation. Hekimoglu Sahin S, Yılmaz A, Gunday I, Kargı M, Sut N, Taşkınalp O. Euroanaesthesia 2017 ( Geneva, Switzerland, 3 - 5 June 2017). Abstrac book; 11AP08-10;283. EJA Volume 34/e-supplement 55 (June 2017) |
The effect of preoperative anxiety with depth of anesthesia during oocyte retrieval on IVF success. Hekimoglu Sahin S, Copuroglu E, Yamak E, Sut N, Karamanlıoglu B, Elter K. Euroanaesthesia 2017 ( Geneva, Switzerland, 3 - 5 June 2017). Abstrac book; 04AP06-7;120. EJA Volume 34/e-supplement 55 (June 2017) |
Epidural versus spinal anesthesia for inguinal surgeries. E. Çopuroğlu, Beliz Bilgili, G. Sağıroğlu, T. Sağıroğlu, S. Hekimoğlu Şahin. Anestezi Dergisi-JARSS 2017:25(4);234-8. (December 2017) |
Balkan Kardiyoonkoloji Günleri; Ameliyathane çalışanları ve kardiyotoksisite. 30 Kasım-1 Aralık 2017 Balkan Kongre Merkezi, Edirne (December 2017) |
II.Palandöken Anestezi Günleri; Nöroanestezi, Nöroanestezide Nöromonitorizasyon yenilikler, uygulanılabilirlik? Polat Hotel ERZURUM 25-26 Kasım 2017 (November 2017) |
CEEA TARD Eğitimi Geliştirme Kursları; Anne –çocuk istenmeyen etkiler. MODÜL IV 4-5 Mart 2017 Point Hotel-İSTANBUL Gebelikte ve Emzirme Döneminde İlaç Seçimi. (March 2017) |
CEEA TARD Eğitimi Geliştirme Kursları; Anne –çocuk istenmeyen etkiler. MODÜL IV 4-5 Mart 2017 Point Hotel-İSTANBUL İlaç Etkileşimleri (March 2017) |
Nöroanestezi ''Nöromonitörizasyon''Sarıhasan B, Medenioğlu H, Şatırlar Z.Ö, Türe H, Karacalar S. S.H. Şahin. MGRUP MATBAACILIK A.Ş. KAYSERİ. ISBN 978-605-67442-2-8 / 2017. p.103-120 (September 2017) |
Neurocase 14.12.2017 (December 2017) |
Neurocase 21.09.2017 (September 2017) |