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Challenges experienced by cardiac intensive care nurses during first out‐of‐bed patient mobilization after open‐heart surgery: A descriptive phenomenological qualitative study (August 2024) |
From crisis to care: A phenomenological exploration of how frontline nurses lived the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (May 2024) |
.S. Akbal, M. Yildirim, From crisis to care: A phenomenological exploration of how frontline nurses lived the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, 10.1111/jep.14063, JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, pp. 13, 2024. |
.S. Ünver, M. Yildirim, S. Akbal, S. Sever, Challenges experienced by cardiac intensive care nurses during first out-of-bed patient mobilization after open-heart surgery: A descriptive phenomenological qualitative study, 10.1111/jan.16091, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING, vol. 80, no. 11, pp. 4616-4628, 2024. |
The effect of self-affirmation on anxiety and perceived discomfort in patients who have undergone open-heart surgery. A randomized controlled trial (June 2023) |
.M. Yildirim, S. Akbal, M. Turkoglu, The effect of self-affirmation on anxiety and perceived discomfort in patients who have undergone open-heart surgery. A randomized controlled trial, 10.1016/j.apnr.2023.151687, APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH, vol. 72, pp. 9, 2023. |
Two significant concepts in organ donation: Empathic tendency and altruism (March 2022) |
.E. Usta, H. Bozdemir, S. Sen, Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Obesity-Related Well-Being Questionnaire (ORWELL 97-TR), 10.1111/ppc.13021, PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1991-2002, 2022. |
.S. Sen, E. Usta, H. Bozdemir, The effect of mobile virtual reality on operating room nursing education, 10.1016/j.teln.2022.01.008, TEACHING AND LEARNING IN NURSING, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 199-202, 2022. |
.M. YILDIRIM, S. SEN, Mirror Therapy on the Management of Phantom Limb Pain: A Case Study with Online Counseling, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING, vol. 120, no. 3, pp. 41-46, 3, 2020. |
.M. Yildirim, E. Koroglu, C. Yucel, S. Kirlak, S. Sen, The effect of hospital clown nurse on children's compliance to burn dressing change, 10.1016/j.burns.2018.08.033, BURNS, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 190-198, 2019. |
.S. Sen, D. Aygin, A randomized trial of acupressure on pain management after cardiac surgery, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1731-1738, 2019. |
.D. Aygin, S. Sen, Acupressure on Anxiety and Sleep Quality After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 10.1016/j.jopan.2019.03.014, JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1222-1231, 2019. |
Healthcare professionals' social distance towards immigrant patients: A descriptive cross sectional study |
.S. SEN, E. USTA, D. AYGIN, Attitudes of surgical nurses toward postoperative opioid use: A qualitative study, International Journal of Human Sciences, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 911-920, 8, 2020. |
.D. AYGIN, S. SEN, Prevalence and Clinical Features of Phantom Breast Syndrome: Literature Review, Çagdas Tip Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 97-106, 6, 2017. |
.S. SEN, Ç. S. CANBOLAT, M. KONSTANTINOU, S. GAITANAKIS, Nursing approach to Zenker’s diverticulum surgery patient, International Surgery Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 784-, 1, 2017. |
.S. SEN, F. A. ETI, Kapiller Geri Dolum Süresini Etkileyen Faktörler, Journal of Contemporary Medicine, vol. 5, no. 0, pp. 95-98, 3, 2015. |
.S. SEN, E. USTA, H. B. CANDAN, Hemsirelik Bölümü Ögrencilerinin AmeliyathaneHemsireligi Egitiminde Sanal Gerçeklik Gözlügünün Kullanilmasi, 2. Uluslararasi Inovatif Hemsirelik Kongresi, pp. 129-129, istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, A. AKGÜN, M. YILDIRIM, Hemsirelerin Sosyal Medya Kullanimi Etik Sorunlara Yol Açar mi? Does Nurses’xx Use of Social Media Cause Ethical Problems?, 3.Uluslararasi 11.Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemsireligi Kongresi, vol. 1, no. 01, pp. 882-882, Izmir-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, M. YILDIRIM, Sleep Disruptions Following Total Knee Replacement Surgery: A Systematic Review, 9. Ulusal 1. Uluslararasi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Hemsireligi Kongresi, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 185-185, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
.M. YILDIRIM, S. SEN, Mirror Therapy on the Management of Phantom Limb Pain: A Case Study with Online Counseling., 22nd International Nursing Research Conference, vol. 1, no. 01, pp. 464-465, Cordoba-ISPANYA. |
.Ç. S. CANBOLAT, S. SEN, Nursing and Professional Organization in Turkey, 2nd Annual International Conference on Nursing, pp. 21-, Atina-YUNANISTAN. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, E. USTA, Surgical Nurses’ Approach on Opioid Analgesic Use to After the Surgery, 4th Biannual Multidisciplinary Pain Congress, EINDHOVEN-HOLLANDA. |
.E. USTA, D. AYGIN, S. SEN, Elektrik Yaniklarinin Acil Bakiminda Güncel Yaklasimlar, 2nd International Paramedic Congress and Ambulance Rally, pp. 58-, Mugla-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, M. YILDIRIM, Learning Style of Paramedic Students, 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, pp. 261-, DUBLIN-IRLANDA. |
.K. ACAR, D. AYGIN, S. SEN, Acil Serviste Yasal Konular ve DNR, 2nd International Paramedic Congress and Ambulance Rally, pp. 51-52, Mugla-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, A. AKGÜN, D. AYGIN, K. ACAR, Nitröz Oksidin Hastane Öncesi Alanda Agri Yönetiminde Kullanilmasi, 2nd International Paramedic Congress and Ambulance Rally, pp. 34-35, Mugla-TÜRKIYE. |
.K. ACAR, D. AYGIN, S. SEN, Acil Servislerin Durumu ve Organizasyonu, 2nd International Paramedic Congress and Ambulance Rally, pp. 47-49, Mugla-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, F. A. ETI, Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome among Ambulance Workers in Istanbul, 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, pp. 261-, DUBLIN-IRLANDA. |
.A. AKGÜN, S. SEN, Granayatoksin Zehirlenmelerinde Hastane Öncesi Yaklasim, 2nd International Paramedic Congress and Ambulance Rally, pp. 32-33, Mugla-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, H. SERT, The Effect of Social Media on Emergency Department Workers: A Qualitative Study, 1st Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, pp. 261-, DUBLIN-IRLANDA. |
.Ö. SUKUT, M. YILDIRIM, S. SEN, Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Choices of Turkish Women on the Management of Dysmenorrhea Related Problems, 14th World Congress on Pain, MILAN-ITALYA. |
.M. YILDIRIM, Ö. SUKUT, S. SEN, Pain Beliefs, Attitudes and Empathic Tendencies of Nursing Students and Nurses, 14th World Congress on Pain, pp. 72-, MILAN-ITALYA. |
.M. TÜRKOGLU, S. YAVUZTÜRK, F. ALISH, E. INCIK, S. SEN, A. AKGÜN, Health Professionals’xx and Non Health Professional Individuals’xx Knowledge on Early Cancer Symptoms and Cancer Prophylaxis, 15th International Nursing Research Conference, pp. 314-315, MADRID-ISPANYA. |
.A. GÜRKAN, S. SEN, A. AKGÜN, E. INCIK, Knowledge of Domestic Violence in Emergency Medical Technician, 15th International Nursing Research Conference, pp. 329-330, MADRID-ISPANYA. |
.U. A. SEYHAN, S. SEN, M. N. HÖKENEK, E. YiLMAZ, R. AK, Touristic bicycle accidents in Princess islands-A Retrospective Cohort Study, Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 1, 2021. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, H. SERT, Palyatif Onkolojik Tedaviler ve Bakim, Sakarya Medical Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 21-35, 3, 2015. |
.S. SEN, D. AYGIN, Solunum Sikintisi ile Acil Servise Basvuran Hastanin Orem Öz Bakim Teorisine Göre Degerlendirilmesi, Saglikla Dergisi, no. 22, pp. 39-43, 3, 2015. |
.S. SEN, E. USTA, D. AYGIN, H. SERT, Yaslilik ve Cinsellik Konusunda Saglik Profesyonellerinin Yaklasimlari, Androloji Bülteni, vol. 17, no. 60, pp. 64-67, 2, 2015. |
.E. USTA, E. SAGLAM, S. SEN, D. AYGIN, H. SERT, HEMSIRELIK ÖGRENCILERININ YEME TUTUMLARI VE OBSESIF-KOMPULSIF BELIRTILERI, Saglik Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 187-197, 1, 2015. |
.S. Sen, D. Aygin, F. Aslan, Post-traumatic stress syndrome among ambulance workers in Istanbul, INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY NURSING, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 286-286, 2014. |
.S. Sen, D. Aygin, M. Yildirim, The effect of social media on emergency department workers: a qualitative study, INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY NURSING, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 286-286, 2014. |
.S. Sen, D. Aygin, M. Yildirim, Learning styles of paramedic students, INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY NURSING, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 286-286, 2014. |