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Çetinarslan C.S., Karaman Genç S.,” Study in the Variation of Mechanical Properties of Nodular Cast Iron depending upon Section Thickness”, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik/Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 45/2, 106-113, 2014 |
Çetinarslan C.S., Sahin M., Karaman Genç S. and Sevil C., “Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Ion-Nitrided Austenitic-Stainless Steel Welds”, Materials Science-Poland/Springer, 30/4, 303-312, 2012 |
Taşkın, N.Ü., Genç, S.K. (2020) "Production of FG-Al-MMC by Semi-solid Stirring and Sequential Squeeze Casting Methods", 29th International Conference On Metallurgy and Materials Metal2020 (online) , (pp. 1098-1104), Brno, Çek Cumhuriyeti (May 2020) |
Özel K., Çetinarslan C.S., Karaman Genç S.” Joining of Aluminum Alloys with Friction Stir Welding Method” Comat 2014, 3rd International Conference COMAT on Recent Trends in Structural Materials, Plzen, Czech Republic, EU , 19-21 Nov 2014, 33, 2014 (November 2014) |
Karaman Genç S. Çetinarslan C.S., Özel K. “The Effect of Thin Section Casting on the Hardness and Tensile Strength of GGG40” Metal 2014, 23rd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Brno, Czech Republic, EU , 21-23 May 2014, 50, 2014 (May 2014) |
Karaman S. and Çetinarslan C.S., “Manufacturing Process of GGG 40 Spherical Cast Iron”, UNITECH 10-International Scientific Conference, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 19-20 November, Vol. II, pp. II-117-122, 2010 (November 2010) |
Karaman S. ve Çetinarslan C.S., “GGG 50 ve 60 Serisi Küresel Grafitli Dökme, Demir Malzemelerde Kesit Kalınlığının Mekanik Özeliklere Etkisi”, Geleceğin Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, İstanbul, 20-21 Ekim 2011, sf: 243-247 (October 2011) |