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F.Genç,F.Kandemirli, S.Senturk Dalgic, A theoretical study on 1H-indole-2, 3-dione complexes with lithium, sodium and potassium cations, J. Mol. Model 30, 100. (2024). (March 2024) |
DALGIÇ SENTURK Serap, Z-H Al-SAWAFF, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, A comparative DFT study on Al- and Si-doped single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) for Ribavirin drug sensing and detection, Material Science in Semiconductor Processing, 158, 107360 (2023). (May 2023) |
Z.H. Al-SAWAFF, S. SENTURK DALGIC, S. S. OTHMAN, F. KANDEMIRLI, A Density Functional Theory investigation on Gallium Nitride nanocage Ga12N12 as a carrier for BMSF-BENZ drug, KZYJC, 38(1) 635-651 (2023). (April 2023) |
A. Sakarya, S. SENTURK DALGIC, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMİRLİ, A DFT study on the size and defect-induced properties of 2H-Au nano surface by small molecules adsorption, Surface Science, 729, 122228 (2023) (March 2023) |
Zaid H. Al-Sawaff, Serap Senturk Dalgic, Fatma Kandemirlid, Majid Monajjemid, and Fatemeh Mollaamin, DFT Study Adsorption of Hydroxychloroquine for Treatment COVID-19 by SiC Nanotube and Al, Si Doping on Carbon Nanotube Surface: A Drug Delivery Simulation, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 96, 13, 2953–2966 (2022) (December 2022) |
Z. Al-Sawaff, S. Senturk Dalgic, Z. A Najim, S. S Othman, F. Kandemirli, A comparative density functional theory study of BMSF-BENZ chemisorption on Zn12O12, Al12P12 nanocages, Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 23(1), 120-133 (2022) (March 2022) |
H S Sayiner, F. Kandemirli, S. Senturk Dalgic, M. Monajjemi, F. Mollaamin, Carbazochrome carbon nanotube as drug delivery nanocarrier for anti-bleeding drug: quantum chemical study, J. Molecular Modelling, 28(1), 1-15 (2022) (January 2022) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, A. Serbes, Modelling of Size Dependent Catalytic Activation Energies of Ag@ Pd Spherical Core-Shell Nanoparticles, Materials Today Proceedings, 32, 53-61 (2020) (January 2020) |
V Guder, S. Senturk Dalgic, A Computational Model of Cd2+ Doped Fluorapatite Ca10 (PO4) 6F2 Biomaterial by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Materials Today: Proceedings 32, 44-52 (2020) (January 2020) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, S. S. YAVUZ, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, “The Structural and Electronic Properties of n-Polypyrrole/Hollow Gold Monolayer Hybrid Nanostructures by ab-initio Simulations”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials, vol. 11(1), pp 9-18 (2019). (January 2019) |
V. GUDER, S. SENTURK DALGIC, Thermodynamic Properties of Potassium Oxide (K2O) Nanoparticles by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 131(3), 490-494, (2017). (April 2017) |
DALGIC SENTURK S and V GUDER,Computational Modeling of the Liquid Structure of Grossular Ca3Al2Si3O12 Glass-Ceramics, Acta Physica Polonica A, 129(4) 535 (2016). (April 2016) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, Size Dependent Properties of Hollow Gold Nanoparticles: A Theoretical Investigation, Acta Physica Polonica A,129(4) 531 (2016). (April 2016) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, U. DOMEKELI,Molecular dynamics simulation studies on melting of Sn nanowires, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,13, 11-12 1570-1576 (2011). (December 2011) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, M. CELTEK, Glass forming ability and crystallization of CuTi intermetallic alloy by molecular dynamics simulation, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 13, 1563-1569 (2011) (November 2011) |
S. SENGUL, S. SENTURK DALGIC, Size dependence of melting process of ZnSe nanowires: molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Optoelctronics and Advanced Materials, 13,1542-1547 (2011) (November 2011) |
Dalgic, S. Senturk;M. Caliskan,C. Canan, Equilibrium structure of germanium selenide GenSem clusters, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,12(2) 244-249(2010) (February 2010) |
Dalgic, Senturk S., Size dependent melting properties of Bi nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation,J. OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 11, Pages: 2133-2140 (2009). (December 2009) |
Dalgic, Senturk S.; U. Domekeli, Melting properties of tin nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation,JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,11(12), 2126-2132 (2009). (December 2009) |
Dalgic, S. Senturk; M. Caliskan, Equilibrium structure of germanium sulfur GenSm clusters, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS , 9, 3054-3060(2007). (October 2007) |
Dalgic S. Senturk, O. Ozgec, Atomic transport properties in barium oxide using a Tersoff potential, J. Optoelectron and Adv. Materials, 9(6):1715-1718 (2007) (August 2007) |
Dalgic, S. Senturk; O. Ozgec, Structural and atomic transport properties of molten zinc oxide, J. Optoelec. Adv. Mater., 9(10), 3278-3284 (2007). |
M. Ulaş, I. Erdogan, E. Cicek, S. Senturk Dalgic, Self polarization in GaAs–(Ga, Al)As quantum well wires: electric field and geometrical effects. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 25, 515 (2005) (February 2005) |
Dalgic S. Senturk, H. Gurbuz, M. Caliskan, O. Ozgec, Semi-Empirical Potentials of CuI, J. Optoelec. Adv. Mater., 7 (4) 2059 -2068 (2005). |
Aktas S., F.K.Boz, Serap Senturk Dalgic, Electric and Magnetic Field Effects on the Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Donor Impurity in a Coaxial Quantum Well Wire, Physica E, 28(1), 96-105 (2005). |
M. Ulaş, E. Cicek, S. Senturk Dalgic, Electric field effect on the binding energy of a non-hydrogenic donor impurity in a cylindrical cross-sectional quantum well wire.Physica Status Solidi b: Basic Solid State Physics, 241 (13) 2968 (2004). (June 2004) |
Dalgic, Senturk S; S. Dalgic, U. Domekeli, Structure properties of liquid FCC transition metals using the embedded atom method potential, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 5, 1263-1270 (2003). (May 2003) |
Hülya KES, Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Seyfettin DALGIÇ, Gülsen TEZGÖR,Structure of liquid alikaline earth metals and metal alloys using a new transferable local pseudopotential,Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,5(5), 1281-1291(2003). (May 2003) |
Dalgic, Senturk S; S. Dalgic, G. Tezgor, Transferable pair potentials for liquid iron, cobalt and nickel, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS, 40(5)539-552 (2002). (15 Atıf) (October 2002) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK SERAP, S. DALGIÇ,S. ŞENGÜL, M. ÇELTEK, G. TEZGÖR, Liquid structure of some rare-earth metals using an analytic pair potential, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS,3 (4),831-840 (2001). (November 2001) |
L.E. Gonzalez, M. Silbert, D. J. Gonzalez, Serap SENTURK DALGIC, On the static dielectric function of liquid metals, Zeitschrift für. Physik B 103, 13 (1997). (March 1997) |
L. E. Gonzalez, Serap SENTURK DALGIC, D. J. Gonzalez, M. Silbert, Ion Electron Pseudopotentials for Liquid Alloys with Small Charge Transfer Effects, J. of Non Cryst. Solids, 205 -207, 901 (1996). (June 1996) |
Serap (SENTURK) DALGIC, Seyfettin Dalgıç, G. Dereli and M. Tomak, Thermodynamics and Structure of Liquid Binary Alloys Calculated Using and Analytic Pair Potential, Phys. Rev. B50, 113 (1994). (May 1994) |
Z. Akdeniz, Serap (Senturk) Dalgic, A. Erbolukbas, M. Tosi, Stability Analysis For Complexes In Calcium-Alkali Bromide Solutions, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids,19 , 107-111 (1989). (June 1989) |
V. Guder, S. Senturk Dalgic, A Computational Model of Cd2+ Doped Fluorapatite Ca10 (PO4) 6F2 Biomaterial by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Materials Today: Proceedings 32, 44-52,2020 |
V Guder, SS Dalgıc, A Computational Model of Cd2+ Doped Fluorapatite Ca10 (PO4) 6F2 Biomaterial by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Materials Today: Proceedings 32, 44-52 (2020) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, Comparison of the Electron Donor-Acceptor and Sensing Capacity of The Selected CNTs in Drug Delivery Applications, PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA, Vol. 74, 3, 1-4 (2024). (September 2024) |
H. SAYINER,, S. SENTURK DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, DFT Based Quantum Chemical Descriptors of Favipiravir Forms, J. Materials Science and Electronic Devices, 2(1), 21-28 (2023) (June 2023) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, Cluster adsorption ability of small zigzag C3N nanoribbons: A DFT Study, J Materials and Electronic Devices, June 2022 (June 2022) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, DFT calculations on the small zigzag C3N nanoribbons: S. SENTURK DALGIC, J Materials and Electronic Devices, 6, 16-21 (2021) (November 2021) |
A. Sakarya, S. Dalgic, S. Senturk Dalgic, Comparison of the Stability of 2H Nanosurfaces by the Adsorption of Small Molecules: A DFT Study, IJSRST, 8(6), 122-129 (2021) (November 2021) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, DFT based calculations of Acid Molecules on 2D C3N nanosheets: QTAIM, NCI Analysis, J Materials and Electronic Devices, 5,1-6 (2021) (September 2021) |
Z. Husham Al-Sawaff, S. Senturk Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, Theoretical study of the adsorption of BMSF-BENZ drug for osteoporosis disease treatment on Al-doped carbon nanotubes (Al-CNT) as a drug delivery vehicle, European J. Chemistry, 12(3), 314-322 (2021) (September 2021) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Thermally induced Morphological and Structural Transitions of Zinc Blende CdSe Hollow Nanoparticles studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-1972, Vol 196, pp 60-68 (2018). (March 2018) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Thermal Stability of Au@Pd Core/Shell Nanoparticles with Different Hollow Au cores: Molecular Dynamics Study, Acta Materialia Turcia, 1, 20 (2017). (December 2017) |
Dalgic Senturk, S., M. Celtek, Liquid -to-glass transition in bulk glass-forming Cu55-xZr45Agx alloys using molecular dynamic simulations,European Physical Journal, EPJ Web of Conferences, 15 03009 (2011) (January 2011) |
Dalgic Senturk, S., M. Celtek, Molecular dynamics study of the ternary Cu50Ti25Zr25 bulk glass forming alloy,European Physical Journal : EPJ Web of Conferences 15, 03008 (2011) (January 2011) |
Dalgic Senturk S, MODELLING THE COHESIVE ENERGY OF CHALCOGENIDE NANOPARTICLES, NATO, Adv Study Inst., NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Book Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B - Physics and Biophysics, Pages: 87-95 Published: 2009 |
S. Şentürk Dalgıç ve H. Kes, Effective interatomic pair potentials of liquid silver Tin Alloys , American Institute of Physics (AIP)- CP899 Conference Proceedings of Sixth International Conference of Balkan Physical Union, p. 566 (2007). |
S. Şentürk Dalgıç ve M. Çalışkan, Equlibrium Structure of Tantalum Oxygen Clusters, American Institute of Physics (AIP)- 899 Conference Proceedings of Sixth International Conference of Balkan Physical Union, p. 559 (2007) |
Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, S. DALGIÇ, S.KORKMAZ, Inverse Problem for liquid alloys, Balkan Physics Letters BPL 10(2),64-69 (2002). |
S. Senturk Dalgic, D. Kuzalic Bürücü, S. Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, A DFT study on Drug sensing and detection of Silicon Carbide (SiC) nanotubes, 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG-2023) 27-29 September 2023 , Kayseri- TÜRKİYE (September 2023) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, M. Yılmaz, HCP Gold- Ruthenium (Au-Ru) Nanoparticles by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, TFD38 International Congress Bodrum Turkey, 31 August-4 September 2022. (September 2022) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, M. Yılmaz, INVESTIGATION OF EQUIATOMIC PALLADIUM-RUTHENIUM (Pd-Ru) NANOPARTICLES BY MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS, TFD37 International Congress Bodrum Turkey, 1-5 September 2021. (September 2021) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, Adsorption Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide Molecule on Ag -doped PANI nanoribbons: A DFT Study, TFD37 International Congress, Bodrum-Turkey, 1-5 September 2021. (September 2021) |
A. Sakarya, S. Senturk Dalgic, DFT/QE calculations on Hydrogen peroxide sensitivity of Boron-Graphdiyne: is BGDY an antiviral surface or not?, IHEC2021, 3rd International Hydrogen Energy Conference and Exhibitions (IHEC 2021), June 14-16, 2021, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY", Proceedings Book, pp 64-67. (September 2021) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, Comparison of hydrogen bonds in renewable ionic liquids, DFT-based calculations, QTAIM, NCI Analysis, IHEC2021-3rd International Hydrogen Energy Conference and exhibitions (IHEC 2021), June 14-16, 2021, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY", Proceeding Book, pp 59-63. (September 2021) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, Interactions of Small Metal Alloy Clusters with Hydrogen on Pd -doped C3N nanoribbons: A DFT Study, MSNG21, 13-14 July 2021. (July 2021) |
A. Sakarya, S. Senturk Dalgic, DFT/QE calculations on the sulphur-Graphdiyne and its Hydrogen peroxide sensitivity, MSNG2021 Conference, 14-16 July 2021 (July 2021) |
S.SENTURK DALGIC, S.S. YAVUZ, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, Thiophene/ Cupper Nanocomposite Structures, MSNG2019, 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, 16-18th of October 2019, Nigde-TURKEY. (October 2019) |
S.SENTURK DALGIC, S.S. YAVUZ, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, Aniline Monomers on the Gold (111) Nanosurfaces, MSNG2019, 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, 16-18th of October 2019, Nigde-TURKEY. (October 2019) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydrogenated Silicon Nanoparticles, MSNG2019, 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, 16-18th of October 2019, Nigde-TURKEY. (October 2019) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Graphdiyne supported Metal Clusters and Nanoparticles by Multiscale Simulations, MSNG2019, 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, 16-18th of October 2019, Nigde-TURKEY (October 2019) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Pt doping Effect on the Stability of Ru Nanoparticles as Ru@Pt core-shell structure: A Molecular Dynamics Investigation, MSNG2019, 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, 16-18th of October 2019, Nigde-TURKEY (October 2019) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, S.S. YAVUZ, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, Comparison of Interface Interactions of Conducting Organic Molecules with Au (111) Nanosurfaces, 4th International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2019) July 17-19, 2019, Dubai-DUBAI (July 2019) |
S SENTURK DALGIC, S.S. YAVUZ, S. DALGIC, F. KANDEMIRLI, Thiophene / Silver Nanocomposite Structures, 4th International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies, OEMT2019, 17-19 July 2019, DUBAI-DUBAI (July 2019) |
S. Senturk DALGIC, MOLECULAR DYNAMICS CALCULATIONS OF NON-MXene CuC6 NANOSHEET FOR Li-ION BATTERIES, 4th International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2019) July 17-19, 2019, Dubai-DUBAI (July 2019) |
S. Senturk DALGIC, STABILITY OF N-DOPED GRAPHENE SUPPORTED Ag-Rh ICOSAHEDRAL ALLOY NANOCLUSTERS, 4th International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2019) July 17-19, 2019, Dubai-DUBAI (July 2019) |
S. Senturk DALGIC, 2D PANI/GOLD NANOCOMPOSITES: A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS STUDY, 4th International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2019) July 17-19, 2019, Dubai-DUBAI (July 2019) |
M. Kadhim ALFALAH, S. ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Fatma KANDEMİRLİ, Quantum Chemical Studies of Thiosemicarbazide, Phenyl isothiocyanate and their condensation 1-Phenyl1-2,5-dithiohydrazodicarbonamide as Corrosion Inhibitors for Copper in Aqueous Sodium Chloride, ICELIS International Congress on Engineering and Life Science, 11-14th of April 2019, Kastamonu, TURKEY (April 2019) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, S. S. Yavuz, S. Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, “Interface Interactions of Polypyrrole (PPy) with Gold monolayer hollow nanosheets”. 5th Internatıonal conference on materials science and nanotechnology for next generation (MSNG2018), MSNG2018 Full Text Book, pp. 342-345, October 4-6, NEVŞEHİR/Cappadocia/TURKEY. (October 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, “Molecular Dynamics investigations of hollow Cu3Pd nanoparticles confined in single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs)”. 5th Internatıonal conference on materials science and nanotechnology for next generation (MSNG2018), MSNG2018 Full Text Book, pp. 338-341, October 4-6, NEVŞEHİR/Cappadocia/TURKEY. (October 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, “Hybrid Nanostructures of Gold/Graphene by Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, 5th Internatıonal conference on materials science and nanotechnology for next generation (MSNG2018) , MSNG2018 Full Text Book, pp. 356-358, October 4-6, NEVŞEHİR/Cappadocia/TURKEY. (October 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, S. S. Yavuz, S. Dalgic, F. Kandemirli, “Interactions of Polypyrrole (PPy) – Gold Monolayer Surfaces”, International Computation Science Congress CSC2018, Proceeding Book E-ISBN: 978-605-4598-40-3, pp. 125-128, October 26-28, AMASYA-TURKEY (October 2018) |
S. Dalgic, S. Senturk Dalgic, “Ge Quantum Dots (QDs) Encapsulated in Fullerene C720”, Seventh Bozok Science Workshop: Boron and Boron Containing Nanomaterials with Applications, BSW2018, Book of Abstracts in Electronic Letters on Science and Engineering, 14(2) p. 52, 2018, August 8-10, Yozgat-TURKEY (August 2018) |
Serap Senturk Dalgic, “Cubic Boron Nitride (c-BN) Hollow Nanoparticles in Water: A Molecular Dynamics Study”, Seventh Bozok Science Workshop: Boron and Boron Containing Nanomaterials with Applications, BSW2018, ,Book of Abstracts in Electronic Letters on Science and Engineering, 14(2) p. 42, 2018, August 8-10, Yozgat-TURKEY (August 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, S. Dalgic, “Thermal stability of small Ge nanoparticles investigated by Molecular dynamics simulations”. International Science Conference SLIVEN’ 2018, 29 June - 1 July 2018, Sliven, Bulgaria. (July 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, “Carbon-based nanostructures supported gold nanoparticles by Molecular dynamics simulations”. International Science Conference SLIVEN’ 2018, 29 June - 1 July 2018, Sliven, Bulgaria. (July 2018) |
S. Senturk Dalgic, “The core-shell Au-Graphene Quantum Dots (Au@GQDs) Nanoparticles Studied by Atomistic Simulations “, 8th International APMAS 2018 Conference,24-28 April, Ölüdeniz- Turkey. (April 2018) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Thermally Induced Morphological and Structural Transitions of Zincblende CdSe Hollow Nanoparticles Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, 6th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials, and Nanoengineering (ICNNN 2017), October 26-29, 2017, Tokyo-Japan. (October 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Investigation of Gas Adsorption Effects on an Ag Nanocage-Graphene Nanocomposite: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study (invited speaker),4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR NEXT GENERATION (MSNG2017) Conference, June 28-30, 2017, SarayBosna, Bosna-Hersek (June 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Size Dependent Properties of Hollow Au@Pd core-shell Spherical Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics simulation study, 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR NEXT GENERATION (MSNG2017) Conference, June 28-30, 2017, SarayBosna, Bosna-Hersek. (June 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, A. SERBES, Modelling of Size Dependent Catalytic Activation Energies of Ag@Pd Spherical Core-shell Nanoparticles, 3rd International Symposium on Biomaterials & Biosensors, (BIOMATSEN 2017), April 22-26, 2017, Fethiye-MUGLA. (April 2017) |
E. KARATAS, S. SENTURK DALGIC, Size Dependent Surface Stress/Energy Effect on Shrinkage of a Nanocavity- A Case Study for Iron, APMAS-2017, 7th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition, Fethiye-MUGLA (April 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, H. GURBUZ, Size dependent properties of Fe3Au Spherical bio-magnetic nanoparticles by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, 3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMATERIALS & BIOSENSORS (BIOMATSEN 2017), April 22-26 ,2017, Ölüdeniz-Fethiye/MUĞLA. (April 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Ti-Cu Nanotubes used for Biomedical Applications,3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMATERIALS & BIOSENSORS (BIOMATSEN 2017), April 22-26, 2017, Ölüdeniz-Fethiye/MUĞLA. (April 2017) |
V. GUDER, S. SENTURK DALGIÇ, A Computational Model of Cd2+ doped Fluorapatite Ca10(PO4)6F2 biomaterial by molecular dynamics simulations, 3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMATERIALS & BIOSENSORS (BIOMATSEN 2017), April 22-26, 2017, Ölüdeniz-Fethiye/MUĞLA (April 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Size Dependent Energetic Properties of Core-Shell Au@Pd Nanoparticles as Microbial Fuel-Cell Applications, 3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMATERIALS & BIOSENSORS (BIOMATSEN 2017), April 22-26, 2017, Ölüdeniz-Fethiye/MUĞLA (April 2017) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, A. Serbes, Modelling of Hollow Truncated Octahedral (TO) Ag Nanoparticles, AFMAT2016, 2nd International Conference on Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 20-22 October 2016, Kemer-Antalya-TURKEY (Ekim 2016) (October 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Shape Effect on Surface Diffusion Kinetics in Pt3Ni Nanocatalysts, AFMAT2016, 2nd International Conference of Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 20-22 October 2016, Kemer-Antalya-Turkey (October 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, V. GUDER, Size-dependent Thermodynamic Properties of Na2O Cylindrical Nanowires, AFMAT2016, 2nd International Conference of Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 20-22 October 2016, Kemer-Antalya-Turkey (October 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, G.TEZGOR, A. Serbes, Catalytic Activation Energies of Pd@Ag core-shell cubic nanoparticles, AFMAT2016, 2nd International Conference on Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 20-22 October 2016, Kemer-Antalya-Turkey (October 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, Hollow Pd3Zr Spherical Nanoparticles, AFMAT2016, 2nd International Conference on Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 20-22 October 2016, Kemer-Antalya-TURKEY (October 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, G. TEZGOR, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of AgPd Nanorings, ANM2016, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, 25-27 July 2016, Aveiro-Portugal (Temmuz 2016) (July 2016) |
S SENTURK DALGIC, Size Effect and Geometric Thermal Stability of Hollow Pt3Ni Nanospheres: A Molecular Dynamics Study, ANM2016, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, 25-27 July 2016, Aveiro-Portugal (July 2016) |
S. SENTURK DALGIC, G. TEZGOR, A. SERBES, A Thermodynamic model for size and composition dependent catalytic properties of TO Ag-Pd nanoparticles, 6th APMAS, The International Advances in Applied Physics and Material Science Congress, 1-3 June 2016, Istanbul-Turkey (June 2016) |
S SENTURK DALGIC, Molecular Dynamics study of the stability of Gold nanorattle nanoparticles, 2nd BIOMATSEN 2016, International Congress on Biomaterials and Biosensors, 1-3 June 2016, Istanbul Turkey (Oral presentation). (June 2016) |
GUDER V, Serap ŞENTURK DALGIÇ, Computational Modelling of the size dependent properties of Na2O nanoparticles, AFMAT 2015, Advanced and Functional Materials Technologies, 26-28 October 2015, Antalya-Kemer Turkey, Abstract Book p.44 (October 2015) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTURK Serap, Modelling the Size Dependent Energies of Hollow Quantum Dots, AFMAT 2015 Advanced and Functional Material Technologies, 26-28 October Antalya-Kemer-Turkey, Abstract Book p. 20 (Oral Presentation) (October 2015) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, V. GUDER, Computational modelling of the liquid structure of grossular Ca3Al2Si3O12 glass-ceramics, BIOMATSEN 2015, International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors,16-19 April 2015, Ölüdeniz-TURKEY, Book of Abstracts, p.130 (April 2015) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, Size dependent properties of spherical hollow gold nanoparticles, BIOMATSEN 2015, International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors, 16-19 April 2015, Ölüdeniz-TURKEY, Book of Abstract. p. 129 (Oral Presentation) (April 2015) |
Didem MAVİGÖZ, M. ÇALIŞKAN, S. SENTURK DALGIÇ, Equilibrium Molecular Structure of Thallium Trihalides TlX3 (X = F, CL, BR, I),Turkish Physical Society 31st International Physics Congress, 21-24 July 2014 Bodrum-Turkey (July 2014) |
Mustafa ÇALIŞKAN, S. ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, H. ŞAHİN, Equilibrium Structure of Beryllium Trifluoride (BeF3) and Beryllium Trichloride (BeCl3) Molecules.Turkish Physical Society 31st International Physics Congress, 21-24 July 2014 Bodrum-Turkey (July 2014) |
ÇALIŞKAN M, S. SENTURK DALGIÇ, C. CANAN and H. ŞAHİN, Equilibrium Structure and Interatomic Pair Potentials of BeX2 (X=F, Cl) Molecules by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Turkish Physical Society 30 th International Physics Congress, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 54, İstanbul-Türkiye. (September 2013) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, H. KES and S. USLU, Effective Interatomic Pair Potentials for liquid Ni0.5Ti 0.5 alloy, Turkish Physical Society 30th International Physics Congress, Conference Book of Abstracts p. 72, İstanbul-Türkiye. (September 2013) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, C. CANAN and O. GULSEREN, Sintering of small Titania Nanoparticles: A molecular dynamics study, 7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference , NANOTR 7 Abstract Book p. 342, 27June-1July 2011 Istanbul-Turkey (June 2011) |
S.SENTURK DALGIÇ , C. CANAN, O. GULSEREN, Melting evolution of Fe nanoparticles from molecular dynamics simulation, 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NANOTR6, İzmir 2010, p.342 (June 2010) |
S.SENTURK DALGIÇ , O. GULSEREN, Size effect on melting of ternary CuTiZr nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study, 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NANOTR6, İzmir 2010, p.344 (June 2010) |
S SENTURK DALGIÇ , U. DOMEKELI, Mellting evolution and diffusion behavior of bimetallic CuAu nanoparticles studied by molecular dynamics simulations, 6th, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NANOTR6, Abstract Book p.341, 15-18 Haziran2010,İzmir. (June 2010) |
DALGIÇ SS, U. DOMEKELI, Melting of Truncated-Octahedral Au Nanoparticles, 5th, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NANOTR5. 8-12 Haziran 2009, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir TURKEY (June 2009) |
NATO Advanced Study Institute (NATO-ASI) on Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Abstract Book p.93, June 2008, Sozopol-Bulgarisa (June 2008) |
DALGIC SENTURK S., U. DOMEKELI, A study of effective interactions and melting evolution of Vanadium nanoparticles, NATO Advanced Study Institute (NATO-ASI) on Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Abstract Book p.93, June 2008, Sozopol-Bulgaria (June 2008) |
Dalgıç Şentürk S, M. Çalışkan, C. Canan, Molecular Structure and Interaction Potential of P2Se, 16th International Symposium of Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses ISNOG 2008, 21-25 Nisan 2008, Montpellier-Fransa, , Conference, Abstracts Book .p. (April 2008) |
A molecular dynamics study of the MAEAM Potentials for liquid AgSe alloys, XVIth International Symposium on Non – Oxide and New Optical Glasses: ISNOG Conference, April 2008, Montpellier-FRANCE (April 2008) |
S. Şentürk DALGIÇ ve S. Sengül , The applicability of EAM based effective pair potentials for liquid ZnTe alloys, 10th International Conference on the Structure of Non Crystalline Materials NCM10, Conference, Abstract Book , Prag-Çek Cumhuriyeti, Eylül 2006 (September 2006) |
S. Ş. Dalgıç, S. Dalgıç, E. Bağmen, Ü. Dömekeli “Embedded Atom Method Potentials for Liquid fcc Metallic Alloys”., Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM-2003, Abstract Book p242, Konstanz-Romania, September 2003. (September 2003) |
Serap Ş. Dalgıç, S. Dalgıç, S. Şengül, G. Tezgör, “Structure and Thermodynamics of Liquid Rare Earth Metals”, Hellenic Physical Society &,Turkish Physical Society, First Hellenic-Turkish International Conference, Book of Abstracts 03_0P11-40, Bodrum – Turkey ve Kos-Greece, September 2001. (September 2001) |
Serap Ş. Dalgıç ve S. Dalgıç, “The Sutton-Chen Type Many Body Potentials for Liquid Rare Earth Metals”, Hellenic Physical Society &,Turkish Physical Society, First Hellenic-Turkish International Conference, Book of Abstracts 01_0P8-40, Bodrum – Türkiye ve Kos-Yunanistan, September 2001. (September 2001) |
Gonzalez L.E., D.J.Gonzalez, Serap DALGIÇ , M. Silbert, Orbital-Free ab- initio Simulation of Expanded Liquid Rb: Static and Dynamic Properties, 4th Liquid Matter Conference, Granada İspanya, Temmuz 1999, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 23C, P3-20. (July 1999) |
Serap Dalgıç, S. Dalgıç, Ş. Aktaş ve M. Tomak, N Body Potentials of some Liquid Transition Metals Obtained by the Inverse Method, Liquid Matter Conference, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 23C, P3-13, Granada – İspanya, Temmuz 1999. (July 1999) |
Serap Dalgıç, Seyfettin Dalgıç ve M. Tomak, “The Effective Pair Potentials of Liquid Metals Obtained by the Inverse Method”, NATO ASI, New Approaches to old and new Problems in Liquid state theory, Patti Marina (Messina)– İtalya, Temmuz 1998. (July 1998) |
Dalgıç Serap, L.E. Gonzalez, D. J. Gonzalez, M. Silbert, Transferability to the Liquid Phase of New Local Pseudopotentials for sp Bonded Metals, 3 rd Liquid Matter Conference, Norwich- İngiltere, Temmuz 1996, EPS- Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 20B, P2-10 (July 1996) |
18th Annual EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference Basel, Switzerland, September 2006 (September 2006) |
Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, İbrahim KOÇOĞLU, A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Static Structure, Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Liquid Iron Using the Modified Analytic Embedded Atom Method, Turk. J. Phys., 30, 295-302 (2006). |
Serap Şentürk Dalgıç, S. Dalgıç ve M. Tomak, “The Single Step VMHNC Calculations for Liquid Alkali Metals in the Inverse Problem”,Tr. J. of Phys., 26, 323 – 330 (2002). |
S. Şentürk Dalgıç .,S. Dalgıç, Ş. Korkmaz, Sıvı Alaşımlarının Ters Potansiyellerinde Köprü Fonksiyonlarının Etkisi, Fırat Üniversitesi , Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1) 129 (2001). |
Erbu Gülümbay, Şadan Korkmaz, Seyfettin Dalgıç ve Serap Dalgıç, Toprak Alkali Sıvı Metallerin Yapısal ve Termodinamik Özellikleri, F.Ü. Fen ve Müh. Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 39 – 45 (2001). |
Serap Dalgıç, Seyfettin Dalgıç ve M. Tomak, “The Structure of Liquid Alloys with Chemical Short Range Order”, Tr. J. of Phys., 22, 505 – 511 (1998). |
Serap Dalgıç, Seyfettin Dalgıç ve M. Tomak, Thermodynamic and Structure Properties of Simple Liquid Metals Calculated Using an Analytic Pair Potential, Tr. J. of Phys., 22, 47 – 55 (1998). |
Serap Dalgıç, Seyfettin Dalgıç ve M. Tomak, Concentration Fluctuations in Liquid Binary Alloys Li-Na, Na-K and Na-Cs, Tr. J. of Phys., 19, 320-327 (1995). |
S. Şentürk Dalgıç, M. Tomak, The Ordering Potential of Liquid Li – Na Alloy, Tr. J. of Phys., 18, 67 (1994). |
Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ (Invited Speaker),Carbon based nanotubes for sensor and drug delivery applications, 100. YIL ANISINA YOĞUN MADDE FİZİĞİ ÇALIŞTAYI ,27th October 2023, Gazi University, ANKARA (October 2023) |
Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Atomic Structure of Graphene Supported Hollow Ag Cubic Nanoparticles Under CO Gas Adsorption by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Electronic Letters on Science & Engineering 13 (2), 9-10, (2017), BSW2017, Sixth Bozok Science Workshop: Studies from Nuclei to Nanomaterials with Applications, Bozok Science Workshop, August 23-25, 2017, Yozgat. (August 2017) |
Vildan GÜDER, Mustafa BÖYÜKATA, Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, A DFT Study of Hexagonal Mg+2 Doped Fluorapatite MgxCa10-x(PO4)F2 (0≤x≤4), Electronic Letters on Science & Engineering 13 (2), 52, (2017), BSW2017, Sixth Bozok Science Workshop: Studies from Nuclei to Nanomaterials with Applications, Bozok Science Workshop, August 23-25, 2017, Yozgat (August 2017) |
Sedat ŞENGÜL, Hülya KES, Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Bulk Liquid Structure Calculations of ZnSe, 17th Liquid Matter Semposium, Book of Abstracts , p.22, 13-14 December 2013, Baltalimanı-İstanbul (December 2013) |
M. ÇALIŞKAN*, D. MAVİGÖZ, S. ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, “ Nano Kümelerinin Denge Durum Yapıları, 17. th Liquid Matter Semposium, Book of Abstracts p. 48, 13-14 December 2013 , Baltalimanı-İstanbul (December 2013) |
Hülya KES, Serap ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Chemical Short Range Order in NixTi1-x (x=0.50, 0.68) liquid alloys,17th Liquid Matter Semposium,Book of Abstracts p. 47, 13-14 December 2013, BaltaLimanı -İstanbul. (December 2013) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, U. DOMEKELI, T. ŞAHİNBAŞ, Liquid structure and interatomic potentials for Bi2Te3 by molecular dynamics simulations, BSW2012 Third Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Studies on Structure and Dynamics from Nuclei to Biological Molecules, 17-19 May 2012, Yozgat-TURKEY (May 2012) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, Murat TUNÇKOL, Size dependent melting entropy and enthalpy of Ni Nanoclusters, BSW2012 Third Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Studies on Structure and Dynamics from Nuclei to Biological Molecules, 17-19 May 2012, Yozgat-TURKEY. (May 2012) |
SENGUL S, Serap SENTURK DALGIC, Melting Process of ZnSe Nanoparticles, BSW2012 Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Studies on Structure and Dynamics from Nuclei to Biological Molecules, 17-19 May 2012,Yozgat-TURKEY. (May 2012) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, Melek EKİNCEK, Melting evaluation of Al-Pd Nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulations, BSW2011 Second Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Chemical Physics, 21-23 April 2011, Yozgat-Turkey (April 2011) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, Melting process of nanocrystals by molecular dynamics simulations, BSW2011 Second Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Chemical Physics, 21-23 April 2011, Yozgat-Turkey, (April 2011) |
DALGIC SENTURK S, B. AKGENÇ, Application of Gibbs free energy approach to calculate the melting behavior of Ag Nanocrystals, BSW2011 Second Bozok Science Workshop: Computational Chemical Physics, Yozgat, April 21-23, 2011 |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, M. EKİNCEK, Melting evolution of bimetallic TiAl nanoparticles,14. National Liquid Matter Semposium, 23-26 December 2010, Edirne-TURKİYE (December 2010) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, Ü. DÖMEKELİ, Size and shape Effects on Melting behaviours of Au nanocrystals by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, 14th National Liquid Matter Semposium, 23-26 December 2010, Edirne-TURKİYE (December 2010) |
KES H, S. ŞENTÜRK DALGIÇ, Liquid Structure calculations of molecular TeF6, 14th National Liquid Matter Semposium, 23-26 December 2010, Edirne-TURKEY (December 2010) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, S. ŞENGÜL, Size Effect on Melting Process of ZnO Nanowires, 14th Liquid Matter Semposium, 23-26 December 2010, Edirne-TURKEY (December 2010) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, M. ÇELTEK, Liquid -to-glass transition in bulk glass-forming Cu50Ti25Zr25 alloy using molecular dynamics simulation, 14th National Liquid Matter Semposium, 24-26 December 2010, Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Kongre Merkezi, Edirne, TURKEY (December 2010) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, S. ŞENGÜL, The Application of AMEAM Potentials for Liquid Te and Dy, IXth National Liquid Matter Semposium, 22-25 September 2005, İstanbul-TURKEY (September 2005) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, S. ŞENGÜL, S. DALGIÇ, Test of Transferability of the Evanescent Core Pseudopotential from Solid State to Liquid State for Less Simple Liquid Metals, Turkish Physical Society 22th National Physics Congress, 14-17 September 2004, Bodrum-TURKEY (September 2004) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, S. ŞENGÜL, S. DALGIÇ, Test of Transferability of the Evanescent Core Pseudopotential: Dynamical Properties of Simple Liquid and Less Simple Liquid Metals, VIII National Liquid Matter Semposium, 24-26 Septemberl 2004,İstanbul-TURKEY (September 2004) |
S.Şentürk Dalgıç ve E.Bağmen, Embedded atom method calculations for liquid iron-nickel alloy, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 11. İstatistik Fizik Günleri, IFG-11 Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı Sayfa 25. İstanbul,2004. (July 2004) |
S.Şentürk Dalgıç ve E. Bağmen , Embedded Atom Method Potentials for Liquid FCC metallic Alloys, İstanbul Üniversitesi 7. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Konuşma ve Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Sf 1 İstanbul, 2003. (September 2003) |
S.Şentürk Dalgıç, S.Dalgıç ve E.Bağmen , The Sutton-Chen Many Body potential for Liquid Ni-Al alloy, İstanbul Üniversitesi 6. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Konuşma ve Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Sf 5 İstanbul, 2002. (September 2002) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, M. ÇELTEK, Interatomic Pair Potentials For Some HCP Rare-Earth Liquid Metals Using An Analytic Pair Potential, 4th National Liquid Matter Semposium, September 2002, İstanbul-TURKEY (September 2002) |
DALGIÇ ŞENTÜRK S, S. DALGIÇ, M. ÇELTEK, Interatomic pair potentials and Static Structures of some Rare Earth Metals, 21th National Physics Congress of Turkish Physical Sociecty ,TFD-21, September 2002, Isparta-TURKEY (September 2002) |
S.Şentürk Dalgıç, S. Dalgıç ve E.Bağmen , Many Body potentials for liquid metal alloys, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 9. İstatistik Fizik Günleri, Kongre Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Sf 24, İstanbul, 2002. (July 2002) |
Vildan GÜDER, Nano Biomaterials studied by Atomic Simulations (June 2017) |
Didem MAVIGOZ: Investigation of Molecular Structures of Thallium TlnXm and Tln Chm (n=1-3, m=1,3) (March 2015) |
Cem CANAN: Titania (TiO2) Metal Oksid Nano Materials, II. Advisor :Prof. Dr. Oğuz GÜLSEREN-Bilkent Üniversity (December 2012) |
Murat ÇELTEK:Investigation of Physical Properties of Multicomponent Bulk Metallic Glasses based on Cu and Zr by Molecular Dynamics Simulation Metod. (October 2011) |
Ünal DÖMEKELİ: Physical Properties of Nanomaterials during melting by Molecular Dynamics Simulations (October 2011) |
Sedat ŞENGÜL: Investigations of liquid HCP Metal and Metal Alloys by Atomistic Simulations. (October 2008) |
Hülya KES: Atomic Binding Energies for liquid metals and metal alloys under small charge transfer effects with Natural Pseudo Atom Method (October 2002) |
ABBAS SERBES, Investigation of Thermal Stability of Polyhedral Core-shell Ag-Pd Nanoparticles (July 2019) |
Serkan USLU:Interatomic pair potentials for Ni-Ti liquid alloy (2nd Advisor) (September 2013) |
Fahri KAYIKÇI:Size dependent Interface energies of BCC Metals (2nd Advisor) (December 2012) |
Vildan GÜDER, Interatomic potentials for Alkaline Earth Tellurides (December 2012) |
Murat TUNÇKOL, Size, shape and dimension dependent physical properties of Ni nanomaterial (October 2012) |
Hüseyin EZGİN: Investigation of Surface melting of Ni/Pd core/shell Nanoparticles (August 2012) |
Yıldız GİRGİN: Globular Protein Çözeltilerinde Etkin etkileşme Potansiyelleri, T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Edirne-2010 (September 2010) |
Ozan ARTUN: Titanyum Nanoparçacık ve Nanotellerin Ergime Sürecindeki Davranışlarının Atomik Düzeyde İncelenmesi, T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Edirne -2010 (July 2010) |
Merve MENTEŞ: Metal Gümüş Nanoparçacıklarının Boyuta Bağlı Ergimesinin Moleküler Dinamik Simülasyon Metodu İle İncelenmesi, T.Ü.Fen Bilim. Enstitüsü. Edirne- Eylül 2009 (September 2009) |
Didem MAVİGÖZ: Atomic Structure of liquid-vapour interface of liquid metal and metal alloys by molecular dynamics simulation. September 2009 (September 2009) |
Özgün ÖZGEÇ : Appliciability of semi-empirical many body potentials to the molten salts,T. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Edirne- Eylül 2006 (September 2006) |
Cem CANAN: Atomic Transport properties of ionic liquids (September 2006) |
Süleyman KALAYCI : Gömülü Atom Metodu ile sıvı hcp nadir toprak metallerinin atomlararası etkileşme potansiyelleri, sıvı yapısı ve bazı termodinamik özellikleri. T.Ü.Fen Bilim. Enstitüsü. Eylül 2005. (September 2005) |
Murat ÇELTEK , Bazı Sıvı Nadir Toprak Geçiş Metallerinin Atomlararası Potansiyelleri, Yapısal ve Atomik Transport Özellikleri ,Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Edirne- 2003 (September 2003) |
İlker ORUÇ: Sıvı Alimünyum Oksidin Atomlararası Potansiyelleri ve Yapısı, T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstit., Edirne- 2003. (September 2003) |
Elif BAĞMEN: Sıvı Geçiş Metal ve Metal Alaşımlarının Atomlararası Çok Cisimli Uzun Menzilli Gömülü Atom Potansiyelleri ve Yapısal Özellikleri , Eylül 2003 (September 2003) |
Unal DOMEKELI: Interatomic potentials , atomic structures and thermodynamic properties of liquid FCC transition metals by Embedded Atom Method (September 2003) |
Sedat ŞENGÜL:Sıvı f Geçiş Metallerinin Atomlararası Çiftler Potansiyelleri, Yapısı ve Termodinamik özellikleri. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Edirne-2002. (September 2002) |
Fikret IŞIK: Sıvı Metallerin Atomlararası Potansiyelleri üzerine değiş-tokuş ve korelasyon etkileri,Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Edirne-1996. (September 1996) |
Polorisation Effects in the Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Liquids, NATO Collaborative Research Grants Programme CRG 971173, Project Coordinator: Dr. Moises SILBERT, University of East Anglia, Norwich-England (October 1997) |
Ordering in Liquid Binary Alloys, NATO Science Fellowship Programme-B1, Project Coordinator: Dr. Moises Silbert, University of East Anglia, Norwich- ENGLAND. (January 1995) |
3-EAIE (European Association for International Education) Executive Forum Innovation in higher education- what research agenda is needed? 29 February 2008, Berlin, Germany |
2-19th Annual EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference Trondheim, Norway, 12-15 September 2007 |
1-18th Annual EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference Basel, Switzerland, September 2006 |