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Oğuzhan Yeni, Mutlu Şen, Semra Hasançebi, Neslihan Turgut Kara (2024). Optimization of loop mediated isothermal amplification assay for sunflower mildew disease detection. Scientific Reports, 14:23224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-72228-y (November 2024) |
.N. Beser, Z. Mutafcilar, S. Hasancebi, Diversity analysis of the rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) by utilizing SSRs rice diversity by SSRs, 10.1111/jfpp.15232, JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. , 2021. (September 2021) |
.Konak Mete Arslan, HASANÇEBI SEMRA, BESER NECMI, Morphological and molecular evaluation of Turkish rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 1, pp. 1-11, 2021. (July 2021) |
Neslihan Turgut-Kara, Özgür Çakır, Semra Hasançebi, Fatih Karabey and Şule Arı (2018). Identification and production of phenolic nicotiflorin in Astragalus chrysochlorus callus. FARMACIA, (66): 1, 558-562 (September 2018) |
Demirci, Y. E., Inan, C., Günel, A., Maytalman, D., Mert, Z., Baykal, A. T., ... & Hasançebi, S. (2016). Proteome profiling of the compatible interaction between wheat and stripe rust. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-22. (February 2016) |
Handan Balta, Özge Karakaş Metin, Funda Şentürk Akfirat, Fahriye Ertuğrul, Semra Hasançebi, Yildiz Aydin, Kadir Akan, Zafer Mert, Müge Türet, Ahu Altinkut Uncuoğlu. Identification of an AFLP marker linked with yellow rust resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), T. Journal of Biology, 2014, 38: 371-379, DOI: 10.3906/biy-1311-8 (June 2014) |
Hasancebi S., Mert Z., Ertugrul F., Akan K., Aydin Y., Senturk Akfirat F., Altinkut Uncuoglu A. An EST-SSR marker, bu099658, and its potential use in breeding for yellow rust resistance in wheat. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2014 , 50: 11–18 (January 2014) |
F. Senturk Akfirat, F. Ertugrul, S. Hasancebi, Y. Aydin, K. Akan, Z. Mert, M. Cakir and A. Altinkut Uncuoglu. Chromosomal location of genomic SSR markers associated with yellow rust resistance in Turkish bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of Genetics, 2013, 92 (2), pp:233-240, DOI: 10.1007/s12041-013-0254-y (August 2013) |
Dilara Maytalman, Zafer Mert, A. Tarık Baykal, Cihan Inan, Aslıhan Günel and Semra Hasançebi. Proteomic analysis of early resistance response in wheat to yellow rust using ProteomeLab PF2D. PlantOmics, 2013, 6(1), pp:24-35 (January 2013) |
Semra Hasançebi, Neslihan Turgut-Kara, Özgür Çakır, Şule Arı. Micropropagation and root culture of Turkish endemic Astragalus chrysochlorus (Leguminosae). T.Journal of Botany, 2011, 35, pp:203-210, DOI: 10.3906/bot-1007-48 (March 2011) |
S. Ercan, F. Ertugrul, Y. Aydin, F. S. Akfirat, S. Hasancebi, K. Akan, Z. Mert, N. Bolat, O. Yorgancilar, A. Altinkut Uncuoglu. An EST-SSR marker linked with yellow rust resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Biologia Plantarum 2010, 4 (54), pp:691-696, DOI: 10.1007/s10535-010-0122-z (September 2010) |
F. Senturk Akfirat, Y. Aydin, F. Ertugrul, S. Hasancebi, H. Budak, K. Akan, Z. Mert, N. Bolat, A. Altinkut Uncuoglu. A Microsatelite Marker for Yellow Rust Resistance in Wheat, Cereal Research Communications, 2010, 38(2), pp:203-210, DOI: 10.1556/CRC.38.2010.2.6 (June 2010) |
Ufuk Kolak, Sule Ari, Husniye Birman, Semra Hasancebi and Ayhan Ulubelen. Cardioactive Diterpenoids from the Roots of Salvia amplexicaulis.. Planta Medica, 2001, 67: 761-763 (November 2001) |
Sule Ari, Ufuk Kolak, Semra Hasancebi and Husniye Birman.. Characterization of two Triterpenes and a Steroid from the Cultured Roots of Salvia amplexicaulis. Biotechnol. and Biotechnol. Eq., 2001, 15(2), pp: 23-26 (June 2001) |
Tatlıses, M. B. & Hasancebi, S. (2023). IDENTIFICATION OF LENS CULTIVARS IN MARKET BY MOLECULAR TOOLS: DNA BARCODING AND SSRs . Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences , 24 (2) , 91-100 . DOI: 10.23902/trkjnat.1324202 (October 2023) |
Oğuzhan Yeni, Mutlu Şen, Semra Hasancebi, Neslihan Turgut Kara (2023). Detection of the sunflower pathogen Plasmopara halstedii by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.68 (May 2023) |
Alperen Dilekli, Elifgul Aksu, Mutlu Şen, Metin Burak Tatlıses, Semra Hasancebi (2023). RNAi mediated functional analysis of wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) effector candidate gene. RNAi mediated functional analysis of wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) effector candidate gene. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.132 (May 2023) |
Metin Burak Tatlıses, Guzin Tunca Alparslan, Aslıhan Gunel, Semra Hasancebi (2023). Comparison of 3D protein structures of fungal effector candidates with defined effectors. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.131 (May 2023) |
Mutlu Şen, Yaşam Berfin Aydemir, Bengusu Eren, Salih Kayınlı, Onder Baytekin, Semra Hasancebi (2023). Development of molecular diagnosis method of Safflower Pathogen Puccinia carthami. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.68 (May 2023) |
İlayda Kucuk, Alperen Dilekli, Mutlu Şen, Aslıhan Gunel, Semra Hasancebi (2023). Functional Analysis of Effector Candidate PTTG_01827 of wheat brown rust by gene silencing. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.58 (May 2023) |
Elifgül Aksu, M.Burak Tatlıses, İlayda Küçük, Semra Hasançebi (2023). Functional analysis of candidate effector PTTG_06852 of wheat leaf rust by RNAİ silencing. 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, May 15-18, Bursa, P.58 (May 2023) |
KILIÇ GÜLIÇiÇEK,HASANÇEBI SEMRA,BESER NECMI (2017). Optimization of Selective Moleculer Markers Linked to Brown Rust (Puccinia Triticina) Resistance Genes For MAS, III. International Plant Breeding Congress, pp. 88-88. |
MUTAFÇILAR ZEYNEP ÇISEM, BESER NECMI, HASANÇEBI SEMRA (2017). To Improve SSR Markers for Cultivar Identification in Turkey Polished Rice (Oryza sativa L) Market, III. International Plant Breeding Congress, pp. 56-56. |
HASANÇEBI SEMRA, VELİ PEKCAN, İBRAHİM M. YILMAZ, GÖKSEL EVCİ, KAYA YALÇIN, BESER NECMI (2015). Development of The Resistant Sunflower Genotype to Downy Mildew by Marker Assisted Selection, International Workshop on “Green Biotechnology”, pp. 68-68, Kocaeli-TÜRKIYE. |
KAYA YALÇIN, BESER NECMI, HASANÇEBI SEMRA, GÖKSEL EVCİ, VELİ PEKCAN, İBRAHİM M. YILMAZ, HİLAL ÇİFTÇİOĞLU (2015). The Determination of Molecular Markers of Resistant Genes Against New Broomrape Races in Sunflower, II. International Plant Breeding Congress, pp. 389-389, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
ARI SULE, HASANÇEBI SEMRA,TURGUT KARA NESLIHAN, ÇAKIR ÖZGÜR (2015). Bioactive properties of Turkish endemic Astragalus chrysochlorus, Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress, Boston-AMERIKA BIRLESIK DEVLETLERI. |
GÜZEL MERVE, HASANÇEBI SEMRA,KAYA YALÇIN (2015). Determination of The High Oleic Type Safflower Lines by Molecular Markers, II. International Plant Breeding Congress, pp. 392-392, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
Proteome Profiling by 2D–Liquid Chromatography Method for Wheat–Rust Interaction.Cahpter 9 In Wheat Rust Diseases, Methods and Protocols. Humana Press, New York, NY. (August 2017) |
KONAK, M. A., & HASANCEBİ, S. (2021) Biyoloji Öğretmenlerinin Biyoteknoloji ve Uygulamalarına Yönelik Bilgi ve Tutumlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Instructional Technologies and Teacher Education, 10(1), 1-15. DOI: 10.51960/jitte.826174 (June 2021) |
.ÇOLAK Çaglar, HASANÇEBI SEMRA, KAYA YALÇIN, Ayçiçeginde Yüksek Oleik Yag Asidi Özelliginin Moleküler Markörler Kullanilarak Belirlenmesi, ANADOLU Ege Tarimsal Arastirma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 57-68, 2020. |
.GÜNEL ASLIHAN, HASANÇEBI SEMRA, YALÇIN TALAT, Emir Mahmut, Demirci Yahya Emin, DINÇ MELIKE, GÜRAY Melda Zeynep, Bitki Proteomik Çalismalarinda Kullanilan Yaklasimlar ve Uygulama Yöntemleri. , 7(1), 497-528., Bilecik Seyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 497-528, 2020. |
.AKPINAR EMRAH, HASANÇEBI SEMRA, KAYA YALÇIN, Ayçiçeginde Mildiyö [Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. and de Toni] Hastaligina Dayanikli Genotiplerin Moleküler Markörler Kullanilarak Belirlenmesi, ANADOLU Ege Tarimsal Arastirma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 140-153, 2019. |