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Deneme, S.& Ada, S. (2012), 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES- 2012), Barcelona- SPAIN, "On Applying the Interdisciplinary Approach in Primary Schools", Published in Procedia (ISSN. 1877-0428 Indexed by Scopus and Science Direct and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science-ISI web of Science), Volume 46, pages 885- 889 |
Bolat, Y. & Deneme-Gençoğlu, S. (2024). The integration of 21st century skills into secondary school english classes and the challenges faced by teachers. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(1), 36-54 (March 2024) |
Aslan Berzener, Ü., Deneme, S. (2021). The Effect of Cooperative Learning on EFL Learners’ Success of Reading Comprehension: An Experimental Study Implementing Slavin’s Stad Method, TOJET: The Turkish online Journal of Educational Technology, 20 (4), 90- 100. ISSN:(2146-7242). (October 2021) |
Deneme, S.(2021). An investigation of occupational burnout levels of Turkish EFL teachers by various variables, Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16 (4), 1997-2009, DOI: 10.18844/cjes.v16i4.6067 (August 2021) |
Deneme, S. (2021).Investigation of the Life Satisfaction Levels of Turkish EFL Teachers in Terms of Several Variables. World Journal of Education, 11(3), 11- 17. DOI: 10.5430/wje.v11n3p11 (June 2021) |
Deneme, S. (2020).Teacher Trainees’ Opinions Regarding Video-Recorded Microteaching Sessions. TOJET: The Turkish online Journal of Educational Technology. 19(2), (24-33). ISSN:(2146-7242) (April 2020) |
Tezcan, S.& Deneme, S. (2016). A Study on Language Learning Strategy Use of Young Turkish Learners. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol 7, No 1, pp-42-48 (January 2016) |
Deneme, S. & Ada, S.& Uzun, K. (2011)." Teaching Foreign Language and Foreign Culture to Young Learners". International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Vol. 1, No.1, July, PP. 152-164 ISSN: 2162-1357(print) ISSN: 2162-1381(online) (July 2011) |
İngilizce öğretmenlerinin öğretmenlik mesleğine bağlılık ve yaşam doyum düzeylerinin incelenmesi,IBANESS, XXII International Balkan and Near Eastern Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, October 12-13, 2024 (Ekim 2024) (Ekim 2024) (October 2024) |
Young learners' opinons regarding the use of Kahoot! in the EFL classes:The Greek context, IBANESS, XXII International Balkan and Near Eastern Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, October 12-13, 2024 (October 2024) |
NALBANT, S. & DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. (2024). "Teacher Burnout in Turkey: A literature review", ", 20th International Scientific Research Congress, Ankara, 29-30 June 2024, pp. 21-28. ISBN:978-625-6671-31-7 (June 2024) |
"Teacher Burnout in Turkey: A literature review", " 20th International Scientific Research Congress, 29-30 June 2024- Ankara, pp. 21-28, ISBN: 978-625-6671-31-7 (June 2024) |
DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. & O. HAZRETKULIYEVA (2024)., " The role of literature in foreign language teaching", XXI. International Balkan and Near Eastern Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management IBANESS Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management-Plovdiv/Bulgaria 16- 17 March 2024, organized by IBANESS, (Mart 2024),pp. 634-638, ISBN: 978-9989-695-77-3 (March 2024) |
BALKAN, E. & DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. (2024), The role of e-portfolios on teaching English as a foreign language: A literature review, 13th International Academic Studies Conference, 13. Uluslararası Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi (UBCAK), online presentation, 27-28 March 2024, pp. 92-100, ISBN: 978-625-6671-03-4 (March 2024) |
DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. SORMAZ (2023)., "Teaching vocabulary to young learners using Edpuzzle", XIX. International Balkan and Near Eastern Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management IBANESS Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management-Plovdiv/Bulgaria08-09 April, 2023 Organized by IBANESS, pp.872-875 (April 2023) |
DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. & O. HAZRETKULIYEVA (2023)., "Web 2.0 tools for young learners: A sample lesson plan", XIX. International Balkan and Near Eastern Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management IBANESS Congresses Series on Economics, Business and Management-Plovdiv/Bulgaria08-09 April, 2023 Organized by IBANESS, pp 965-973 (April 2023) |
Ada, S.& Deneme, S. (2009). ”The use of storytelling in teaching English” Uluslararası 5. Balkan Eğitim ve Bilim Kongresi, Edirne- TÜRKİYE (October 2009) |
Deneme, S. (2009). " A light hearted writing class with content-based language" ICC 16th Annual Conference Creativity& Innovation Florence- ITALY (January 2009) |
Deneme, S. (2009). "New Trends in Storytelling" International Congress of Comparative Literature and The Teaching of Literature and Language, Ankara- TURKEY |
Deneme, S. & Ada.,S. (2009). “ An Application of skills Integration in Language Teaching” 3rd International Conference on Advances and Systematic Research ECNSI 2009, Zadar- CROATIA |
Deneme, S. (2008). “Cultural Differences in Language Learning Strategy Preferences: A Comparative Study” ( Dil Öğrenim Stratejilerindeki Kültürel Farklar: Karşılaştırma Çalışması), Language Culture and Mind III, Odense- DENMARK (July 2008) |
Deneme, S. (2008). “Cross-Cultural Differences in the Teaching of Summary Writing” ( Özet Yazımının Öğretiminde Kültürlerarası Farklar), Language Culture and Mind III, Odense-DENMARK (July 2008) |
Deneme, S. (2008). “The Views of English Language Teacher Trainees on the Use of the Computer and the Internet in the Classroom”( İngilizce Öğretmen Adaylarının İngilizce Derslerinde Bilgisayara Dayalı Öğretim ve İnterneti Kullanmaya ilişkin Görüşleri / International Symposium on Social Sciences Education , Çanakkale-TURKEY (May 2008) |
Deneme, S. (2008). “The Teaching Strategies Being Applied by the Teachers of English at Preparatory Schools” ( Hazırlık Okullarında İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Kullandıkları Öğretme Stratejileri ( Poster) / International Symposium on Social Sciences Education , Çanakkale- TURKEY (May 2008) |
Deneme, S. (2008). “The Emphasis Given on Summary Writing in ELT Departments in Turkey” (Türkiyedeki İngilizce Öğretmenliği Bölümlerinde Özet Yazma Becerisine Verilen Önem),The Fifth International ELT Conference, Çanakkale-TURKEY (May 2008) |
Deneme, S. (2008) “English Language Learning Strategy Preferences of Turkish Students” (Türk Öğrencilerin İngilizce Öğrenirken Tercih Ettikleri Dil Öğrenim Stratejileri), The Fifth International ELT Conference, Çanakkale-TURKEY |
Deneme, S. (2015). Teacher trainees' opinions regarding video recorded microteaching sessions during their training, 13th Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 5-8, Honolulu, Hawaii |
İngilizce öğretmenlerinin öğretmenlik mesleğine bağlılık ve yaşam doyum düzeylerinin incelenmesi,IBANESS, XXII International Balkan and Near Eastern Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, October 12-13, 2024 (Ekim 2024) (Ekim 2024) (October 2024) |
Students' opinions on the " Instructional Technologies and Material Development" course. VII. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series- Tekirdağ/ Turkey, 24- 25 May, 2018 (March 2018) |
Deneme, S. (2018). Should research be mingled with education? 16th Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 4-7, Honolulu, Hawaii. (January 2018) |
Deneme, S. (2017). "Reflections from two different teaching settings: Class versus kindergarten"" in SBATEYL- 2017: The International Conference on Teaching Languages to Young Learners, Ephesus, TURKEY (May 2017) |
Deneme, S. (2017). "Mostly preferred teaching techniques and materials used by teacher trainees of English to teach young learners" in SBATEYL- 2017: The International Conference on Teaching Languages to Young Learners, Ephesus, TURKEY (May 2017) |
Deneme, S. & Çelik, H. (2017). Traditional versus Holistic Methods in In- Service Teacher Training: What practice shows. Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 2-6, Honolulu, Hawaii. (January 2017) |
Deneme, S. (2016). Reflections from a school practicum course: Experiences of ELT teacher traimees. 9th International Conference ICT for language learning. 17-18 November 2016, Florence, Italy. (November 2016) |
S. Deneme (2015). "Teaching English in Multicultural Environments“ ULEAD 2015 Annual Congress: 5th International Conference on Research in Education- ICRE, Meeting the Opportunities and Challenges of Educational Research: Multidisciplinary Approach to Educational Research” Edirne, Turkey-8-10 October 2015. (Ekim 2015) (October 2015) |
Ada, S.& Deneme, S. A study on language learning strategy of young Turkish learners, IATEFL TTEd SIG international conference, the journey from input to interaction i English language learning, Gaziantep (April 2015) |
Deneme, S. (2015). Teacher trainees' opinions regarding video recorded microteaching sessions during their training, 13th Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 5-8, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Ocak 2015) (January 2015) |
Deneme, S. & Ada, S. (2012), 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES- 2012), Barcelona- SPAIN, "On Applying th Interdisciplinary Approach in Primary Schools", Published in Procedia (ISSN. 1877-0428 Indexed by Scopus and Science Direct and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science-ISI web of Science), Volume 46, pages 885- 889 (February 2012) |
Deneme, S. & Mechmet, E. (2011) "Formulaic Language Use of Young Learners". Expanding Horizons in English Language and Literary Studies (ELLS), Bangkok, THAILAND (October 2011) |
Deneme S.& Ada. S.(2011). " Teaching Foreign Language and Foreign Culture To Young Learners". 9th international Hawaii conference on Education, Hawaii- USA (January 2011) |
Deneme, S. & Ada, S. (2010). " Different activities to teach English to very young learners". 6th ELT Research Conference, Ephesus, İzmir- TURKEY (May 2010) |
Deneme, S.& Ada, S. (2010). -"Teaching English in Multicultural Environments"International Conference of Language Teaching in Increasingly Multilingual Environments: From Research to Practice ,Warsaw- POLAND (May 2010) |
Deneme, Selma. 2010 "Introducing foreign culture in ESL and EFL classes". ICC 17th Annual Conference, Hamburg-GERMANY |
Ali, C., & Deneme Gençoğlu, S. (2024). Analysis of the English coursebook "I wonder Junior B" in terms of culture teaching, KÜLTÜRLERARASLIK ve KARŞILAŞTIRMALI EDEBİYAT, Ed. Tosun, M., ARI, S. & C. Doğan, sayfa 229-240, Paradigma Akademi ,ISBN : 978-625-6321-47-2 (Haziran 2024) (June 2024) |
Mechmet, S., & Deneme Gençoğlu, S. (2024). Using fairy tales in EFL lessons for young learners, KÜLTÜRLERARASLIK ve KARŞILAŞTIRMALI EDEBİYAT, Ed. Tosun, M., ARI, S. & C. Doğan, sayfa 241-252, Paradigma Akademi ,ISBN : 978-625-6321-47-2 (Haziran 2024) (June 2024) |
Mechmet, S., Ceylan, H. & Deneme Gençoğlu, S. (2023). Teachers' Perspectives About Using Technology To Teach English Aa A Foreign Language To Young Learners: The Greek Context, KÜLTÜRLERARASI ARAŞTIRMALAR cumhuriyetimizin 100. yılı anısına KÜLTÜRLERARASILIK & DİLBİLİM ÇÖZÜMLEMELERİ, Ed. Tosun, M. & C. Doğan, sayfa 258-288, Paradigma Akademi ,ISBN : 978-625-6714-29-8 (December 2023) |
Balkan, E & Deneme Gençoğlu, S. (2023). A study on the correlation between young learners' motivation towards English language learning and their parents' attitudes, Eğitim Çalışmaları: Eğitimin İçinde Bir Ömür Zerrin Balkaç Armağan Kitabı, sayfa 44-62, ed. E. BAYIR , M. ULUDAĞ ,E. VATANSEVER , S. DURAN BAYTAR, C ÇETİNKAYA AYDOĞDU, E.A. KURBAN, E. AVCI, Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası, 978-975-374-360-0 (December 2023) |
DENEME GENCOGLU, S. & O. HAZRETKULIYEVA. (2023)."Short Stories to Promote Reading Comprehension and Motivation". Innovative Practices to Improve EFL Reading Skills. KİMSESİZ, F. & B. AKSU ATAÇ. (Eds). pp. 89-108, Nobel Yayınevi, ISBN: 978-625-397-480-0. (September 2023) |
MECHMET, S & S.DENEME GENÇOĞLU. (2023). "Perspectives of elementary school students on homework in Greece" . Kültürlerarası Araştırmalar: Kültürlerarasılık & Dil, TOSUN, M & C. DOĞAN (Eds.),pp. 227-238, Çanakkale, Paradigma Akademi ISBN: 978-625-6905-66-5 (Haziran2023) (Haziran 2023) (June 2023) |
DENEME GENÇOĞLU, S. & S. SORMAZ (2023). "Yabancı dil sınıflarında hedef dil ve kültür öğretimi: Ders kitaplarının rolü" . Kültürlerarası Araştırmalar: Kültürlerarasılık & Dil, TOSUN, M & C. DOĞAN (Eds.),pp. 97-112, Çanakkale, Paradigma Akademi ISBN: 978-625-6905-66-5 (Haziran2023) (June 2023) |
Deneme, S. (2022). İçerik temelli öğretme- öğrenme yaklaşımı. (Ed. Gülay EKİCİ). Etkinlik Örnekleriyle Güncel Öğrenme- Öğretme Yaklaşımları- V. Pegem akademi 285- 311, Ankara, ISBN: 978-625-8044-55-3 (March 2022) |
Deneme, S. & H. Ceylan (2021). "Kültürlerarasılık ve yabancı dil öğretimi" , Kültürlerarası Araştırmalar: Kültürlerarasılık & Çeviri, TOSUN, M & C. DOĞAN (Eds.),pp. 65-74, Çanakkale, Paradigma Akademi ISBN: 978-625-8069-01-3 (December 2021) |
Deneme, S. & S. Sormaz. (2021)." A Digital Tool for Teaching Writing to Young Learners: Storyjumper", Academic Studies in Educational Sciences, A. CETIN (Ed.), pp.175- 189. Duvar Publishing, Ankara, ISBN: 978-625-7502-73-3 (December 2021) |
Deneme, S.& S. Sormaz (2021). "Yabancı Dil Derslerinde Kullanılan Web. 2.0 araçları", : Ölçülebilir Eğitim- Demirali Yaşar Ergin'e Armağan Kitap" (2021) (Ed.) H. Asutay, S. Sakarya Maden, L. Vural, F. Gürbüz, G. Kurum, Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, Çanakkale, ISBN: 978-625-80 09, sayfa: 214-226 (November 2021) |
Deneme, S. (2019). Teaching summarizing: A sample lesson model, in Demirel, Ö. (Ed.). Contemporary issues in ELT, Pegem Akademi, pp (123-133) ISBN: 978-605-241-601-3, DOI: 10.14527/978052416013 (February 2019) |
Deneme, S. (2018). Teaching English in multicultural classes: A case from a kindergarten, In H. Asutay & D.Y. Ergin (Eds)., Balkan Educational Studies 2018, PP (369-378). (October 2018) |
Deneme, S. (2018). "Instructional Technologies and Material Development" course applications: Prospective teachers' opinions about material development. In G. Mıhladız (Eds.). Academic Researches in Educational Sciences (pp.55-69). Gece Kitaplığı ISBN: 978-605-288-381-5 (April 2018) |
Deneme, S. (2017). Studies of teaching foreign languages to children in Turkey, In H. Asutay (Eds.), Balkan Eğitim Araştırmaları (pp.447-451). Edirne-Turkey: Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları-188 ISBN:978-975374-213-9 (November 2017) |
Deneme, S. & Celik, H. (2017). The features of a standard INSET: Drawbacks in key components. In K. Dikilitaş & İ. H. Erten (Eds.) Facilitating in-service teacher training for professional development (pp.1-14). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (Ekim 2016) (January 2017) |
Deneme, S.(2015). Bilişsel Kod Öğrenme Yaklaşımı (Cognitive Code Learning Approach) (in Bekleyen 2015, Dil Öğretimi, Pegem Yayıncılık, Ankara) pp: 82-90, ISBN: 978-605-318-248-1 (September 2015) |
Deneme, S. (2014). Developing reading skills as a pre-requisite component of summary writing. In Emery, H. and Moore, N. (Eds) (2014). Teaching, Learning and Researching Reading in EFL. Dubai: TESOL Arabia Publications. pp, 128-139, ISBN:978-9948-20-634-7 |
Deneme, S & M. Baysal (2012). The attitude of Turkish young learners towards English as a foreign language. In Emery, H and Gardiner- Hyland, F. (2012) Contextualizng EFL for Young Learners: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Procedure. Dubai TESOL Arabia Publications, pp:299-315, ISBN:978-9948-8558-6-6 |
Deneme, S. & Sormaz, S. (2022), The role of games in teaching English grammar to young learners: An experimental study. Turkish Studies- Language and Literature (September 2022) |
Deneme, S. & Demirel, Ö. (2012) Yabancı Dilde Yazma Becerisinin Gelişiminde Özetleme Tekniğinin Öğretimi ve Başarıya Etkisi, Dil Dergisi, 157: 49-64 (September 2012) |
Deneme, S., Demirel. Ö. (2008). “Teaching Summary WritingTechniques” ( Özet Yazma Tekniğinin Öğretimi) ( Workshop) Guest Speaker / SANKO Schools’ELT Conference II-April 2008, Gaziantep-Turkey |
SORMAZ, S. (2023). Coursebook evaluatıon in teaching English to young learners: case study; Thumbs up starter, 1, 2, 3, Trakya University, Institute of Social Sciences. (June 2023) |
VATANSEVER, A. (2023).Speaking anxiety and its effects on spoken production of EFL students. Institute of Social Sciences, Trakya University (June 2023) |
ALI, C. (2022). Perspectives of Primary School Students and Their Parents on Online English Lessons in Western Thrace, Greece During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Institute of Social Sciences,Trakya University, Edirne. (June 2022) |
Bolat, Y. (2021). The use of 21st century skills by secondary school english language teachers and the challenges they face. Institute of Social Sciences, Trakya University, Edirne |
ASLAN BERZENER, Ü. (2020),"The role of cooperative learning on learning English as a foreign language". Institute of Social Sciences, Trakya University. (June 2020) |
Investigating the commitment to the teaching profession and life satisfaction levels of English teachers. PROJECT NO: 202/175 (October 2024) |
A Study on Teaching English in Multicultural Settings |
Language Learning Strategy Preferences of Turkish Students, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4(2). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kullandıkları Dil Öğrenme Stratejileri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 43: 141- 153 (2012) |
Deneme. S Language Learning Strategy Preferences of Turkish Students Atıf: Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kullandıkları Dil Öğrenme Stratejileri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 43:141-153 (2012) |