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.S. Topcu, D. Soydas, Z. Ozkan, S. Unver, E. Organ, U. Findik, Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire for Adult Patients, 10.1016/j.jopan.2022.06.014, JOURNAL OF PERIANESTHESIA NURSING, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 127-133, 2023. |
Topçu, S.Y., Soydaş, D., Özkan, Z.K., Ünver, S., Orğan, E.M., & Fındık, Ü.Y. (2022). Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire for Adult Patients. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing: Official Journal of the American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopan.2022.06.014 (September 2022) |
Sayılan, A. A., & Topçu, S. Y. (2022). Do the Fluids Consumed by Surgical Patients in the Postoperative Period Affect Their Gastrointestinal Motility?: A Correlational Study. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopan.2022.02.005 (July 2022) |
Semerci, R., Ünver, S., Topçu, S. Y., Turan, F. N., Kostak, M. A., & Findik, Ü. Y. (2022). Adaptation of Parental Self-Efficacy Scale for Child Autonomy Toward Minor Surgery to Turkish. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopan.2021.06.098 (May 2022) |
Topcu, S. Y., Kostak, M. A., Semerci, R., & Guray, O. (2020). Effect of gum chewing on pain and anxiety in turkish children during intravenous cannulation: a randomized controlled study. Journal of pediatric nursing, 52, e26-e32. (May 2020) |
Topcu, S. Y., Kostak, M. A., Semerci, R., & Guray, O. (2020). Effect of Gum Chewing on Pain and Anxiety in Turkish Children During Intravenous Cannulation: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 52, e26-e32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2019.12.007 (May 2020) |
Topcu, S.Y. (2018). Relations among Pain, Pain Beliefs, and Psychological Well-Being in Patients with Chronic Pain. Pain Management Nursing, 19(6): 637-644. Doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2018.07.007 (December 2018) |
Topcu, S.Y. (2017). Do Turkish patients with lumbar disc herniation know body mechanics?. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 30(4): 835-840. doi: 10.3233/BMR-160542 (August 2017) |
Rizalar, S. & Topcu, S.Y. (2017). The patient safety culture perception of Turkish nurses who work in operating room and intensive care unit. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 33(2): 374-379. doi: 10.12669/pjms.332.11727 (April 2017) |
Topcu, S.Y. & Oztekin, S.D. (2016). Effect of gum chewing on reducing postoperative ileus and recovery after colorectal surgery: A randomised controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 23: 21-25. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.02.001 (May 2016) | 1 ATIF |
Findik, U.Y., Ozbas, A., Cavdar, İ., Topcu, S.Y., Önler, E. (2015). Assessment of nursing students' stress levels and coping strategies in operating room practice. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(3): 192-195. (May 2015) | 6 ATIF |
Findik U.Y, Ozbas A., Cavdar I., Erkan T., Topcu S.Y. (2012), “Effects of the contact isolation application on anxiety and depression levels of the patients”, International Journal of Nursing Practice 18: 340–346. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2012.02049.x (July 2012) | 4 ATIF |
Topcu S.Y. ve Findik U.Y. (2012), “Effect of Relaxation Exercises on Controlling Postoperative Pain”, Pain Management Nursing, 13(1):11-17. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2010.07.006 (March 2012) | 19 ATIF |
Yildizeli Topcu, S. (2021). Surgical Nurses’ need for affect and their caregiving approaches. Journal of Public Health, 29, 703-708. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-019-01176-z (June 2021) |
ÖZKAN, Z. K., Ünver, S., TOPÇU, S. Y., FINDIK, Ü., & Albayrak, D. (2020). Kolonoskopi Uygulanan Hastaların Memnuniyet Durumlarının Belirlenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(3), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.24998/maeusabed.677803 (December 2020) |
Aydın Sayılan, A. & Yıldızeli Topçu, S. (2020). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN USING COMPLEMENTARY-ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN COLORECTAL CANCER PATIENTS. Journal of Health Sciences, 29 (2) , 106-113 . DOI: 10.34108/eujhs.587616 (September 2020) |
RIZALAR S, BALTACI N, TOPÇU S, SANİOĞLU G (2020). Ethical Decision-Making among Intensive Care Unit and Operating Room Nurses. Archives of health science and research (Online), 7(2), 129 - 136. 10.5152/ArcHealthSciRes.2020.537560 (June 2020) |
Rızalar, S., Aydemir, A., & Yıldızeli Topçu, S.Y. (2019). Cerrahi hastalarının ameliyat öncesi ve sonrasında açlık ve susuzluk düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Sağlık Ve Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 32-36. https://doi.org/10.33308/2687248X.201912153 (December 2019) |
Ünver, S., Topçu, SY., Findik, Ü.Y. (2016). Surgical Smoke, Me and My Circle. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(2): 697-703. (August 2016) |
Topcu, S.Y., Rızalar, S., Önüt, F., Işıklı, A.G., Ünver, S. (2016). Relations between Patients' Breathing Practices and Mobilisation after Lung Resection Surgery. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(2): 653-657. (August 2016) |
Ünver, S., Özkan, Z.K., Alptekin, H.V:, Topçu, S.Y. (2016). Patient Safety from a Different Perspective: An Evaluation of the Type of Foods and Drinks Visitors Bring for Postoperative Patients. Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Journal, 4(2): 346-350 (April 2016) |
Rızalar, S. & Topcu, S.Y: (2015). Analysis of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Applications in Patients Who Received Surgical Intervention. Open Access Library Journal, 2(e2010): 1-8. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1102010 (October 2015) |
Topcu, S.Y. & Cakmak, B. (2014). Surgical Patients' Perceptions of the Care Provided by Student Nurses. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 7(1): 195-202. (January 2014) |
Findik, U.Y., Topcu, S.Y., Vatansever, O. (2013). "Effects of Draıns on Pain, Comfort and Anxiety in Patıents UndergoneSurgery". International Journal of Caring Sciences, 6 (3); 412-419. (August 2013) |
Topçu S.Y., Özkan Z.K., Orğan E.M., Ünver S., Soydaş D., Fındık U.Y. (2022). The Relationship Between Coronavirus Awareness and Perceived Stress of Students Practice in Surgical Clinics During the Pandemic Process. 4. International 12. National Congress of Turkish Surgery and Operating Room Nursing, 13-16 January 2022, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 826 (January 2022) |
Özkan, M., Topçu, S.Y. (2021). Effect of Informing about Perioperative Period On Surgical Fear. International Gazi Health Sciences Congress, 15-17 December 2021, Turkey, pp. 463-464. (December 2021) |
Topçu S.Y., Soydaş D., Özkan Z.K., Ünver S., Orğan E.M., Fındık Ü.Y. (2021). Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of The Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire. Union of Thrace Universities 4th International Health Sciences Congress, Online -Kırklareli-Türkiye. pp. 102. (November 2021) |
Topçu SY, Makal E. Is There A Relation Between Psychological Well-Being And Postoperative Pain? . 3. Uluslararası & 11. Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireliği Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 2019, İzmir, Türkiye, pp. 934-935. (October 2019) |
Topçu, S.Y., Makal, E. (2019). Is There A Relation Between Psychological Well-Being And Postoperative Pain?. 3rd International 11th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, October3-6, 2019, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 934-935. (October 2019) |
Makal, E., Özkan, M., Topçu, S.Y. (2019). Reasons For Hospitalization Of Patients With Intestinal Stoma And The Role Of Nursing Care. 3rd International 11th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, October3-6, 2019, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 622-623 (October 2019) |
Topcu, S.Y. & Öztekin, S.D. (2015). Effect of Gum Chewing on Reducing Postoperative İleus and Recovery after Colorectal Surgery. 19. ESGENA Conference, 24-26 October 2015; Barcelona, Spain: pp71-73 (Poster Presentation) (October 2015) |
Yıldız Fındık Ü, Ünver S, Yıldızeli Topçu S, Kasimi T, Soydaş D. ''Operating Room Nurses' Anxiety and Burnout Levels According to Safety Precautions''. 7th European Operating Room Nurses Congress, Roma /Italy, pp.21-23 [Fulltext],(7-10 May, 2015)(Oral Presentation) (May 2015) |
Fındık Yıldız Ü., Ünver S., Özcan H., Erkan T., Yıldızeli Topçu S. (2014). Usage of Evidence-Based Urinary Catheter Care Recommendations Among Nurses. 18th International Nursing Research Conference, 11-14 November 2014, Vitoria-Gasteiz-Spain, pp.381-382. (November 2014) |
Fındık Yıldız Ü, Ünver S, Özcan H, Erkan T, Yıldızeli Topçu S. “Usage of Evidence-Based Urinary Catheter Care Recommendations Among Nurses”. 18th International Nursing Research Conference, Vitoria-Gasteiz-Spain, pp.381-382 [Fulltext], (11-14 November, 2014) (Oral Brief Presentation) (November 2014) |
Fındık U.Y, Erol Ö, Ünver S, Topçu S.Y. “The Ageism Attitudes of Faculty of Health Science Students”. 1st. International Balkan Conference on Health Sciences, Edirne/Turkey, pp. 53, (OP:13) (14-16 May 2014) (Oral Presentation) (May 2014) |
Ünver S., Yıldızeli Topçu S, Yıldız Fındık Ü. (2013). Surgical Smoke, Me and My Circle. 17th International Nursing Research Conference. November 12-15 2013, Lleida, Spain. (November 2013) |
Topçu, S.Y. & Oztekin D. (2013). Nurses Awareness and Attitudes of Pain Control in Turkey. 8th Europan Federation of IASP Chapters, October 9-12 2013, Florence, Italy: pp. 780. (October 2013) |
Ünver, S., Topçu, S.Y., Fındık, Ü.Y. (2013). Pain Assessment Abilities of Nursing Students: The Difference between First and Second Years. 8th Europan Federation of IASP Chapters, October 9-12 2013, Florence, Italy: pp. 776 (October 2013) |
Çakır, E., Güney, S., Topçu, S.Y., Çakmak, B. ve Karaoğlu, M., “The Position of Women in Health Sector”, 1st International Women and Health Congress, Sakarya, Turkey, June 3rd-5th 2010, 252-253. (June 2010) |
Karaoğlu, M., Çakmak, B., Topçu, S.Y., Güney, S. ve Çakır, E., “An Important Threat for Nurses: Sexual Harassment”, 1st International Women and Health Congress, Sakarya, Turkey, June 3rd-5th 2010, 250-251. (June 2010) |
Topçu, S.Y., Güroğan E.P. ve Kurt S., “Mobbing Experiences and Dealing Strategies of Nurses”, 1st International Women and Health Congress, Sakarya, Turkey, June 3rd-5th 2010, 75-76. (June 2010) |
Ummu Yildiz F., Ayfer O., Ikbal Ç., Yildizeli Sacide T. ve Ebru Ö., “Assessment Of Stress Levels And Stress Copıng Strategıes Of Nursıng Students In An Operatıng Room.” 1st International Congress On Nursing Education, Research & Practice, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 15th-17th 2009, P. 387. (October 2009) |
Ummu Yildiz F., Ozgul E., Tulay E. ve Yildizeli Sacide T., “Evaluatıon Of Hospıtal Acquıred Infectıons Among Trauma Patıents.” 1st International Congress On Nursing Education, Research & Practice, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 15th-17th 2009, P. 387. (October 2009) |
Yildizeli Topçu, S. ve Yildiz Findik U., “Relaxation Exercises For Controlling Pain İn Patients Who Underwent Cholesystectomy.” 1st International Congress On Nursing Education, Research & Practice, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 15th-17th 2009, P. 385. (October 2009) |
Topçu, S.Y., Özkan M., Ocak, Ç., Ertürk, N.D., Uludağ, S. (2017). Where are we on stomatherapy nursing? Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress, 23-25 November 2017, Edirne, Turkey, pp. 88. (November 2017) |
Topçu, S.Y., Işıklı, A.G., Yanık, F. (2017). Does gum chewing affect the pain perception? A randomized controlled study. 2. 2nd International &10th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 2-5 November 2017, Antalya, Turkey, pp.441. (November 2017) |
Topcu, S.Y. (2017). My Emotions & My Patients Care: Effect Of Nurses Emotions On Nurses Caregiving Roles In Surgical Wards. 3rd Annual International Conference On Nursing, 1-4 May 2017, Athens, Greece, pp. 106. (May 2017) |
Topcu, S.Y. & Rizalar, S. (2017). Attitudes for caregiving roles of nursing students who were doing internship of surgical nursing course. 8th Congress of The European Operating Room Nurses Association (EORNA), 04-07 May 2017, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 40-41. (May 2017) |
Fındık U.Y, Erol Ö, Ünver S, Topçu S.Y. The Ageism Attitudes of Faculty of Health Science Students. Kaptanoğlu A.Y (Ed.) A Current Perspective on Health Sciences. Romania: Rotipo 2014: 440-445. (ISBN: 978-606-8552-05-7) |
TOPÇU, S. Y., & BASKIN, B. E. (2019). Cerrahi Girişim Bekleyen Kolorektal Kanser Hastalarında Sosyal Destek Algısı ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(4), 423-430. (December 2019) |
Topçu, S.Y. (2016). Factors That Affect Patients' Practices of Breathing Exercises and Nurses’ Role. İzmir Göğüs Hastanesi Dergisi (Journal of Izmir Chest Hospital), 30(2). 89-96. (October 2016) |
Fındık, Ü.Y., Topçu, S.Y., Üstündağ H. ve Coşkun Ö. (2010). Determination of Surgical Patients' Smoking Status at the Hospital. Journal of Istanbul University Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, 18 (1): 26-32. (February 2010) |
Topçu, S.Y. & Rızalar, S. (2016). Yoğun Bakımda Beyin Ölümü Sürecinin Yönetimi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. 7. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Kongresi, 24-27 Mart 2016, Kıbrıs, pp. 155. (March 2016) |
Rızalar, S., Topçu, S.Y., Gökçe, A.S. (2016). Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde hasta güvenliği kültürü algısının incelenmesi. 7. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Kongresi, 24-27 Mart 2016, Kıbrıs, pp. 74. (March 2016) |
Topçu, S.Y. & Rızalar, S. (2016). Hastam için güvenli miyim? Yoğunbakım hemşirelerinin hasta güvenliğine ilişkin tutumları. 7. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Kongresi, 24-27 Mart 2016, Kıbrıs, pp. 79-82. (March 2016) |
Yıldızeli Topçu, S. & Öztekin, S.D. (2019). Ameliyat sonrası sıvı-elektrolit dengesi komplikasyonları ve hemşirelik bakımı. Yıldız Fındık, Ü. (Ed.) Ameliyat Sonrası Komplikasyonlar ve Hemşirelik Bakımı (pp. 16-23). 1. Baskı, Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri. ISBN: 978-605-7650-53-5 |
Topçu, S.Y. (2019). Kalın Bağırsak Tümörleri ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. İçinde; Ü.Y. Fındık, S.Ünver, S.Eyi (Ed.) Gastrointestinal Sistemin Cerrahi Hastalıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı, (pp. 111-128). Türkiye, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi. ISBN: 9786053354482 |
Topçu, S.Y. & İncirkuş, K. (2018). İş Kazaları, Yaralanmalar ve İlkyardım. İçinde; E. Gökmeşe & H. Yıldız (Ed), İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, (pp. 113-146). Türkiye, İstanbul: Lisans Yayıncılık. ISBN: 978-605-9498-18-0 (January 2018) |
Yıldızeli Topçu, S. (2018). Afetlere Müdahalede Etik ve Yasal Konular. Öztekin, S.D. (Ed.) Afet Hemşireliği (pp. 42-48), Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri. ISBN: 978-605-7505-50-7 |
Topçu, S.Y. & Öztekin, S.D. (2015). Beyin Ölümü ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. İçinde; S.D.: Öztekin (Ed.), Nöroşirurji Hemşireliği (pp. 333-358). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. ISBN:978-605-335-145-0 (September 2015) |