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.S. AKTAS, Y. MUKADDES, Electronic transmission and dwell time on a double barrier system with an accelerating quantum well, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 75, pp. 47-51, AE AMSTERDAM-HOLLANDA, 1, 2016. |
.S. AKTAS, H. KES, F. BOZ, E. S. OKAN, Control of a resonant tunneling structure by intense laser fields, Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 98, pp. 220-227, LONDON-INGILTERE, 10, 2016. |
F.K. Boz, S. Aktas, B. Bekar, S.E. Okan, “Laser field-driven potential profiles of double quantum wells”, Physics Letters A, 376, 590-594, (2012) (January 2012) |
Serpil Sucu, Saban Aktas, S. Erol Okan, Zehra Akdeniz,Patrizia Vignolo “Anderson localization in optical lattices with speckle disorder”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 065602 (2011) (January 2011) |
A.I. Mese, P. Capuzzi, S. Aktas, Z. Akdeniz, S.E. Okan, “Condensation of two-dimensional harmonically confined bosons with Bessel-type interactions”, Physical Review A, 84, 043604 (2011) (January 2011) |
Mese AI, Bilekkaya A, Arslan S, et al., "Investigation of the coupling asymmetries at double-slit interference experiments", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, 43,354017 pp., 2010 (January 2010) |
D.Eksi, O.Kilicoglu, S.Aktas, A.Siddiki, “The current polarization rectication of the integer quantized Hall effect”, Physica E, 42, 1066–1068 (2010) (January 2010) |
F.K. Boz, S. Aktas , A. Bilekkaya , S.E. Okan, “The multilayered spherical quantum dot under a magnetic .eld”, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 3832–3836 (2010) (January 2010) |
Aktas S, Boz FK, Bilekkaya A, et al, "The electronic properties of a coaxial square GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum well wire in an electric field", Physica E, 1572-1576 pp., 2009 (January 2009) |
Boz F.K, Ş. Aktaş, A. Bilekkaya, Ş.E. Okan,” Geometric Effects on Energy States of a Hydrogenic Impurity in Multilayered Spherical Quantum Dot”, Applied Surface Science 255(13-14), 6561-6564 (2009) (January 2009) |
Bilekkaya A., Ş. Aktaş, Ş. E. Erol, F.K. Boz, “Electric and Magnetic Field Effects on the Binding Energy of a Hyrogenic Impurity in Quantum Well Wires with Different Shapes” Superlattices and Microstructures, 44(1), 96-105 (2008) (January 2008) |
Aktaş Ş., A. Bilekkaya, Ş. E. Okan, “The Energy Spectrum for an Electron in Quantum Well Wires with Different Shapes under the Electric and Magnetic Fields”, Physica E, 40(8), 2703-2708 (2008) (January 2008) |
Aktaş Ş., F.K. Boz “The Binding Energy of Hydrogenic Impurity in Multilayered Spherical Quantum Dot”, Physica E, 40(4), 753-758 (2008) (January 2008) |
Siddiki A., D. Ekşi, E. Çicek, A.İ. Meşe, Ş. Aktaş, T. Hakioğlu “Theoretical Investigation of the Electron Velocity in Quantum Hall Bars,in the Out of Linear Response Regime” Physica E, 40(5), 1217–1219 (2008) (January 2008) |
Siddiki A., E. Çicek, D. Ekşi, A.İ. Meşe, Ş. Aktaş, T. Hakioğlu” Where are the Edge-states near the Quantum Point Contacts? A Self-consistent Approach”, Physica E, 40(5), 1160-1162 (2008) (January 2008) |
Arslan S., E. Çicek, D. Ekşi, Ş. Aktaş, A. Weichselbaum, ve A. Sıddıki ” Modeling of Quantum Point Contacts in High Magnetic Fields and with Current Bias outside the Linear Response Regime”, Phys. Rev. B, 78(12), 125423 (2008) (January 2008) |
Ekşi D., E. Çicek, A. İ. Meşe, Ş. Aktaş, A. Siddiki, T. Hakioğlu, ” Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Sample Properties on the Electron Velocity in Quantum Hall Bars”, Phys. Rev. B, 76(7), 075334 (2007) (January 2007) |
Aktas Ş., F.K.Boz, S.Ş. Dalgıç, ”Electric and Magnetic Field Effects on the Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Donor Impurity in a Coaxial Quantum Well Wire”, Physica E, 28(1), 96-105 (2005) (January 2005) |
Boz FK., Ş Aktaş,”Magnetic Field Effect on the Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Impurity in Coaxial GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well Wires”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 37(4), 281-291 (2005) (January 2005) |
Aktaş Ş., F. Boz,”The Binding energy of a Hydrogenic Impurity in Triple GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well-wires under Applied Electric Field” Trakya Univ Fen Bil Derg, 5(2), 159-165 (2004). (January 2004) |
Aktaş Ş., Ş.E.Okan, H.Akbaş, "Electric Field Effect on the Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Impurity in Coaxial GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well-wires ", Superlattices and Microstructures, 30(3), 129-134 (2001) (January 2001) |
Aktaş Ş., Ş.E.Okan ,İ.Erdoğan, H.Akbaş, M.Tomak, "Donor Binding Energies in GaAs Quantum Wells Considering the Band Nonparabolicity Effects and the Wavefunction Elongation", Superlattices and Microstructures, 28(3), 165-169 (2000) (January 2000) |
Okan Ş.E., H.Akbaş, Ş.Aktaş, M.Tomak, "Binding Energies of Helium-like Iimpurities in Parabolic Quantum Wells under an Applied Electric Field", Superlattices and Microstructures, 28(3), 171-176 (2000) (January 2000) |
Okan Ş.E. , Ş.Aktaş, H.Akbaş, M.Tomak, "The Exciton Transition Energies in Symmetric Double GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Wells", Phys. Stat Sol.(b), 212(2), 263-270 (1999) (January 1999) |
Akbaş H., Ş. .Aktas, Ş.E.Okan, M.Ulaş ve M.Tomak, " Acceptor 1s-2p(+/-) Transitions in GaAs/Ga0.7Al0.3As Quantum Wells: Effects of Spatially Dependent Screening under Electric and Magnetic Fields", Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 205(2), 537-542 (1998) (January 1998) |
Akbaş H., Ş. Aktaş, Ş.E. Okan, M. Ulaş, M. Tomak, "Screening Effect on the Binding Energies of Shallow Donors, Acceptors and Excitons in Finite-barrier Quantum Wells", Superlattices and Microstructures, 23(1), 113-119 (1998). (January 1998) |
.G. ULUÇAM, S. AKTAS, On nickel complex of n heterocyclic carbene ligands, 10-th Chemistry Conference (10cc), Plovdiv-BULGARISTAN. |
Aktas S., B. Huseyin, F.K. Boz , and S. E. Okan”Transmission coefficient for double potential barriers in semiconductor nanostructures” 8th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies , Abstract Book, Page 288, I. Vellidis Congress Center, Thessaloniki, Greece 2011. (January 2011) |
Boz F.K., S. Aktas, S.E. Okan “The effect of external fields in one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures” 8th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies , Abstract Book, Page 312, I. Vellidis Congress Center, Thessaloniki, Greece 2011. (January 2011) |
Eksi D., O. Kilicoglu, S. Aktas, A. Siddiki “The current direction induced rectification effect on the IQHE” The 18th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two –Dimensional Systems EP2DS-18, Abstract Book, Page 71,Kobe International Conference Center, Japan, 2009. (January 2009) |
A. Siddiki, E. Cicek, D. Eksi, A.I. Mese, S. Aktas, T. Hakioğlu, “Where are the edge-states near the quantum point kontacts? A self-consistent approach.”, International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensıonal Systems and Modulated Semiconductor Structures”, Genova, Italy,2007 (January 2007) |
A. Siddiki,D. Eksi, E. Cicek, A.I. Mese, S. Aktas, T. Hakioğlu, “Theoretical investigation of the electron velocity dıstribution in quantum Hall bars, in the out of linear response regime”, International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensıonal Systems and Modulated Semiconductor Structures”, Genova, Italy,2007 (January 2007) |
Akbaş H., Ş. Aktaş, M. Tomak, "Shallow Impurities in Asymmetric Quantum Wells under an Electric Field" , Turkish Jou. Phy., 21, 1073-1080 (1997) (January 1997) |
Akbaş H., S. Ekmekçi, Ş. Aktaş, M. Tomak, " Electric Field Effects on Shallow Impurity States in Multiple Quantum Well Structures" , Turkish Jou. Phy. 19, 381-389 (1995) (January 1995) |
Akbaş H., Ş. Aktaş, S. Ekmekçi, M. Tomak, "Hydrogenic Impurities in Quantum Wells under Electric Field" , Turkish Jou. Phy. 17, 974-980, (1993) (January 1993) |
E. Cicek, S. Arslan, S. Aktas, M. Ulas and A. Siddiki “Edge-state Distribution at Aharonov-Bohm (AB) Interferometers Subject to Strong Magnetic Fields” 4. Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 9-13 Haziran 2008, Özet Kitabı, Sayfa 282 (June 2008) |
Boz F.K., Ş. Aktaş, A. Bilekkaya, Ş.E. Okan “Energy States Calculation in Multilayered Spherical Quantum Dot Using The Runge Kutta Method”, 12. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Özet Kitabı, İstanbul, 2008. (January 2008) |
Bilekkaya A., Ş. Aktaş, F. K. Boz, Ş. E. Okan ”The Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Coaxial Square GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well Wire in an Electric Field” 12. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Özet Kitabı, İstanbul, 2008. (January 2008) |
D. Ekşi, Ş. Aktaş, Ş. E. Okan and A. Siddiki” Current Induced Rectification of the Quantized Hall Plateaus” 4. Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Özet Kitabı, 236, İstanbul, 2008. (January 2008) |
Kılıçoğlu Ö., B. Bekar, F.K. Boz, Ş. Aktaş “ The Electronic Properties under Magnetic and Electric Fields of an Electron in Multilayered Cubic Quantum Dot” 4. Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Özet Kitabı, 247, İstanbul, 2008. (January 2008) |
Meşe A.İ., S. Arslan,, Ş. Aktaş , Ş. E. Okan and A. Siddiki ”Investigation of the Coupling Asymetries at Double-slit Interference Experiment Setups” 4. Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, Özet Kitabı, 180, İstanbul, 2008. (January 2008) |
Aktaş Ş., A. Bilekkaya “ İlginç Geometrili Kuantum Tellerinde Yabancı Atom Bağlanma Enerjisinin Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan Altında Hesaplanması” Düzensiz sistemler: Teori ve Uygulamalar Çalışma Grubu Uluslar arası Katılımlı VI. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Karaburun , İzmir, 2006. (January 2006) |
Aktaş Ş., F.K. Boz “ Eşmerkezli Küresel Kuantum Kutularında Yabancı Atomun Bağlanma enerjisi” Düzensiz sistemler: Teori ve Uygulamalar Çalışma Grubu Uluslar arası Katılımlı VI. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Karaburun , İzmir, 2006. (January 2006) |
Aktaş Ş. Erol Okan, A. Bilekkaya “Dışarıdan Uygulanan Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan Altında Çoklu Kuantum Tellerinin Sonlu Farklar Yöntemi İle Çözümü”, 10. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Özet Kitabı, İstanbul, 2006. (January 2006) |
Aktaş Ş., F.K. Boz “Ground State Energies in Coaxial Spherical Quantum Dot”, 10. Ulusal Sıvıhal Fiziği Sempozyumu, Özet Kitabı, İstanbul, 2006. (January 2006) |
Boz F.K, Ş. Aktaş “Silindir Simetriye Sahip Yarı Parabolik Kuantum Telinde Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan Etkisinde Yabancı Atomun Bağlanma Enerjisi” 22. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi,CD-Özet Kitabı, 450, Bodrum, 2004. (January 2004) |
Boz F.K, Ş. Aktaş,” Manyetik ve Elektrik Alan Altında Silindirik GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Süper Kuantum Telinde Elektron Enerjisi” 22. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi, CD-Özet Kitabı, 449 Bodrum, 2004. (January 2004) |
Boz F.K, Ş. Aktaş, “Simetrik ve Anti simetrik Alx1Ga1-x1As/GaAs /Alx3Ga1-x3As Kuantum Kuyularında Eksiton Geçiş Enerjilerinin Nümerik Yöntemler Kullanılarak Hesaplanması” 22. Ulusal Fizik Kongresi, CD-Özet Kitabı, 200, Bodrum, 2004. (January 2004) |
Superlattices and Microstructures Ref.: SM11-131 Title: Finite Element Analysis of Conduction Band Structure and Intersubband Transitions of a Square Quantum Well Under Electric Field and Stress Authors: Metin Gunes, Ph.D.; Ismail Sökmen, Prof.Dr.%, 2011 (January 2011) |
Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Makale Kodu : 160, Makale Basligi: Nominal Parametre temelinde (January 2009) |
Superlattices and Microstructures. Ref.: SM09-53 Title: Binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in multilayered quantum wires (January 2009) |
Superlattices and Microstructures Ref.: SM09-64 Title: Barrier Height and Wire Radius Dependency of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy under Inverse Lateral Parabolic Potential in External Magnetic Field Authors: PINAR BASER, PhD; Sezai ELAGOZ, PhD,2009 |
Yarı İletken Tabanlı Parçacık İnterferometre-lerinin Öz-uyumlu Sayısal Hesaplama Yöntemleriyle İncelenmesi ve Aygıt Tasarımı, TÜBİTAK, Proje Yardımcısı, 2010 (January 2010) |
Düşük Boyutlu Yapılarda Lazer Etkisi, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2010. (January 2010) |
Ergimiş MCl3 (M=Al, La, Y) sistemlerinin yapısı ve Raman spektrası, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2010. (January 2010) |
Çok Katmanlı Küresel Kuantum Noktalarında Enerji Hesapları, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yardımcısı, 2009. (January 2009) |
Lazer Alanları Altında Kuantum Kuyusu İçindeki Yabancı Atomun İncelenmesi, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2009. (January 2008) |
Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan Altında Kuantum Noktalarının Elektronik özellikleri, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2008. (January 2008) |
Paralel Bilgisayar Sistemi kullanarak İki Boyutlu Diferansiyel denklemlerin Çözümü, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2008. (January 2008) |
Dış Elektrik ve Manyetik Alan Altında Çoklu Kuantum Tellerinde Yabancı Atom Problemi, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücü Yardımcısı, 2008. (January 2008) |
Çoklu Kuantum Tel ve Noktalarının Elektronik Özelikleri, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2008. (January 2008) |
Kuantum Noktalarının Sonlu Farklar Yöntemi ile Çözümü, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2007. (January 2007) |
Kuantum Kuyusu, Teli ve Noktalarında Yabancı Atom Problemi, Trakya Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje Yürütücü Yardımcısı, 2002. (January 2002) |