» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Duran S, Duran R, Acunaş B, Şahin EM. Changes in parents' attitudes towards childhood vaccines during COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatrics International 2023;65:e15520. (June 2023)
  • Clinical characteristics of firearm-related injuries in children in Turkey (December 2022)

International Articles

  • Comparison of respiratory morbidity in late preterm infants and intrauterine growth retarded infants at school-age (September 2022)
  • Is music the food of the anesthesia in children? (March 2022)

International Conference Proceedings

  • .N. Ç. ALADAG, A. B. ACUNAS, Ü. Ö. VATANSEVER, R. DURAN, The relation between serum insülin-like growth factor-1 levels and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm newborns, 7th Congress of European Academy of Pediatric Societes.
  • .S. AYDIN, R. DURAN, A. B. ACUNAS, Ü. Ö. VATANSEVER, N. Ç. ALADAG, Impact of pretein intake on blood urea and creatinine levels of very preterm infants during the first 3 weeks of life, XXVI European Congress Perinatal Medicine.