» Biography

Rahim Şentürk was born in Kırşehir, Turkey. He graduated from Atatürk University Faculty of Education, Department of German Language Teaching in 2017 as the first in the faculty and department. He then received 1 year of foreign language education at Hamburg University in Germany through an Erasmus scholarship. In 2018, he was appointed as a German teacher at Kilis Şehit Hasan Özüberk Anatolian High School with the highest ranking in the KPSS exam. After 1 year of teaching experience, he started working as a research assistant in the Department of German Language Teaching at Trakya University in 2019. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Faculty Board and Faculty Management as the Research Assistants Representative. The main focus of his studies is Foreign Language Teaching, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, German Grammar, Measurement and Evaluation in Foreign Language, exam / test preparation, item analysis. He also provides training and seminars for the German Foreign Language Examination (YDS) and has published several books on the topic. He is also a participant in professional development programs conducted by the Goethe-Institut and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

Şentürk has been awarded a doctoral research scholarship by DAAD in the 2024-25 academic year. With this scholarship, Şentürk is conducting doctoral research at the Department of Germanistics at Bochum-Ruhr University, Germany, under the supervision of Professor Anastasia Drackert.

Şentürk continues as a Working Group member of the COST action titled "A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)", supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Organization.

He is also actively involved in CA23105 - Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere (PLURILINGMEDIA), supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Organization.

Şentürk was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Philology at Santiago de Compostela University in Spain, hosted by Professor Dr. Carmen Mellado Blanco. During stay, he conducted research on idioms and their theoretical frameworks.

Şentürk is the academic advisor of the TÜBİTAK (2209-A University Students Research Projects) project titled "Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching German as a Foreign Language: Opinions of Teacher Candidates" for 2024/25.

Şentürk provides in-service trainings in public and private schools in the field of teaching German as a foreign language.

ORCID-ID NO: 0000-0002-3053-6784

» Educational Qualifications

» Academic and Administrative Positions

» Professional Experience

» Publications

International Articles

  • Şentürk, R. & Selma, A.G. (2024). Determining the metaphorical perceptions of german teacher candidates regarding the concept of artificial intelligence. International Journal of Educational Spectrum 6(2), 322-350. https://doi.org/10.47806/ijesacademic.1527105 (September 2024)
  • Akol Göktaş, S. & Şentürk, R. (2024). Promoting receptive competence through reciprocal reading in GFL lessons: On the role of cooperative learning with regard to improving reading comprehension. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 14(1), 284-310. (January 2024)
  • Şentürk, R. (2023). The role of artificial intelligence in learning German as a foreign language: An investigation using ChatGPT as an example. Diyalog Intercultural Journal for German Studies,11(2) 405-430. (December 2023)

International Conference Proceedings

  • Şentürk, Rahim (2024). AI-Assisted German Grammar and Writing Check: Languagetool’s Assessment and Feedback Capabilities. 12th International Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, And Educational Sciences in A Changing World On April 11-13, 2024. (April 2024)
  • Şentürk, R. (2023). Dynamic Assessment in Teaching German: An Innovative Approach to Assessing Language Skills. 7th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Muğla, 27-30.09.2023, 68. ISBN:978-605-4397-91-4. (September 2023)
  • Asutay, H.; Akol Göktaş, S.; Şentürk, R. & Candan Arabacı, B. (2023). Studies to Improve and Develop German Language Proficiency in the Post-Pandemic Period. 7th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Muğla, 27-30.09.2023, 68. ISBN:978-605-4397-91-4 (September 2023)
  • Akol Göktaş, S. & Şentürk, R. (2023). Förderung der rezeptiven Kompetenz durch Reziprokes Lesen im DaF-Unterricht: Zur Stellung des Kooperativen Lernens im Hinblick auf die Verbesserung des Leseverstehens. XVI. Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress, İstanbul, (May 2023)
  • Şentürk, R. (2023). Die Förderung des kreativen Schreibens durch Clustering im DaF- Unterricht: eine praxisorientierte Studie für Deutschlehramtskandidaten. XVI. Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress. istanbul. (May 2023)
  • Rahim Şentürk & Hikmet Asutay (2022). Jeanslyrik in Teaching German as a Foreign Language: An Adaptation Proposal of the Jeans Poem "Wir 68er". XVII. IBANESS Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management - Plovdiv / Bulgaria, March 12-13, 2022. (March 2022)
  • Rahim Şentürk & Handan Köksal (2022). Describing the Measurement and Assessment of German Speaking Skills in the Context of Basic Principles of Standardised German Examinations. XVII. IBANESS Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management - Plovdiv / Bulgaria, March 12-13, 2022. (March 2022)
  • Şentürk, Rahim (2021). Die Verwendung von digitalen Medien im DaF-Unterricht und bei der Grammatikvermittlung, XV. Internationaler Türkischer Germanistik Kongress online, 30.09.-01.10.2021, Edirne (Eylül 2021). (September 2021)

International Conferences and Symposiums

International Books and Book Chapters

  • Şentürk, Rahim (2024) "Foreign language teaching in transition: The potentials and opportunities of artificial intelligence for teachers"; in: Trakya Germanistik Studien Volume 3-Artificial intelligence in language and education. Ed: H. Asutay, S. Akol-Göktaş, B. Arabaci-Candan, Şentürk, R. Trakya Üniversitesi Yayinevi Yayin No: 322 Edirne-2024 Isbn: 978-975-374-321-1. (December 2024)
  • Şentürk, R. (2024). Vocabulary for Exam Training for YDS &YÖKDİL. Ankara: Pelikan Yayınevi. (August 2024)
  • Şentürk, R. & Köksal, H. (2023). An assessment of the subject areas in new generation german coursebooks and their relation to universal experiences of existence: (Asutay, H. & S. Akol Göktaş & R. Şentürk & B. Arabacı Candan (Ed.) (2023) "Trakya Germanistik Araştırmaları Cilt 2 - Dil Ve Edebiyatta Afet" Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Yayın No: 307, Isbn: 978-975-374-357-0 (October 2023)
  • Şentürk, R. (2023). German foreign language exam new generation trial exam with video solution. Ankara: Pelikan Publishing House. (September 2023)
  • Şentürk, Rahim (2023). "German Grammar Question Bank", Pelikan Publishing House: Ankara. ISBN: 9786257602570. (February 2023)
  • Şentürk, R. & Tuğlu, Y. (2022). MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN THE PROCESS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN GERMAN LANGUAGE TEACHING: KAHOOT APPLICATION EXAMPLE. In: "Educational Studies in the 40th Year of our University and 30th Year of our Faculty" (S. SAKARYA-MADEN & Ş. Dündar & L. Vural & S. Uyanık & N. Çevik (Ed.) (2022),Trakya University Publications Edirne - 2022 ISBN: 978-975374-338-9. (December 2022)
  • Şentürk, R. & Göktaş-Akol, S. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE "TEACHING PRACTICE" COURSE AFTER THE PANDEMIC: THE VIEWS OF GERMAN TEACHER PROSPECTS. in: "Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Germanistics" (S. SAKARYA-MADEN & H. ASUTAY & S. AKOL-GÖKTAŞ & R. ŞENTÜRK & B. ARABACI (Ed.) (2022), Trakya University Publications Edirne - 2022 ISBN: 978-975-374-337-2, Trakya University Publication No: 288 (December 2022)
  • Asutay, H. & S. Akol-Göktaş & B. Arabacı & R. Şentürk (2022) "Trakya German Studies - Volume 1, Digitisation in Language and Literature" Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası - Edirne, ISBN: 978-605-72018-0-5 (Aralık 2022). (December 2022)
  • Şentürk, Rahim (2022). "THE USE OF DIGITAL MEDIA IN DAF TEACHING: AN EXAMINATION OF THE WEB SITE "DEUTSCHE WELLE" içinde: SEYHAN-YÜCEL, M. / KÖKSAL, H. / ÖNCÜ, M. T. / COŞAN, L. / ASUTAY, H. (Ed.) (2022). "Germanistik im digitalen Wandel / Dijital Dönüşümünde German Studies", Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 276, Edirne, ISBN: 978-975-374-320-4. (April 2022)
  • Sevinç SAKARYA-MADEN, Hikmet ASUTAY, Selma AKOL-GÖKTAŞ, Rahim ŞENTÜRK (Ed.) (2021) "Dillerin Ülkelerarası Yolculuğu - Dr. Pia Angela Göktürk Anı Kitabı" Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası Edirne ISBN: 978-625-00-0439-5 (December 2021)
  • Şentürk, Rahim (2021): " Investigation of German Foreign Language Exam (YDS) Texts in terms of Subject and Text Type Characteristics", "Intercountry Journey of Languages - A Memorial Book to Dr. Pia Angela Göktürk" (2021) (Ed.) S. SAKARYA-MADEN, H. ASUTAY, AKOL-GÖKTAŞ, Selma, ŞENTÜRK, Rahim, : Trakya University Matbaası - Edirne, ISBN: 978-625-00-0439-5, s. 119-135. (December 2021)
  • Şentürk, Rahim (2021). "German Foreign Language Examination-Özgün 5 Trial Exam", Pelikan Publishing House: Ankara. ISBN: 9786257602129. (August 2021)
  • Sentürk, Rahim (2021). GURBETÇİ RAP: CONTENTS ANALYSIS OF TURKISH-GERMAN RAP TEXTS: "Göç Yollarında - Altmışıncı Yılında Türk Alman Edebiyatı ve Kültürü" Asutay (Der.) (2021), Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, pp. 207-227. (July 2021)
  • Sentürk, Rahim (2020) "Projections of German Language and Literature"; Gurbetçi Rap: Analysing Turkish-German Rap Texts from a Linguistic Perspective: Asutay (Ed.) (2020), Trakya University Publications 230, pp. 99-117 (March 2020)

National Conferences and Symposiums


  • ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) (January 2025)
  • GERDER (Germanists Association) (March 2022)

Editorial Positions

  • ASUTAY, H. & AKOL-GÖKTAŞ, S. & ARABACI-CANDAN, B. & ŞENTÜRK, R. (2024) "Trakya Germanistik Studien Band 3-Künstliche Intelligenz in der Sprache und Bildung (Trakya Germanistik Araştırmaları Cilt 3 Dil ve Eğitimde Yapay Zekâ)" Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınevi yayın no: 322 Edirne-2024 ISBN: 978-975-374-321-1, s. 60-77. (December 2024)
  • Asutay, H.; Akol Göktaş, S.; Şentürk, R. & Arabacı Candan, B. (Ed.) (2023). Trakya German Studies - Volume 2, Catastrophe in Language and Literature. Edirne: Trakya University Yayınevi. ISBN:978-975-374-357-0 (October 2023)
  • S. SAKARYA-MADEN & H. ASUTAY & S. AKOL-GOKTAS & R. ŞENTÜRK & B. ARABACI. (2022). "Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Germanistics". Trakya University Publications Edirne - 2022 ISBN: 978-975-374-337-2, Trakya University Publication No: 288 (December 2022)
  • Asutay, H. & S. Akol-Göktaş & B. Arabacı & R. Şentürk (2022) "Trakya German Studies - Volume 1, Digitisation in Language and Literature" Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası - Edirne, ISBN: 978-605-72018-0-5 (Aralık 2022). (December 2022)
  • Sevinç SAKARYA-MADEN, Hikmet ASUTAY, Selma AKOL-GÖKTAŞ, Rahim ŞENTÜRK (Ed.) (2021): "Intercountry Journey of Languages - Dr Pia Angela Göktürk Memorial Book" Trakya University Printing House - Edirne, ISBN: 978-625-00-0439-5 (December 2021)

Referee Positions

  • 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology. Munich, Germany, July 29-July 31, 2025. (February 2025)
  • 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology in Barcelona, Spain. (AIET 2024) (March 2024)
  • Unlimited Educational Services in Turkey (March 2024)
  • Pelikan Publishing House: Ankara (January 2024)


  • Şentürk, R. (2025). Workshop: "AI (artificial intelligence) and phrase constructions". COST-Projekt (CA22115 PhraConRep). Wroclaw University, in Polen. (Februar, 2025) (February 2025)
  • COST: STSM, (2024). Discussion and review of several case studies on the concept of phraseme construction. Santiago de Compostela University in Spain. (October 2024)
  • National » TUBITAK » Other (2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Program), 2024-2025. "Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching German as a Foreign Language: Opinions of Teacher Candidates" Proje Türü : Akademik, Görev : Danışman, Kurum : Trakya Üniversitesi (March 2024)
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) / A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages, 2023-2027. (December 2023)


  • Fortbildung (2025) "Ringvorlesung Mehrsprachigkeit". Arbeitsbereich Sprachbildung und Mehrsprachigkeit, Ruhr-Universität Bochum-Germany. (January 2025)
  • Fortbildung in Projekt "BeeMEHR" 2024. Mehrsprachigkeit leben. TU Dortmund von der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften. Germany, Dortmund University. (January 2025)
  • Further training (in-service training program). (2023). DLL 2: How do you learn the foreign language German?. Goethe Institute-İstanbul. (July 2024)
  • Online seminar (2024). Generative AI and foreign language teaching. Goethe Institute e.V. (May 2024)
  • Ein kreativer DaF-Unterricht mit KI.Veranstaltet von Ernst Klett Sprachen. (2024). (April 2024)
  • Workshop (2024). Enhancing the theory of Phraseme Constructions: definition, classification, analysis. Martin-Luther-University, Germany. (March 2024)
  • Seminar- TUBITAK 2237–A (2024). Validity and Reliability in Measurements Based on Rater Judgments. (February 2024)
  • Seminar (2024). Writing and Objective Scoring of Open-Ended Questions. Trakya University Faculty of Education: Edirne. (January 2024)
  • Seminar (2024). Artificial Intelligence Tools and Application Examples Used in Education. Sobiad Academy: Türkiye. (January 2024)
  • Advanced training - DLL 5: Learning materials and media (Eğitim materyalleri ve medya). Goethe Institut-İstanbul. (January 2024)
  • Webinar. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Tools and Application Examples Used in Education. Sobiad Türkiye. (December 2023)
  • MAXQDA PRO 2024 QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS TRAINING (2023). Trakya University Social Sciences Institute Edirne. (December 2023)
  • Authentic assessment: Beyond the Buzz Word and towards Transformative Change. (2023).METASIG - TESOL Turkiye. (October 2023)
  • TÜBİTAK 2237-A: Current Learning-Teaching Approaches and Practices Education in Academy. Eskişehir Technical University Learning and Teaching Development Unit (ÖGEB). (September 2023)
  • TUBITAK - BİDEB 2237-B Research Projects Preparation and Writing Training. ATA ÖGEM: Erzurum. (May 2023)
  • Advanced training - DLL 6: Curricular guidelines and lesson planning. Goethe Institut-İstanbul. (January 2023)
  • Metasig Forum: "An Overview of Assessing Language Use". Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş'ı Veli Üniversitesi, TESOL-Turkey. Nevşehir. (December 2022)
  • Advanced training- DLL 1: Teaching competence and lesson design. Goethe Institut-İstanbul. (December 2022)
  • Advanced training- DLL 4: Tasks, exercises and interaction. Goethe Institut-İstanbul. (December 2022)
  • Advanced training- DLL 3: German as a foreign language. Goethe Institut-İstanbul. (February 2022)
  • Organising Committee Member of the XVth International Turkish Germanistik Congress. (2021). (October 2021)
  • Fortbildung- Blended Learning Kurs B2.2 Goethe Institut-Ankara (September 2021)
