» Educational Qualifications

» Academic Titles

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • ERDOĞAN, N., KISA OVALI, P. and KAYAPINAR, Ö., (2020), “Housing satisfaction in a traditional neighborhood of Izmit,Turkey”, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, ISSN:1753-8270, Vol:13, No:2, DOI: 10.1108/IJHMA-022019-0018,pp:251-266 , (Web of Science Core Collection, ESCI Index, Scopus) (March 2020)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and TACHİR, G., (2018), “Improvements Within The Scope Of Ecological Design: Dadia Ecotourism Area (Greece), International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS), ISSN: 1925-4423, Volume: 8, Issue:2 , Year:2018, pp: 1-20 (Web of Science Core Collection, ESCI Index, EBSCO) (December 2018)
  • ULAŞ, A. & KISA OVALI, P., (2017), " A new approach to concentric circles theory as urban growth model in concept of physical theories: force model within kinetic and potential urbanization", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32(2):393-401 (Web of Science Core Collection, SCI-Expanded) (June 2017)
  • KISA OVALI, P. & DELİBAŞ, N., (2016), “Analysis of Kayakoy Within the Scope of the Sustainability of the Vernacular Architecture", MEGARON, 11(4);515-529, (Web Of Science Core Collection, ESCI Index, Avery Index, TR Dizin) (December 2016)
  • ÇAKIR, H.K. and OVALI, P.K., (2008), "Analysis of sustainability of the railway transport in the Trace subregion under the extent of ecological tourism”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), 9(3);pp:643-651 (Web of Science Core Collection, SCI- Expanded) (September 2008)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “A Comparison of Mass Tourism And Ecologic Tourism With Regard To Conceptual, Architectural And Environmental Impacts", MEGARON, 2(2); 64-79 (Web of Science Core Collection, ESCİ Index, Avery Index, TR Dizin) (June 2007)

International Articles

  • Kısa Ovalı P. & Ertaş G. (2024), Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Carbon Emission Reduction in Sustainable Designs, ArtGRID, 6(2):186-206 (Crossref, OJOP Index, ESJI, Asos Indeks) (December 2024)
  • KISA OVALI, P. & ATAÇ ÖZSOY, B., (2024), "Basic Design Workshop Experiences from Thought to Object, from Abstract to Concrete: Texture", A+ArchDesign, 10(2); 98 -113, DOI: 10.17932/IAU.ARCH.2015.017/arch_v010i2002, (EBSCO-Art & Architecture Source, OJOP) (December 2024)
  • TOPÇU, F. & KISA OVALI, P., (2023), "Transformations/Changes in Vernacular Architecture: Example of Sırt District (Rize-Ikizdere/Turkey) ", Journal of Architecture and Life, 8(2);415-436, DOI: 10.26835/my.1224236 (ERIHPLUS, SOBIAD, DRJI, Journal Factor, Crossref) (April 2023)
  • KISA OVALI, P., KIRAN ÇAKIR, H. and BOZACI, M.K., (2019), “Mathematical Trace of Dimensional Hierarchy in the World Heritage Selimiye Mosque”, Online Journal Art and Design (OJAD), Special Issue, 7(5);153-163 (DAAI Index, EBSCOHOST -Art & Architecture Source) (December 2019)
  • KISA OVALI P. and TACHİR, G., (2017), “The Integration of Dadia Eco-Tourism Area in SOUFLİDadia Settlement: Suggestions” Athens Journal of Tourism, E-ISSN: 2241-8148, Volume 4, Issue:3, September 2017, pp: 217-235 (Academic Keys, Cite Factor, General İmpact Factor, Research Bible) (September 2017)
  • KISA OVALI P., KIRAN ÇAKIR H., ATİK D. and ARABULAN S., (2016), "Comparasion of Hagia Sophia And Selimiye in Context of Space Hierarchy Related to Privacy", Artium, 4(1); 27-42 (Rootindexing, Scientific World İndex) (February 2016)
  • KISA OVALI P. and TACHİR, G., “Impact of Natural Disasters in The Formation of Urban Identity:Santorini”, International Refereed Journal of Architecture and Design (MTD), Year:2015, Volume:6,pp:15-29 (Research bible, Acar Index, ESJI Index) (November 2015)

International Conference Proceedings

  • BAYRAM, B. A. & KISA OVALI, P., (2024), "The Role of Building Integrated Agriculture Systems as Potential Food Production Areas in Ecological Building Design", IV. International Architectural Sciences and Applications Symposium (IArcSAS-2024) , 30-31 Mayıs 2024, Kyrenia- Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, pp:1840-1860 (May 2024)
  • MENGA, L. ve KISA OVALI, P., (2021), " Examination of Ohrid Traditional Houses in the Context of Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability", 2 nd International Ottoman Traces Symposium, 17-18 December, Edirne, pp:171-182 (December 2021)
  • KERKEZİ,R. ve KISA OVALI, P., (2021), "Defining Sustainability in Ottoman Architecture: Prizren Old Shadirvan Bazaar (Kosovo)", 2 nd International Ottoman Traces Symposium, 17-18 December, Edirne, pp:159-170 (December 2021)
  • CİHANGİR, C. and KISA OVALI, P., (2021)," COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RESILIENT DESIGN STRATEGIES ON VERNACULAR SETTLEMENTS: MILD-DRY CLIMATE REGION (TARAKLI, BÜYÜKALAN, BABADAĞ)", 2nd International Disaster Management Congress 24-25 September 2021 Burdur/TURKEY, s:74-84 (September 2021)
  • CİHANGİR, C. and KISA OVALI, P., (2021), "Effects of Tecnology on Architecture: Kinetic Approaches in Ecological Architecture ", XII nd International Sinan Symposium, April 2021, Trakya University, EDİRNE, pp:1-12 (April 2021)
  • TACHİR, G., KISA OVALI, P. and ÖZTÜRK KERESTECİOĞLU, F., (2019), "Integrated Coastal Management in the Relationship Between Tourism-Economy and the Satate in GREECE", XIth International Sinan Symposium, April 2019 Trakya University, EDİRNE, pp:97-106 (April 2019)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and TACHİR, G., (2018), “Underground Settlements and Their Bioclimatic Conditions; Santorini/Greece”, 14th International Conference “Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration, 21-22 September 2018, Albanian University, Tiran/Albania, pp:180-188 (September 2018)
  • TACHİR, G. and KISA OVALI, P., (2017), “The Town Square In Komotini Traces of Transformation: Life and Neighbourhood”, X. International Sinan Symposium, Book of Proceedings ISBN:978-975-374-208-5, April 27-28, Edirne, pp:149-156 (April 2017)
  • TACHİR, G. and KISA OVALI, P., (2016), “ Environmental Design Analyses: Experiences / Acquisitions in a Course as Input in Design Studios in Architecture Education", ERPA International Congresses on Education, 2-4 June 2016,Book of Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-83418-1-4, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp:81-87 (June 2016)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and BAYRAM, Ş., (2016), “The Basic Design is An Interface As A Meaning To Understand Kinetic Architecture: The Kinetic Modeling”, ERPA International Congresses on Education, 2-4 June 2016, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp:121-128 (June 2016)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and ULAŞ, A., “In the Historical Process the Commune Cities: Formation and Urban Development”, 9 th ınternational Sinan symposium, April 2015, Edirne, pp: 523-530 (April 2015)
  • BAYRAM, Ş., ŞENER, G. and KISA OVALI, P, “A Typological Research on the Meaninf of Doors&Entrances ın the Contex of Boundry 19 th Century Beyoğlu Pera Sample”, 9 th International Sinan Symposium, April 2015, Edirne, pp: 213-220 (April 2015)
  • TACHİR, G. and KISA OVALI, P., “ Research on the Effect and Comparison of Legal Limitations in Zoning Regulation on Architectural Design: Turkey-Greece”, 9 th International sinan Symposium, April 2015, Edirne, pp: 47-54 (April 2015)
  • KISA OVALI, P, BAYRAM, Ş. and MISIRLI, A., “Searc of Awareness in Design Education: “From Piece to Whole / From Form to Space Informal Workshop Expirence", VIII. International Symposium on Architect Sinan, Trakya University, Faculty of Architecture, Edirne, TR, 25-26 April, 2013, p-p:157-164 (April 2013)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and ÇAKIR, H.K., "Legal Regulations Regarding the (Dis)use of Active Systems as Inclined Roof Component (Turkey)“,International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium , 22-25 September 2009, Antalya, Turkey, p-p: 71-75 (October 2009)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and ÖZEK, V., “Energy-Efficient Building Design Criteria: Edirne Sample", III. . International Sinan Symposium, Trakya University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, April, 12-13 April 2007, Edirne, Turkey, p-p: 165-172 (April 2007)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “Ecological Building and Life of the Past+3E Problems of the Future (Environment/Ecology/Energy=Re-evaluation Within the Context of Ecological Design (KAYAKÖY)”, 19. International Building and Life Congress,Bursa, TR, 22-24 March 2007, p-p:348-369 (March 2007)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “Space Hierarchy in the Symbol Building SELİMİYE Mosque", II. International Sinan Symposium, Trakya University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, April, 13-14, Edirne, TR, 2006, p-p:107-116 (April 2006)

International Conferences and Symposiums

  • ÖZYAKALI, N.N. and KISA OVALI, P. (2021)," Investigation of Heat Losses in the Scope of Sustainable Architecture of Two Modern and Historical Buildings in Edirne-Kaleiçi Region", 2nd INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE SYMPOSIUM, 11-12 October 2021, Diyarbakır, Abstract Book, pp:539-540 (October 2021)
  • KISA OVALI P. and MOTOR, C., (2019), "Climate Change And Resilience: Principles of Resilient Design A and Vernacular Architecture", International Resilience And Disaster Congress From Risk To Resilience (idrc2019), 26-28 June 2019, ISBN: 978-605-031-287-7, Eskişehir, Abstract Book, p:785 (June 2019)
  • TACHİR, G. and KISA OVALI P., (2017), “The Integration of Dadia Eco-Tourism Area in SOUFLİDadia Settlement: Suggestions”, 13. Annual International Conference on Tourism, 29-31 May & 1 June 2017, Athens, Greece, Abstract Book, ISBN:978-960-598-122-8, pp: 34 (June 2017)
  • KISA OVALI P., (2017), " “Biyoklimatik Tasarımın Kavramsal Çerçevesi: İklim Bölgeleri Kapsamında Biyoklimatik Tasarım Matrisi (Türkiye)", 2nd International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, May 2017, Kocaeli, Abstract Book, pp: 210-211 (May 2017)
  • KISA OVALI, P. (2017), ""Sustainability and Environmental Awareness", Invited speaker "Ecological Approach Against Environmental Pollution" Panel, Organizer: Western Thrace Minority Higher Education Association Women's Branch, Place: Komotini Turkish Youth Union Hall, 13 May 2017, Komotini / Greece (May 2017)
  • KISA OVALI, P., TACHİR, G., (2015), “Volkanik Patlamaların Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumuna Etkisi: Santorini/Yunanistan”, 1st International Congress on Engineering Architecture and Design, November 2015, Abstract Book, pp: 61-62 (November 2015)

International Books and Book Chapters

  • CİHANGİR, C. & KISA OVALI, P., (2022), Resilient Vernacular Settlements in the Context of Sustainability: Examples from the World, Inbook:Sustainability, Conservation and Ecology in Spatial Planning and Design, Ed: Murat ÖZYAVUZ, ISBN 978-3-631-87642-8 (Print), First Publishing, Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin/Germany, pp:195-210 (December 2022)
  • CİHANGİR, C & KISA OVALI, P., (2021), Architects’ Opinions on Ecological Building Design and Application Practice (Edirne/ Turkey), Inbook: Theories, Techniques, Strategies: For Spatial Planners & Designers", Ed.: Murat Özyavuz, ISBN: 978-3-631-83922-5 (Print), Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin, pp:423-438 (July 2021)
  • KISA OVALI, P., KIRAN ÇAKIR, H. and ATİK, D. (2020), Evaluation of Hotel Buildings by Users within the Scope of Environmental Sustainability (Edirne), Inbook:Theory and practice in sustainable planning and design, Ed.: Murat Özyavuz, ISBN: 978-3-631-81792-6 (Print), Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin, pp:101-114 (June 2020)
  • KISA OVALI, P. (2019), “Ecological Design Criteria: Cold Climate Region (Turkey)”, E-Book: İklim Değişikliği ve Kentler: Yapısal Çevre ve Yeşil Alanlar, ISBN: 978-605-81019-4-4, Editör: Yıldız AKSOY, DAKAM Publishing, İstanbul, April 2019, s:457-476 (April 2019)
  • DIPASQUALE L., KISA OVALI P., MECCA S. and ÖZEL B., (2014), “Resilience of Vernacular Architecture”, Inbook: VERSUS HERITAGE FOR TOMORROW: Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture, ISBN: 978-88-6655-741-8, Editors: Mariana Correia, Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca, FUP Firenze University Press, Firenze/Italy, 2014, pp: 65-73

National Articles

  • KISA OVALI, P., (2019), “Bioclimatic Degsign Matrix (Turkey), Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences (Trakya Univ J Eng Sci), ISSN 2147-0308, Vol:20, Issue:2, pp:51-66 (BASE) (December 2019)
  • Karakaya Aytin, B. & Kısa Ovalı, P. (2016). Contributions of Roof Gardens to Urban Life – Planting Proposals for Roofs of New Term Accommodatıon Buildings in Edirne. Inonu University Journal of Arts and Design, 6(14);1-17 (ASOS Index, Google Scholar, EBSCO Ekual) (December 2016)
  • KISA OVALI, P. and TACHİR, G., (2015), “Santorini as a Eco-Destination and its Ecological Tourism Potential”, Journal of Design + Theory, 11(20);35-51 (TR Dizin, ULAKBİM İndex) (December 2015)
  • BOZDOĞAN, M., KISA OVALI, P., and ÖZKAN, S, (2006), “Mimar Sinan’s Sense for “Conservation” and the (Non)Conservationist Approach to Sinan’s Works Today (The City of “Edirne” as an Example) ”, Trakya Univ. JSci, 7(2) :143-152 (TR Dizin, ULAKBİM Index) (December 2006)

National Conference Proceedings

  • TACHİR, G. and KISA OVALI, P., (2016),“Suggestions for the Improvement of Ecological Tourism Area Dadia in Terms of Ecological Design (Greece), 2nd National Rize Tourism Congress, 4-6 November 2016, Proceedings Book, Kalkan Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-9072-10-6, Ankara/Turkey, pp:489-507 (November 2016)
  • ÖZEK, V. and KISA OVALI, P., “Criteria for Reducing Energy Requirement of Buildings in Ecological Architecture and Its Importance for Turkey”, National Symposium of Architecture and Ecological Planning , Proceeding Book, 27-28 April 2007, Antalya, pp: 166-172 (April 2007)
  • KISA OVALI, P. "Secondary Housing Settlements and Environmental Effects in Mugla Coast", TMMOB Chamber of Architects, Turkey Policy on Architecture "Architecture and Urban Meet-4 (Coastal Planning and Architecture)" 10-11 March 2007, Istanbul, pp: 71-85 (March 2007)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “Reflection of Concept Confusion in Domestic Tourism on Our Coasts: Secondary Housing Architecture with Primary Housing Appearance”, 2nd Eğirdir Tourism Symposium, 9-12 November 2006,Isparta, pp: 237-244 (November 2006)
  • KISA OVALI, P., "Evaluation of Kocaeli's Touristic Settlement Potentials in the Scope of Tourism Transport", Symposium on Urban Development and Transportation Problems of Large Cities Specific to Kocaeli, 28-30 June 2006, Kocaeli, Full Text CD, pp: 130-139 (June 2006)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “Different Tourist, Different Tourism, Different Architecture: Environmental Tourist, Ecological Tourism, Ecological Tourism Architecture”, Tourism and Architecture Symposium, 28 - 29 April 2006, Antalya, pp: 256-262 (April 2006)
  • KISA OVALI, P. KIRAN ÇAKIR, H., BOZDOĞAN, M. and AKANSEL, S.; "The Place of Ecological Design in Tourism and Environment Interaction", Symposium on Industrialization and Environment in Trakya IV, October 14-15, 2005, Edirne, pp: 467-479 (October 2005)
  • AKANSEL, S., KIRAN ÇAKIR, H. and KISA OVALI, P .; "Conservation Development Plans and Edirne Conservation Development Plan", Symposium on Industrialization and Environment in Trakya IV, 14-15 October 2005, Edirne, pp: 323-330 (October 2005)
  • AKANSEL, S., ÇAKIR, H.K., KISA OVALI, P. and ATAÇ, B., (2005), "Determination of User Identity in the Image of Kırkpınar", I. Historical Kırkpınar Symposium, 27-29 May 2005, Edirne, pp: 91-100 (May 2005)

National Conferences and Symposiums

  • KISA OVALI, P., "Resilient Design for Sustainable Cities", Invited Speaker, Planning, Architecture and Quality of Life Symposium in Thrace Region, TMMOB Chamber of Architects Istanbul Metropolitan Branch and Çorlu Representative Office, 21 September 2024, Çorlu-Tekirdağ/TÜRKİYE (September 2024)
  • KISA OVALI, P., “View from Sustainability Concept to Sustainable Architecture", Conference of EU and Turkey Work Together for the Environment, 3-5 February, 2010 Edirne/Turkey (February 2010)
  • KISA OVALI, P., "Architectural Design and Passive Methods", TMMOB Chamber of Architects Continuing Professional Development Center (SMGM), Energy Efficient Buildings Education, Lecture notes pp: 15-31, 7 October 2007, Tekirdağ/Turkey (October 2007)

National Books and Book Chapters

  • KISA OVALI, P., (2020), Başlangıç/Inception (IV.Bilim Kurgu ve Distopyalar), Inbook: Sinemada Mimarlık, Editörler: Hikmet Temel Akarsu, Nevnihal Erdoğan, Türkiz Özbursalı, ISBN:978-625-7008-09-9, YEM Publishing, İstanbul, 1 st edition: June 2020, pp:268-274 (July 2020)
  • KISA OVALI, P., (2012), Sürdürülebilir Turizm ve Çevre İlişkisi (Section 1), ınbook:Turistik Alanlarda Mekân Tasarımı, Anadolu University Publishing No: 2469, Editor: B. Yelda UÇKAN, ISBN:978-975-06-1138-4, Eskişehir, 1 st edition May 2012, pp:2-21 (May 2012)
  • KISA OVALI, P., (2012), Tasarım ve Mekan Tasarımı (Section 3), Inbook: Turistik Alanlarda Mekân Tasarımı, Anadolu University Publishing No: 2469, Editor: B.Yelda UÇKAN, ISBN:978-975-06-1138-4, Eskişehir, 1 st edition May 2012, pp:38-57 (May 2012)
  • KISA OVALI, P., (2012), Turizm Yapılarında Konsept (Tema) Üzerinden Mekanlaştırma (Section 7), Inbook: Turistik Alanlarda Mekân Tasarımı, Anadolu University Publishing No: 2469, Editör: B. Yelda UÇKAN, ISBN:978-975-06-1138-4, Eskişehir,1 st edition May 2012, pp:114-134 (May 2012)

Doctoral Dissertations Advised

  • "A Method Proposal For Transferring Of Resilience Principles Of Vernacular Architecture To Today’s Architecture", Trakya University Institute of Science, Ph.D. Thesis, Writer: Cenk CİHANGİR (December 2023)
  • "Integrated accommodation approach in the relation of coastal cities and ecological tourism: Alexandroupoli and Dadia", Trakya University Institute of Science, Ph.D. Thesis, Writer:Gildis TACHİR, Edirne (November 2019)
  • "The Door Paradox in Architectural Space Phenomenology from Object to Experience"

Master`s Theses Advised

  • "Transformation of existing buildings into accommodation buildings with algorithmic method within the scope of the green star certification system", T.U. Institute of Science, Master's Thesis, Prepared by: Architect Nurhan Nur USTA (April 2024)
  • "The effect of improvements to be developed within the scope of sustainable green building certification systems on building energy performance (Babaeski Bahçekent residences", T.U. Institute of Science, Master's Thesis, Prepared by: Architect Emine KARASU (April 2023)
  • "Evaluation of energy-efficient approaches in smart buildings over shopping centers in Kosovo", T.U., Institute of Science, Master's Thesis, Prepared by: Architect Tuba GAŞ (March 2023)
  • Building Mounted and Building Entegrated Wind Turbines Investigation of Locations in Architectural Mass Formation (November 2021)
  • "Evaluation of the scope for sustainable renovation of traditional houses of Kırklareli Yayla Neighborhood", Trakya University Institute of Science, Master Thesis, Writer: Merve GÜLERYÜZ (June 2019)
  • "An empirical study of architect's determine their views for ecological architecture: Edirne example", Trakya University Institute of Science, Master Thesis, Writer: Cenk MOTOR (July 2017)
  • "Comparative examination strategies of effective water usage within the scope of sustainable architecture on the examples of Turkey and America", Trakya University Institute of Science, Master Thesis, Writer: Nilay DELİBAŞ (June 2017)


  • TMMOB Chamber of Architects

Editorial Positions

  • The 13th International Sinan Symposium (Architecture and Responsibility, April 27-28 2023), Editor of Symposium Book, ISBN: 978-975-374-359-4, Trakya University Publishing No: 309, Edirne/Turkey (October 2023)
  • DISABLED EDİRNE, Editors: Kıran Çakır H., Kısa Ovalı P., Delibaş N., Publication of Chamber of Architects, ISBN: 978-605-01-1267-2, Istanbul, 2019 (April 2019)
  • II. International Sinan Symposium (Genius Loci),13-14 April 2006, Edirne, Turkey (April 2006)

Referee Positions

  • Conservation of Architectural Heritage: Traces of History, Editörler: Kağan Günçe, Atila Gül, ISBN:978-625-367-978-1 , İKSAD Publishing House, December 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14242321, (Scientific Review / Chapter Referee) (December 2024)
  • Erciyes Akademi, Journal of Erciyes University Graduate School of Social Sciences, ISSN:2757-7031, Scientific Article Referee, November 2024 (November 2024)
  • Modular Journal, Publication of Istanbul Gedik University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, ISSN: 2651-5210, Article Referee, October 2024 (October 2024)
  • KAPU / Trakya Journal of Architecture and Design, ISSN:2822-2424, Research Article Referee (June 2024)
  • International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (IJPAS), ISSN: 2149-0910, Research Article Referee (June 2024)
  • Journal of Technology in Architecture Design and Planning, e-ISSN:2980-2563, Article Referee, İstanbul (April 2024)
  • Social Indicators Research, An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, ISSN:0303-8300,Article Referee, Netherlands (October 2023)
  • Journal of Design + Theory, Architect Sinan University Faculty of Architecture, ISSN: 1302-2636, September 2020, Article Referee (September 2023)
  • Turkish Journal of Nature and Science, Bingöl University, Article Referee (September 2023)
  • Modular Journal, Publication of Istanbul Gedik University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, ISSN: 2651-5210, Article Referee, February 2023 (February 2023)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, February 2023, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (February 2023)
  • ArtGRID - Journal of Architecture Engineering and Fine Arts, e-ISSN: 2717-879X, Scientific Article Refereeing, February 2023 (February 2023)
  • Thrace Studies (Trakya University's 40th Anniversary Gift Book), Editors: Esin Benian & Tülay Canıtez, ISBN: 978-975-374-339-6, Trakya University Publication No: 290, 1st Edition: Trakya University Press / 2022 (Scientific Board / Section Referee in the Book) (December 2022)
  • Artium: Journal of Architecture Urbanism Design and Construction, Hasan Kalyoncu University, November 2022, Article Referee (November 2022)
  • AURUM Journal of Engineering Systems and Architecture (A-JESA), November 2022, ISSN:2564-6397, Article Refereeing (November 2022)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, September 2022, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (September 2022)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, December 2021, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (December 2021)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, October 2021, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (October 2021)
  • Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Şubat 2021, ISSN:2147-0308, Article Referee (February 2021)
  • Social Indicators Research, An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, ISSN:0303-8300,Article Referee, Netherlands (December 2020)
  • Academic Journals (ATINER), Athens Institute for Education and Research, December 2020, Article Referee, Greece (December 2020)
  • Journal of Design + Theory, Architect Sinan University Faculty of Architecture, ISSN: 1302-2636, November 2020, Article Referee (November 2020)
  • Modular Journal, Publication of Istanbul Gedik University Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, ISSN: 2651-5210, Article Referee, October 2020 (October 2020)
  • Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Science, ISSN: 1308-6529, March 2020, Article Referee (March 2020)
  • İdealKent: Journal of Urban Studies, ISSN: 1307-9905, March 2020, Article Referee (March 2020)
  • Journal of ATA Planning and Design, Atatürk University Architecture and Design Faculty, December 2019, Article Referee (December 2019)
  • Tykhe Journal of Art and Design, Düzce University Journal, October 2019, Article Referee (October 2019)
  • Artium: Journal of Architecture Urbanism Design and Construction, Hasan Kalyoncu University, October 2019, ArticleReferee (October 2019)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, June 2017, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (June 2018)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, September 2017, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (September 2017)
  • International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, June 2017, ISSN: 2148-4880, Article Referee (Avery Index-AIAP) (June 2017)
  • MEGARON, YTU Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, E- ISSN: 1309-6915, April 2017, Article Referee (Web of Science, ESCI Index, Avery Index) (April 2017)
  • Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences, February 2017, ISSN: 2147-0308, Article Referee (February 2017)
  • Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences, January 2017, ISSN: 2147-0308, Article Referee (January 2017)
  • Artium: Journal of Architecture Urbanism Design and Construction, Hasan Kalyoncu University, January 2016, Article Referee (January 2016)
  • İdealKent: Journal of Urban Studies, ISSN: 1307-9905, December 2015, Article Referee (December 2015)
  • MEGARON, YTU Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, E- ISSN: 1309-6915, December 2014, Article Referee (Web of Science, ESCI Index, Avery Index) (December 2014)
  • Architecture Design Competition of Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ETSO) , Jury Member, Edirne, 2007


  • Nature Education and Science Schools Support Program- MYSTERY OF SCIENCE IS HIDDEN IN NATURE / STEM-ART, Project No: 1. 218B052, Instructor (June 2019)
  • “Thematic Technopark Feasibility Report of Trakya University”, (2017), TR21 / 16 / DFD / 0023, Trakya Development Agency, Direct Activity Supported Project, Consultant (April 2017)
  • KISA OVALI, P.,KIRAN ÇAKIR, H.,ATİK, D., BOZACI, M.K., DÖNMEZ, S. and ARABULAN, S.,(2013), "Comparison of Spatial and Dimensional Staging of Selimiye and Hagia Sophia Mosques in the Scope of World Heritage", Trakya University Scientific Research Project, No:2010/118, Edirne/Turkey, (Project Manager) (June 2013)
  • KISA OVALI, P., BAYRAM, Ş., KARA, R. YÜCEL, A. ÖNENGÜT, M. and GÜNEY, M., (2013), "Environment-Friendly Child and Design", Trakya University, Chamber of Architects and Bahçeşehir College Edirne, Social Responsibility Project, (Project Manager) (June 2013)
  • İlhami Ertem High School Atatürk Bust Design and Application, Contractor: Edirne Municipality (September 2007)


  • Academic Achievement Certificate (2017 scientific studies)
  • Incentive Award, "Selimiye Mosque and Its Close Environment Renovation Project" (with Kemal KURUKAYA, Önder ÖZYURT)


  • "Environment and Zero Waste", Certificate (September 2024)
  • "Energy Efficiency in Daily Life and Public Buildings", Certificate (September 2024)
  • "Water Efficiency in Daily Life", Certificate (September 2024)
  • "Measures to Protect and Save State Property", Certificate (September 2024)
  • "Mobbing-Psychological Violence Training at Work", Certificate (December 2023)
  • "Group Speaking Training", Certificate (December 2023)
  • "Work Ethics Training", Certificate (December 2023)
  • "Earthquake Awareness Training", Certificate (December 2023)
  • "Occupational Health and Safety Training"- Certificate (January 2014)
  • "Scientific Research Ethics"- Certificate (December 2004)


  • "Design Days Event: Recycling and Remanufacturing in Design", Trakya University Faculty of Architecture, Workshop 10 advisor, 5-6 June 2024, Edirne (June 2024)
  • The 13th International Sinan Symposium (Architecture and Responsibility, Member of Scientific Committee, April 27-28 2023), Edirne/Turkey (April 2023)
  • II. International Disaster Management Conference IDMC2021/ Scientific Committee Member (September 2021)
  • LivenARCH VII- 2021: OTHER ARCHITEC/URE(S)/ Scientific Committee Member (September 2021)
  • XII nd International Sinan Symposium (Architecture and Technology), 08-09 -22 April 2021, Scientific Committe Member (April 2021)
  • 15 th. International Conference Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Conutries' Collaboration, Organization Committe, 24-25 October 2019, Edirne-Turkey (October 2019)
  • 4 th International Congress of Engineering Architecture and Design, Member of Organization Committe 23-24 April 2019, İstanbul (April 2019)
  • XI th International Sinan Symposium ( Architecture and Economy), Memeber of Organization Committe, 11-12 April 2019, Edirne (April 2019)
  • 2 nd International Congress of Architecture and Design, Member of Organization Committe, 11-12 November 2018, Çanakkale (October 2018)
  • 3 th International Congress of Engineering Architecture and Design, Member of Organization Committe, 4-5 May 2018, Kocaeli (May 2018)
  • "Reading the Past-Weaving the Future", Workshop, Trakya University and Karadeniz Technical University, Edirne, 2018 (April 2018)
  • "Perception of Light and space", Workshop, 2017, Edirne (November 2017)
  • ""Unimpeded", Workshop and Exhibition, Chamber of Architect an Tarakya University, Edirne (June 2017)
  • KISA OVALI, P. (2017),"Ecology and Architecture Relations", Exhibitor (with -G.Tachir), "Ecological Approach Against Environmental Pollution" Panel Organized by: Western Thrace Minority Higher Education Association Women's Branch, Venue: Komotini Turkish Youth Union Hall, 13 May 2017, Komotini /Greece (May 2017)
  • 2 nd International Congress of Engineering Architecture and Design, Member of Organization Committe, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli (May 2017)
  • 2 nd International Congress of Engineering Architecture and Design, Session Chair/Moderator, 12-13 May 2017, Kocaeli (May 2017)
  • X th International Sinan Symposium (Neigbourhood), Member of Organization Committe, 27-28 April 2017, Edirne (April 2017)
  • “Yap-boz-laş-tı-ra-ma-dık-la-rı-mız-dan-mı-sı-nız?”,Workshop and Exhibition, Trakya University and Balıkesir University, Edirne, 2017 (March 2017)
  • ERPA International Congresses on Education, HALL 7. Music and Fine Arts Education Session Chair (Session 4 and Session 5), 2-4 June 2016, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzagovina (June 2016)
  • 1 st International Congress of Engineering Architecture and Design, Session Chair/Moderator, 13-14 December 2015, Kocaeli (November 2015)
  • "unimpeded-Edirne", Workshop an Exhibition, Trakya University and Chamber of Architects, 2015, Edirne (June 2015)
  • 9 th International Sinan Symposium, (Bound-ary), Secretary and Member of Organization Committee Sekretaryası ve Düzenleme Komitesi Üyeliği, 21-22 Nisan 2015 (April 2015)
  • KISA OVALI, P., TACHİR, G., "Environmental Awareness Acquisition Through Design", Workshop, Komotini Turkish Youth Association, Workshop Coordinator, 11 April 2015, Komotini / Greece (April 2015)
  • "Waste of Life, Again ...", Workshop 2014 (April 2014)
  • "Re-functioning Workshop in Edirne Ottoman Period Buildings", Workshop Coordinator (KISA OVALI, P., VARLI, E., KOÇKAN, P.), Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts and Trakya University Faculty of Architecture, 9-11 May 2013, Edirne (May 2013)
  • VIII. International Sinan Symposium (Awareness), Memeber of Scientifc Committe , 25-26 April 2013, Turkey/Edirne (April 2013)
  • KISA OVALI, P., BAYRAM, Ş., MISIRLI, A., "From Piece to Whole / From Form to Space", Workshop, Trakya University Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, November 2013, Edirne (November 2012)
  • 6 th International Sinan Symposium (Designning The Future), 3. Session Chair (Hall 2:Sustainability/Environment/Use of Energy), 29-30 April 2010, Turkey/Edirne (April 2010)
  • 6 th International Sinan Symposium (Designning The Future), Member of Organization Committee, 29-30 April 2010, Turkey/Edirne (April 2010)
  • KISA OVALI, P.,(2009)"Forming ecological design criteria systematics in terms of climate regions in Turkey: Kayaköy settlement sample", Trakya University Institute of Science, Ph.D. Thesis, Edirne (June 2009)
  • V th International Sinan Symposium, ( Design Language in Historical Areas), Member of Organization Committee, 2-3 April 2009, Edirne (April 2009)
  • III. International Sinan Symposium (Housing İn Historical Centers & Rural Areas) Scientific Committe, 12-13 April 2007, Turkey/Edirne (April 2007)
  • II.International sinan Symposium (Genius Loci) Scientific Committe, 13-14 April 2006 (April 2006)
  • EUROSOLAR TURKEY “5 th Solar Energy", Workshop, 9-11November 2005, İzmir/Çeşme (November 2005)
  • “KAYAFEST – Youth and Culture: “Living Kayaköy” International Architectural Workshop, 28.07- 03.08.2003, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey (August 2003)
  • KISA , P., 1998, "The facade, mass and outside formation in the secondary house architecture, (Coastline settlement between Bodrum and Antalya), Trakya University Institute of Science, Mater Thesis, Edirne
  • XII nd. International Sinan Symposium (Architecture and Technology),Member of Scientific Committee, 8-9 April 2021, Edirne