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.G. AYAR, P. TEKIN, N. AKTAN, Some Curvature Conditions on Nearly Cosymplectic Manifolds, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 1si, pp. 51-, 1, 2019. | 8 ATIF |
.P. TEKIN, N. AKTAN, Etha-Einstein nearly Kenmotsu manifolds, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, vol. 12, no. 06, pp. 2040010-, 11, 2019. (ESCI) | 1 ATIF |
.N. AKTAN, P. TEKIN, An introdiction to the new type of Globally framed manifolds, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1883, no. 1, pp. 20051-, 4, 2017. | 1 ATIF |
.E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, P. TEKIN, Comparison of Open Source Softwares in Mathematics Education, konuralp journal of mathematics, 3, 2016. | 1 ATIF |
.P. TEKIN, N. F. EKMEKCI, On Weingarten Tube Surfaces with Null Curve in Minkowski 3 Space, New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, 2015. | 3 ATIF |
.N. F. EKMEKCI, P. POSPOS, P. D. DENIZ, Complex Torsions and Holomorphic Helices, Konuralp Journal of Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8-17, -TÜRKIYE, 1, 2013. |
.ARSLAN FATMA,TEKIN PELIN, Some applications of curves with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, 20th International Geometry Symposium, VAN-TÜRKIYE. (July 2024) |
P.Tekin, İ. Pala Tepecik, On Some Curvature Properties Of Nearly Cosymplectic Manifolds Equipped With Schouten-van Kampen Connection, ICASEM IV.2022 (September 2022) |
A Second Order Linear ODE as a Space of Constant Curvature (June 2022) |
.P. TEKIN, N. AKTAN, On Generalized Weakly Symmetric Nearly Cosymplectic Manifolds, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON MATHEMATICAL AND RELATED SCIENCESICMRS 2019. |
.G. AYAR, P. TEKIN, N. AKTAN, Some Relations Between Curvature Tensors of a Riemannian Manifold, 10th International Statistics Congress(ISC2017). |
.N. AKTAN, P. TEKIN, An introduction to the new type of globally framed manifolds, ICANAS-2017. |
.E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, P. TEKIN, On the Curves of AW k Type according to the Bishop Frame, 14th International Geometry Symposium. |
.P. TEKIN, E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, On the curves of AW k in Minkowski 3 space, InternationalEurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications. |
.P. TEKIN, E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, On the Special Smarandache Curves, 14th International Geometry Symposium. |
.P. TEKIN, N. F. GÜZEL, E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, A Brief Introduction to OSS in Mathematics Education, International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering. |
.E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, P. TEKIN, Comparison of Software in Mathematics Eduation, Second International onference on mathematis and Statistics. |
P. POSPOS, F.N. EKMEKCI, On the Tube Surfaces in Minkowski 3 space, 3. Uluslararasi Avrasya Matematik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Konferansi. |
.E. ÖZÜSAGLAM, G. BIÇER, A. ATALAY, P. POSPOS, Open Source Softwares In Mathematics Education, I.Uluslararasi Avrasya Matematik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Konferansi (IECMSA), Pristine-KOSOVA. |
İLKNUR PALA TEPECİK, Some Curvature Properties of Kenmotsu Manifolds Equipped With Schouten- Van Kampen Connection (June 2022) |
.Yüksekögretim Kurumlari tarafindan destekli bilimsel arastirma projesi, Degme Metrik Manifoldlarin Yeni bir Sinifi, Baslangiç Tarihi: 01.08.2019, Bitis Tarihi : 01.10.2020 ,Kurumu: KARAMANOGLU MEHMETBEY ÜNIVERSITESI. Tamamlandı. (October 2020) |
.ARASTIRMA PROJESI, Degme Metrik Manifoldlarin Yeni Bir Sinifi: k-nulluk dagilima sahip Nearly Kosimplektik Manifoldlar, Baslangiç Tarihi: 10.04.2018, Bitis Tarihi : 10.04.2019 ,Kurumu: AKSARAY ÜNIVERSITESI. Tamamlandı. (April 2019) |
.Yüksekögretim Kurumlari tarafindan destekli bilimsel arastirma projesi, Nearly Kenmotsu Manifoldlarin Yeni Bir Sinifi, Baslangiç Tarihi: 03.05.2018, Bitis Tarihi : 29.05.2019,Kurumu: TRAKYA ÜNIVERSITESI, Tamamlandi. |
.Yüksekögretim Kurumlari tarafindan destekli bilimsel arastirma projesi, Öklid ve Lorentz Uzaylarinda Çatilar ve Geometrik Iliskileri, Baslangiç Tarihi: 09.05.2016, Bitis Tarihi : 08.05.2017,Kurumu: AKSARAY ÜNIVERSITESI, Tamamlandi. |
.Yüksekögretim Kurumlari tarafindan destekli bilimsel arastirma projesi, Global Çatili Yaklasik Sasakian Manifoldlar, Baslangiç Tarihi: 07.09.2016, Bitis Tarihi : 20.10.2017,Kurumu: AKSARAY ÜNIVERSITESI, Tamamlandi. |
.Yüksekögretim Kurumlari tarafindan destekli bilimsel arastirma projesi, Weingarten Tipi Yüzeylerin Egriliklerinin Bilgisayar Destekli Uygulamalari, Baslangiç Tarihi: 01.04.2015, Bitis Tarihi : 30.10.2015,Kurumu: AKSARAY ÜNIVERSITESI, Tamamlandi. |
.2214- yurt disi arastirma burs destegi (Doktora Ögrencileri için), Yil: 2011, TÜBITAK, TÜBITAK. |