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14.Mustafa Özcan, “Scalar Casimir effect between two concentric D-dimensional spheres”,International Journal of Modern Physics A 27 (18), 1250094 (2012). |
13.Mustafa Özcan, “Scalar Casimir effect between two concentric spheres”, International Journal of Modern Physics A 27 (16), 1250082 (2012). |
12. Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy density for spherical universes in n-dimensional spacetime”,Class. Quantum Grav. 23, 5531-5546(2006). |
11. Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy between two concentric half spheres”, Physics Letters A 344, 307-315(2005). |
7. S. S. Bayin and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy of the massless scalar field on S-2 by the point-splitting method”, J. Math. Phys., 38(8), 5240-5255 (1997). |
5. S. S. Bayin, J. P. Krisch and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy of the twisted string loop: Uniform and two segment loops”, J. Math. Phys., 37(8), 3662-3674 (1996). |
3. S. S. Bayin and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy in a curved background with a spherical boundary and arbitrary radius: An exact solution via the point-splitting method”, Phys. Rev. D 49, 5313-5318 (1994). |
2. S. S. Bayin and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy in a curved background with a spherical boundary: An exactly solvable case”, Phys. Rev. D 48, 2806-2812 (1993). |
1. S. S. Bayin and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir effect in a half Einstein universe: an exactly solvable case in curved background and with a spherical boundary”, Class. Quantum Gravity., 10, L115-L121 (1993). |
8. S. S. Bayin, J. P. Krisch and Mustafa Özcan, “Casimir energy of the massless scalar field on S-1 by the point-splitting method”, Tr. J. of Physics, 21, 632-640 (1997). |
9. FEZA GÜRSEY ENSTİTÜSÜ TÜBİTAK-BOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ, Sözel Bildiri Özeti, Mustafa Özcan, “The positive and negative vacuum energy for spherical universe”, 17.02.2000, Kandilli-İstanbul. |
6. Mustafa Özcan, “The Casimir effect in a n-dimensional closed, static universe”, The APR 96 Meeting of the American Physical Society Bull., 41, 970 and 1009 (1996). |
10. Mustafa Özcan, “Green’s function for a n-dimensional closed, static universe and with a spherical boundary”, e-Print archice, gr-qc/0106082 (2001). |
4. S. S. Bayin and Mustafa Özcan, “Comment on Casimir energy in a curved background with a spherical boundary and arbitrary radius”, Metu Preprint (1995). |