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.E. Gilanli, O. Çetin, The Mediation Role of Supply Chain Practices and Logistics Integration on the Effect of Lean Supply Chain Strategy on Operational Performance, 10.26650/ibr.2023.52.955629, ISTANBUL BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 87-106, 2023. |
.K. Göncü, O. Çetin, A Decision Model for Supplier Selection Criteria in Healthcare Enterprises with Dematel ANP Method, 10.3390/su142113912, SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 14, no. 21, pp. 16, 2022. |
.O. Çetin, M. Knouch, Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Green Supply Chain Management, 10.1007/978-981-10-3212-7_19, SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF ACCOUNTABILITY REPORTING SYSTEMS: A GLOBAL APPROACH, pp. 347-367, 2018. |
Altuğ Nevin Çetin Onur Consumer perception about food safety an empirical investigation, Journal of environmental Protection and Ecology, 2007, Vol.8, İssue 3, p 671-678 (January 2007) |
GİLANLI, E., ÇETİN, O., & ALTUĞ, N.The Influence of Information Sharing and Logistics Integration on Time to Market in Supply Chain, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 8(1), 54-60. (March 2019) |
An Analysis of Total Quality Management Practices in Public Agencies Using the Deming Management Method (December 2018) |
Çetin, O., & Taşdemir, Ö. The Impact of Entrepreneurial Capacity and Personal innovativeness on Entrepreneurial Intention, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 6(3), 76-87. (September 2017) | 1 ATIF |
Total Quality Management in Public Sector: an Empirical Research in a Public Agency (June 2014) |
Çetin, O, Sert, T., Determination of factors affecting entrepreneurship intention, IBANESS, Edirne, 4-5 Mart 2017. (March 2017) |
Akar, N, S. Ünsar, N. Taş, O. Çetin, The effects of personality trait and organizational climate on personal innovativeness: A field study on SMEs IBANESS, Edirne, 4-5 Mart 2017. (March 2017) |
Kücük, B., O., Cetin, “Comparison of Lean, Agile and Leagile Supply Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”VI. International Logistics & Supply Chain Congress, 6-7, November 2008, İstanbul. (November 2008) |
Altug, N., O. Çetin, A. Atakiþi, E. Demirel “The Comparison at U.S. and Japanese Joint Ventures”, First Applied Conference with International Participation Science, Economics and Technologies in the Global World, Prof.Dr.Assen Zlatarov University, Vol.2, 106-111, Burgas, Bulgaristan, 2005. (October 2005) |
Çetin, O., N. Altug, “Supply Chain Management, Lean and Agile Supply Chains”, Balkan Conference of Young Scientists, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria Plovdiv, Filibe, 2005. (July 2005) |
Altug, N., O. Çetin, “Agile Manufacturing: The Competitive Requirement for 21.st Century Turkey Perspective”, Balkan Conference of Young Scientists, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria Plovdiv, Filibe, 2005. (July 2005) |
Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Green Supply Chain Management (March 2018) |
Çetin, O, Knouch, M, Sustainable Competetive Adantage in Green Supply Chain Management, Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting System, Ed. Kıymet Çalıyurt, Roshima Said, 2017. (September 2017) |
Using Analytic Network Process in Supplier Selection (January 2015) | 1 ATIF |
Apak, S., S. SÜZEN, O., ÇETİN, “AB'ye Uyum Sürecinde Çanakkale İli Çevre Sorunlarına Çözüm Önerileri”, Uluslararası Çanakkale Kongresi, İstanbul, 17-19/03/2006. (March 2006) |
Cetin, O., N., ALTUĞ, 2005, "Agile Manufacturing" V. Ulusal Üretim Arastırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 25-27 Kasım 200.5 (November 2005) | 5 ATIF |
Lean and Agile Supply Chains in “Current issues in Marketing” i , Nobel Yayınevi, 2018, Ankara, 1. Baskı, (December 2018) |