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Kakilli N, Ustabasioglu FE, Tastekin N "An unusual case of posterior ossicle of the second cervical vertebra'' Joint Bone Spine 2025:Article Number: 105789. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2024.105789. (January 2025) |
Açıkgoz T, Kakilli N, Çiftdemir M, Ekuklu G, Taştekin N. "Paradoxical effect of body mass index ranges on pedobarographic evaluation" Journal of Biomechanics 2024;177:112419. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112419. (December 2024) |
Ebik M, Taştekin N, Gürdoğan M, Ebik M, Birtane M, Emmungil H, Yılmazer B, Süt N. "The importance of speckle tracking echocardiography in the evaluation of cardiac functions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" Arch Rheum 2024 Feb 6;39(2):303-311. doi: 10.46497/ArchRheumatol.2024.10274 (September 2024) |
Kozanoğlu E, Kelle K, Alaylı G, Kuru Ö, Çubukçu Fırat S, Demir AN, Karakoç M, Özçakır Ş, Altay Z, Aktaş I, Ünlü Özkan F, Ayhan FF, Çapkın E, Karkucak M, Kaya T, Uçar Ü, Erdal A, Taştekin N, Koyuncu EG, Aydın E, Şendur ÖF, Ünal İ, Akıncı A. "Frequency of Fibromyalgianess in Patients With Rheumatoid Arhtritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis:A Multicenter Study of Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR) Network" Arch Rheumatol 2024;39(1):20-32. (January 2024) | 1 ATIF |
Düzce Keleş E, Birtane M, Ekuklu G, Kılınçer C, Çalıyurt O, Taştekin N, et al. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the central sensitization inventory. Arch Rheumatol 2021;36(4):518-526. (December 2021) | 21 ATIF |
Zateri C, Birtane M, Aktaş İ, Sarıkaya S, Rezvani A, Altan L, et al. Attitudes of patients with spondylarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis regarding biological treatment during COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-center, phone-based, cross-sectional study. Arch Rheumatol 2021; 36(4): 473-81. (December 2021) | 5 ATIF |
Özdemir H, Tuna F, Aktoz M, Taştekin N, Demirbağ Kabayel D. The mitral valve prolapse frequency in healthy females with generalized joint hypermobility: A case-control study. Arch Rheumatol 2021;36(3):335-340. (June 2021) |
Keskin Y, Taştekin N, Kanter M, Top H, Özdemir F, Erboğa M, Taşpınar Ö, Süt N. "The effect of Magnetic field therapy and electric stimulation on experimental burn healing." Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2019;65(4): 352-60. (September 2019) | 7 ATIF |
Kurtoglu HS, Tuna F, Tuna H, Ulucam E, Tastekin N, Birtane M. "Analysis of Spinal Posture with Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic system in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis" Arch rheumatol 2019;34(1):44-52. (January 2019) | 3 ATIF |
Celiker, R., Altan, L, Rezvani, A, Aktas, I, Tastekin, N. et al. “Reliability and validity of the turkish version of the fibromyalgia rapid screening tool (First) “ Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017;29(2):340-4. (February 2017) | 13 ATIF |
Kasapoglu Aksoy M, Birtane M, Taştekin N, Ekuklu G. The Effectiveness of Structured Group Education on Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients. J Clin Rheumatol. 2017 Apr;23(3):138-143. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000499. (January 2017) | 22 ATIF |
Ayhan FF, Atamaz Ş, Rezvani A, Paker N, Taştekin N. et al. "Obesity Associated With Active, But Preserved Joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From our National Registry", Archives of Rheumatology 2016:31(3):272-80. (June 2016) | 3 ATIF |
Tastekin N. “İnmeli Hastalarda Rehabilitasyon ve Yaşam Kalitesi” Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2015; 61: 97-98. DOI: 10.5152/tftrd.2015.001. (July 2015) |
Dursun N, Sarkaya S, Ozdolap S, Dursun E, Zateri C, Altan L, Birtane M, Akgun K, Revzani A, Aktas İ, Tastekin N, Celiker R. "Risk of falls in patients with ankylosing spondylitis." J Clin Rheumatol 2015 Mar;21(2):76-80. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000216. (March 2015) | 29 ATIF |
Koçan Kurtoğlu D, Taştekin N, Birtane M, Tabakoğlu E, Süt N. The effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation applications on auxiliary respiratory muscles in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated in intensive care unit Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2015; 61: 12-7. DOI: 10.5152/tftrd.2015.04378 (March 2015) | 5 ATIF |
Bal, A, Ş. Ataman, H. Bodur, A. Rezvanı̇, N. Paker, N. Taştekı̇n et al. "Characteristics of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Turkey: Results From the Turkish League Against Rheumatism Rheumatoid Arthritis Registry" Archives of Rheumatology 2015:30(1);16-22. (January 2015) | 4 ATIF |
Kurtoğlu H.S., S. Yavuz, N. Tastekin, M. Birtane. “Spinal Dorsal Meningioma: A case report” Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2014: 60: 231-5. (December 2014) | 1 ATIF |
Tuna H, M. Birtane, S. Güldiken, N.A. Soysal, Ö.Taşpınar, N. Süt, N.Taştekin. “The Effect of Disease Duration on Foot Plantar Pressure Values In Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, (2014): 60:3;231-235. (September 2014) | 5 ATIF |
Tastekin N., M. Birtane. “Evaluating improvement rates correctly after treatment interventions in rheumatological diseases?” Turk J Rheumatol 2013;28(3):1-2. (September 2013) |
Tastekin E., M. Birtane, S.Kılınç, M. Çiftdemir, U.Usta, N.Tastekin. “From Pathology to Diagnosis: A Symptom-Free Patient with a Rheumatoid Nodule in the Foot” Turk J Rheumatol 2012;27(3); 195-9. (July 2012) | 1 ATIF |
Hakguder A.H. N. Tastekin, M. Birtane, K. Uzunca, C. Zateri and N. Sut, “Comparison of short term efficacy of physical therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome with stage I and II magnetic resonans imaging findings,” Turk J Rheumatol 2011; 26(2);127-34. (April 2011) | 6 ATIF |
Birtane M., N.Tastekin. “Quality of Life After Stroke” Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg 2010; 27; suppl 1:1-6. (April 2010) | 4 ATIF |
Taştekin, N., K. Uzunca, N. Süt, M. Birtane ve Ö. B.Mercimek, “Discriminative Value of Tender Points in Fibromyalgia Syndrome,” Pain Medicine 2010;11:466–71. (April 2010) | 25 ATIF |
Tastekin N and C. Zateri, “Probable osteosarcom occurrence risk after prolonged teriparatide treatment,” Arthritis & Rheumatism 62(6), 1837-8 (2010). | 5 ATIF |
Tastekin, N., H.Tuna, M. Birtane, K. Uzunca, “Plantar pressure changes of patients with heel valgus in rheumatoid arthritis,” Turk J Rheumatol 2009;24: 67-71. (June 2009) | 5 ATIF |
Tastekin, N., K. Uzunca ve D. Kurtoglu, Y. Çelik, “Multiple skleroz ve ankilozan spondilitin beraber görüldüğü bir olgu,” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 55, 39-41 (2009). | 1 ATIF |
Birtane, M., D. Demirbağ Kabayel, K. Uzunca, E. Unlu and N. Tastekin, “The relation of hand functions with radiological damage and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis,” Rheumatol Int 2008;28(5): 407-12. (May 2008) | 23 ATIF |
Tuna, H., N. Taştekin, E. Ünlü, T.F. Çermik and K. Sarıdoğan, “Nadir Rastlanılan Bir Gelişimsel Anomali: Pelvik Digit,” Turk J Rheumatol, 23(4), 151-3 (2008). | 1 ATIF |
Uzunca, K., M. Birtane and N. Tastekin, “Effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in lateral epicondylitis,” Clin Rheumatol 2007;26(1):69-74. (January 2007) | 48 ATIF |
Tastekin, N., N. Aydogdu, D. Dokmeci, U. Usta, M. Birtane and M. Ture, “Protective effects of l-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid in rats with adjuvant arthritis,” Pharmacol Res, 56(4), 303-10 (2007). | 59 ATIF |
Tastekin, N., M. Birtane and K.Uzunca, “Which of the three different tender points assessment methods is more useful for predicting the severity of fibromyalgia syndrome?” Rheumatol Int, 27(5), 447-51, 2007 | 27 ATIF |
Birtane, M., K. Uzunca, N. Tastekin and H.Tuna, “The evaluation of quality of life in fibromyalgia syndrome: a comparison with rheumatoid arthritis by using SF-36 Health Survey,” Clin Rheumatol, 26(5), 679-84, 2007 | 110 ATIF |
Tuna, H., M. Birtane, N. Tastekin and S. Kokino, “Pedobarography and its relation to radiologic erosion scores in rheumatoid arthritis,” Rheumatol Int 2005;26(1): 42-7. (January 2005) | 36 ATIF |
Özkan U, Kakilli N, Gürdoğan M, Taştekin N, Birtane M. "Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Comorbidities" Exploration of Musculoskeletal Diseases 2023 (accepted) (October 2023) | 2 ATIF |
Karahan M, Parlak M, Yılmazer Kayatekin AZ, Uluçam E, TaştekinN. "Static Postural Control Data Analysis in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis" Erciyes Med J 2023; 45(1):79 - 83. doi: 10.14744/etd.2022.16363 (January 2023) | 1 ATIF |
Demirhan, F., Taştekin, N. ve Süt, N., "An evaluation of vertical jump height and isokinetic knee strength of active volleyball and basketball player" Sport Sciences (NWSASPS) ARTICLE NO: 2B0128, 2021; 16(1):1-12. (January 2021) | 1 ATIF |
Tastekin, N; Aydogdu, N.; Altun, G.D; et al.The Effects of Taurine, Melatonin and N-Acetylcystein on Cadmium Exposure Bone Changes "The Surprising Effect of Taurine" GAZI MEDICAL JOURNAL Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Pages: 549-552. (Diğer Uluslararası indekslerde taranan dergi) DOI: 10.12996/gmj.2020.129 (September 2020) |
Rezvani A, Aktas I, Tastekin N. et al. “Nephrolithiasis in ankylosing spondylitis and its relationship with disease assessment scales” North Clin Istanb 2019; 6(3): 254–259. DOI: 10.14744/nci.2018.58219 (July 2019) | 2 ATIF |
Murat, E., Acikgoz, T., Tastekin, N., & Sut, N. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING INSOLE USAGE IN PATIENTS WITH PES PLANUS. SANAMED, 13(2), 139-144. (August 2018) |
Altan L, Çeliker R, Ercan İ, Birtane M, Akgün K, Zateri C, Taştekin N, Rezvani A, Aktaş İ, Özdolap Ş, Dursun E, Dursun N, Sarıkaya S. "The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Fibromyalgia Participation Questionnaire." EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY 5(1): 40-44 DOI: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2017.16090 (March 2018) | 1 ATIF |
Yavuz S, Çiftdemir M,Taştekin E, Taştekin N. "Arka çapraz bağdan köken alan tenosinovyal dev hücreli tümör" Cukurova Med J 2017;42(3):606-607 (July 2017) |
Birtane M, Yavuz S, Taştekin N. "Laboratory evaluation in rheumatic diseases"World J Methodol 2017 March 26; 7(1): 1-8. (January 2017) | 3 ATIF |
Reyhan Celiker, Lale Altan, Aylin Rezvani,Ilknur Aktas, Nurettin Tastekin, Erbil Dursun, Nigar Dursun, Selda Sarıkaya, Senay Ozdolap, Kenan Akgun, Coskun Zateri, Murat Birtane. Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the fibromyalgia rapid screening tool (FiRST)J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 29: 340–344. (January 2017) |
DEMİRHAN Fulya,TAŞTEKİN Nurettin (2020). The Relationship Between Vertical Jumping Performance in Basketball and Volleyball Players. International Congress of Athletic Performance and Healthy in Sports (Özet Bildiri/Poster) (September 2020) |
Ebik, M. Tastekin, N. Gurdogan, M. et al. The importance of speckle tracking echocardiography in the evaluation of cardiac functıons in patients with rheumatoid arthritis) ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES Volume: 79 Supplement: 1 Pages: 601-602 Meeting Abstract: FRI0058 (June 2020) |
Eskara A, Tastekin N, Birtane M. et al. SEASONAL SENSITIVITIES OF DISEASE ACTIVITY INDICES IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, A NNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES Volume: 77 Supplement: 2 Pages: 1767-1767 Meeting Abstract: AB1361 (June 2018) |
Hakan Sercan Kurtoğlu, Filiz Tuna, Hakan Tuna, Enis Uluçam, Nurettin Taştekin, Murat Birtane. "Analysis of Spinal Posture with Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic System in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis" PS-021 Türk Romatoloji Kongresi (March 2018) |
Reliability and Validity of Turkish Version of The fibromyalgia Rapid Screening Tool (First) (June 2016) |
Ayhan F, Ataman S, Rezvani A, Paker N, Tastekin N, Kaya T, Bodur H, Yener M, Yazgan P, Dogu D, Gürgan A. " THE HIGH PREVALENCE OF OBESITY AND ASSOCIATION OF BODY MASS INDEX WITH WORSE DISEASE SEVERITY IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM THE 1038 PATIENTS OF TRASD-IP REGISTER" [FRI0040] 15th Annual European Congress of Rheumatology-EULAR 2014-Paris. (June 2014) |
Dursun N, S. Sarikaya, S. Ozdolap, E. Dursun, C. Zateri, L. Altan, M. Birtane, K. Akgun, A. Revzani, I. Aktas, N. Tastekin, R. Celiker. “Risk of falls in patients with ankylosing spondylitis”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology-EULAR 2013, Madrid, 13-17 Jun, SAT0238, (Ann Rheum Dis 2013;72(Suppls3):662) (June 2013) |
Zateri C, S.Kilinc, M.Birtane and N.Tastekin. “Frequency of restless legs syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis”, Excellence in Rheumatology, 2011, İstanbul, PP65. |
Tastekin, E., M. Birtane, S. Kilinc, M. Ciftdemir, U. Usta and N.Tastekin. “From Pathology to diagnosis: A System-free Patient with a Rheumatoid Nodule” Excellence in Rheumatology, 2011, İstanbul, PP26. |
Tastekin, N., M. Birtane and K.Uzunca, “Which of the three different tender points assessment methods is more useful for predicting the severity of fibromyalgia syndrome?,” Annual European Congress of Rheumatology-EULAR 2005, Vienna-Austria, FRI0286, 2005. |
Tuna, H. and N. Tastekin. “The Relationship of Hallux Valgus Angle and Erosion in Rheumatoid Arthritis,” 5 th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Antalya-Turkey, 2004. |
Tastekin, N., F. Ozdemir and C. Zateri. “The Effect of Antihypertensive Treatment on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women,” 5 th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Antalya-Turkey, 2004. |
Tuna, H., M. Birtane, N. Tastekin and S. Kokino, “The Relation between Radiological Erosion Score and Pedobarographic Values in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthiritis,” 14 th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,Vienna-Austria. P188, 2004. |
Tastekin, N., H. Tuna and M. Birtane, “Pedobarographic Alterations in Rheumatiod Arthritis Patients with Subtalar Valgus Deformity,” 14 th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vienna- Austria. P196, 2004. |
Ozdemir, F., N. Tastekin, S. Kokino and C. Karadag, “The Relation between The Radiographic Progression and Functional Disability in The Patients with RA,” Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - EULAR 2002, Stockholm-İsveç, AB0095, 2002. |
Tuna, H., N. Tastekin, S. Kokino and G. Ekuklu, “Foot Deformities and Pedographic Assesment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis,” 13 th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Brighton-UK, P7.021, 2002. |
Kaya, M., H. Tuna, M. F. Fırat, N. Tastekin, F. Tuna and O. N. Yiğitbaşı, “Tc-99m Dextran Scintigraphy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comparison with Disease Activity,” 5 th International Congress of Nuklear Oncology & 15 th National Congress of Turkish Society of Nuklear Medicine, Kusadası-Turkey, 44, 2002. |
Uzunca, K., N. Tastekin and F. Ozdemir, “The Relationship between Radiological Evaluation and Disease Severity on Osteoarthritis,” 6. İnternationale und Deutsch-Türkische Tagung Für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation. Antalya-Türkei, 2002. |
Tastekin, N., H. Tuna, H. A. Hakgüder and K. Uzunca, “Correlation Between Hallux Valgus and Foot Functional Index in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis,” 6. Internationale und Deutsch-Türkische Tagung Für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation, Antalya-Türkei, 2002. |
Ozdemir, F., S.Kokino and N. Tastekin, “Clinical Evaluation The Effect of KAFO (knee-ankle-foot-orthosis) on O-Bain Deformity in Gonarthrosis,” 12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Antalya-Turkey, 347, 2000. |
Ozdemir, F., S. Kokino, K. Uzunca, N. Tastekin and G. Ekuklu, “Posture Analysis in High School Students,” 12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Antalya-Turkey, 310, 2000. |
Calıyurt, O. F. Ozdemir, N. Tastekin, E. Vardar and S. Kokino, “Sleep Quality in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Patients,” 12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Antalya-Turkey, 068, 2000. |
Şahin O, Taştekin N, Uluçam E, Karahan M, Süt N, Birtane M. " Fibromiyalji Tanılı Hastalarda Denge ve Postürün Değerlendirilmesi" Osmangazi Journal of Medicine 2024;46(1):32-43. https://doi.org/10.20515/otd.1322951 (January 2024) |
Fulya DEMİRHAN, Yıldız ANALAY AKBABA, Nurettin TAŞTEKİN. "COVID-19 Pandemisi Nedeniyle Evlerinde Sosyal İzolasyon Yaşayan ve Daha Önceden Fibromyalji Sendromu Tanısı Almış Bireylere Uygulanan Tele-Rehabilitasyonun Etkinliğinin Araştırılması" Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 2021 (March 2021) |
Fulya DEMİRHAN, Nurettin TAŞTEKİN, Necdet SÜT. "An Evaluation of Vertical Jump Height and Isokinetic Knee Strength of Active Volleyball and Basketball Players" Sport Science 2021;1:1-12. (January 2021) |
Aylin Rezvani, İlknur Aktaş, Nurettin Taştekin, Reyhan Çeliker, Selda Sarıkaya, Erbil Dursun, Şenay Özdolap, Nigar Dursun, Coşkun Zateri, Lale Altan, Murat Birtane, Kenan Akgün, Necdet Süt. "Nephrolithiasis in Ankylosing Spondylitis and its Relation with Disease Assessment Scales." North Clin Istanb. DOI: 10.14744/nci.2018.58219 (June 2018) |
Tastekin N, Kurtoglu HS. "Conservative Treatment of Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis" Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics 2015;8(2):53-61 (December 2015) |
Şahin O, Taştekin N, Uluçam E, Karahan M, Süt N, Birtane M. "Evaluation of balance and posture in patients with fibromyalgia diagnosis" Osmangazi Medical Journal 2023 (Accepted) |
Kakilli N, Taştekin E, Taştekin N. "MEFV Mutasyon Taşıyıcılığı ve Romatoid Artrit: Tesadüf mü, Gerçek Bir Bağlantı mı?"Kuzey Güney Marmara Romatoloji Buluşmaları 04-06 Ekim 2024 Kolin Hotel, Çanakkale PB6 (October 2024) |
Açıkgöz T, Kakilli N, Çiftdemir M, Süt N, Taştekin N. "S-032 Vücut kütle indeks aralıklarının pedobarografik ölçümler üzerine paradoksik etkisi" 30. Uluslararası Katılımlı Ulusal Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi’ 7-10 Mart 2024; Antalya (March 2024) |
Meriç E, Taştekin N, Taban Kamal Mohammed Aziz "Nöromusküler Elektriksel Stimülasyon Uygulaması Sonrası Gelişen Nöbet Olgusu" P-17 4.FTR Kurs Günleri 16-19 Mart 2023 (March 2023) |
ATA Hilal, TAŞTEKİN Nurettin,SÜSLÜ Buket, BİRTANE Murat, SÜT N (2019). The Relationship Between Wrist Proprioception And Hand Function in Patients withRheumatoid Arthritis. Uluslararsı katılımlı Türk romatoloji kongresi 2019, 1(1), 472 (Özet Bildiri/Poster) (April 2019) |
Cumhur Kılınçer, Hande Özdemir, Nurettin Taştekin, Murat Birtane. "Servikal vertebra yerleşimli osteoid osteoma: Olgu sunumu" Uluslar arası Katılımlı Türk Romatoloji Kongresi TRASD 2017; Antalya, P-076. (March 2017) |
Hande Özdemir, Selçuk Yavuz, Nurettin Taştekin, Murat Birtane. "Abatacept kullanımı sırasında gelişen büllöz selülit olgusu" Uluslar arası Katılımlı Türk Romatoloji Kongresi 2017; P-176. (March 2017) |
Yavuz Selçuk, Çiftdemir Mert, Taştekin Ebru, Taştekin Nurettin (2016). Arka Çapraz Bağdan köken alan tenosinovyal dev hücreli tümör. Geleneksel 14.FTR Uludağ Sempozyumu (March 2016) |
Yakışıklı N, M.Birtane, N. Taştekin. "İnfliximab sonrası el parmaklarında gelişen krepitasyon: Bir olgu sunumu. 25. Ulusal Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi, 22-26 Nisan 2015, Antalya, P-260. (April 2015) |
Konuşmacılar: Nurettin Taştekin PANEL 2: En yeni makaleler ve güncel kılavuzlar Kuzey Güney Marmara Romatoloji Buluşmaları; 04-06 Ekim 2024 Kolin Hotel, Çanakkale (October 2024) |
Oturum Başkanı: Nurettin Taştekin Panel 3: Romatizmal hastalıklarda Metotreksat hala gözdemiz mi? Kuzey Güney Marmara Romatoloji Buluşmaları; 04-06 Ekim 2024 Kolin Hotel, Çanakkale (October 2024) |
UZLAŞMACI PANEL YÖNETİCİSİ: Nurettin Taştekin "Sakroiliite Doğru Yaklaşıyor muyuz?" Panel 3.12 30. Uluslararası Katılımlı Ulusal Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi, 7-10 Mart 2024; Antalya (March 2024) |
Pes Cavus "30. Uluslararası Katılımlı Ulusal Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi’ 7-10 Mart 2024; Antalya" Panelist (March 2024) |
Eritema Nodozumda Etyoloji ve Yaklaşım (March 2019) |
Romatizmal Hastalıklarda Aktivite ve Fonksiyonel İndeksler-Konuşmacı (February 2017) |
Uluslararası Katılımlı | 7. Türk Romatoloji Kongresi- Bildiri Ödül Jurisi (March 2016) |
“AĞRILI AYAK VE TEDAVİ YAKLAŞIMLARI”, 10. Türk Romatoloji Sempozyumu, 2013, Dalaman. (June 2013) |
Taştekin Nurettin "Biyomekaniğin Temel İlkeleri" Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehalitasyon'dan (January 2016) |
Comparison of neuromusculer electric stimulation (NMES) and isokinetic exercise on gait analysis in patients with knee osteoarthritis (November 2019) |
Cardiac function and affecting factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (November 2019) |
Evaluation of balance and posture in patients with fibromyalgia diagnosis (October 2019) |
FTR-14711 Turkish Journal of Physical Mediciene and Rehabilitation (December 2024) |