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Keramettin A Cengiz C, Nilgun Cengiz, Ayhan B. Microsurgical open mini uniskin incision technique in the surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Neurol India. 2024 Mar;54(1):64-7 (March 2024) | 12 ATIF |
Akpınar Ç.K, Türker H, Bayrak O, Cengiz N. Electrophysiological features in Fabry Disease: A Retrospective Review. Archive of Neuropsychiatry Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2015 Sep; 52(3): 258–262. (September 2015) | 2 ATIF |
Cengiz N, Adıbelli Z, Yakupoğlu Y.K, Türker H. Neurologic complications after renal transplantation: A clinical and neurophysiologic study. Arch Neuropsychiatr 2015; 52: 331-335 (June 2015) | 3 ATIF |
.AKPINAR ÇETIN KÜRSAD,TÜRKER HANDE,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN,CENGIZ NILGÜN, Electroneuromyographic Features in Fabry Disease: A Retrospective Review, Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 258-262, 2015. |
Pancar Y E, Sen S, Aydin F, Senturk N, Sen N, Cengiz N, Onar MK Phenobarbital-induced pellagra resulted in death. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2014 Mar;33(1):76-8. (March 2014) | 1 ATIF |
.Akpinar Cetin Kursat, CENGIZ NILGÜN, The Aethiology Of Encephalopathic Patterns Which Is Detected In Electroencephalography Analizes, ACTA MEDICA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 835-843, 2014. |
A O BAYRAK, B KARBEK, K CENGİZ, L İNCESU, G ÖZTAŞ, N CENGİZ A Case Report of Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Associated with Severe Neurologic Dysfunction |
Turker H, Terzi M, Bayrak O, Cengiz N, Onar M, Us O. Visual evoked potentials in differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and neurobehcet's disease.. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2008 Oct;216(2):109-16. (October 2008) | 10 ATIF |
.TÜRKER HANDE,TERZI MURAT,CENGIZ NILGÜN,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, An unusual presentation of late onset multiple sclerosis with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Neurosciences, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 346-347, 2007. |
Turker H, Cengiz N, Terzi M, Bayrak O, Onar M, Us O Effects of high stimulus frequencies on SEPs of patients with neuro-behcet's disease Can J Neurol Sci. 2006 Nov;33(4):387-93. (November 2006) | 1 ATIF |
Betul Baykan, Nalan Kayrak Ertas , Mustafa Ertas , Berrin Aktekin , Serap Saygi , Aysen Gokyigit , Epibase Group. Comparison of classifications of seizures: A preliminary study with 28 participants and 48 seizures. Epilepsy Behav. 2005 Jun;6(4):607-12 (by institution). University of Adnan Menderes: Ali Akyol; University of Gazi: Ayse Serdarog¡lu, Erhan Bilir; University of Ankara: Aytac Yigit; University of Firat: Bulent Mungen, Serpil Bulut; University of Selcuk: Bulent Oguz Genc; University of Marmara: Canan Aykut Bingol, Dilsad Turkdogan, Kadriye Agan; University of Erciyes: Fehim Arman; University of Istanbul: Candan Gurses, Nerses Bebek; University of Suleyman Demirel: Galip Akhan; University of Cukurova: Hacer Bozdemir, Kezban Aslan; Bakirkoy State Hospital for Psychiatric and Neurologic Disorders:Gunay Gul, Ummuhan Altin; University of Inonu: Handan Isin Ozisik; Haydarpassa Numune Hospital: Handan Misirli; University of Ege: IbrahimAydogdu, Nilgun Arac; University of Uludag: Ibrahim Bora, Ozlem Taskapilioglu; University of Ondokuz Mayis: Nilgun Cengiz; University of Hacettepe: Nese Deriocioglu; University of Osmangazi: Oguz Erdinc; University of Karadeniz Teknik: Sibel K. Velioglu. (June 2005) | 18 ATIF |
Cengiz N, Sahin M, Onar M. Correlation of clinical, MRI and Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT findings in neuro-Behçet's disease. Acta Neurol Belg. 2004 Sep;104(3):100-5. (September 2004) | 7 ATIF |
Guler AU, Ceylan G, Ozkoç O, Aydiin M, Cengiz N. Prosthetic treatment of a patient with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2003 Oct;90(4):321-4. Doi: 10.1016/S0022- 3913(03)00469-4 (October 2003) | 1 ATIF |
Güneren E, Akbas H, Eroğlu L, Demir A,Cengiz N. Contact radiator burn in a paraplegic patient. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 May;111(6):2116-7 (May 2003) | 4 ATIF |
Cengiz N, Karaoglanoglu M, Cengiz K, Akpolat T. Behçet's disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Clin Nephrol. 2003 Mar;59(3):234-5. (March 2003) | 2 ATIF |
N Cengiz, T Özbenli, M Onar, L Yıldız. Metachromatic leukodystrophy: three cases with normal nerve conduction velocities in a family (November 2002) | 11 ATIF |
Arik N, Cengiz N, Bilge A. Metronidazole-induced encephalopathy in a uremic patient: a case report. Nephron. 2001 Sep;89(1):108-9 S. Doi: 10.1159/000046052 (September 2001) | 12 ATIF |
Turker H, Sarica M, Bilgici A, Cengiz N, Onar MK, Us O Axillary neuropathy mimicking quadrilateral space syndrome and its follow up for one year. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2008 Jan;13(1):79-83. (January 2008) | 2 ATIF |
Terzi M, Turker H, Cengiz N, Onar MK. Isolated lesion of the cervical spine in a case of neuro-Behcet. Neurosciences . 2007 Jul;12(3):259-60. (July 2007) |
Evaluation and comparison of quality of life scores of polyneuropathy due to Fabry disease and diabetes mellitus Turker, H; Akpinar, K; Cengiz, N 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology Jun 2015 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 22 , pp.171-171 (June 2015) |
POLYPHARMACY AND GENERALIZED DSYTONIA: A CASE REPORT Cengiz, N and Demir 29th International Epilepsy Congress Aug 2011 EPILEPSIA 52 , pp.121- (August 2011) |
.TÜRKER HANDE,TERZI MURAT,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN,CENGIZ NILGÜN,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, A comporative study of evoked potentials and EMG in Turkish patients with multiple sclerosis and neurobehçet’s syndrome, XIth international congress on neuromuscular diseases. |
Bromocriptine in menstruation-related migraine. Özbenli, T; Erdem, H; (...); Tunali, G May 1999 CEPHALALGIA 19 (4) , pp.377-377 (May 1999) |
Turker H , Turker C, Cengiz N. Hypothyroidism: Influences and Treatments, Bölüm: Neurological complications of hypothyroidism) (2012), BoD – Books on Demand, Editör:Drahomira Springer, Basım sayısı :1, Sayfa Sayısı 335, ISBN:978-953-51-0021-8, İngilizce(Bilimsel Kitap) (January 2012) | 2 ATIF |
Jafarzade, N Cengiz, HA Şahin. Neuropsychological Evaluation of Visual Spatial Functions in Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Patients. Archives of Epilepsy, 2023;29(3):87-90. (January 2023) |
.UZUN OGUZ, CENGIZ NILGÜN, Young Female COVID-19 Patient Presenting with Epileptic Seizure, Respiratory Case Reports, vol. 11, no. 2, 2022. |
MURAT POLAT, BAKİ DOĞAN, AYŞE OYTUN BAYRAK ,HANDE TÜRKER, NİLGÜN CENGİZ , Nöbete bağlı gelişen bilateral humerus boyun kırığı Yayın Yeri:Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology , 2017 (January 2017) |
Akpınar Ç. K, Cengiz N. Response of greater occipital nerve block in headache induced by lacosamid January 2017 Ağrı The Journal of The Turkish Society of Algology Jan;29(1)(1):49-50 (January 2017) |
N Cengiz, H Türker, M Kiziltan Gıda Alımıyla İlişkili Botulinum İntoksikasyonlu Bir Olgunun Klinik ve Elektrofizyolojik İzlemi Marmara Medical Journal, 2015 (January 2015) |
Akpınar ÇK, Doğru H, Cengiz N. Status Epileptikus: Olgu Sunumu ve Literatürün Gözden Geçirilmesi (January 2015) | 2 ATIF |
Akpınar ÇK, Dogru H,Cengiz N. Epileptic seizure associated with drugs Report of two cases, Gaziantep Med J, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 219-220, 2015. |
Akpınar ÇK, Cengiz N Diagnosis, Treatment and Etiology of Status Epilepticus (March 2014) | 1 ATIF |
H Akar, N Cengiz, A Bedir, MK OnarbThe relationship between angiotensin converting enzyme gene polimorphism and lacunar infarction Harran Üniversitesi Tıp 2013 (January 2013) |
Terzi M, Cengiz N, Turker H. Sjogren Syndrome Presented with Dibrachial Neuropathy Clinic (September 2011) | 2 ATIF |
Terzi M, Yazıcı T ,Sandıkcı U, Cengiz N Liver Cirrhosis Presented with Parkinsonism: Two Case Reports (January 2011) |
Handan Akar, Nilgün Cengiz, Ayse Oytun Bayrak, Taner Özbenli, Musa Kazım Onar, Lütfü İncesu, Levent Güngör, Murat Terzi Santral Pontin Miyelinolizis: Dört Olgu Sunumu Central Pontine Myelinolysis: Report of Four Cases (January 2010) |
.TERZI MURAT,TÜRKEL YAKUP,YAZICI TUBA,CENGIZ NILGÜN,TUNALI GÜLTEN, Motor Nöron Hastaligini Taklit Eden Yaygin Idiyopatik Iskelet Hiperostozu Olgusu, AIBÜ Izzet Baysal Tip Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 24-27, 2010. |
Bayrak, A O, Karbek B, Cengiz K, Cengiz N. A Case Report of Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Associated with Severe Neurologic Dysfunction. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Pages: 83-86 (2009) (January 2009) |
Terzi M, Cengiz N, Özbenli T, Onar M. Radyasyon Miyelopatisi: Olgu Sunumu. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 22(1). (2009). (January 2009) | 1 ATIF |
Turkel, Yakup ; Terzi, Murat ; Cengiz, Nilgun Involving the Central Nervous System with Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia: A Case Report (January 2009) | 2 ATIF |
.TÜRKEL YAKUP,TERZI MURAT,YAZICI TUBA,SANDIKÇI UFUK,CENGIZ NILGÜN, Parkinsonizmle Ortaya Çikan Kronik Karaciger Sirozu Iki Olgu Sunumu, Parkinson Hastaligi ve Hareket Bozukluklari Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 25-29, 2009. |
Murat Terzi Nilgun Cengiz L İncesu Multiple cranial nerve involvement in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Article Jan 2008 18(1):43-45 (June 2008) |
L Güngör, N Cengiz, MK Onar - Cerebral Vein and Sinus Thrombosis: Clinical Evaluation Turkish Journal of Neurology, 2006 (January 2006) |
Türker, H; Cengiz, N; Onar, M Stiff Person Syndrome with Atypical Features and A Favourable Outcome with Steroids 2005 Marmara Medical Journal 18 (1) , pp.24-27 (January 2005) | 2 ATIF |
Cengiz, Nilgun ; Yanik, Filiz F. ; Onar, Musa K. Parameters Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Epileptic Patients Under Valproate Treatment (January 2005) |
.TÜRKER HANDE,CENGIZ NILGÜN,Sarica Murat,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, ’’’Yaygin Trunkal Lezyonlu Sturge-Weber Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu’’, Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Tip Dergisi, vol. 21, pp. 138-141, 2005. |
.KARA NURTEN,CENGIZ NILGÜN,GÜNES SEZGIN,BAGCI HASAN,ÖZBENLI TANER, X-linked recessive spina and bulbar muscular clinical and molecular study of a large family, Adv. Mol. Med, 2005. |
.TÜRKER HANDE,CENGIZ NILGÜN,GÜNGÖR IBRAHIM LEVENT,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, , ’’Stiff Person Syndrome With Atypical Features And A Favourable Outcome With Steroids’’, Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 18, pp. 24-27, 2005. |
Bayrak O, Şahin H, Cengiz N, Özbenli T. Chron Hastalığı ile İlişkili Sinüs Trombozu. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi İzzet Baysal Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi (January 2004) |
Türker H., Cengiz N., Sarica M., Onar M. Sturge-weber syndrome with diffuse truncal lesions: Case presentation (January 2004) |
M Terzi, N Cengiz, M Onar Diabetic neuropathy Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Tip Dergisi, 2004 - avesis.omu.edu.tr Diabetic neu (January 2004) | 2 ATIF |
.CENGIZ NILGÜN,TÜRKER HANDE,KIZILTAN MERAL, ’’Clinical And Electrodiagnostic Follow Up Of A Case Of Food Borne Botulism’’, Marmara Medical Journal, vol. 17, pp. 89-92, 2004. |
Terzi M, Cengiz N, Onar M. Hipoparatiroidiye bağlı hipokalsemi ve status epileptikus: Olgu Sunumu. İzmir Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2003,41(4):277-280 (January 2003) |
Gür B, Cengiz N, Cengiz K. Üremik Ensefalopati O.M.Ü.Tıp Dergisi 20(2):102-107 2003 (January 2003) |
D Aygün, T Özbenli, N CengizFamilial Alzheimer hastalığı: İki kardeş olgu Journal of Experimental medicine, 1999 (January 1999) |
Nilgun Cengiz ,Dursun Aygün ,Taner Özbenli, GülTen Tunalı AIDS ile ilişkili progresif multifokal lökoensephalopati Neurological Sciences [Turkish] http://www.med.ege.edu.tr/norolbil January 1998 15(3):1-3 (June 1998) |
Cengiz, N, Apaydın H, Korkmaz B, Dervet A. İki Kardeşte Konjenital Kas Lifi Tipi Orantısızlığı Myopatisi. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 23:595-597,1992 (January 1992) |
Soysal A, Baybaş S, Arpacı B, Göksan B, Cengiz N, Denktaş H. Akut İskemik Serebrovasküler Hastalıklarda Nikardipine Tedavisinin Etkinliği. Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi 8:1-2:14-19, 1991 (January 1991) |
MEHLİKA BERRA ÖZBERK PAMUK, NİLGÜN CENGİZ, MUSTAFA ONUR YILDIZ, NECDET BOLAT Vagal Sinir Stimülasyonu ile Ortaya Çıkan Forsed Normalizasyon Olgusu Yayın Yeri:55. Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi , 2019 (October 2019) |
.ÖZBERK MEHLIKA BERRA, AYGÜN DURSUN, CENGIZ NILGÜN, BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN, GÜNGÖR IBRAHIM LEVENT, YILDIZ MUSTAFA ONUR, Karotis Diseksiyonuna Bagli Agrili Horner Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu, 50. Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi. |
.POLAT MURAT,DOGAN M,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN,TÜRKER HANDE,CENGIZ NILGÜN, Nöbet sonrasi bilateral humerus boyun kirigi, Nöbet sonrasi bilateral humerus boyun kirigi. |
.BOYACI Y,TÜRKER HANDE,CENGIZ NILGÜN,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN, Ailesel T(1;17) dengeli translokasyon tasiyicisi epilepsi ve mental retardasyonu olan olgu, Ailesel T(1;17) dengeli translokasyon tasiyicisi epilepsi ve mental retardasyonu olan olgu'. |
.AKPINAR ÇETIN KÜRSAD, GÜL TUBA, YILDIZ MUSTAFA ONUR, CENGIZ NILGÜN, Ilaç Kullanimina Bagli Nöbetler: Iki Olgu Sunumu , 48. Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi. |
.TÜRKEL YAKUP,TERZI MURAT,YAZICI TUBA,CENGIZ NILGÜN, Santral Sinir Sistemi Tutulumu Olan ve Bilateral Oftalmopleji Klinigi ile Prezente Olan Mukormikoz Olgusu Olgu Sunumu, 44.Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
.TÜRKEL YAKUP,TERZI MURAT,YAZICI TUBA,CENGIZ NILGÜN,TUNALI GÜLTEN, Motor Nöron Hastaligini Taklit Eden Yaygin Idiopatik Iskelet Hiperostozu DISH Olgusu Olgu Sunumu, 44.Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
.TÜRKEL YAKUP,TERZI MURAT,YAZICI TUBA,SANDIKÇI UFUK,CENGIZ NILGÜN, Parkinsonizmle Prezente Olan Karaciger Sirozu Iki Olgu Sunumu, 44.Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi, Antalya-TÜRKIYE. |
.TERZI MURAT,TÜRKEL Y,CENGIZ NILGÜN,TÜRKER HANDE,YAZICI T,SANDIKÇI U,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, Mononöritis Multipleks Klinigi ile Prezante Olan Sjögren Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu, Mononöritis Multipleks Klinigi ile Prezante Olan Sjögren Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu. |
MURAT TERZİ,İBRAHİM LEVENT GÜNGÖR, NİLGÜN CENGİZ, S YÖN, HANDE TÜRKER, MUSA KAZİM ONAR Nörobehçette Klinik, Radyolojik ve Demografik Özellikler (October 2007) |
.TÜRKER HANDE,ONAR MUSA KAZIM,BILGICI A,CENGIZ NILGÜN,US O, Axillary neuropathy mimicking quadrilateral syndrome and its follow up for one year, Axillary neuropathy mimicking quadrilateral syndrome and its follow up for one year. |
.TÜRKER HANDE,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN,TERZI MURAT,CENGIZ NILGÜN,ONAR MUSA KAZIM, A comparative study of evoked potentials and EMG in Turkish patients with Multiple sclerosis and Neurobehçet’s syndrome, A comparative study of evoked potentials and EMG in Turkish patients with Multiple sclerosis and Neurobehçet’s syndrome. |
.TÜRKER HANDE,ONAR MUSA KAZIM,CENGIZ NILGÜN,AKAR H,BAYRAK AYSE OYTUN, Effects of high stimulus frequencies on central conduction time in median SEPs of patients with Neurobehçet’s disease, Effects of high stimulus frequencies on central conduction time in median SEPs of patients with Neurobehçet’s disease. |
.AKYOL ALI,Serdaroglu Ayse,Gökyigit Aysen,yigit Aytaç,AKTEKIN BERRIN,Baykan Betül,Oguz Genç Bülent,AYKUT BINGÖL CANAN,GÜRSES RABIA CANDAN,Türkdogan Dilsat,BILIR ERHAN,ARMAN FEHIM,AKHAN GALIP,GÜL GÜNAY,BOZDEMIR HACER,Isin Özisik Handan,Misirli Handan,AYDOGDU IBRAHIM,BORA IBRAHIM HAKKI,AGAN YILDIRIM KADRIYE,ASLAN KEZBAN,Ertas Mustafa,Kayrak Ertas Nalan,BEBEK NERSES,DERICIOGLU NESE,ARAÇ NILGÜN,CENGIZ NILGÜN,ERDINÇ OGUZ OSMAN,Taçkapilioglu Özlem,SAYGI SERAP,Bulut Serpil,K Velioglu Sibel,ALTIN ÜMMÜHAN, Epilepsi Nöbet Siniflamalarinin Karsilastirilmasi, 39. Ulusal Nörolji Kongresi, Belek, Antalya. |
Nilgun Cengiz Şahin H , Musa Onar Geç Başlangıçlı Serebellar bulgularla seyreden fenilketonüri Olgusu January 2002 Conference: 38 Ulusal Nöroloji Kongresi 2002 (January 2002) |
Nilgun Cengiz Akar H ,Musa Onar Trigeminal neuralgia in a patient with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy Conference: 18. Ulusal Klinik nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Kongresi ve 5. Uluslararası Klinik Nörofizyoloji Sempozyumu May 2001: Antalya -Turkey (May 2001) | 1 ATIF |
NİLGÜN CENGİZ ,AYKAN ULUS, MUSTAFA ONUR YILDIZ Yüzde Dirençli Fokal Motor Nöbetlerle Seyreden Venöz Anjiom Olgusu (November 2014) |