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P53 codon 72 genotypes in colon cancer Association with human papillomavirus infection (October 2022) |
Association of clinicopathological features with E-cadherin (CDH1) gene-160 C> A promoter polymorphism in Turkish colorectal cancer patients Yazarlar (January 2019) |
The-31 G/C promoter gene polymorphism of survivin in Turkish patients with colorectal cancer (October 2018) |
DNA methylation of the prestin gene and outer hair cell electromotile response of the cochlea in salicylate administration (April 2017) | 1 ATIF |
Importance of p53, bcl-2, p21WAF1and PCNA positivities in renal angiomyolipomas (March 2017) | 1 ATIF |
Un-methylation of the survivin gene has no effect on immunohistochemical expression of survivin protein in lung cancer patients with squamous cell carcinoma (March 2017) |
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase intron 4a/b polymorphism in coronary artery disease in thrace region of turkey. Source of the DocumentBiotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment. Volume 28, Issue 6, 2014, Pages 1115-1120. (December 2014) | 5 ATIF |
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase intron 4a/b polymorphism in coronary artery disease in thrace region of turkey (March 2014) |
M. Budak, M. A. Korpinar, T. Kalkan, H. Tuncel, Mutation detection in the promoter region of survivin gene on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea induced colon tumor model in rat. Bratislava Medical Journal. (April 2013) | 1 ATIF |
The association of gene polymorphisms of the angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II receptor type 1 with ischemic stroke in Turkish subjects of Trakya Region (February 2009) |
Glu298Asp Polymorphism Of The Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene İn Turkish Patients With İschemic Stroke. Mol Biol Rep. - -Mol Biol Rep (2009) 36, 1539–1543. | 3 ATIF |
Association between ace gene insertion (i)/deletion (d) polymorphism and primary hypertension in turkish patients of trakya region (January 2006) | 1 ATIF |
The-31 G/C promoter gene polymorphism of survivin in Turkish patients with colorectal cancer (October 2018) |
blaKPC-2 and blaOXA-48 producing Klebsiella pneumoniae found in a Turkish hospital in the Balkans (March 2018) |
Investigation of BRCA1, BRCA2 Gene Mutations and P53 Gene Polymorphism in High-Voltage Transmission Line Workers (December 2016) |
Investigation of BRCA1, BRCA2 gene mutations and P53 gene polymorphism in high-voltage transmission line workers (May 2016) |
Investigation of BRCA1, BRCA2 gene mutations and P53 gene polymorphism in high-voltage transmission line workers (March 2016) |
Biodistribution of nanoparticles and gene expression (November 2017) |
fff (November 2024) |
tt (June 2024) |
Uluslararası Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi (November 2017) |
Silver nanoparticles Cytotoxicity after 24 and 48 hour exposure (November 2017) |
ZnO nanoparticles Cytotoxity after 24 and 48 hour exposure (November 2017) |
Design of high afffinity PARP-10 inhibitors (November 2017) |
Novel PARP-2 inhibitor scaffold developed (November 2017) |
survivin gene polymorphism in glial type brain tumors (November 2017) |
Assessment of survivin and k67 in glial type brain tumors (November 2017) |
survivin gene exon 1 methylation in adenoma type lung cancers (November 2017) |
survivin gene exon 1 methylation (November 2017) |
Survivin gene promoter region methylation (November 2017) |
Relationship between lipprotein a and gene polymorphism (November 2017) |
Identifying the Interaction Site of Poly ADPribose Polymerase-4 with NAD by Using Molecular Dynami (July 2017) |
Süleyman Daşdağ, Tammam Sipahi, Arzu Ay, Ayhan Ünlü, Metin Budak, BRCA 1, BRCA 2 genes mutations and p53 gene polymorphism in stuff at High voltage lines. EMANET, November 2013, (November 2013) |
Logic of Epigenetics and Investigation of Potential Gene Regions (November 2018) |
Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Atrial Fibrillation (August 2018) |
Epigenetic Modifications and Potential Treatment Approaches in Lung Cancers (August 2018) |
Akciğer Tümörlerinde Metilasyon Değişimleri (September 2014) |
Kolera toksininin üç boyutlu yapısının, etkileşim bölgelerin ve etki mekanizmasının moleküler dinamik yöntemlerle incelenmesi |
M. Budak, A. Ünlü, S. Şen, T. Sipahi, Serun eNOS levels and intron 4a/b polymorphism in smoking and non-smoking males. (September 2013) |
Kolera Toksininin Üç boyutlu yapısının etkileşim bölgelerinin ve etki mekanizmasının moleküler dinamik programlarla incelenmesi |
Deneysel metabolik sendrom (November 2017) |
Tinnitusun Koklear Orijini Moleküler Bir Yaklaşım (November 2015) |
Edirne Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu (January 2018) |
International Journal of Genetics and Genomics(IJGG) (March 2018) |
Epigenetic targeting therapeutic approaches in drug resistant cancer (January 2018) |
Poli ADP Riboz Polimerazlarda ve ADP Ribozilleyen Toksinlerde Nikotinamid Adenin Dinükelotidi Tanıyan Ortak Motifin Üç Boyutlu Yapısının Belirlenerek Bu Ortak Motifin Etkileşim Arayüzünün ve Bağlanma Enerjileri Yüksek Sıcak Noktalarının Kuramsal ve Deneysel Yöntemlerle Araştırılması (February 2017) |
Glial tümörlerde Survivin Gen Polimorfizminin ve İlgili Moleküllerin Patolojik ve Klinik Sonuçlarla Karşılaştırılarak Araştırılması (March 2016) |
Akciğer Kanserlerinde Survivin Geninin Metilasyon Değişimleri ve Gen İfadesine Etkisinin Araştırılması (January 2016) |
Poli Adp-Riboz Polimerazlarda Ve Adp-Ribozilleyen Toksinlerde Nikotinamid Adenin Dinükelotidi Tanıyan Ortak Motifin Üç Boyutlu Yapısının Belirlenerek Bu Ortak Motifin Etkileşim Arayüzünün Ve Bağlanma Enerjileri Yüksek Sıcak Noktalarının Kuramsal Ve Deneysel Yöntemlerle Araştırılması |
Akciğer Kanserlerinde Survivin Geninin Metilasyon Değişimleri ve Gen İfadesine Etkisinin Araştırılması |
Akcğer Kanserlerin survivin gen metilasyon değişimleri ve ekspresyonuna etkisi |
Smad4 metilasyon kiti projesi (November 2018) |
Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Atrial Fibrillation (November 2018) |
Bilimde Sıradışı Sonuçlar (November 2018) |
P53 codon 72 genotypes in colon cancer association with human papillomavirüs infection, Res. Com. Molec. Path. Pharm. (2001) Vol.109,nos. 1&2, 25-34. (April 2017) | 2 ATIF |