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Expression levels of maternal plasma microRNAs in preeclamptic pregnancies (August 2021) |
Ayaz L, Dinç E. Evaluation of microRNA responses in ARPE-19 cells against the oxidative stress. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2018 Jun;37(2):121-126 (June 2018) |
Effects of Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab, and Aflibercept on MicroRNA Expression in a Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cell Culture Model of Oxidative Stress. (February 2018) |
Dinc E, Ayaz L, Kurt AH. Protective Effect of Combined Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester and Bevacizumab Against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human RPE Cells. Curr Eye Res. 2017 Sep 22:1-8. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2017.1368085 (September 2017) |
Balci S, Ayaz L, Gorur A, Yildirim Yaroglu H, Akbayir S, Dogruer Unal N, Bulut B, Tursen U, Tamer L. microRNA profiling for early detection of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Clin Exp 2016 Jun;41(4):346-51 (June 2016) |
Demirel C, Kilciksiz SC, Gurgul S, Erdal N, Yigit S, Tamer L, Ayaz L. Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Oxidative Damage in the Lung Tissue: May Acetylsalicylic Acid Have a Positive Role? Inflammation. 2016 Feb;39(1):158-65. (February 2016) |
Dinc E, Yildirim O, Ayaz L, Ozcan T, Yilmaz SN. Effects of intravitreal injection of bevacizumab on nitric oxide levels. Eye (Lond). Mar;29(3):436-42 (March 2015) |
Ahmet Dag, Tahsin Colak, Okay Koc, Lokman Ayaz, Ulku Comelekoglu and Ebru Serinsoz-Pfeiffer. Soybean oil prevents peritoneal adhesions without impairing colonic anastomotic healing. Surgical Practice (2015) 19, 98–105 (February 2015) |
Korlu S, Vayisoglu Y, Comelekoglu U, Aktas S, Arpaci RB, Yalin S, Dagtekin A, Ayaz L, Bagdatoğlu OT, Koca D, Kirbas HB, Tasdelen B, Talas DU. Is mycophenolate mofetil an alternative agent to corticosteroids in traumatic nerve paralysis? J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov;25(6):e510-3 (November 2014) |
Ayaz L, Cayan F, Balci S, Görür A, Akbayir S, Yıldırım Yaroğlu H, Doğruer Unal N, Tamer. Circulating microRNA expression profiles in ovarian cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2014 34(7):620-4 (October 2014) |
The Effects of Methylprednisolone and Vitamin A on the Healing of Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Paralysis. Levent Sevuk, Yusuf Vayisoğlu, Savaş Korlu, Ülkü Çömelekoğlu, Rabia Bozdoğan Arpacı, Savaş Aktaş, İlter Helvacı, Lokman Ayaz, Ahmet Dağtekin, Perihan Göçer, Zeynep Cansu Aladağ, Mehmet Ali Karataş, Derya Ümit Talaş, Int Adv Otol 2014 • DOI: 10.5152/iao.2014.146 (July 2014) |
Sevda Ertekin, Özlem Yıldırım, Erdem Dinç, Lokman Ayaz, Şenay Balcı Fidancı, Lülüfer Tamer. Evaluation of circulating miRNAs in wet age-related macular degeneration, Molecular Vision 2014; 20:1057-1066 (July 2014) |
Ayaz L, Karakaş Çelik S, Cayan F. The G1057D polymorphism of insulin receptor substrate-2 associated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2014 Feb;30(2):165-8 (February 2014) |
Nihal Sari A, Kacan M, Unsal D, Sahan Firat S, Kemal Buharalioglu C, Vezir O, Korkmaz B, Cuez T, Canacankatan N, Sucu N, Ayaz L, Tamer Gumus L, Gorur A, Tunctan B. Contribution of RhoA/Rho-kinase/MEK1/ERK1/2/iNOS pathway to ischemia/reperfusion-induced oxidative/nitrosative stress and inflammation leading to distant and target organ injury in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2014 Jan 15;723:234-45 (January 2014) |
Ayaz L, Görür A, Yaroğlu HY, Ozcan C, Tamer L. Differential expression of microRNAs in plasma of patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma: potential early-detection markers for laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2013;139(9):1499-506 (June 2013) |
Dınc E, Yıldırım O, Necat Yılmaz S, Canacankatan N, Ayaz L, Ozcan T, Temel GO. Intravitreal bevacizumab effects on VEGF levels in distant organs: an experimental study. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2013 (March 2013) |
Gorur A, Balci Fidanci S, Dogruer Unal N, Ayaz L, Akbayir S, Yildirim Yaroglu H, Dirlik M, Serin MS, Tamer L. Determination of plasma microRNA for early detection of gastric cancer.. Mol Biol Rep. Mar;40(3):2091-6 (March 2013) |
Canacankatan N, Sucu N, Aytacoglu B, Gul OE, Gorur A, Korkmaz B, Sahan-Firat S, Antmen ES, Tamer L, Ayaz L, Vezir O, Kanik A, Tunctan B. Affirmative Effects of Iloprost on Apoptosis during Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Kidney as a Distant Organ. Renal Failure 3;111-8 (November 2012) |
Kavak S, Ayaz L, Emre M. Effects of rosiglitazone with insulin combination therapy on oxidative stress and lipid profile in left ventricular muscles of diabetic rats. Exp Diabetes Res. 905683. (July 2012) |
Dursun O, Yilmaz A, Ayaz L, Tamer L. Serum levels and H/L gene polymorphism of mannose-binding lectin in primary open angle glaucoma. Curr Eye Res. 37(3):212-7. (March 2012) |
Filiz Çayan, Ramazan Gen, Lokman Ayaz, Nurcan Aras-Ateş, Esen Akbay, Safet Dilek, Association of Insulin Receptor Substrate-2 Gene Polymorphism with Ovarian Cancer. Balkan Med J. 28;14-17. (June 2011) |
Lokman Ayaz, Musa Dirlik, Lülüfer Tamer, İlter Helvacı, Ahmet Dağ. The role of Mannose-Binding Lectin-2 gene polymorphisms in patients with colorectal cancer. Turk J Biochem. 36(1):55-60. (April 2011) |
Kilciksiz S, Demirel C, Ayhan SE, Erdal N, Gurgul S, Tamer L, Ayaz L. N-acetylcysteine ameliorates nitrosative stress on radiation-inducible damage in rat liver. JOURNAL OF BUON 16(1):154-159. (March 2011) |
Yilmaz A, Ayaz L, Tamer L. Selenium and Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol. 151(2);272-276. (February 2011) |
Lokman Ayaz, Sevim Karakaş Çelik, Filiz Çayan, Nurcan Aras-Ateş, Lülüfer TAMER. Functional association of interleukin 18 gene-607 C/A promoter polymorphisms with endometriosis. Fertil Steril. 95(1);298-300 (January 2011) |
Cayan F, Ertunç D, Aras-Ateş N, Ayaz L, Akbay E, Karakaş S, Coban O, Dilek S. Association of G1057D variant of insulin receptor substrate-2 with endometriosis. Fertil Steril. 94;5:1622-1626. (October 2010) |
Lokman Ayaz, Ali Unlu, Nehir Sucu, Lulufer Tamer, Ugur Atik, Mehmet Ali Sungur. The role of Neopterin, C-Reactive Protein and Myeloperoxidase in patients undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Medical Principles and Practice. 19:479-484 (September 2010) |
Çayan, F., E. Tok, N. Aras-Ateş, L. Ayaz, E. Akbay, R. Gen, S. Karakaş, S. Dilek, Insuline receptor substrate-2 gene polymorphism: is it associated with endometrial cancer?, Gynecological Endocrinology. 26(5):378-82 (May 2010) |
Eker S, Ayaz L, Tamer L, Ulubas B.Leptin, visfatin, insulin resistance, and body composition change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 71(1):40-44 (February 2010) |
Cayan F, Ayaz L, Aras-Ateş N, Dilekçi E, Dilek S, Tamer-Gümüs L. N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphism in patients with cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 19(7):1186-9. (October 2009) |
Cayan F, Ayaz L, Aban M, Dilek S, Gumus LT. Role of CYP2C19 polymorphisms in patients with endometriosis. Gynecol Endocrinol. 25(8):530-535. (August 2009) |
Servet KAVAK, Lokman AYAZ, Mustafa EMRE, Abdi BOZKURT. Effects of Insuline on Oxidative Stress and Free Fatty Acid Level in Left Ventricular Muscles of Diabetic Rats. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21(7);5677-5684. (January 2009) |
Kilciksiz S, Demirel C, Erdal N, Gurgul S, Tamer L, Ayaz L, Ors Y. The Effect of N-acetylcysteine on Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced Oxidative Damage in a Rat Model. Acta Med Okayama. 62(6):403-9. (December 2008) |
Kavak S, Ayaz L, Emre M, Inal T, Tamer L, Günay I. The effects of rosiglitazone on oxidative stress and lipid profile in left ventricular muscles of diabetic rats. Cell Biochem Funct. 26(4):478-85 (June 2008) |
Ayaz L, Ercan B, Dirlik M, Atik U, Tamer L. The association between N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer. Cell Biochem Funct. 26(3): 329-333 (April 2008) |
ERCAN B, AYAZ L, CİCEK D, TAMER L. Role of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms in patients with atherosclerosis. Cell Biochem Funct. 26 (3):309-313 (April 2008) |
Erdal N, Gürgül S, Tamer L, Ayaz L. Effects of long-term exposure of extremely low frequency magnetic field on oxidative/nitrosative stress in rat liver. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). 49(2):181-7 (March 2008) |
Ayan E, Bayram Kaplan M, Koksel O, Tamer L, Karabacak T, Ayaz L, Ozdulger A. Efficiency of lornoxicam in lung and trachea injury caused by peroxynitrite. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 21(1):201-7. (March 2008) |
Canbaz H, Akca T, Tataroglu C, Caglikulekci M, Dirlik M, Ayaz L, Ustunsoy AB, Tasdelen B, Aydin S. The effects of exogenous L-carnitine on lipid peroxidation and tissue damage in an experimental warm hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury model. Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical and Experimental, 68:1:32-46 (February 2007) |
Avlan D, Tamer L, Ayaz L, Polat A, Ozturk C, Ozturhan H, Camdeviren H, Aksoyek S. Effects of trapidil on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Pediatr Surg. 41(10):1686-93. (October 2006) |
Tamer L, Yılmaz A, Yıldırım H, Ayaz L , Aras Ates N, Karakaş S, Öz Ö, Yıldırım Ö, Atik U: N-Acetyltransferase 2 Phenotype May Be Associate With Susceptibility To Age-Related Cataract. Current eye, 30(10);835-839. (October 2005) |
Ozeren M, Sucu N, Tamer L, Aytacoglu B, Bayri O, Dondas A, Ayaz L, Dikmengil M. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) supplemented St. Thomas' hospital cardioplegic solution improves the antioxidant defense system of rat myocardium during ischemia-reperfusion injury. Pharmacological research, 52;258-263. (September 2005) |
Avlan D, Unlu A, Ayaz L, Camdeviren H, Nayci A, Aksoyek S. Poly (adp-ribose) synthetase inhibition reduces oxidative and nitrosative organ damage after thermal injury. Pediatr Surg Int. 21(6):449-455. (June 2005) |
Jane, E Freedman., Bahadir Ercan., Kristine M. Morin., Ching-Ti Liu., Lulufer, Tamer, Lokman, Ayaz, Mehmet Kanadasi, Dilek Cicek, Ali Ihsan Seyhan, Rabia Eker Akilli, Celalettin Camci, Beyha Cengiz, Serdar Oztuzcu, Kahraman Tanriverdi The distribution of circulating microRNA and their relation to coronary disease. F1000 Research. 1, 50 (February 2012) |
Ayaz L, Dinç E. microRNA response of ARPE-19 cells against the oxidative stress. 42st FEBS Congress, Jerusalem, İsrael Date: SEP 10-14, 2017 (September 2017) |
Ayaz L, Ercan B, Sucu N, Tanriverdi K, Tamer L. microRNA expression signatures between non-atherosclerotic plaque and atherosclerotic plaque in CAD with humans, and parallels whole blood. 41st FEBS Congress on Molecular and Systems Biology for a Better Life Location: Kusadasi, TURKEY Date: SEP 03-08, 2016. (September 2016) |
B22. Elif Ezgi Gürel, Lokman AYAZ, Mevlüt Yaprak, Levent Öztürk. The effects os 40h sleep deprivation on insulin, resistin and visfatin levels in healthy humans. XI. Congress of bulgarian society of physiological sciences with international partipicipation. 9-11 october 2015 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (October 2015) |
L. Ayaz, Ş. Balcı, A. Görür, S. Akbayır, H. Yıldırım Yaroğlu, N. Doğruer Unal, F. Çayan, L. Tamer. Circulating microrna Expression profiles in ovarian cancer. IFCC WorldLab, Istanbul, 22-26 June 2014 (June 2014) |
L. Ayaz, A. Gorur, H. Y. Yaroglu, N. U. Dogruer, S. B. Fidanci, C. Ozcan and L. Tamer. Differential expression of microRNAs in plasma of patients with larygeal squamous cell carcinoma: potential early detection markers for larygeal squamous cell carcinoma. 38th FEBS Congress July 6-11, St Petersburg Russia (July 2013) |
Aysegul Gorur, Senay Balci Fidanci, Z. Nil Dogruer Ünal, Lokman Ayaz, Serin Akbayir, Hatice Yildirim Yaroglu, Musa Dirlik, Mehmet Sami Serin, Lülüfer Tamer Gümüs. Determination of serum microRNAs for early detection of gastric cancer. 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress September 4-9, 2012, Sevilla Spain (September 2012) |
Hatice Yildirim Yaroglu, Lokman Ayaz, Senay Balci Fidanci, Z. Nil Droguer Unal, Aysegül Gorur, Serin Akbayir, Necati Muslu, Mehmet Sami Serin, Lülüfer Tamer Gumus Circulating microrna expression profiling in healty subjects in the east mediterranean of turkey. 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress September 4-9, 2012, Sevilla Spain (September 2012) |
Canacankatan N, Sucu N, Gul OE, Gorur A, Aytacoglu B, Korkmaz B, Sahan-Firat S, Tamer L, Ayaz L, Vezir O, Erdogan S, Tunctan B. İloprost a prostacyclin analogue prevents limp ischemia-reperfusion injuriy by reducing apoptosis in rats. 10th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences has taken place between June 26-29, 2012 Ankara Turkey. (June 2012) |
Hatice Yildirim Yaroğlu, Nil Unal, Lokman Ayaz and Lülüfer Tamer Gümüş. CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 gene polymorphism in the Mersin population. 4th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Yeditepe University, İstanbul, 27-30 June 2011. (June 2011) |
Nil Doğruer Unal, Hatice Yildirim Yaroğlu, Lokman Ayaz and Lulufer Tamer Gumuş. NAT2 gene polymorphism distributions in healthy turkish individuals from the mersin region. 4th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Yeditepe University, İstanbul, 27-30 June 2011 (June 2011) |
Kahraman Tanriverdi; Jane E Freedman; Bahadir Ercan; Kristine Morin; Ching-Ti Liu; Lulufer Tamer; Lokman Ayaz; Mehmet Kanadasi; Dilek Cicek; Ali I Seyhan; Rabia Akilli; Celalettin Camci; Beyhan Cengiz; Serdar Oztuzcu. “The Distribution of Circulating microRNA and their Relation to Coronary Disease” American Heart Association Scientific Session 2010, Chicago, November 15-17, 2010. (November 2010) |
HY. Yaroglu, N. Muşlu, ND. Ünal, L. Ayaz, DÇ. Yılmaz, G. Polat , L. Tamer-Gümüs. The levels of IL-6, IL-2R and IGFBP-3 in patient with atherosclerosis. 35th FEBS, Göteborg, Sweden. June 26- July 1, 2010 (July 2010) |
Yaroglu, H., L. Ayaz, A. Biçer, L. Tamer-Gümüş. Role of the mannose-binding lectin-2 X/Y (MBL-2 X/Y) polymorphisms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 35th FEBS, Göteborg, Sweden. June 26- July 1, 2010. (July 2010) |
F. Çayan, L. Ayaz, N. Aras-Ateş, E. Dilekçi, S. Dilek, L. Tamer-Gümüş. N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphism in patients with cervical cancer. 16th International Meeting of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology, October 11-14 2009 Belgrade, Serbia (October 2009) |
KAVAK S, AYAZ L, EMRE M. Effects of rosiglitazone with insulin combination therapy on oxidative stress in left ventricular muscles of diabetic rats. 2nd International Biophysics Congress and Biotechnology at GAP & the 21st National Biophysics Congress 05-09 October 2009 Diyarbakir Turkey (October 2009) |
Çayan, F., L. Ayaz, N. Aras-Ateş, E. Dilekçi, S. Dilek, L. Tamer-Gümüş, “N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphism in patients with cervical cancer”, 8th International Turkish-German Gynecologic Association Congress, 29 april-3 May, Rixos Sungate Kemer/ Antalya, 2009 (May 2009) |
Lokman Ayaz, Bahadır Ercan, Nurcan Aras Ateş, Musa Dirlik, Lülüfer Tamer Gümüş. The role of mannose-binding lectın-2 polymorphisms in patients with colorectal cancer. III. International Congress of Molecular Medicine, 5-8 May 2009, İstanbul (May 2009) |
Çayan, F., L. Ayaz, M. Aban, S. Dilek, L. Tamer-Gümüs. “Role of CYP2C19 polymorphisms in patients with endometriosis”, 8th International Turkish-German Gynecologic Association Congress, 29 Nisan-3 May, Rixos Sungate Kemer/ Antalya, 2009. (April 2009) |
SAHAN-FIRAT, S., KORKMAZ, B., CUEZ, T., AYAZ L., TAMER, L., BUHARALIOGLU, C.K., SARI, A.N., TUNCTAN, B.; "Prostaglandins Contribute to Endotoxin-Induced Increase in Lipid Peroxidation via Nitric Oxide Production during Endotoxemia in Rats" Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, LA, US, April 18-22, Program/Abstract No: LB368/656, FASEB J 23, LB368 (2009). (April 2009) |
S. Kiliçsiz, C. Demirel, N. Erdal, S. Gürgül, L. Tamer, L. Ayaz, Y. Ors. The preventive effect of N-acetylcysteine on radiation-induced oxidative damage in a rat model. Journal of the European society for therapeutic Radiotherapy and Oncology vol:88:2 Semptember 14-18, 2008 Göteburg, Sweden (September 2008) |
Bahadir Ercan, Lokman Ayaz, Dilek Cicek, Lulufer Tamer. Role of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms in atherosclerosis. Chinese Medical Journal vol 120 :2 October 10 2007. XI. Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, Pekin (October 2007) |
Ayaz L, Ercan B, Dirlik M, Tamer L, Atik U.“The association between N-acetyltransferase 2 gene polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer”. II. Congress of Molecular Medicine. 24-26 March 2007, İstanbul. (March 2007) |
Tamer L, Ercan B, Ayaz L, Tokuccu E, Cicek D, Atik U. “Role of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms in coronary artery disease”. 14th Meeting of Balkan Federation of Clinical Laboratory. Sofia, Bulgaria. 27-30 September, 2006. (September 2006) |
A Unlu, M Çalıkoğlu, D. Gün, L Ayaz, L Tamer. “MMP and TIMP-I levels in the sputum of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma”. 31th FEBS Congress, İstanbul. 24-29 Haziran 2006. (June 2006) |
Ayaz L, Yıldırım H, Doğruer ZN, Öcal K, Ercan B, Tamer L, Aydın S, Atik U. “The association between GST Gene Polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer” 31th FEBS Congress, İstanbul. 24-29 Haziran 2006. (June 2006) |
I Cinel, V Oztuna, T Karabacak, H Okcu, L Ayaz, L Tamer and U Oral. Ethyl pyruvate prevents acute lung injury in an experimental multitrauma model 26th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Brussels, Belgium. 21–24 March 2006 (March 2006) |
Tamer L., Yildirim H., Api H., Karakas S., Degirmenci U., Ayaz L., Ercan B., Baz K., Tursen U., Atik U. Determination of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms in Behcet's disease. 30th Congress of the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and 9th Conference of the International Union of Biochemical and Molecular Biological Societies (IUBMB). Budapest, Hungary. (July 2005) |
38th FEBS Congress, St Petersburg Russia (July 2013) |
III. International Congress of Molecular Medicine Harbiye Askeri Müzesi, İstanbul, 5-8 May 2009 (May 2009) |
II. Congress of Molecular Medicine Lütfi Kırdar Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı, İstanbul, 22-26 Mart 2007 (March 2007) |
31. FEBS Congress Mlecules in Health & Disease Lütfi Kırdar Kongre ve sergi Sarayı, İstanbul, 24-29 Haziran 2006 (June 2006) |
Mehmet Kerem KARACA, Özden VEZİR, Lokman AYAZ, Murat ÖZEREN, Barlas Naim AYTAÇOĞLU, Mehmet Ali SUNGUR, Nehir SUCU. Rosuvastatinin Ratlarda Bacak İskemi Reperfüzyonu Sonrası Eritrosit Membran Bütünlüğü Üzerine Etkisi. MN Kardiyoloji • Mart 2015 • Cilt 22 Sayı 1 (March 2015) |
Hatice YILDIRIM YAROĞLU, Ayşegül GÖRÜR, Lokman AYAZ, Şenay BALCI FİDANCI, Serin AKBAYIR, Z.Nil DOĞRUER ÜNAL, Engin KAPLAN Mehmet Sami SERİN, Resul BUĞDAYCI, Nurcan ARAS ATEŞ, Lülüfer TAMER GÜMÜŞ. Mersin İlinde Sağlıklı Bireylerde MikroRNA Ekspresyon Profili. Sağlık Bilim Derg. 2011;4(3):25-29 (March 2011) |
Özgür Bayri, Murat Özeren, Kerem Karaca, Barlas N. Aytaçoğlu, Lokman Ayaz, Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Mehmet Ali Sungur. Comparison of bencylane hydrogen fumarate, pentoxifylline and cilostazol’s protective effects in the treatment of peripheral occlusive arterial on a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Turkiye Klinikleri J Cardiovasc Sci 2010;22(3):289-96 (October 2010) |
Lülüfer Tamer, Ümit Türsen, Nurcan Aras Ateş, Hatice Yıldırım, Lokman Ayaz, Sevim Karakaş, Bahadır Ercan, Handan Çamdeviren, Uğur Atik. CYP2C9 and NAT2 gene polymorphism in patients with drug eruption. Türkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji cilt:16 sayı 4, 2006:147-152 (February 2006) |
Çayan, F., E. Tok, N. Aras-Ateş, L. Ayaz, E. Akbay, R. Gen, S. Karakaş, S. Dilek, “Insuline receptor substrate-2 gene polymorphism: is it associated with endometrial cancer?”. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim, Antalya, 2009. (November 2009) |
Çayan, F., L. Ayaz, N. Aras-Ateş, S. Dilek, “Association of insuline receptor rubstrate-2 G1057D polymorphism with cervical cancer”, II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi , 1-4 Ekim, Antalya, 2009. (October 2009) |
Çayan, F., E. Tok, N. Aras-Ateş, L. Ayaz, E. Akbay, R. Gen, S. Karakaş, S. Dilek, “Association of insulin receptor substrate-2 gene polymorphism with ovarian cancer. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim, Antalya, 2009 (October 2009) |
Çayan, F., D. Ertunç, N. Aras-Ateş, L. Ayaz, E. Akbay, S. Karakaş, Ö. Çoban, S. Dilek, “Association of G1057D variant of insulin receptor substrate-2 with endometriosis”. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim, Antalya, 2009. (October 2009) |
MOLE-6783, Molecular Biology Reports (February 2013) |