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Güvendir, E., & Uzun, K. (2023). L2 writing anxiety, working memory, and task complexity in L2 written performance. Journal of Second Language Writing, 60(101016). Available on https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1060374323000541?dgcid=author (May 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2021). Performance Prediction Strengths of Noun and Verb Phrases in L2 Writing: Comparison of Density and Complexity Variables. Assessing Writing, 50, 100572. (September 2021) |
Uzun, K. & Zehir Topkaya, E. (2019). The effects of genre-based instruction and genre-focused feedback on L2 writing performance. Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning difficulties. DOI: 10.1080/10573569.2019.1661317 |
Cangır, H., Uzun, K., Can, T., Oğuz E., & Kaya, Ö. F. (2024). The development of an error-tagged learner corpus: TELC (Turkish-English learner corpus) and its web-interface. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 35(2), 279-307. https://doi.org/10.18492/dad.1489654 (December 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Using rhetorical writing frames to enhance negotiated independent construction in second language writing. TESOL Journal, 00:e862, 1-18. (July 2024) |
Kaya, Ö. F., Uzun, K., & Cangır, H. (2022). Using corpora for language teaching and assessment in L2 writing: A narrative review. Focus on ELT Journal, 4(3), 46-62. |
Uzun, K. (2022). Sentiment and sentence similarity as predictors of integrated and independent L2 writing performance. Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature, and Culture, 7(1), 1-18. |
Ulum, Ö. G., & Uzun, K. (2020). Critical perspective of English teaching and learning in Turkey. IJERE, 9(2), 456-460. |
Uzun, K. (2020). Tracing negative transfer in the lexical collocations used by Turkish learners of English in written texts. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2), 1024-1037. |
Uzun, K. (2020). Future prediction of L2 writing performance: A machine learning approach. Journal of Educational Technology, 17(2), 1-13. |
Uzun, K., & Köksal, H. (2020). Direct vs indirect written corrective feedback: An action research. Trakya Journal of Education, 10(1), 191-204. https://doi.org/10.24315/tred.562045 |
Uzun, K. (2020). The effect of a research methods course on the attitudes towards research among pre-Service English teachers. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 54, 233-257. |
Uzun, K. (2019). Using Regression to Reduce L2 Teachers’ Scoring Workload: Predicting Essay Quality from Several Rhetorical Moves. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 9(3), 24-31. |
Uzun, K. (2019). Using Bayesian Statistics to Investigate the Relationships among L2 Writing Attitude, Writing Self-Efficacy and Writing Anxiety. International Journal of Educational Spectrum, 1(2), 60-69. |
Uzun, K. (2019). Lexical Indicators of L2 Writing Performance. The Literacy Trek, 5(1), 23-36. |
Uzun, K. (2018) Home-Grown automated essay scoring in the literature classroom: A solution for managing the crowd? Contemporary Educational Technology, 9(4), 423-436. (October 2018) |
Uzun, K. (2018). The use of lexical bundles and the definite article ‘the’: A core expression analysis. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7(3), 269–286. http://dx.doi.org/10.30703/cije.441596. (October 2018) |
Uzun, K. (2018). English for academic purposes needs of research assistants: A qualitative needs analysis in a nursing department. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(1), 18-25. (June 2018) |
Uzun, K., & Zehir Topkaya, E. (2018). The effect of genre-based instruction on foreign language writing anxiety. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 14(4), 243-258. |
Uzun, K. (2017). The use of conjunctions and its relationship with argumentative writing performance in an EFL setting. The journal of teaching English for specific and academic purposes, 5(2), 307-315. doi: 10.22190/JTESAP1702307U (ESCI) (July 2017) |
Uzun, K. (2017). The relationship between genre knowledge and writing performance. The journal of teaching English for specific and academic purposes, 5(2), 153-162. doi: 10.22190/JTESAP1702153U (ESCI) (July 2017) |
Uzun, K. (2017). Compulsory English courses in higher education: A source of angst or thrill? The journal of language teaching and learning, 7(2), 1-20. (ESCI) |
Uzun, K. (2016). Developing EAP writing skills through genre-based instruction: An action research. International journal of educational researchers, 7(2), 25-38. |
Uzun, K. (2016). A genre analysis of the methodology sections of descriptive medical surgical nursing articles. Journal of computer and education research, 4(7), 65-81. |
Uzun, K. (2016). Critical investigation of a qualitative research article from ontological and epistemological perspectives. International journal of social sciences and educational research, 2(3), 1035-1043. |
Uzun, K. (2016). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and self-directed learning readiness. ELT research journal, 5(1), 30-46 |
Uzun, K. (2015). How translation-interpretation students process cultural texts: A think-aloud protocol analysis. Başkent university journal of education, 2(2), 141-150. |
Uzun, K. (2013). Grammar learning preferences of Turkish undergraduate students of translation-interpretation. ELT research journal, 2(1), 26-39. |
Deneme, S., Ada, S. & Uzun, K. (2011). Teaching a foreign language and foreign culture to young learners. International journal of business, humanities and technology, 1(1), 152-164. |
Uzun, K. (2025). Digital humanities: Technology integrated social sciences. Paper presented at the 12th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences, New York. (January 2025) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Dil öğretiminde görev karmaşıklığı ve etkileri. Paper presented at the 11th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences. New York, USA. (September 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Fostering language proficiency through pushed output: Student teachers' insights and reflections. Paper presented at the 10th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences. Albany, New York. (July 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Data-driven teaching: Learning analytics in the classroom. Paper presented at the 10th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences. Albany, New York. (July 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Comparing regression algorithms for predicting psychological factors in language learners' writing. Paper presented at the 12th International Başkent Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences Proceedings Book. (May 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). The moderating effect of polarity in the relationship between morphological complexity and L2 writing quality. Paper presented at the 12th International Başkent Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences Proceedings Book. (May 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Differences in morphological complexity in integrated and independent L2 writing tasks. Paper presented at the 9th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences. (February 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). An argument for the extended use of simulations in educational research. Paper presented at the 9th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences. (February 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2023). The mediating effect of readability on the relationship between syntactic complexity and human ratings of L2 writing. Paper presented at the 13th Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (April 2023) |
Uzun, K. & Coşgun Ögeyik, M. (2023). Yabancı dil sınıflarında kültürlerarası iletişim ve materyaller. Paper presented at the 13th Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (April 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2023). Word Choice and L2 Writing Quality: Cognition or Emotion?. Paper presented at the 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (February 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2023). Microlearning and its Educational Implications. Paper presented at the 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (February 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2023). Predicting Independent L2 Writing Score Using Grammatical Accuracy Indices. Paper presented at the 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (January 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2023). Learner experiences in synchronous online group activites. Paper presented at the 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences. (January 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2022). Cognitive load theory and its educational implications. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress On Life, Social, And Health Sciences In A Changing World Proceedings Book. (July 2022) |
Uzun, K. (2022). Prediction of low L2 writing performance using syntactic complexity indices. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World, Online. (March 2022) |
Uzun, K. (2022). Human learning and memory: What educators need to know. Paper presented at the 4th International Congress on Life, Social and Health Sciences. Online. (February 2022) |
Uzun, K. (2022). An L2 writing quality prediction model based on lexical decision and reaction time data. Paper presented at the 4th International Congress on Life, Social and Health Sciences in a Changing World. Online. (February 2022) |
Uzun, K. (October, 2021). Cultural diversity in education in Germany and Turkey: School heads' opinions. Paper presented at the 6th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress. (October 2021) |
Uzun, K. (August, 2021). Eğitim ve Duygular. Paper presented at the International International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. (August 2021) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2021). Emotional load, formality, informativeness and implicature in relation to L2 writing performance. Paper presented at the International Kosovo Congress on Culture, Arts and Multi-disciplinary Studies, Prishtina, Kosovo. (April 2021) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2021). Syntactic complexity and the components of EFL writing performance: A regression study. Paper presented at the International Kosovo Congress on Culture, Arts and Multi-disciplinary Studies, Prishtina, Kosovo. (April 2021) |
Uzun, K. (March, 2021). Pandemi Döneminde Uzaktan Dil Eğitimi ve Araştırmasını Destekleyici bir Web Uygulaması. Paper presented at the International Covid-19 and Current Issues Congress, Turkey. (March 2021) |
Uzun, K. (March, 2021). School Closure Decisions of High and Low-GDP OECD Countries During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the International Covid-19 and Current Issues Congress, Turkey. (March 2021) |
Uzun, K. (2021). Development of an L2 evaluative that identifier: An ongoing reliability study. Paper presented in III. International New York Cultural Interaction and Academic Studies Congress, New York, USA. |
Uzun, K. (October, 2020). Noun phrase use and undergraduate L2 writing performance. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL). Bursa, Turkey (October 2020) |
Uzun, K. (September, 2020). Using rhetorical writing frames to enhance negotiated independent construction in L2 writing. Paper presented at the 11th ELT Research Conference. Çanakkale, Turkey. (September 2020) |
Uzun, K. (June, 2020). Classification of L2 Thesis Statement Writing Performance Using Syntactic Complexity Indices. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2020). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Bulgaria. |
Uzun, K. (September, 2019). Vulnerable groups’ beliefs about foreign language learning. Paper presented in the 6th International Cross-Curricularity in Language Education Conference, Krotoszyn, Poland. (September 2019) |
Uzun, K. (September, 2019). The use of evaluative that in literary analysis essays written by Turkish pre-service English teachers. Paper presented in the 6th International Cross-Curricularity in Language Education Conference, Krotoszyn, Poland. (September 2019) |
Uzun, K. (March, 2019). Predicting Essay Scores from Thesis Statement Scores in L2 Writing: A Regression Study. Paper presented at the 9th International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series - Tekirdağ, Turkey. (March 2019) |
Uzun, K. (October, 2018). Lexical indicators of L2 writing. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference Research in Applied Linguistics, Malatya, Turkey. (October 2018) |
Uzun, K. (May, 2018). The Relationship between Teachers' Income and Learners' Performance. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Research in Education, Manisa, Turkey. (May 2018) |
Uzun, K. (May, 2018). PISA Scores of OECD Countries in Relation to their Gross Domestic Products. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Research in Education, Manisa, Turkey. (May 2018) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2018). The Effect of Genre-Based Instruction on Foreign Language Writing Anxiety. Paper presented in the 10th International ELT Research Conference, Antalya, Turkey. (April 2018) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2018). Predicting End-Of-Term L2 Writing Performance: A Machine Learning Approach. Paper presented in the 10th International ELT Research Conference, Antalya, Turkey. (April 2018) |
Uzun, K. (November, 2017). Demonstrative referencing and writing performance in argumentative essays: A correlational study. Paper presented in the 4th International Conference on New Trends in Education - CLIL: Crafting Bilingual Minds, İstanbul, Turkey. (November 2017) |
Uzun, K. (July, 2017). The use of conjunctions and its relationship with argumentative writing performance in an EFL setting. Paper presented in the 3rd International ESP Conference and Summer School, Nis, Serbia. (July 2017) |
Uzun, K. (July, 2017). The relationship between genre knowledge and writing performance. Paper presented in the 3rd International ESP Conference and Summer School, Nis, Serbia. (July 2017) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2017). Comparison of Students' Evaluations of Two ESP Courses. Paper presented in the 7th International Conference on Research in Education, Çanakkale, Turkey. (April 2017) |
Uzun, K. (October, 2016). Homegrown automated essay scoring: A solution to manage the crowd? Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Research in Education, Rize, Turkey. (October 2016) |
Uzun, K. (May, 2016). Evaluation of a two-hour compulsory English course at a Turkish university. Paper presented 9th ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Turkey. (May 2016) |
Uzun, K. (February, 2016). Cross-cultural adaptability and foreign language learning strategy preferences: A correlational study. Paper presented in the 8th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Madrid, Spain. (February 2016) |
Uzun, K. (October, 2015). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and self-directed learning readiness. Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Research in Education, Edirne, Turkey. (October 2015) |
Uzun, K. (September, 2015). The relationship between cultural intelligence and foreign language learning motivation. Paper presented in the 4th International Cross-Curricularity in Language Education Conference, Krotoszyn, Poland. (September 2015) |
Uzun, K. (2025). Digital humanities: Technology integrated social sciences. Paper presented at the 12th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences, New York. |
Uzun, K., & Coşgun Ögeyik, M. (2024). Entropy-based Prediction of L2 Writing Quality: A Comparison of Block Sizes. In M. Coşgun-Ögeyik, K. Uzun, Contemporary education: Reframing theory and practice across fields. BZT Turan Publishing House. (December 2024) |
Coşgun-Ögeyik, M., & Uzun, K. (2024). Nurturing creativity and critical thinking for innovation in education policies: A proposal for the 21st century innovation. In H. Asutay, S. Akol-Göktaş, B. Arabacı-Candan, & R. Şentürk, Dil ve eğitimde yapay zeka (pp. 43-50). Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları. (December 2024) |
Uzun, K. (2024). Enhancing written communication skills for academic purposes. In E. Zehir-Topkaya & H. Çelik, Teaching Engllish for academic purposes: Theory into practice (pp. 169-190). Palgrave-MacMillan. (December 2024) |
Cangır, H., Uzun, K., Can, T., Küllü, K., Oğuz, E. G., Kaya, Ö. F. (2023). Learner corpus research and natural language processing. In Ö. Özer & C. Yükselir, Teaching in online and blended learning environments: Emerging trends in English Language Teaching (pp. 13-36). Nobel Yayın. (April 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2023). Internet access and educational achievement: The digital divide among OECD countries. In D. Köksal, Ö. G. Ulum, & G. Genç, Undividing digital divide: Digital literacy (pp. 1-10). Springer. (March 2023) |
Uzun, K. (2022). Valudity of data augmentation for inferential statistics in educational psychology research. In M. Coşgun Ögeyik & K. Uzun, Language, society, history, economy and politics and social sciences - 4 (pp. 7-18). Özgür Yayınları. |
Uzun, K. (2022). Complexity, accuracy and fluency in second language writing. In J. Liontas (ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Uzun, K. (2022). Natural language processing tools for second language writing research. In J. Liontas (ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Uzun, K. (2022). Emotion in second language writing. In J. Liontas (ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Uzun, K. (2021). A computational insight into the moral and sentimental foundations of phrasal complexity in L2 writing. In M. Krawiec, F. Kılıçkaya, G. Sanchez-Sanchez & E. Castello, New themes and dimensions in applied linguistics (pp. 11-30). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac. |
Uzun, K. (2021). Emotional load, formality, informativeness and implicature in relation to L2 writing performance. In M. Coşgun Ögeyik, & K. Uzun, Language, culture, art and politics in the changing world (pp. 19-30). Konya: Literatürk Academia. |
Uzun, K., & Ulum, Ö. G. (2020). Vulnerable groups’ beliefs about foreign language learning. In M. Krawiec & J. Kic-Drgas, Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Theory, Practice and Research. Hamburg: Verlag Dr Kovac |
Uzun, K. (2020). The use of evaluative that in literary analysis essays written by Turkish pre-service English teachers. In M. Krawiec & J. Kic-Drgas, Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Theory, Practice and Research. Hamburg: Verlag Dr Kovac |
Uzun, K. (2019). The role of intercultural communicative competence in language education. In A. Doğanay & O. Kutlu, Educational sciences II. Ankara: Academician Publishing House Inc. (October 2019) |
Uzun, K. (2018). The use of conjunctions and its relationship with argumentative writing performance in an EFL setting. In N. Stojkovic & N. Bakic-Miric, Positioning English for Specific Purposes in an English Language Teaching Context (pp. 175-184). Spain: Vernon Press. (July 2018) |
Uzun, K. (2016). The relationship between cultural intelligence and foreign language learning motivation. In Krawiec, M. (ed.), New insights into language teaching and learning practices. Germany: Sprachlit (December 2016) |
Avcıbaşı, İ. M., Uzun, K. & Dindar, İ. (2014). Foreign Language Anxiety of Nursing Students. In A current perspective on health sciences. Rotipo: Romania |
Deneme, S., Uzun, K. & Ergin, D. A. (2013). The attitudes of undergraduate students studying in the translation-interpretation department towards the use of translation in foreign language classes. Ondokuz mayıs üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 32(2), 77-99. |
Ögeyik Coşgun, M., & Uzun, K. (2021). Sosyal bilimler ve dördüncü paradigma: Veri yoğun araştırma. Sosyal Bilimlerde Dil, Kültür, Toplum ve Ekonomi (pp. 7-14). Ankara: Astana (November 2021) |
Uzun, K. (2021). Pandemi Döneminde Uzaktan Dil Eğitimi ve Araştırmasını Destekleyici bir Web Uygulaması. In K. Diyarbakırlıoğlu, Sosyal bilimlerde Covid-19 Salgını: Dönemler ve değişim dinamikleri (pp. 111-120). Konya: Literaturk Academia. |
Coşgun Ögeyik, M., & Uzun, K. (Eds.) (2022). Language, Society, History, Economy and Politics in Social Sciences - 4. Özgür Yayınları. |
Coşgun Ögeyik, M., & Uzun, K. (Eds.) (2021). Language, Culture, Arts and Politics in the Changing World. Konya: Literatürk Academia. |
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies (Editorial Board Member) |
Sage OPEN (Article Editor) (January 2020) |
International Journal of Educational Spectrum (English Language Teaching Editor) |
English Language Teaching (August 2020) |
Language, Culture and Curriculum (August 2020) |
Sage OPEN |
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education |
Reading & Writing Quarterly |
International Journal of Educational Spectrum |
The 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Public Health and Education, Sanya, China (November 2018) |
Educational Research and Review |
The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning |
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research |
Journal of Theory and Practice in Education |
Journal of Language and Education |
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research |
International Journal of Primary Education Studies |
Trakya Journal of Education |
Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics |
CA20115 - European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice. Working Group Member. |
Identifying the Writing Skill Development and Competence of EFL Learners with Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Methods (TÜBİTAK 3501 - 220K289) |
Uzun, K. (April, 2018). The Effect of Genre-Based Instruction on Foreign Language Writing Anxiety. Paper presented in the 10th International ELT Research Conference, Antalya, Turkey. PhD Student Travel Grant Sponsored by the US Embassy, Ankara. (April 2018) |
Current Trends: Theory and Practice in ELT. International House London, UK. (August 2008) |
International Exams. Nüans Publishing. (April 2008) |
Uzun, K. (2022) Why Can't We Learn a Foreign Language? The Young Red Crescent Seminars. |
Uzun, K. (December, 2019). Making life easier with language and education research. TÜBİTAK Bilim Söyleşileri (Seminar), Tekirdağ Municipality Social Sciences High School, Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ. |
Uzun, K. (Kasım, 2019). Making life easier with language and education research. TÜBİTAK Bilim Söyleşileri (Seminar), Nenehatun Girl Anatolian Imam Hatip Vocational High School, Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ. |
Uzun, K. (November, 2019). Making life easier with language and education research. TÜBİTAK Bilim Söyleşileri (Seminar), Muzaffer Atasay Anatolian High School, Uzunköprü, Edirne. |