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.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ,TÜRK KORAY, On the Stability of the Telegraph Equation with Time Delay, Filomat, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1251-1259, 2020. |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, TÜRK KORAY, On the stability of second order of accuracy difference scheme for the numerical solution of the time delay telegraph equation, AIP Publishing, 2021. |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, TÜRK KORAY, AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, On the Stability of the Time Delay Telegraph Equation with Neumann Condition, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 2021. |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN,TÜRK KORAY,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, On the stable difference scheme for the time delay telegraph equation, BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 105-119, 2020. |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ,TÜRK KORAY, On the stability of the telegraph equation with time delay, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1759, no. 020022 (2016), 2016. |
.TÜRK KORAY, ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, Stability of Second Order Difference Scheme for the Time Delay Telegraph Equation, Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICAAM 2022, ANTALYA-TÜRKIYE. |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, TÜRK KORAY, On the stability of second order of accuracy difference scheme for the numerical solution of the time delay telegraph equation, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICAAM 2020). |
.ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ,TÜRK KORAY, On the stability of second order of accuracy difference scheme forthe numerical solution of the time delay telegraph equation, Fifth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICAAM 2020. |
.TÜRK KORAY,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, On the stable difference scheme for the time delay telegraph equation, ICAAM 2018. |
.TÜRK KORAY,AGIRSEVEN DENIZ,ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, On the stability of the telegraph equation with time delay, Third International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics(ICAAM 2016). |
.TÜRK KORAY, ASHYRALYEV ALLABEREN, AGIRSEVEN DENIZ, Zaman Gecikmeli Telegraf Denklemi için Birinci ve Ikinci Basamaktan Dogruluklu Fark Semalari, 35. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, EDIRNE-TÜRKIYE. |