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Koç, S., Kök, S., Ersoy, O. and Atalay, S. (2024) 'Effects of microencapsulated and non-capsulated aronia extract on serum lipid profile and liver histology in Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high fat diet', Journal of Elementology, 29(4), 769-788 https://doi.org/10.5601/jelem.2024.29.2.3347 (October 2024) |
Atalay, S., Kök, S., 2023. The Comparison of Polymorphisms in the Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 Gene of Turkish Grey Cattle and Holstein Cattle. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 29 (5): 429-435. DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2023.29256 (September 2023) |
VAPUR, G., KÖK, S. 2023. Effects of leptin and thyroglobulin gene polymorphisms on beef colour in Holstein bulls for slaughter in Turkey. International Food Research Journal 30 (1) : 130 – 141, DOI:10.47836/ifrj.30.1.10 (February 2023) |
Atalay, S., KÖK, S. 2021. The effects of polymorphisms in the CX3CR1 gene on the development of canine hip dysplasia. Turk J Vet Anim Sci., 45: doi:10.3906/vet-2105-69 (November 2021) |
KÖK, S., VAPUR, G., 2021 "Effects of leptin and thyroglobulin gene polymorphisms on beef quality in Holstein breed bulls in Turkey" Turk J Vet Anim Sci., 45: 238-247 doi:10.3906/vet-2009-12 (April 2021) |
GECGEL,Ü., YILMAZ,İ., SOYSAL,Mİ., GÜRCAN,EK., KÖK, S. 2019. Proximate composition and fatty acid profile of Longissimus dorsi from Anatolian Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in similar conditions. Food Science and Technology, Campinas, 39(4): 830-836, Oct.-Dec. 2019 doi.org/10.1590/fst.08918 (December 2019) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., 2018, “The Use of Various SNPs in CAST and CAPN1 Genes to Determine the Meat Tenderness in Turkish Grey Cattle” Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 24 (1): 1-8, 2018 DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17617 (January 2018) |
KÖK,S., 2017, “Comparison of Genetic Diversity between the Ex-Situ Conservation Herd and Smallholders of Turkish Grey Cattle” Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 49(4), pp 1421-1427 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2017.49.4.1421.1427 (July 2017) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., EKEN,H.S., SAVAŞCI,M., 2017,"The Genetic Characterization of Turkish Grey Cattle with Regard to UoG Cast, CAPN1 316 and CAPN1 4751 Markers"Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 49(1), pp 281-287, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2017. (January 2017) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,A., SAVAŞCI,M., EKEN,H.S., 2013, “Characterization of Calpastatin Gene in Purebred and Crossbred Turkish Grey Steppe Cattle” Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19 (2): 203-206, DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2012.7470 (February 2013) |
SOYSAL,M.İ., ÖZKAN,E., KÖK,S., OCCİDENTE, M., TUNA,Y.T., GÜRCAN,E.K., MATASSİNO, D. , 2007, “ Genetic characterization of indigenous anatolian water buffalo breed using microsatellite DNA markers” Ital.J.Anim.Sci. vol. 6(2): 409-412, ISSN 1594-4077 DOI: 10.4081/ijas.2007.s2.409, https://doi.org/10.4081/ijas.2007.s2.409 (February 2007) |
SOYSAL,M.İ.,TUNA,Y.T., GÜRCAN,E.K., ÖZKAN,E., KÖK,S., CASTELLANO,N., ÇOBANOĞLU,O., BARONE, C.M.A., 2007,“ Anatolian water buffaloes husbandry in Turkey: preliminary results on somatic characterization” Ital.J.Anim.Sci., 6(2): 1302-1307, ISSN 1594-4077, DOI:10.4081/ijas.2007.s2.1302, https://doi.org/10.4081/ijas.2007.s2.1302 (February 2007) |
Atalay, S., Vapur, G., KÖK, S. 2024. "Identification of Heat Stress-Associated the HSPA1A (HSP70) Gene in Holstein and Turkish Grey Cattle".International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 8 (3):186-199. doi:10.29329/ijiaar.2024.1075.2. (September 2024) |
ATALAY, S., KÖK, S. (2022) Determination of ATP1A1 Gene Polymorphism in the Turkish Holstein Cattle, International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 2022, Vol. 6 (4), 401-409, DOI:10.29329/ijiaar.2022.506.10 (December 2022) |
KÖK, S. (2021). A Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in the Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle by using Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Markers . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 5(4), 452-463. doi: 10.29329/ijiaar.2021.415.10 (December 2021) |
KÖK, S. , ATALAY, S., VAPUR, G., SOYSAL, Mİ., 2019. "The Use of Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Polymorphisms in the Improvement of Meat Texture in Cattle". Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 59 (2) 87-96 (December 2019) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S.,2018. Determination of the Fraud of Processed Meat Products by ELISA. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg. 2018, 58 (2) 95-98 (December 2018) |
KÖK,S., VAPUR,G., ÖZCAN,C. Leptin (Lep) Gene Polymorphisms Associated With Fat Deposition In Beef. TURKISH JOURNAL of AGRICULTURAL and NATURAL SCIENCES 2(4): 297–302 (October 2015) |
KÖK,S., 2014, “Keşan Satiret, One Of Turkey’s Geographical Indications” Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Special Issue (2), 2014 Pp. 2021-2027 (December 2014) |
KÖK, S., SOYSAL, M.I., GÜRCAN, E.K., 2012 “Yetiştirilen Edirne İlinde Anadolu Gri Cinsinin karkas yüzdesi üzerine bir araştırma”. J Agr Sci Tech, A-David Yayınları, 2 (9): 1107-1112, 2012. (February 2012) |
SOYSAL,M.İ., GÜRCAN,E.K., KÖK,S.,2005 “A study of the distribution of potassium polymorphizm ın erythrocytes of grey cattle raised ın the Edirne province of Terkey” Trakıa Journal Of Sciences. Scientific Serial Published by Trakıa University Series Biomedical Sciences. Volume 3, Number 6, 2005. ISSN 1312-1723.STARA ZAGORA-BULGARİA. (December 2005) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., ÖZKAN, Ö., KÖK, S., TUNA, YT, GÜRCAN, EK, 2005, "Genetic Identification of Anatolian Buffaloes Using Microsatallite DNA Markers" Trakya University Tekirdağ Faculty of Agriculture Journal-Volume: 2, Issue: 3, page: 240-244, Year: 2005- TEKİRDAĞ (June 2005) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S., GÜRCAN, EK, 2005, "A Study on Red Blood Potassium Polymorphism in Buffaloes" Trakya University Tekirdağ Faculty of Agriculture Journal-Volume: 2, Issue: 2, page: 189-193, Year: 2005. TEKİRDAĞ (March 2005) |
KOÇ, S.T., KÖK, S., 2024. The Use of Zebrafısh (Danio Rerio) as Bıomedıcal Models. VI. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 18-20 September 2024. Pp 293, ISBN: 978-625-95132-0-1 (September 2024) |
KOÇ S.T., KÖK S. 2024. Effects of Microencapsulated Aronia and Its Extract on Live Weight, Live Weight Gain Rate and Liver Organ Weight of Rats Fed with High-Fat Diet. 4th International Congress on Healthy Nutrition -1st Istanbul Medeniyet University International Congress on Nutrition and Dietetics, 19-21 April 2024, Istanbul. Paper 118. (April 2024) |
KOÇ, ST., KÖK, S., ATALAY, S. 2023. Microencapsulated and Noncapsulated of Aronia Effect on Paraoxonase Enzyme Activity in SD Rats Fed With High-Fat Diet. V. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 18-20 September 2023, pp 688, ISBN #:978-605-73041-4-8 (September 2023) |
VAPUR, G., KOÇ, ST., KÖK, S. 2023. An Overvıew of the HSP60 and Foot-and-Mouth Dısease. V. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 18-20 September 2023, pp 687, ISBN #:978-605-73041-4-8 (September 2023) |
VAPUR, G., KÖK, S. 2022. The Importance of Molecular Methods Used in Determining Heritage Diseases in Cattle. IV. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29-31 August 2022, pg.1012-1027. ISBN:978-605-73041-3-1 (August 2022) |
KOÇ, S.T., KÖK, S.,2022. Artificial Meat or In Vitro Meat. VI. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29-31 August 2022. Pp 221, ISBN: 978-605-73041-1-7 (August 2022) |
ATALAY, S., KÖK S., ARSLAN H. 2022. A Research on Determınatıon of FASN Gene Polymorphisms in Turkish Holstein Bulls. VI. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29-31 August 2022. Pp 144, ISBN: 978-605-73041-1-7 (August 2022) |
ARSLAN, H., KÖK, S., ATALAY, S. 2022. Investigation of Fatty Acid Compositions in Musculus Logissumus Dorsi (MLD) Muscle of Turkish Holstein Bulls. IV. Balkan Agricultural Congress, Edirne, Turkey, 31 August – 02 September 2022, Pp 223, ISBN: 978-605-73041-0-0 (August 2022) |
KÖK, S (2021). Karacabey Merino sheep breeding study in Edirne province sheep farms. III International and XII National Animal Science Conference, 27-28 November 2021, Bursa, Turkey (November 2021) |
VAPUR, G., ATALAY, S., KÖK, S. 2021. “Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) : an overview of its mechanisms of action and its relevance to livestock animals and human in terms of disease”. IIIth International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 1-3 September 2021. Pp 130, Book of Proceedings ISBN #:978-975-374-300-6, Trakya University Publisher #: 257 (September 2021) |
ATALAY, S., KÖK, S. 2021. “In silico analysis of structural and functional consequences of nsSNPs in the cattle HSPA1A gene”. IIIth International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 1-3 September 2021. Pp 224, Book of Proceedings ISBN #: 978-975-374-300-6, Trakya University Publisher #: 257 (September 2021) |
VAPUR, G., KÖK, S. 2021. “The BOLA-DRB3 gene HSP70.1 gene: an overvıew of its mechanisms of action and its relevance to livestock animals in terms of disease resistance and thermotolerance”. IIIth Balkan Agriculture Congress, Edirne, Turkey, 29 August - 1 September, 2021. Pp 38, Book of Proceedings ISBN #: 978-975-374-298-6, Trakya University Publisher #: 255 (August 2021) |
ARSLAN, H., KÖK, S. 2021. “Marker genes related to fatty acıds composıtıon of beef” IIIth Balkan Agriculture Congress, Edirne, Turkey, 29 August - 1 September, 2021. Pp 210, Book of Proceedings ISBN #: 978-975-374-298-6, Trakya University Publisher #: 255 (August 2021) |
KÖK, S., ATALAY, S., 2020. “Effects of MSTN gene polymorphisms and RNAi on meat yield in livestock” II. Internatıonal Agrıcultural, Bıologıcal & Lıfe Scıence Conference, 01-03.09.2020, Edirne, Türkiye. Pp 183, Book of Proceedings ISBN #: 978-975-374-278-8 (September 2020) |
KÖK,S., VAPUR, G., 2020. “Molecular Approaches in Determining Meat Quality ” II. Internatıonal Agrıcultural, Bıologıcal & Lıfe Scıence Conference, 01-03.09.2020, Edirne, Türkiye. Pp 184, Book of Proceedings ISBN #: 978-975-374-278-8 (September 2020) |
KÖK,S., VAPUR, G., 2019. “Investigation of the effects of markers in LEP gene 2nd exon (E2JW, E2FB) and TG gene 5 'promoter region (C422T) on Live Weight and Hot Carcass Weight of Turkish Holstein cattle in Edirne region”. The 11th International Animal Science Conference, Cappadocia, Turkey. 20-22 October 2019, Book of Proceedings. e-ISBN : 978–605–80643-1-7, pp.119-120. http://www.zooteknifederasyonu.org.tr/ (October 2019) |
KÖK, S., KAPLAN, S., ATALAY, S., 2019. “Determination of Genetic Characterization of CAPN1 Gene Exon-1 and -2 and Intron-1 Regions of Anatolian Water Buffalo” 12th World Buffalo Congress. 18-20 Septmber, İstanbul/Turkey. Congress Book of Abstract, p 25. (September 2019) |
KÖK, S., VAPUR, G., 2019. Investigation of the effects of the markers in LEP gene 2nd exon (E2JW, E2FB) and TG gene 5' promoter region (TG5) on meat texture, pH and marbling score of Turkish holstein cattle in Edirne region. Biological and Chemical Sciences 2nd International Eurasia Conference, 28-29 June Ankara, Turkey, Congress book page 873, e-proceedings 494 . (June 2019) |
VAPUR, G., KÖK, S., 2019. Investigation of the effects of the markers in LEP gene 2nd exon (E2JW, E2FB) and TG gene 5' promoter region (TG5) on meat color and pH of Turkish Holstein cattle in Edirne region. Biological and Chemical Sciences 2nd International Eurasia Conference, 28-29 June Ankara, Turkey, Congress book page 873, e-proceedings 495. (June 2019) |
KÖK, S., VAPUR, G., 2018. “Leptin Gene (E2JW, E2FB) and Tyroglobulin Gene (C422T) polymorphisms in Turkish Holstein Cattle” International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, 2 – 5 September, p 786, Edirne, Turkey, Pp 810. (September 2018) |
KÖK S., ATALAY S., 2018. “Investigation of genetic markers associated with resistance to infectious diseases in cattle” International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, 2 – 5 September, p 353, Edirne, Turkey, Pp 810. (September 2018) |
KÖK S., ATALAY S. 2018. “Genetic markers associated with canine hip dysplasia” International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, 2 – 5 September, pp 358-543, Edirne, Turkey, Pp 810. (September 2018) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., 2017 “GH1 Gene Polymorphisms Associated Economic Traits In Cattle” 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress, pg 777-782, 16-18 May 2017, Tekirdağ, ISBN : 978-605-4265-49-7, http://agribalkan2017.nku.edu.tr/ and http://ziraat-en.nku.edu.tr/ (May 2017) |
Kök, S. , M. İ. Soysal & E. K. Gürcan, 2011, “An Investigation on the Carcass Percentage of Anatolian Grey Breed in Raised Edirne Province”. RBI 8th Global Conference on the Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources.Tekirdag / Turkıye, 4-8 October ,2011 (October 2011) |
SOYSAL,M.İ.,KÖK,S.,2006, “ Native goat genetic resourches and goat farming in Trakya region of Turkıye : a case study of characterization of Keşan goat populatıon Breeding,management and zoometric data.”Goat Farming in Central And Eastern European Countries: Present And Future. 27-30 June 2006.Ovidıus University. CONSTANTA- ROMANİA (May 2006) |
SOYSAL,M.İ.,KÖK,S.,2006, “The last survivors of grey cattle’s whose resisting not to be extincted.A case study of chracteristics and sustainability of tradional system of native grey cattle breed”.2nd Seminar of the scientific-Professional Network on Mediterranean Livestock Farming.Mediterranean Livestock Production: Uncertainties and Opportunities. Pg:55-63, ZARAGOZA,18-20 May 2006-SPAİN http://ressources.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a78/00800242.pdf (May 2006) |
SOYSAL,M.İ.,KÖK,S.,2004. “Buffalo breeding in Turkey”. Proc. of the Seventh World Buffalo Congress, Manila, Philippines, 20 to 23 Oct.: 547-548 (October 2004) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., 2017 “Association Between Ghrh, Ghr Genes Polymorphisms and Growth in Cattle”. 8th Balkan Animal Science Conference, 06-08 September 2017, pg.26, ISBN: 9786054265473 (September 2017) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., 2016 “In ghrelin gene of cattle has been determined of rs 110968631 SNP with usage of ARMS-PCR and PCR-RFLP methods” Bıoeng'16 IV. Internatıonal Bıoengıneerıng Conference, 13-14 October 2016, İstanbul, pg 43, ISBN: 978-605-9207-49-2 (October 2016) |
KÖK,S., ATALAY,S., ÇOBANOĞLU,Ö., BALCI,F., GÜRCAN,E.K., SOYSAL,M.İ., 2015, "A Discussion on the buffalo genome; Example of Growth Hormone Gene" 8th Asian Buffalo Congress, 21st - 25th April 2015, pg.92 (April 2015) |
Kök, S. 2014, The Satir Et of Keşan From Geographical Indications of Turkey. Proc. of Balkan Agricultural Congress. 08-11 September. Edirne, Turkey. 551. (October 2014) |
Mİ.Soysal, YT.Tuna, S.Kök, EK.Gürcan "Body Type Evaluation in Water Buffalo: A Model Study for Anotalian Water Buffalo" VIth International Balkan Animal Conference- BALNIMALCON 2013 - Turkey (October 2013) |
S.Kök, Ö.Çobanoğlu, EK.Gürcan, Mİ.Soysal "The Association between Calpain and Calpastatin Gene Polymorphism and Meat Tenderness in Beef Cattle" VIth International Balkan Animal Conference - BALNIMALCON 2013 - Turkey (October 2013) |
KÖK, S., ONGUNER, A. 2024. “The Importance of Karacabey Merino Sheep in Edirne in Terms of Meat Yield Potential” Chapter 23, All Aspects of Lalapaşa, Meriç and Süloğlu Book. Pages; 339-356, number of pages 378. Editors: Prof. Dr. Mustafa TAN and Dr. Tolga ERDOĞAN, Edition: December 2024, PA Paradigma Academy Publications Certificate No: 69606, ISBN: 978-625-6139-58-9 (December 2024) |
KÖK, S. 2023. Keşan's First Geographical Sign "Keşan Satır Meat". Section author pages; 641-651, Book name: Uzunköprü Studies in All Aspects, Number of pages in the book: 711. Editor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atakishi and Dr. Gürkan Kolaylı. Edition: October 2023, Paradigm Academy Publications Certificate No: 70835, ISBN: 978-625-6579-32-3 (October 2023) |
KÖK, S. 2023. “Our Meat Production and Our Livestock Gene Resources That May Be Lost in Uzunköprü District” Chapter author pages; 293-323, Book name: Uzunköprü Research in All Aspects, Number of pages in the book: 324. Editor: Assoc. Dr. Enver Erdinç DİNÇSOY and Assoc. Dr. İsmail KILIÇ. Publication: March 2023, Paradigm Academy Publications Certificate No: 69606, ISBN: 978-625-6905-23-8 (March 2023) |
VAPUR, G., KÖK, S. 2022. "Thermotolerance in Farm Animals: HSP70 and HSP70.1 Perspective" Chapter, New Trends in Science and Mathematics, pages 441-456, page number 598. Editor: Prof. Dr. Hüsniye SAĞLIKER Edition: DECEMBER 2022 Publisher Certificate No: 49837 ISBN: 978-625-8261-55-4 (December 2022) |
KÖK, S., 2006, "Components of Buffalo Milk." Süttech - Journal of Milk and Milk Technologies, June-July issue, page; 38-43, İSTANBUL (July 2006) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S.,1997,” “Research on the constitution of the Trakya and Northern Anatolia’s water buffalo populations with regarding biochemical polymorphic characters.” Journal Of Anımal Research. Volume: 7 Issue: 2, Page: 69-75 KONYA (December 1997) |
KÖK, S., 1995, “Livestock Potential in Edirne Province and the Status of Livestock Dependent Enterprises-2” Hasad Journal, year: 11. Issue: 125, page: 59-61 ISTANBUL (October 1995) |
KÖK, S., 1995, “Livestock Potential in Edirne Province and the Status of Livestock Dependent Enterprises-1” Hasad Magazine, year: 11. Issue: 124, page: 51-52 ISTANBUL (September 1995) |
KÖK, S., 1995, "The Importance of Preserving the Bozstep Race from Our Domestic Gene Resources" Hasad Journal, year: 10, Issue 117, Pages: 40-45, İSTANBUL (February 1995) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S.,1993,” Study on the characteristics of Grey Steppe cattle reared in the Keșan-İpsala and Enez regions.” Journal of Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty, 2, 1, pp 133-139 (January 1993) |
KÖK S., ONGUNER A. 2024. "The Importance of Karacabey Merino Sheep in Edirne in terms of Meat Yield Potential". All Aspects of Lalapaşa, Meriç and Süloğlu Symposium 6-7 May 2024, Edirne - TURKEY. ISBN: 978-625-6139-01-5, PA Paradigma Academy Publications Certificate No: 69606, EDITORS; Prof. Dr. Mustafa TAN and Dr. Tolga ERDOĞAN. (September 2024) |
KOÇ, ST., KÖK, S., 2021. “Microbiota, Molecular Diagnostic Methods Used in Microbiota Studies.” Trakya Universities Association, 5th Graduate Student Congress, 4-5 November, Bandırma-BALIKESİR, page:82, ISBN: 978-605-74234-5-0 (November 2021) |
Kök S., S. Atalay, HS. Eken, M. Savaşçı "Discussion of Inbreeding Coefficients in The Herds of Turkish Grey Cattle" NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AGRICULTURE 2015, 29-31 October, p.223 (October 2015) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S., ÖNAL, R., 2005, "Animal Husbandry of the Thrace Region" Industrialization and Environment Symposium in Thrace IV. page; 429-440. October 14-15, 2005. TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers. EDIRNE (October 2005) |
SOYSAL, İ., ÖZDER, M., KÖK, S., SOYSAL, D., 2005, "The Place of Bozstep Cattle in the Ecosystem" Industrialization and Environment Symposium in Thrace IV. Page; 441-465. October 14-15, 2005. TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers. (October 2005) |
SOYSAL, İ., KÖK, S., GÜRCAN, E.K., ÖZDÜVEN, M.L., 2005, “A Research on Goat Farming in Edirne Province” Dairy Goat Farming National Congress. Page: 228-230 26-27 May 2005 Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Bornova- İZMİR (May 2005) |
Soysal, MI., STEM, S. Ozkan, E., 2003, "Turkey's Indigenous Conservation of Genetic Resources and Kashan District Case" Kesan Symposium. page: 465-477 15-16 May 2003 KEŞAN-EDİRNE (May 2003) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S., 2003, “The Importance of Edirne Cattle Breeders Association and Keşan Branch in the Breeding of Our Dairy Cattle” Keşan Symposium. page: 459-464.15-16 May 2003 KEŞAN-EDİRNE (January 2003) |
KAYMAKÇI, M., KÖK, S., TAŞKIN, T., SOYSAL, M.İ., 2003, “Structural Features and Problems of Animal Husbandry in Keşan District” Keşan Symposium. page: 432-440. 15-16 May 2003 KEŞAN-EDİRNE (January 2003) |
KÖK, S., 1997, "Correlation Matrix Results Regarding Some Body Sizes of Adult Buffaloes", page: 147-149.Trakya Region II. Animal Husbandry Symposium, 9-10 January 1997, TEKİRDAĞ (January 1997) |
SOYSAL, M.İ., KÖK, S., 1997, "Determination of Genetic Distances Among Various Adult Buffalo Populations According to Some Body Sizes", Thrace Region II. Animal Husbandry Symposium, page: 103-109.9-10 January-1997, TEKİRDAĞ (January 1997) |
DEMİRCİ, M., KÖK, S., 1996, "A Research on Physical and Chemical Properties of Trakya Region Buffalo Milk" Milk and Dairy Products National Symposium '96, 21-22 May 1996, page; 222-231, İSTANBUL (May 1996) |
KOÇ, ST., ERSOY, O., KÖK, S., 2023. “The Effect of Microencapsulated Aronia (Aronia Melanocarpa L) and its Extract on the Histopathology of Liver Tissues of Rats Fed with a High-Fat Diet” Trakya Universities Association, 7th Graduate Student Congress, 07-08 December, EDİRNE. Pp. 26. (December 2023) |
KOÇ, S.T., KÖK, S.,2021. "Microbiota, Molecular Diagnostic Methods Used in Microbiota Studies".Trakya University Association 5th Graduate Student Congress, November 4-5, 2021 / Bandırma – Balıkesir / Turkey, s.82. ISBN: 978-605-74234-5-0 (November 2021) |
KÖK, S., 2010, Editor: Prof. Dr. M. İhsan SOYSAL. TURKISH DOMESTIC ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES. 389 pages in total. Pages: 66-87 of the author of the “Breeding Conditions in Natural Environment and Social Structure of Breeders of Bozstep Cattle Included in the Conservation Program as Gene Resources”. ISBN: 978-9944-5405-5-1. TEKİRDAĞ |
SOYSAL, M.İ., TUNA, YT, GÜRCAN, EK, KÖK, S., KÜÇÜKKEBAPÇI, M., SOYSAL, İ., YAMAN, Y., KARADAĞ, O., YÜCEL, MA, 2006, “Buffalo and its Products Production. " Book. ISBN: 9944-5405-1-X. TEKİRDAĞ. |
Investigation of the Effect of Encapsulated and Unencapsulated Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) Extract on PON1 Gene mRNA Expression, PON1 Enzyme Activity in Liver Tissues, and Atherosclerosis of Rats. PhD sudent Serim Tuna KOÇ (May 2022) |
Investigation of genetic markers related to hip dysplasia in service dogs bred in Turkey. Thesis prepared by Lecturer Sertac ATALAY (July 2020) |
The investigation of the effects of the markers (E2JW, E2FB) of exon 2 in LEP gene and (TG5) in the 5 'promoter region in TG gene on the meat quality of the Black-and-White Holstein Cattle. Thesis prepared by Güldan VAPUR (May 2019) |
The Relationship Between Fatty Acids in Logissimus Dorsi Muscle and FASN Variant Genotypes of Turkish Holstein Bulls. Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering. Thesis prepared: Hilal ARSLAN (January 2023) |
The Identification of the rs110968631 SNP in Ghrelin Gene in Turkish Grey Steppe Cattle Using ARMS-PCR and PCR-RFLP Methods.Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Genetics. Thesis prepared: Sertaç ATALAY (June 2015) |
The Live Weight Performance of Karacabey Merino Sheep Lamb Yield and Weaning Lambs in Edirne Enterprises |
The sub-project of "Karacabey Merino Sheep Breeding in the Hands of the People" in Edirne, which continues within the scope of the "Small Ruminant Animal Breeding in the Hands of the Public Project". Executive Institution: Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. Sub-Project Executive Leader: Süleyman KÖK. Project No: 22KBM2015-01 Auxiliary Institutions: Edirne Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and Provincial Breeding Sheep-Goat Breeders Association (December 2015) |
"The Investigation of the UoG-CAST, CAPN1 316 and 4751 CAPN1 Marker Genotypes in Turkish Grey Cattle" Project Number: TUBAP-2013-109 Leader: Süleyman KÖK Researchers: Sertaç ATALAY, Hasan Semih EKEN, Mustafa SAVAŞÇI (January 2015) |
Race Registration Committee Membership. He was appointed as a committee member on 16 November 2001 for the task of "Determining Bozstep Cattle Genotype and Buying Bozstep Breed" as a Committee Member for the "Conservation of Domestic Cattle Gene Resources Project" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Bandırma Marmara Livestock Research Institute. (February 2001) |
Race Registration Committee Membership. He was appointed as a committee member on 20 April 1999 for the task of "Determination of Bozstep Breed Cattle Genotype" as a Committee Member of the "Conservation of Domestic Cattle Gene Resources Project" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Bandırma Marmara Livestock Research Institute. (April 1999) |