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After graduating from Hacettepe University Statistics Department in 2005, he got his MSc. degree in Actuarial Sciences from Actuarial Sciences Department of Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science in 2008. Between 2008-2009, he studied at Tilburg University, Netherlands, Department of Econometrics and Operations. In 2016, he got his Ph.D. degree in Econometrics from Department of Econometrics at Gazi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. After working in Hacettepe University Department of Actuarial Sciences between 2006 and 2008 as a Research Assistant, he worked as Risk Analyst Assistant (Assistant Specialist) in Ziraat Bank Risk Management Department in 2008. Between 2009 and 2016 he worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Econometrics at Gazi University. He worked as an Assistant Professor between 2016-2017. Sİnce 2018, he has been working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Trakya University.
.M. Terzioglu, M. Sucu, Gompertz-Makeham parameter estimations and valuation approaches: Turkish life insurance sector, 10.1007/s13385-015-0110-y, EUROPEAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 447-468, 2015. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, M.SUCU, Gompertz Makeham Parameter Estimations and Valuation Approaches Turkish Life Insurance Sector, European Actuarial Journal, 5(2), 447-468., Doi: 10.1007/s13385-015-0110-y (Yayın No: 2018833) |
K.M.TERZIOGLU, D.CAN, İ.DEGİGOĞLU, Migration, Tourism and Informality, ICOAEF’18 IV. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & Extended with Social Science (November 2018) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, The Nexus Among Fiscal Policies, Fiscal Decentralization, and Economic Performance: Joint Effect of Globalization and Institutional Quality, MANAS Journal of Social Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 155-172, 4, 2018. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Characterisation of Business Cycle with Markov-Switching Model, Journal of Turkish Studies, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 329-338, 3, 2018. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Regime Switching Stochastic Volatility: The Output Growth Behaviour, Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 195-202, 4, 2018. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Crude Oil Prices and Exchange Rates: Markov-Switching Vector Error-Correction Model, Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 339-347, 3, 2018. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Capital Structure Determinants in Financial Institutions:Turkish Banking System, Gazi Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F Dergisi,Cilt 19, Sayı 2 (August 2017) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, The Linkage between Output Growth Uncertainty and Economic Policies: The Asymmetry Effect, Uluslararasi Yönetim Iktisat ve Isletme Dergisi, no. ICMEB17, pp. 920-927, 12, 2017. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Y. A. KOLDERE, A. DOGANGÜN, Effects of Economic Indicators on Employment Phenomena, Uludag Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 93-116, 6, 2015. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU,Effects of Economic Indicators on Employment Phenomena. Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 93-116. (Yayın No: 2021174) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Aktüeryal Degerlemede Net Prim ve Ödenmis Tazminat Yönteminin Karsilastirilmasi, Uluslararasi Iktisadi ve Idari Incelemeler Dergisi, no. 12, pp. 123-136, 1, 2014. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU,Comparison of Net Premium and Paid-Up Method in Actuarial Valuation, Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi (12), 123-136. (Yayın No: 2021696) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Valuation Approach in the Insurance Sector: Net Premium Valuation Method and Capitalization Leveli, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, no. 18, pp. 183-197, 12, 2013. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Interactions of Benchmark Interest Rate, Foreign Trade Volume and Domestic Debt Stock, Akdeniz I.I.B.F. Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 26, pp. 55-76, 5, 2013. |
D. KÜÇÜKALTAN, K. M. TERZIOGLU, Economic Impact of Tourism Demand: Evidence from Turkey, Anatolia, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 484-488, 11, 2013. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, A. DOGANGÜN, Factors Affecting Consumption Behaviours of Consumers in Turkey, Dumlupinar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 35, pp. 177-184, 1, 2013. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Analysis of Asset Liability Structure of Banks Operating in Turkey, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1387-1409, 10, 2012. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Aktüeryal Degerlemede Markov Yaklasimi, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 301-314, 12, 2012. |
K.M.TERZIOGLU, S.SERT, M.AYGUN, Migratıon and Human Capital: Eastern European Countries,ICOAEF’18 IV. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & Extended with Social Science (November 2018) |
K.M.TERZIOGLU, M.BULUT, E.N. ERKUT, Migration: Impact of Entrepreneurship and Information Technologies, ICOAEF’18 IV. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance& Extended with Social Sciences (November 2018) |
K.M.TERZİOGLU,A.YASAR, Migration: Social Cost of Urbanization and Crime, IX. International Non-Governmental Organizations Congress “Migration and Society” |
K.M.TERZİOGLU, G. AYGUN, H. KANDEMIR, The Dynamics of Migration within Poverty and Social Transfers, IX. International Non-Governmental Organizations Congress “Migration and Society” |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Oil Price Shocks and Macroeconomic Activity, International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Finance, pp. 55-. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Exchange Rate Volatility as a Risk Factor, 28th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, pp. 25-. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Faiz Orani-Döviz Kuru Dinamikleri, VII.International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congresses Series(IBANESS), vol. 1, pp. 642-. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, The Impact of Uncertainties on the Labor Market, The Seventh International Conference on Economics. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Entrepreneurship, Economic Development and Innovation, 6th Annual Winter Global Business Conference, pp. 112-. |
N.KÖSE, K. M. TERZIOGLU, The Common Effects of Inflation and Output Growth Uncertainty on Turkish Economy, The 10th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague |
N. KÖSE, K. M. TERZIOGLU, Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Growth, Monetary and Fiscal Policy (Türkiye’de Enflasyon Belirsizliginin Büyüme,Para ve Maliye Politikalarina Etkisi), 16th International Symposium on Econometrics,Operations Research and Statistics, pp. 148-150, -TÜRKIYE. |
N.KÖSE, K. M. TERZIOGLU, Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Growth, Monetary and Fiscal Policy. 16th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics, Edirne |
A. ÜNSAL, K. M. TERZIOGLU, Türkiye’de Canli Kesme Çiçek Ticaretinin Talep Tahminin Yapilmasi, 15th International Symposium on Econometrics,Operations Research and Statistics, pp. 238-, -TÜRKIYE. |
N.KOSE,K. M. TERZIOGLU,Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Inflation, Growth, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate in Turkey, Internatıonal Conference on Eurasian Economies, Skopje |
Advances in Econometrics, Operational Research, Data Science and Actuarial Studies (June 2021) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Financial Management from an Emerging Market Perspective, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Economic Policies:Inflation-Targeting Regime, Basim Türü: Basili+Elektronik, pp. 235-249 , ISBN978-953-51-3736-8/Online:978-953-51-3737-5, InTech, 20181. Basim. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Value at Risk: Concepts and Practices, Uluslararasi, Basim Türü: Basili , ISBN978-605-344-690-3, Gazi Kitabevi, 20181. Basim. |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Econometrics: Methods & Applications ISBN: 978-605-344-671-2 (March 2018) |
K. M. TERZIOGLU, Current Topics in Econometrics ISBN: 978-605-344-672-9 (March 2018) |