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Tan Tabakoglu, N., Sezer, K. and Celik, S. (2024) ‘Microplastics and endocrinedisrupting chemicals released from disposable hot beverage cups and from teabags, and their evaluation in terms of human health safety’, Journal of Elementology, 29(1), 245-263, available: https://doi.org/10.5601/jelem.2023.28.3.3121 (February 2024) |
A. H. Dokmeci, K. Sezer, İ. Dokmeci, H. İbar. "Determination of Selected Acidic Pharmaceuticals and Caffeine in Ergene Basin, in Turkey". Global NEST Journal, 15 (2013) 431-439. |
U. Gecgel, K.Sezer, H. Kolancılar. "Removal of Cu(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by the Activated Carbon Obtained from Pine Cone". Asian Journal of Chemistry (2010) 3936-3942. |
A.Sebok, K.Sezer, A.Vasanits-Zsigrai, A.Helenkar, Gy.Zaray, I.Molnar-Perl. "Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the trimethylsilyl(oxime) ether/ester derivatives of cholic acids: Their presence in the aquatic environment". Journal of Chromatography A, 1211 (2008) 104-112 |
"Comparative Solid Phase Extractions of Pharmaceuticals, Phthalates and Estrone from Industrial Wastewaters and their Determination by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" Hilmi İbar, Kenan Sezer,. 28th Philippine Chemistry Congress (2013) Dumaguete City-Philippines. |
"GC-MS Analysis of PCB Congeners from Soil Using Fast and Reproducible One Step Microwave Extraction Method"., Kenan Sezer, Hilmi İbar, Ayşe Handan Dökmeci., 6th AM International Summer Schools (2013) Novi Sad, R. Serbia. |
"Presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) In the River Sediments from Industrial Zone of Northwest Turkey" Hilmi İbar, Kenan Sezer,. Bangladesh Chemical Congress 2012 p.21(35th annual conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society), Dahakka-Bangladesh. |
"GC-MS Analysis of Hazardous Organic Compounds from Industrial Effluents in Northwest Turkey", H.İbar, K. Sezer., ICEEC Conference (2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
"GC-MS Analysis of Selected 11 PhAC's Comparing Different Derivatization Conditions", Kenan Sezer, Hilmi İbar.2"nd International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC 2011) 21-23 December 2011-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
"Determination of Cholic Acids, Estrone and B-Estradiol as Their Trimethylsilyl Derivatives by GC-MS", K. Sezer, H. İbar, ICEEC Conference (2010) Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia. |
"Decolorization of the Azo Dye Reactive Orange 16 by fenton Oxidation" K. Sezer, H. İbar., 6th Chemistry Conference (June 20-22, 2007) Plovdiv, Bulgaria. |
"Determination of Disperse Azo Dyes in Industrial Textile Wastewater" Kenan Sezer, Hilmi İbar., American Chemical Society-The 61st Northwest Regional Meeting (June 25-28, 2006) Reno NV, USA. |