» Educational Qualifications

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Güleç, H. A., Çınar, K., Bağcı, U., & Onsekizoğlu Bağcı, P. Production of concentrated whey beverage by osmotic membrane distillation: comparative evaluation of feed effect on process efficiency and product quality. International Dairy Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105115. (May 2021)
  • Damar, I., Cinar, K., & Gulec, H. A. (2020). Concentration of whey proteins by ultrafiltration: comparative evaluation of process effectiveness based on physicochemical properties of membranes. International Dairy Journal, 104823. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2020.104823 (August 2020)
  • Cinar, K, Gunes, G, Gulec, HA. Enzymatic synthesis of prebiotic carbohydrates from lactose: Kinetics and optimization of transgalactosylation activity of β‐galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae. J Food Process Eng. 2020;e13435. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.13435 (May 2020)

International Articles

  • Cinar, K. (2022). Membrane Filtration of Milk: Separation and Fractionation of Milk Proteins. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering. 6(1):61-75 (March 2022)

International Conference Proceedings

  • Gulec, H.A., Cinar, K., Gunes, "Enzymatic Synthesis of Galactooligosaccharide in Osmotic Membrane Distillation Integrated System: Effect of Water Removal Rates", IV. Balkan Agricultural Congress, 31 August-2 September, Edirne, TURKEY. (September 2022)
  • Cinar, K., Gulec, H.A., Gunes, G., "Comparative Evaluation of Glucose Inhibition on Galactooligosaccharide Synthesis in two Different Reactors", IV. Balkan Agricultural Congress, 31 August-2 September, Edirne, TURKEY. (September 2022)
  • Gulec, H.A. ,Cinar, K., Bagci, U., & Bagci O.P., “Production of concentrated whey beverage by osmotic membrane distillation: analysis of flux profile”, "International Agricultural, Biological and Life Science Conference-AGBIOL 2018", 2-6 September 2018, Edirne, TURKEY. (September 2018)
  • Cinar, K., Gulec, H.A., Gunes, G., “Transgalactosylation activity of β-Galactosidase from Aspergillus Oryzae: Kinetic Parameter Estimation”, "International Agricultural, Biological and Life Science Conference-AGBIOL 2018", 2-6 September 2018, Edirne, TURKEY. (September 2018)
  • Cinar, K., Gulec, H.A., Gunes, G., “Galactooligosaccharides Production by Using β- galactosidase from Aspergilus Oryzae: Effect of Lactose Concentration”, "International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Science and Technologies- ICAFOF 2017", 15-17 May 2017,Cappadocia, TURKEY. (May 2017)
  • Cinar, K., Gulec, H.A., Gunes, G., "Optimization of Enzymatic Synthesis of Galactooligosaccharides from Lactose in a Batch Reactor", "8th International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science – ICBFS 2017", 11-13 April, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA. (April 2017)
  • Gulec, H.A., Onsekizoglu Bagci, P., Cinar, K., & Bagci, U., "Production and Characterization of Polylactic Acid and Polyvinylalcohol/Polyethyleneimine Fibers with Catalytic Activity by Electrospinning", "8th International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science – ICBFS 2017", 11-13 April, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA. (April 2017)
  • Cinar, K., & Gulec, H.A., "Investigation of the Effects of Milk Composition on the Performance and Selectivity of Microfiltration Membranes", "2016 International Conference on Nutrition and Food Engineering (ICNFE 2016)", 19-21 August, Budapest, HUNGARY. (August 2016)
  • Hicsasmaz, Z., Cinar, K., & Gunes, G., "Application of Microfiltration to Turkish White Cheese Manufacture, "International Food Technology-16", 16-19 July 2016, Chicago, USA. (July 2016)
  • Cinar, K., & Gülec, H.A., "Application of supercritical carbon dioxide for sunflower oil extraction,"19th International Sunflower Conference", 29 May-3 June 2016, Edirne, TURKEY. (May 2016)
  • Gülec, H.A., & Cinar, K., "Effect of enzymatic interesterification on oxidative stability of sunflower oil,"19th International Sunflower Conference", 29 May-3 June 2016, Edirne, TURKEY. (May 2016)
  • Gülec, H.A., & Cinar, K., "Separation of Whey Proteins from Milk by Poly(Ethersulfone) Microporous Membrane: Effect of Feed Composition,"Euro Food Chem XVIII", 13-16 October, Madrid, SPAIN. (October 2015)
  • Cinar, K., Gülec, H.A. Gunes, G., & Hicsasmaz, Z., "Sensory Properties of White Cheese Made From Microfiltered Milk,"Euro Food Chem XVIII", 13-16 October, Madrid, SPAIN. (October 2015)
  • Cinar, K., Gülec, H.A., & Hicsasmaz, Z., "Effect of Membrane Filtration on Physical Properties of Cheeses ,"Balkan Agriculture Congress 2014", 08-11 September, Edirne, TURKEY. (September 2014)
  • Cinar, K., Gülec, H.A., & Hicsasmaz, Z., "Sedimentation and Stabilization of Cloudy Juices ," Food Science, Engineering and Technologies-2011", 14-15 October, Plovdiv, BULGARIA. (Sözlü Sunum) (October 2011)

National Articles

  • Cinar, K., "A Review on Nanoemulsions: Preparation Methods And Stability", Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1): 73-83, 2017. (June 2017)

National Conference Proceedings

  • Cinar, K. & Bagci, U., "Hardal Tohumu Konsantrasyonun Hardaliye Fermantasyonu Üzerine Etkileri, Türkiye 12. Gıda Kongresi, 2016, 5-7 Ekim, Edirne, TURKEY. (October 2016)

National Books and Book Chapters

  • Akgün A., Damar Hüner, I., Yılmaz, E., Çınar K., (2017) "Gıda Analiz Uygulamaları", Sidas Medya, İzmir, Türkiye, ISBN:978-605- 5267-36- 0, 131 Sayfa. (March 2017)


  • Yürütücü, Siyah Pirinç Unu İlavesinin Bisküvilerin Kalite Özelliklerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2024/30. Devam ediyor. (March 2024)
  • Yürütücü, Prebiyotik içeriği zenginleştirilmiş sütten beyaz peynir yapımı ve sürecin analizi, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2024/20. Devam ediyor. (February 2024)
  • Yürütücü, Ultrases ile entegre edilmiş sürekli karıştırmalı tip kesikli reaktörde A.oryzae kaynaklı β-galaktosidaz enziminin galaktooligosakkarit sentezine etkilerinin incelenmesi, TüBAP Proje No: 2024/13. Devam ediyor. (January 2024)
  • Yürütücü, Siyah Pirinç Ununun Fizikokimyasal Özellikleri Üzerine Yüksek Hidrostatik Basıncın Etkisinin İncelenmesi, TüBAP Proje No: 2022/121. Devam Ediyor. (July 2022)
  • Bursiyer, TUBITAK 1001, 117O940. (April 2018)
  • Araştırmacı, Kesikli Reaktörde Galaktooligosakkarit Sentezini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi ve Sürecin Optimizasyonu, İTÜBAP, Proje No: MDK-2017-40556. Tamamlandı. (November 2017)
  • Araştırmacı, İdeal peynir altı suyundan yüksek protein içeriğine sahip konsantre içecek üretimi, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2017/207. Tamamlandı. (November 2017)
  • Araştırmacı, Peynir altı suyu proteinlerinin konsantrasyonunda polimerik membranların fizikokimyasal özelliklerinin membran kirlenmesi üzerine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2017-153. Tamamlandı. (July 2017)
  • Araştırmacı, Yüksek Verimde Galakto-oligosakkarit Üretimi İçin Biyoreaktör Tasarımı: Elektro lif çekimi yöntemiyle katalitik aktiviteye sahip membran üretimi, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2015/114.Tamamlandı. (July 2015)
  • Araştırmacı, Enstrümental Analiz Yöntemleri ile Kaliteli ve Güvenli Gıda Üretiminde Önemli Gıda Bileşenlerinin Nitel ve Nicel Olarak Analizi, TÜBAP, Proje No: 2012-213, Tamamlandı. (December 2012)