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.Tezel Özgür, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Cross-border commercial activity strategies os businesses in the border province Edirne, Journal of Life Economics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17-36, 2023. |
.Tezel Özgür, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Cross-border commercial activity strategies os businesses in the border province Edirne, Journal of Life Economics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17-36, 2023. |
.Tunçel Ilke, KUMKALE ILKNUR, ÇETIN OLGUN IRMAK, X VE Y KUSAGI BAGLAMINDA ÖRGÜTSEL SINIZM, Is,Güç Endüstri Iliskileri ve Insan Kaynaklari Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 85-117, 2022. |
Ay K., Kumkale İ.; The Role Of Manager Values The Impact Of Ethical Codes On Competetive Advantage. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. 2020 |
Çetin o., I., Kumkale İ.; ''The Relation Between Procrastination and Task Performance ''.Journal of Current Researches on Business and Economics (JoCReBE) ISSN: 2547-9628 (November 2017) |
Kumkale, İ. (2016). Organization’s tool for creating competitive advantage: Strategic agility. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 118-124. |
Gürbüz,G.;Kumkale,İ.;Oğuzhan,A., "Sructural Equation Modeling With Comparison of Regression Analysis of the relationship Empowerment-Organizational Loyality: A Case Study" (April 2015) |
Gürdal Akın,S., Kumkale,İ."The Relationship Between Organizational Culture And Knowledge Sharing:Kırklareli Sample Of Manufacturing Sector"IIB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal , Cilt:5 Sayı:6,p:19-45, ISSN 2146-5886 (December 2014) |
Toker,F.,Bayır,F.,Kumkale,İ; An Exploratory Study On The Perception Of People About Preventive Health Care In Turkey, Uluslararası Hakemli Spor Sağlık ve Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, July/August/September 2014 Issue:12, Volume 4 Summer Term, www.sstbdergisi.com, ISS PRINT:2146-8508/Online:2147-1711 s.s.:104-120 (July 2014) |
Serinikli N., Kumkale, İ.; "Problems And Solution Offers Of Cooperative Associations(Local Unions) In Turkey", Trakya University Journal Of Social Science, Volume 14, No:1, June 2012, p:269-290 (June 2012) |
.Tezel Özgür, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Cross-Border Commercial Activitiy Strategies of Business In The Border Province Edirne, 2nd International Congress On Management Of Organizations, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 228-230, Istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
Sakal B., Kumkale İ., Esen S.;''The Effect of Organizational Justice Perception on Organizational Commitment: Basic High Schools''. XI. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series - Tekirdağ / Turkey. (March 2019) |
Çetin O., I., Kumkale İ., Ay K.; ''The Impact of Emotional Labor on Workaholism for Ethical Leaders''. V. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series - Kırklareli / Turkey. ISBN 978-605-67815-0-6 (November 2017) |
Kumkale İ.; '' Strategic Agility in Creating Competitive Advantage''. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Conference Series. ISBN 978-8989-695-56-8. (October 2016) |
Gürbüz, G.,Kumkale İ., Oğuzhan A.; " The Effects Of Empowerment Applications On Organizational Loyality in The Banking Sector: A Study Of Trakya Region" International Conference On Eurasian Econimies, St.Petersburg , Russia, 17-18 September 2013 (September 2013) |
Serinikli, N., Kumkale,İ.; "Entrepreneurship Example Of Housewives In Turkey: Women's Cooperatives" 4th International Congress On Entrepreneurship, Celal Bayar University and Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, 02-04 May 2012 (May 2012) |
Serinikli N.,Kumkale İ.; "Entrepreneurship Role of Women in Rural Development: Agricultural Development Cooperative Model of Kiraz Town Yaglar Village" 9th International Congress of Turkish World Social Sciences", 16-17 June 2011 (Full text published) (June 2011) (June 2011) |
Kumkale İ., Sezen, S.; " A General View Over The Students' Career Planning Attending To The Vocational High School" 1st International 5th National Vocational Schools Symposium' Abstracts, Volume II, 09, May 27-29 2009 Konya, Türkiye (May 2009) |
İnan, İ.H., Kumkale, İ.; " Total Quality Management Pratices In Agribusiness Firms In Turkey" Verband Deutsch-Türkischer Agrar-und Naturwissenschaftler e.V. , Deutsch-Türkısche Agrarforschung 6. Semposium vom 27. September- 2. October 1999 an der Justus-Liebig-Universitat GieBen, Redaction: Prof.Dr.Ulrich Planck, Stuttgart, 2000 p:73-78 (September 1999) |
İnan, İ.H., Kumkale İ.; "A New Organization Model For The Agricultural: Malkara County Union For Suplying Services To Villages" International Turkish Cooperative Congress, 6-9 November 1996, Congress Book: 61-80 Ankara-Türkiye (November 1996) |
Polat,C.,Kumkale,İ.; "The Role Of Two Year Colleges At Investement Which Is Made To The Human Sources", Ankara University 50th Year, Towards To 21st Century, Reorganization Of Two-Year Colleges , 22-23 May 1996, Çankırı-Türkiye, s390-396 (May 1996) |
.ÇETIN OLGUN IRMAK, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütsel Intikam Niyeti, Paradigma, Çanakkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.KUMKALE ILKNUR, Organizational Mastery / The Impact of Strategic Leadership and Organiztional Ambidexterity on Organizational Agility, Springer. |
.KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütsel Davranista Ölçek Arastirmalari II, Egitim Yayinevi, Konya-TÜRKIYE. |
.ÇETIN OLGUN IRMAK, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütsel Intikam Niyeti, Paradigma, Çanakkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.DEMIREL Gonca, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Davranis Bilimleri, Paradigma, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
Kumkale,İ. ; "Creativity, Innovation and Their Importance" (Volume writer) "The Science And Education At The Beginning Of The 21st. Century In Turkey" Editors: Prof.Dr.Aleksandır Drujinin, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Zdravka Kostova, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Igor Sharuho, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Emin Atasoy, St.Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2013 (May 2013) |
Çetin O. I., Kumkale İ.; ''The Effect of Demographic Factors in Textile Sector on Personality Traits, Organizational Revenge Intention, Organizational Climate and Contextual Performance''. Aydın Adnan Menderes University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, Year: 2020, Vol.:7, No: 1 (pp. 18-40). |
Yılmaz F., Kumkale İ.;''EVALUATION OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND FIRM PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO THE BUSINESS AREA LIMITS''.Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2019 Cilt 21 Ek Sayı (199-214). DOI: 10.26468/trakyasobed.528003 (April 2019) |
Akın Gürdal,S.,Kumkale,İ., Relationship Between Organizational Culture And Knowledge Sharing: Research In manufacturing Sector In Kırklareli (May 2014) | 1 ATIF |
Kumkale,İ. İnan,İ.H.; "Clusturing Approach Affects On Wine Export For Competitive Advantage" (September 2006) |
Kumkale,İ. İnan,H.; Evaluation Of Ostrich Production With Regard To Turkey" (September 2004) |
Kumkale,İ., İnan,İ.H.; "Applicability of Total Quality Management in Agricultural Cooperatives: Trakya Birlik Case", Turkey V. Agricultural Economics Congress, 18-20 September 2002, Erzurum, Proceedings, p:238-245 (Full text published) (September 2002) (September 2002) |
İnan,İ.H., Kumkale,İ., Gaytancıoğlu,O.; "Assessment of Production Organizations the Terms of Competitiveness and Quality of Service in Thrace", Turkey IV. National Agricultural Economics Congress, 6-8 September 2000, Tekirdağ, ISBN-975-374-041-7 s:1-10 (Full text published) (September 2000) |
Kumkale,İ.,İnan,İ.H.; "TheRole of Quality Control Circles in Business Management and Implementation Models", Turkey III.Agricultural Economics Congress, 7-9 October 1998, Ankara, Congress Book published by Ziraat Bank Cultural Publications, IssueNo:35 (Full text published) (October 1998) (October 1998) |
Kumkale,İ. İnan,İ.H.; "Determination of Lowest Cost Compound Feed for Full-Grown and Breeder Trouts by Linear Programming Method and The Effects of Price Changes on Optimal Solutions", Turkey II. Agricultural Economics Congress, 4-6 September 1996, Adana, Proceedings, Volume I, p:278-290(Full text published) (September 1996) (September 1996) |
İnan,İ., Vural,H.,Kumkale,İ.,Görsün,H.; "Coumpound Feed Production and Marketing in Turkey", Symposium of Structural and Economic Problems of Stockbreding Turkey", 27-29 September 1995, İzmir, p:91-101(Full text published)(September, 1995) (September 1995) |
Kumkale,İ. "Chapter "Process Based Management in Tourism Businesses", "Current Issues in Tourism and Trends", Editors: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Şule Aydın Tükeltürk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Boz, Detay Publications, Ankara, 2013, s:453-488, ISBN 978-605-5216-66-5 (October 2013) (October 2013) |
Kumkale,İ.; "Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm" Kenneth C.Laudon-Jane P. Laudon, 12. Edition, Translation of Chapter 11. "Managing Information", s: 414-452, Translation Editor: Prof.Dr.Uğur Yozgat ISBN 978-605-133-158-4 Nobel Publications, (November 2011) (November 2011) |
"General Business Administration" Lecture Book, Murathan Publications, Trabzon 7th Edition, September 2011 (September 2011) |
"The Role of the Acriculture Co-operations, Producer Associations, Unions of Services for Villages for the Organization of Rural Community in Thrace", Turkish Cooperative Society Publications, No:91 ISBN 975-7604-22-4, Ankara, 1999 (January 1999) (January 1999) |
Seda AKIN GÜRDAL "A Research About The Relationship Between Organizational Culture And Knowledge Sharing" (December 2013) |
Gözde Gürbüz " The Effects Of Employee Empowerment Applications On Organizational Commitment: A Research In Banking Sector (July 2012) |
Kumkale,İ. Azabağaoğlu,Ö., Gür, A.; "Vocational Education Project Without Barriers"(EMEP), Mutual Project of Namık Kemal University, and Elemantary Education Technologies, Educator of free online courses for disabled citizens for "Accounting and Business Certificate Program" (March 2008) |
İnan,İ.H., Kumkale,İ., Gaytancıoğlu, O.; "The Role of the Agriculture Co-operations, Producer Associations, Unions of Services for Villages for the Organization of Rural Community in Thrace", Turkish Cooperative Society Project, Ankara, 1999 (January 1999) (January 1999) |
TUBA(Turkish Academy of Sciences), 2012 Notable Author Award(Honorable Mention), Social Sciences, "Management Information Systems Managing The Digital Firm," Kenneth C. Jane P. Laudon &Laudon, Translation from 12th Edition, Kumkale,İ. Chapter 11 translation "Managing Information", p:414-452, Translation Editor Prof.Dr. Uğur Yozgat, ISBN 978-605-133-158-4 Nobel Publishing, November 2011(May 2013) (May 2013) |
.MUZIKA ERCÜMENT, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütlerin Yönetiminde Güncel Konular, Rating Akademi Pulishing, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.MUZIKA ERCÜMENT, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütlerin Yönetiminde Güncel Konular, Rating Akademi Pulishing, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.MUZIKA ERCÜMENT, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütlerin Yönetiminde Güncel Konular, Rating Akademi Pulishing, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.MUZIKA ERCÜMENT, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütlerin Yönetiminde Güncel Konular, Rating Akademi Pulishing, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.MUZIKA ERCÜMENT, KUMKALE ILKNUR, Örgütlerin Yönetiminde Güncel Konular, Rating Akademi Pulishing, Çanakkkale-TÜRKIYE. |
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