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Özdoğan Şahin, N. & Coşkun, İ. (2024). “The Importance of the HELPS Fluent Reading Strategy In Overcoming Reading Diffıculties With Practical Strategies for Early Literacy Assistance”, International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, (Issn:2630-631X) 10(4): 571-582. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13083169 (July 2024) |
Arık, A. & Coşkun, İ. (2023). Theses and Dissertations Written on Specific Learning Difficulties in Türkiye: A Systematic Review. Turkish Studies - Education, 18(3), 809-832. https://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.68689 (September 2023) |
Divrik, R. ve Coşkun, İ. (2023). Matematik Hikayeleriyle Desteklenen Matematik Öğretiminin İlkokul 3. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Başarı ve Tutumlarına Etkisi. Uluslararası eğitim, Teknoloji ve Bilim Dergisi, 3(3), 1112–1127. (September 2023) |
Girgin, İ & Coşkun, İ (2023). Metaphorical perceptions of primary school students regarding “individuals with special needs”, E-International Journal of Educational Research, 14 (3), 165-181, DOI: https://doi.org/10.19160/e-ijer.1261139 (June 2023) |
Ismail, A. ve Coşkun, İ. (2023). Representation of Disabled Individuals in Local Ppess in the Western Thrace Region of Greece. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences. 9 (2), pp. 8-15. (April 2023) |
Kara, B. C. ve Coşkun, İ. (2022). Disability Perception of Mothers With Normally Developing Children in Pre-Childhood Period. Trakya University Journal of Social Science. 24 (2), pp. 489-512. DOI: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1097927 (December 2022) |
Geç, H. E. & Coşkun, İ. (2021). Effectiviness of Special Education Program in Early Childhood Period Applied to Teachers Working in Preschool Education Institutions, International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 6(14), 200-246. (Indexing in H.W. Wilson) (April 2021) |
Ünal, B. Ö. ve Coşkun, İ. (2019). “Tipik Gelişim Gösteren Öğrenciler İle Görme Engelli ÖğrencilerinYazmaya Hazırlık Süreçlerinin Öğretmen Görüşleri Doğrultusunda Karşılaştırılması,” Eğitim Kuram ve Uygulama Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 276–285, Dec. 2019. (November 2019) |
Kurt, Ö. ve Coşkun, İ. (2018). An Examination Of Physical Activity Levels Of Children In Families With Mentally Handicapped Adult Members. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.: 04, Issue: 03, p.p.: 1-9. (June 2018) |
Altunkeser, F. & Coşkun, İ. (2017). Comparison and Evalation of 2009-2015 Turkish Course Instruction Program. Trakya University Journal of Education Faculty, XV. International Primary Teacher Education Symposium (11-14 May 2016), IPTES 2016 Special Issue, 114-135. (December 2017) |
Çetrez-Arıcan, G., Yılmaz, Z. H. ve Coşkun, İ. (2017). The Effect of Fluent Reading Strategies on Mentally Retarded Students' Reading and Comprehension Level. International Journal of Social Science, Number: 60, p. 41-53, Autumn II 2017. Doi number: http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/JASSS7264 (November 2017) |
Sidekli, S., Coşkun, İ. & Aydın, Y. (2015). Being A Teacher In A Village: Multigrade Classes. Trakya University Journal Of Social Sciences, 17 (1), pp.: 311-331. (June 2015) |
Yavuz, M. ve Coşkun, İ. (2014). Recreation of Normal Developing Children and Their Mentally Disabled Siblings. Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 9/8 Summer 2014, p. 295-313. Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.7215 (October 2014) |
Coşkun, İ. Taş, Y. (2014). Opinions of the Teacher Candidates of Mentally Handicapped Schools Concerning Teaching the Literacy Course and Literacy Education. Journal of Academic Studies. Year: 16, Vol.: 61, pp.: 111-136. (July 2014) |
Sidekli, S., Coşkun, İ. (2014). Folk Songs: A New Approach to the Instruction in Social Studies, Trakya University Journal o f Social Science, Vol.: 16, Number: 1, pp.: 23-32 (June 2014) |
Coşkun, İ. ve Boldan, Ö. (2014). Primary Teacher Candidates of Special Education Attending Teaching Mentally Disabled Students Certificate Programme Opinions About the Functionality of the Certificate Programme. Journal of Academic Social Science Studies. Volume 7 Issue 1. p. 303-318. Doi number:http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/JASSS2252 (April 2014) |
Coşkun, İ., Gür, T.&Aykutlu, H. (2014). Mild Mentally Disabled Individuals Reading Comprehension and Interpretation Level Determination Investigation of The Text Post Drawn Pictures. International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences. March-2014, Year: 5, Vol: 5, Issue: 14, pp. (17-42). (March 2014) |
Coşkun, İ. (2014). Self-Efficacy Perception Of Candidadates’ Turkish And Primary School Education On Turkish Teaching. International Journal of Academic Research-IJAR March Part B. 2014; 6(2), p. 103-107. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-2/B.16 (March 2014) |
Coşkun, İ., Köksal, H. ve Tuğlu, Y. (2013). Examining Comprehension Skills of Pre-Service Teachers in Turkish, English and German Language Teaching Departments about Turkish Informative Texts. Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic. Volume 9/3 Winter 2014, p. 375-396, ANKARA-TURKEY. Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.6278 (March 2014) |
Coşkun, İ. ve Erdin, G. (2014). Investigation of Listening Comprehension Skills of Mainstreaming Students With Mild Mental Retardation. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi. (Kırgız–Türk Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Celalabat–KIRGIZISTAN) JEL KOD: I-Z1 *** ID:213 K:192, ISSN:1694-528X. Sayı: 41, ss.: 111-128. (March 2014) |
Coşkun, İ., Taşkaya, S. M. ve Bal T. (2013). In the Course Turkish the Cases of Making Use of Dictation Exercises of Elementary School Teachers as a Method of Assessment and Evaluation. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Aralık 2013 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2 sayfa: 1-16. (December 2013) |
Turkish language teachers’ stance taking movements in the discourse on globalization and language. Educational Research and Reviews Vol.8(24) , pp. 2286-2294. DOI: 10.5897/ERR2013.1604 (December 2013) |
Investigation of Manuscript Legibility Produced by Students in the Process of Early Writing-Reading in Turkey and Bulgaria. Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume: 8/8. 2013, p.357-378 Summer 2013 Doi Number :http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.5429 (October 2013) |
Gür, T., Coşkun, İ. & Sağlam F. (2013). EXAMINING CORPUS OF 2. 3. AND 4. GRADES’ TURKISH LANGUAGE TEXBOOKS IN TERMS OF VOCABULARY TEACHING. Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume: 8/1 Winter 2013, p.1561-1570, ANKARA-TURKEY. (January 2013) |
Altan-Aksu, İ. ve Coşkun, İ. (2023). Pre-School Teachers' Opinions Regarding The Acquisition of Language Skills in The Pre-School Period. ASES IV. International Educational Sciences Conference. APRIL 28-30, 2023, Giresun/TURKIYE. (April 2023) |
Bayyiğit, T. ve Coşkun, İ. (2018). Opinions of special education teachers on voice / letter groups in 2005, 2015 and 2017 programs. 13th International Balkan Education and Science Congress, 6-8 September 2018, Trakya University-Edirne. (September 2018) |
Coşkun, İ. ve Duran-Baytar, S. (2018). Primary Teacher as Metaphorical Perception in Primary School 4th Grade and Primary Education Last Grade Students. 13th International Balkan Education and Science Congress, 6-8 September 2018, Trakya University-Edirne. (September 2018) |
.P. ÇAL, I. COSKUN, LECTURER PROBLEMS FACED BY TURKISH INSTRUCTIONS DURING TEACHING PROCESS OF FOREIGN STUDENTS, Third International Conference ?Education across Borders?Education and Research across Time and Space, BITOLA-MAKEDONYA. |
.E. ERDOGAN, I. COSKUN, THE PROBLEMS THAT FOREIGN STUDENTS FACE IN PERIOD OF LEARNING TURKISH, Third International Conference ?Education across Borders?Education and Research across Time and Space, BITOLA-MAKEDONYA. |
.H. Z. ÜNAL, I. COSKUN, Türkiye’de Zihin Yetersizligi Olan Bireylerin Egitiminde Okuma Yazma Alaninda Yapilan Lisansüstü Tezlerin Incelenmesi, IIIrd INTERNATIONAL EURASIANEDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS, pp. 1647-1648, MUGLA-TÜRKIYE. |
Yavuz, M. ve Coşkun, İ. (2014). Investigation of The Self-Monitoring Strategies Made With Individuals With Learning Disabilities Researches. 9. International Balkan Education and Science Congress. 16-18 October 2014-Edirne. (October 2014) |
Coşkun, I., Tuğlu, Y. (2011). Some Factors Affecting The Development of Candidate Teachers' Development of Reading Skills. VI. International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The Modern Society and Education. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Pedogogy "St. Kliment Ohridski" Ohrid-Macedonia. 29 September-1 October 2011. (September 2011) |
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Coşkun, İ., Dündar, Ş. ve Parlak, C. (2014). The Analysis of The Postgraduate Thesis Written on Special Education in Terms of Various Criteria in Turkey (2008-2013). Ege Eğitim Dergisi 2014 (15) 2: 375-396. (December 2014) |
Özdoğan Şahin, Nesrin (2024). The Effect of Helps Strategy in Improving Reading Comprehension Skills of Individuals with Mild Mental Disability: An Action Research (November 2024) |
Arık, Aybüke (2024). How do the Multisensory Approach and Metacognitive Strategy Training in English Vocabulary Teaching Affect Students with Specific Learning Disabilities: An Action Research (November 2024) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FACULTY, XV. International Primary Teacher Education Symposium (11-14 May 2016), IPTES 2016 Special Issue, Year: 2017, Vol.8, Issue 1. (December 2017) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITYJournal of Social Sciences Volume: 18 Number:1 June 2016 (June 2016) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITY Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 17 Number: 2 December 2015 (December 2015) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITY Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 17 Number: 1 June 2015 (June 2015) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITY Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 16 Number: 2 December 2014 (December 2014) |
TRAKYA UNIVERSITY Journal of Social ScienceVolume: 16 Number:1 June2014 (June 2014) |
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World Applied Sciences Journal (2 articles) |
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Educational Research and Review (2 articles) |
Route Educational & Social Science (4 article) |
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science (1 article) |
Turkish Studies-International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic-2013 (3 articles) |
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"Generation Democracy" - European Union and the Council of Europe - Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education. Monitoring Expert of Edirne Province. (October 2013) |
“Learning of The Application of Project Based Learning Approach in EU Countries by Teachers Which Will Be Epmloyed in The Educational Institutions” Project Number: 2008-1-TR-LEO02-01690, Certificate Number: EU08139, Date: 01.02.2009-21.02.2009 (20 days), Location: Frankfurt am Main / Germany. (Complated) (February 2009) |