» Educational Qualifications

» Academic Titles

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Evaluation of Cardiomyopathy-Related Target Genes by Next-Generation Sequencing Method and Investigation of the Phenotype-Genotype Relationship (December 2024)
  • Investigation of Pogz Gene Variants in Non-Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder (August 2024)
  • Homozygous Paternally Inherited ASPA Variant in a Patient with Canavan Disease (August 2024)
  • Investigation of Targeted Genes and Identification of Novel Variants with Next Generation Sequencing Method in Hearing Loss (July 2024)
  • Functional analysis of MMR gene VUS from potential Lynch syndrome patients (June 2024)
  • The Phenotypic Spectrum of Desanto-Shinawi Syndrome: A Comparative Report of the First Reported Case in Turkey (May 2024)
  • A Case of Diabetes Mellitus Type MODY5 as a Feature of 17q12 Deletion Syndrome (May 2024)
  • A Case of Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome with a Novel, de novo Variant on the CSNK2A1 Gene in a Turkish Patient (February 2024)
  • The Impact of Total Tumor Diameter on Lymph Node Metastasis and Tumor Recurrence in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas (January 2024)
  • Clinical Features of Aberrations Chromosome 22q: A Pilot Study (March 2022)
  • Investigation of Copy Number Variation by arrayCGH in Turkish Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (December 2017)
  • Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal polymorphisms: most commonly observed polymorphism on Chromosome 9 have associations with low PAPP-A values. (December 2017)
  • Novel EYA1 variants causing Branchio-oto-renal syndrome (July 2017)
  • Identification of a novel homozygous TBC1D24 mutation in a Turkish family with DOORS syndrome (July 2017)
  • Genetic Analyses of The NF1 Gene in Turkish Neurofibromatosis Type I Patients and Definition of Three Novel Variants (June 2017)
  • Lack of Association between Toll-like Receptor 2 Polymorphisms (R753Q and A-16934T) and Atopic Dermatitis in Children from Thrace Region of Turkey. (April 2017)
  • Follicular morphological characteristics may be associated with invasion in follicular thyroid neoplasms with papillary-like nuclear features (April 2017)
  • Investigation of IL23R, JAK2, and STAT3 gene polymorphisms and gene-gene interactions in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in a Turkish population. (November 2016)
  • KRAS Mutation in Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and Extrapulmonary Small Cell Cancer. (September 2016)
  • The Effect of TGFB1 and CD14 Gene Polymorphisms on the Clinical Findings of Cystic Fibrosis in Turkish Patients (July 2016)
  • Tetrasomy 18p in a Twin Pregnancy with Diverse Expression in Both Fetuses. (July 2016)
  • Cytogenetic Analysis and Thrombophilia-Associated Gene Mutations of Couples with Recurrent Miscarriage. (June 2016)
  • The investigation of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor genotyping in patients with systemic lupus erytematosus and systemic sclerosis. (March 2016)
  • A Case With Emanuel Syndrome: Extra Derivative 22 Chromosome Inherited From The Mother. (January 2016)
  • Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: The Clinical Manifestations and Genetic Analysis Results of Two Cases From A Single Family. (January 2016)
  • Novel NLRP7 mutations in familial recurrent hydatidiform mole: are NLRP7 mutations a risk for recurrent reproductive wastage?,
  • Could the Mosaic Pattern of Chromosomal Abnormality Predict Overall Survival of Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome? (December 2015)
  • The relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase c.677TT genotype and oligozoospermia in infertile male patients living in the Trakya region of Turkey. (November 2015)
  • Natural Kıller Cell Immunoglobulın-Lıke Gene Polymorphısms in Non-Hodgkın's Lymphoma Possible Association with Clinical Course. Leuk Lymphoma. (October 2015)
  • Tyrosine kinase-2 gene polymorphisms are associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in Turkish Population. (September 2015)
  • A novel mutation in the ABCA12 gene in a Turkish case of Harlequin ichthyosis. (July 2015)
  • An investigation of the relationship between the eNOS gene polymorphism and diagnosed migraine (April 2015)
  • Impact of bevacizumab on survival outcomes in primary tumor resected metastatic colorectal cancer (January 2015)
  • A novel mutation in the ABCA12 gene in a Turkish case of Harlequin ichthyosis
  • Natural killer cell killer immunoglobulin-like gene receptor polymorphisms in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: possible association with clinical course
  • An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Enos Gene Polymorphism and Diagnosed Migraine
  • Mediterranean Fever Gene Mutations and Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expressions in Pediatric Patients With Familial Mediterranean Fever in the Trakya Region of Turkey
  • Increased frequency of class I and II anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma and associated factors: a comparative study
  • Investigation of mutations in the synaptonemal complex protein 3 (SYCP3) gene among azoospermic infertile male patients in the Turkish population
  • The relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase c.677TT genotype and oligozoospermia in infertile male patients living in the Trakya region of Turkey
  • Identification of a novelHLA-A*26 allele, HLA-A*26:01:36 , in a Turkish family by sequence-based typing,
  • Tyrosine kinase-2 gene polymorphisms are associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in Turkish Population
  • Comparison of Lipid Profiles with APOA1 MspI Polymorphism in Obese Children with Hyperlipidemia,
  • Identification of a novel HLA-A*26 allele, HLA-A*26:01:36, in a Turkish family by sequence-based typing
  • Increased frequency of class I and II anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma and associated factors: a comparative study
  • PECAM-1 gene polymorphisms and soluble PECAM-1 level in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus patients: any link with clinical atherosclerotic events?
  • Mediterranean Fever Gene Mutations and Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expressions in Pediatric Patients With Familial Mediterranean Fever in the Trakya Region of Turkey
  • A Case Of Treacher Collıns Syndrome. . BJMG, 16 (2), 2013, 77-80. (November 2013)
  • Investigation of mutations in the synaptonemal complex protein 3 (SYCP3) gene among azoospermic infertile male patients in the Turkish population. Andrologia. 2013 Apr;45(2):92-100. (April 2013)
  • Novel NLRP7 mutations in familial recurrent hydatidiform mole: are NLRP7 mutations a risk for recurrent reproductive wastage? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 170 (2013) 188–192
  • The presence of donor-specific antibodies in renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2012 Jul;44(6):1667-9. (July 2012)
  • The Effect of Glutathion S-Transferase Polymoprhisms and Anti-GSST1 Antibodies on Allograft Functions in Recipients of Renal Transplant. Transplant Proc. 2012 Jul;44(6):1679-84. (July 2012)
  • Results of Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis in Patients with Clinically Diagnosed Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Balkan Med J 2012; 29: 306-9
  • Comparison of Lipid Profiles with APOA1 MspI Polymorphism in Obese Children with Hyperlipidemia. In Vivo. 2011 May-Jun;25(3):425-30.
  • HLA-DP uyumsuzluğuna bağlı mikst lenfosit kültür testindeki pozitiflik. Balkan Med J 2011; 28:224-226
  • MEFV Gene Exon 2 and Exon 10 gene region mutations of Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients in Trakya Population. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010;27(1):37-43.

International Articles

  • Interactions of six SNPs in APOA1 gene and types of obesity on low HDL-C disease in Xinjiang pastoral area of China By: Wang, Xinping; He, Jia; Guo, Heng; et al. (October 2017)

International Conference Proceedings

  • Whole exome sequencing results in autism spectrum disorders patients living in the Trakya Region of Türkiye: Trakya University experience (December 2024)
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss due to hydrops fetalis caused by alpha thalassemia. (June 2017)
  • Thyroid papillary carcinoma in the patients with resistance to thyroid hormone (May 2017)
  • Screening for CALR gene mutations in Jak-2 V617F mutation negative patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (May 2017)
  • Four novel pathogenic variants in TSC2 gene of Turkish patients with tuberous sclerosis complex. (May 2017)
  • ArrayCGH analysis in patients with intellectual disability/developmental delay in Turkish Children living in Trakya Region. (May 2017)
  • The Relationship between Genetic Variations of Adaptive Immune System Intracellular Signal Transduction Pathways and Clinical Findings in Systemic Lupus Erythematous. (July 2016)
  • A Schizencephaly Case Accompanied By Deletion of Chromosome 22q13. 32. (June 2016)
  • A novel cytogenetic abberation is extra isochromosome 4q in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient. (May 2016)
  • Comprehensive analysis of NF1 gene by using targeted resequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification in patients with neurofibromatosis type I (May 2016)
  • Results of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation screening with next generation sequencing in a cohort of breast and ovarian cancer patients in Trakya region of Turkey (May 2016)
  • A novel mutation of TBC1D24 identified in a Turkish family with DOORS syndrome. (May 2016)
  • Genetic screening for chromosomal abnormalities, Y chromosome microdeletions and copy number variation in infertile male patients living in the Trakya region of Turkey (May 2016)
  • Homozygous FVLeiden G1691A and Heterozygous MTHFR A1298C Associated with Early Onset Severe Intrauterine Growth Restriction. The 22nd World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI). (September 2015)
  • BLK Pathway-Associated rs13277113 GA Genotype Is More Frequent in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients and Associated with Low Gene Expression and Increased Flares. (September 2015)
  • A Novel Mutatıon in COL1A1 Gene in A Pateint With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. 12th International Skeletal Dysplasia Society Meeting, Istanbul, July29, August 1, 2015. (August 2015)
  • A case report: 13q21-qter deletion with digital anomalies, duodenal atresia and anal atresia. 10th European Cytogenetics Conference 4 - 7 July 2015 Strasbourg Convention & Exhibition Centre Strasbourg, France (July 2015)
  • Genotype-phenotype correlation in three patients with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. European Human Genetics Conference. June 6 - 9, 2015 Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, (June 2015)
  • A Nine Year Old Girl With Phelan Mc Dermid Syndrome, Who Had Been Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder. 16th ESCAP International Congress, 20 - 24 June 2015 / Spain, Madrid, (June 2015)
  • Both siblings affected by tetrasomy 18p in a dichorionic twin pregnancy. 14th World Congress in Fetal Medicine, 21-25 June 2015, Crete, Greece (June 2015)
  • 235 Could Chromosomal Mosaicism Predict Overall Survival in Myelodysplastic Syndromes? 13th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndrome. 29 April - 02 May 2015 / U.S.A, Washington, D.C.Article in Leukemia Research 39:S117 • April 2015. (April 2015)
  • The Sıgnıfıcance Of Kır Gene Polymorphısms In Chronıc Lymphocytıc Leukemıa. (June 2014)
  • Results of conventional karyotyping and 5 thrombophilic gene mutations in a Turkish population with recurrent pregnancy loss. (May 2014)
  • Coexisting hurthle cell neoplasm and thyroid hormone resistance. (May 2014)
  • Novel NLRP7 Mutatıons In Famılıal Recurrent Hydatıdıform Moles: Are Nlrp7 Mutatıons At The Same Tıme A Rısk For Recurrent Reproductıve Wastage ? (October 2013)

National Articles

  • Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Clinical and Laboratory. (December 2017)
  • Wilson's Disease: Clinical and Laboratory (December 2017)

National Conference Proceedings

  • Investigation of variant distribution and frequency in triple negative breast cancer patients living in the Trakya Region of Turkey: A Single Center Experience (December 2024)
  • Comprehensive molecular profiling of breast cancer subtypes in a Turkish population: Insights from nextgeneration sequencing analysis (December 2024)
  • Genetic Etiology of Children With Developmental Speech /Language Disorder (December 2024)
  • Tracing The Genetic Basis of Hypotonia in Whole Exome Sequencing Data: Experinces of Trakya University Genetic Diagnosis Center (December 2024)
  • Analysis of THRΒ Gene in Turkish Patients and Definition of Three Novel Pathogenic Variants (June 2017)
  • Pathogenic Variations of Brca1 and Brca2 Genes in the Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer Patients Living in Trakya Region of Turkey. (May 2017)
  • 3q22.2-q22.3 Deletion and 16p11.2 Microduplication Syndrome in a Patient with Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome. (May 2017)
  • Papiller Tiroid Kanserinde BRAFV600E Mutasyonu ile Kliniko-Patolojik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişki (November 2016)
  • Primer infertilite olgusunda saptanan Treacher Collins Sendromu (October 2016)
  • Konjenital İktiyozis: Olgu Sunumu. (April 2016)
  • SMN1 geni ekson7-8 homozigot delesyonuna sahip spinal muskuler atrofi hastalarında SMN2 gen kopya sayısı ile klinik fenotip arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması. (March 2016)
  • Trakya Bölgesi’nde Görülen Beta Talasemi Mutasyonları Ve Frekanslarının Araştırılması (February 2016)
  • Coagulation Factor X Gene Mutations in Five Patients With Factor X Defficiency. (February 2016)
  • Evaluation Of Chromosomal And Thrombophilia Panel Of Recurrent Miscarriages. (February 2016)
  • Laparoskopik nissen fundoplikasyonu ve Gastrostomisi Uygulanan Wolf-Hirschhorn Sendromlu Hastanın Anestezi Yönetimi: Olgu sunumu. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği, 49. Ulusal Kongresi, TARK 2015, 2-6 Aralık 2015- Susesi Luxury Otel- Antalya, (December 2015)
  • 1q23.3-q44 duplikasyonu ve Xq22.1-q28 delesyonu saptanan minör konjenital anomalileri olan bir yaşındaki kız olgu. 2.Ulusal Cocuk Genetik Sempozyumu/ 22-24 Ekim 2015, Samsun, (October 2015)
  • De novo kromozom 11q14.1-11q22.2 delesyonu, hipotonisite, bilateral pitozis ve ekzoftalmus saptanan kız olgu. 2.Ulusal Cocuk Genetik Sempozyumu/ 22-24 Ekim 2015, Samsun (October 2015)
  • Ekstra derivatif kromozom 22 taşıyan bir olgu: Emanuel sendromu. 2.Ulusal Cocuk Genetik Sempozyumu/ 22-24 Ekim 2015, Samsun, (October 2015)
  • Nörofibromatosis Tip 1 Şüpheli Pediatrik Olgularda NF1 Gen Mutasyonlarının Araştırılması. 2.Ulusal Cocuk Genetik Sempozyumu/ 22-24 Ekim 2015, Samsun (October 2015)
  • A Novel Mutation in CHRNG gene in a case of Nonlethal Multiple Pterygium Syndrome. Ultrasonografi Kursu, 29-31 Ekim 2015, Harbiye Askeri Müzesi, İstanbul. Maternal-Fetal Tıp Perinatoloji Derneği (October 2015)
  • Yeni Bir HLA-B Polimorfizmi. 5. Ulusal Transplantasyon İmmünolojisi ve Genetiği Kongresi. 16-19 Nisan 2015 Papillon Ayscha Hotel, Antalya (April 2015)
  • Atopik Dermatitli Çocuk Hastalarda Toll-benzeri reseptör (A-1693T ve R753Q) Gen Polimorfizmleri.10. Ulusal Çocuk Alerji ve Astım Kongresi. 16-19 Nisan 2015, NG Sapanca Otel. (April 2015)
  • CFTR Gen Mutasyonlarının Taranmasında Yeni Nesil Dizi Analizi Uygulamaları. (February 2015)
  • Konjenital Adrenal Hiperplazi Ön Tanılı Hastalarda CYP21A2 Gen Varyantlarının Araştırılması. (February 2015)
  • Papiller Tiroid Tümör Örneklerinde BRAF Hotspot Bölge Mutasyonlarının Araştırılması. (February 2015)

National Books and Book Chapters

  • Genetics in Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis and Follow-up of Lymphomas (December 2024)

Master`s Theses Advised

  • Türk Populasyonunda Infertil Erkek Hastalarda 5,10 Metilentetrahidrofolat redüktaz (MTHFR) Gen Metilasyonunun Arastırılması (January 2016)


  • Tıp Fakültesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu (December 2016)
  • Hayvan Deneyleri Etik Kurul Üyeliği (January 2016)

Editorial Positions

  • Balkan Medical Journal (January 2024)
  • Balkan Medical Journal
  • Balkan Medical Journal

Referee Positions

  • Novel variant in SYNE4 confirms its causative role in sensorineural hearing loss BalkMedJ--2017-0946.R2
  • BalkMedJ-2016-1217.R3 Caffeine increases apolipoprotein A-1 and paraoxonase-1 but not paraoxonase-3 protein levels in human-derived liver (HepG2) cells
  • BalkMedJ-2017-0045 Effects of Down-Regulating Expression of EGFL7 in Human Osteosarcoma Cells on the Function of Co-Cultured HUVECs
  • BalkMedJ-2016-1886 Association of MMP7 -181A>G promoter polymorphism with early onset of COPD
  • BalkMedJ-2016-1376.R1 A Different SLC2A1 Gene Mutation in GLUT 1 Deficiency Syndrome: c.734A>C
  • Tübitak Medical Science (SAG-1612-119)
  • Human Genetics, HUGE-D-17-00291
  • A New Mutation in Glut 1 Deficiency Syndrome: p.K245T (December 2016)
  • Associations of C677T polymorphism in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene with male infertility risk: a meta-analysis (June 2016)
  • A Case Report: 46, XX SRY-Negative Male with Infertility (March 2016)
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hasan DOĞAN'ın görev süresinin uzatılmasına ilişkin bilimsel rapor (February 2016)
  • Calcitonin receptor AluI (rs1801197) and Taq1 calcitonin genes polymorphism in 45- and over 45-year-old women and their association with bone density (February 2016)
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Eda BALKAN'ın görev süresinin uzatılmasına ilişkin bilimsel rapor (January 2016)
  • Y chromosome microdeletions and partial AZFc deletions in infertile men from south India (January 2016)
  • HLA-G 14bp deletion/insertion polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis (December 2015)
  • MyD 88 Polymorphism in Children Diagnosed with Sepsis (September 2015)
  • A role for heterozygosity of NF-kB1 rs28362491 polymorphism in patients with idiopathic oligospermia (July 2015)
  • Title of Article: Study of Matrix Gla Protein G-7A and T-138C Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (May 2015)
  • eNOS Glu298Asp Polymorphism and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with and without End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (May 2015)


  • TÜBAP- 2015-161 Migren Tanılı Hastalarda Mitokondriyal DNA Mutasyonlarının Arastırılması
  • Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Hakan GÜRKAN (July 2016)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (December 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (December 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (August 2015)
  • Proje Yürütücüsü: Hakan Gürkan (August 2015)
  • Proje Yürütücüsü: Hakan Gürkan (July 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (May 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (April 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (April 2015)
  • Yardımcı Araştırmacı: Hakan Gürkan (April 2015)
  • TÜBİTAK 3501 Ulusal Genç Araştırmacı Kariyer Geliştirme Programı (Kariyer Programı)- Proje no: 111S153 “Sistemik Lupus Eritematozus ve Sistemik Sklerozlu Hastalarda Öldürücü Immünglobulin Benzeri Reseptör (KIR) Genotiplerinin, Kir Geni Demetilasyon Durumunun ve DNA Metiltransferaz Ekspresyonunu Araştırılması”


  • Analysis of THRΒ Gene in Turkish Patients and Definition of Three Novel Pathogenic Variants. (June 2017)
  • Papiller Tiroid Kanserinde BRAFV600E Mutasyonu ile Kliniko-Patolojik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişki (November 2016)
  • Coagulation Factor X Gene Mutations in Five Patients With Factor X Defficiency. (February 2016)
  • Evaluation Of Chromosomal And Thrombophilia Panel Of Recurrent Miscarriages. (February 2016)
  • Yeni Bir HLA-B Polimorfizmi (April 2015)
  • Atopik Dermatitli Çocuk Hastalarda Toll-benzeri reseptör (A-1693T ve R753Q) Gen Polimorfizmleri. (April 2015)


  • 11-13 Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında Kayseri’de gerçekleşecek olan ‘Erciyes Tıp Genetik Günleri 2017’ kongresine oturum başkanı olarak katılmayı kabul ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz. (May 2017)
  • Trakya Üniversitesi Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurulu
  • Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Etik Kurul Üyeliği