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Tachir G., Alalı Ahmed, 2024, Searching for Traces of Ecological Nodes in the Formation of Resilient Coastal Areas: Gulf of Saros,JOURNAL OF URBAN CULTURE RESEARCH (JUCR), Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI, Thai-Journal Citation Index – TCI, Asean Citation Index – ACI, Scopus – Elsevier, DOI:10.14456/jucr.2024.28, (December 2024) |
TACHİR, G. (2024). Sustainability of Urban Patterns Identity; Komotini-Greece. Kent Akademisi, 17(2), 456-471. https://doi.org/10.35674/kent.1411297 (March 2024) |
TACHİR, G. (2023). Assessment of Regulations in Coastal Areas Based on Coastal Area Design Parameters: The Case of Gallipoli-Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 11(4), 659-674. e-ISSN: 2147-9534 (December 2023) | 1 ATIF |
Tachir G., Alalı A., (2023), "Improving the Syrian Coastal Area in the Context of Sustainable Tourism", Athens Journal of Tourism - Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2023 – Pages 63-80,ISSN: 2241-8148- DOI=10.30958/ajt.10-1-4. (March 2023) | 1 ATIF |
Tachir G., Evcil A.,N., (2022), City of the Future Theories: A Diachronic Comparative Study,Journal of Urban Culture Research, V.25 Jul - Dec 2022, p.220-234, 2022 By Chulalongkorn University, ISSN 2228 – 8279 (Print) ISSN 2408 – 1213 (Online), Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI, Thai-Journal Citation Index – TCI, Asean Citation Index – ACI, Scopus – https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4863-4339 (December 2022) |
MIHLAYANLAR E., TACHİR, G., (2019), From Computer Aided Design to Building Information in Architecture Education, Artrium, 17(2):167-179, (August 2019) | 2 ATIF |
KISA OVALI, P., TACHİR, G., (2018), “Improvements Within The Scope Of Ecological Design: Dadia Ecotourism Area (Greece), International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS), ISSN: 1925-4423, Volume: 8, Issue:2 , Year:2018, pp: 1-20 (ESCI Index, EBSCO, DOAJ) (December 2018) | 3 ATIF |
KISA OVALI P., TACHİR, G., (2017), “The Integration of Dadia Eco-Tourism Area in SOUFLİ Dadia Settlement: Suggestions” Athens Journal of Tourism, E-ISSN: 2241-8148, Volume 4, Issue:3, September 2017, pp: (Academic Keys, Cite Factor, General İmpact Factor, Research Bible) (September 2017) |
KISA OVALI P., TACHİR, G., “Impact of Natural Disasters in The Formation of Urban Identity:Santorini”, International Refereed Journal of Architecture and Design (TMD), ISSN:2148-8142, Year:2015, Volume:6, Doi: 10.17365/TMD.2015614143, pp:15-29 (Research bible, Acar Index, ESJI Index) (November 2015) | 4 ATIF |
G.TACHIR, (2021), “The Effect of Coastal and Settlement Relations on Coastal Area Use Change: City Of Abdera-Greece”, Proceedings Book CEDESU 2021 2nd Internatıonal City and Ecology Congress Within The Framework of Sustainable Urban Development, December 2-3, 2021, Trabzon, Turkey, Editors Prof. Dr. Öner DEMİREL & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertan DÜZGÜNEŞ, ISBN: 978-625-7501-37-8 (December 2021) |
KISA OVALI, P., TACHİR, G., (2018), “Underground Settlements and Their Bioclimatic Conditions; Santorini/Greece”, 14th International Conference “Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration, 21-22 September 2018, Albanian University, Tiran/Albania, pp:180-188 (September 2018) |
TACHİR, G., KISA OVALI, P., (2017), “The Town Square In Komotini Traces of Transformation: Life and Neighbourhood”, X. International Sinan Symposium, Book of Proceedings ISBN:978-975-374-208-5, April 27-28, Edirne, pp:149-156 (April 2017) |
TACHİR, G., KISA OVALI, P., (2016), “ Environmental Design Analyses: Experiences/ Acquisitions in a Course as Input in Design Studios in Architecture Education", ERPA International Congresses on Education, 2-4 June 2016,Book of Proceedings ISBN: 978-605-83418-1-4, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp:81-87 (June 2016) |
TACHİR, G., (2020), “Environmental Integration of the Coastal Areas: The Case of Edirne”, 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences (icomus) ,28-30 May 2020 , Turkey, Abstract Book, ISBN: 978-605-80062-8-7 pp: 140 (May 2020) (May 2020) |
TACHIR G., (2022), Edirne Kıyı Alanlarının Kullanım Çeşitliliği, Kitapta: Trakya Araştırmaları, Ed.:Esin BENİAN, Tülay CANITEZ, ISBN: 978-975-374-339-6,Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 290,1. Baskı: Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası / 2022, Edirne, s:15-24 (December 2022) |
TACHIR, G & KIRAN ÇAKIR , H., (2021),Instantly Pandemic to Converted Metropolitan City Plan, Inbook: Theories, Techniques, Strategies: For Spatial Planners & Designers", Ed.: Murat Özyavuz, ISBN: 978-3-631-83922-5 (Print), Peter Lang GmbH, (BKCI Index) Berlin, pp:617-632 (July 2021) |
TACHİR, G. (2020),Environmental Integration of the Coastal Areas: The Case of Edirne, Inbook:Academic Perspectives for Engineering Science Metaphors, Ed.: Ali ÖZ,CHAPTER 1, ISBN:978-625-7148-03-0 (Print), SRA, Printed in Lithuania , pp:1-16 (Ağustos 2020) (August 2020) |
KISA OVALI, P., TACHİR, G., (2015), “Eko-Destinasyon Olarak Santorini ve Ekolojik Turizm Potansiyelleri”, Tasarım+Kuram, M.S.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, ISSN:1302-2636, Aralık 2015 Cilt: 11, Sayı: 20, s:35-51 (ULAKBİM İndex) (December 2015) | 6 ATIF |
Athens Institute for Education and Research (June 2017) |
TÜBAP 2022/160, 4. Uluslararası Kültür Mirası Çalıştayı : Rota (September 2022) |
TÜBİTAK 4004- Doğa Eğitimi ve Bilim Okulları Destekleme Programı- BİLİMİN GİZEMİ DOĞADA GİZLİ/STEM-ART, Proje No: 1. 218B052, Eğitmen (June 2019) |
The spring Semester of the Academic Year 2002-2003 ODTÜ ¨Ankara TÜRKIYE-HONOUR ROLL (June 2003) |
Trakya Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Merkezinin düzenlediği "Eğitimcilerin Eğitimi" programı sertifikası (June 2021) |
Tachir, G. 2023,Re-use of Public Space- Selimiye Mosque and Complex, The 20th Urban Culture Research Forum “Urban Voices” by the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkorn University, Thailand andthe Urban Resilience Research Center Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan, (March 2023) |
15 th. International Conference Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Conutries' Collaboration, Organization Committe, 24-25 October 2019, Edirne-Turkey (October 2019) |
X. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu (Komşuluk/Neigbourhood) sempozyum sekretaryası, 27-28 Nisan 2017, Edirne (April 2017) |
X. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu (Komşuluk/Neigbourhood) Düzenleme Komitesi Üyeliği, 27-28 Nisan 2017, Edirne (April 2017) |
Trakya Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü ve Democritus Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü işbirliğiyle “GEÇMİŞİ TARAMAK-SCANNING THE PAST” 3 BOYUTLU DİJİTAL BELGELEME ATÖLYESİ isimli uluslararası atölye çalışması (Haziran 2015) |