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TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of TURKIYE) BAYG NATO B-1 Post Doctoral Research Grant. 2005
Altinkok, C., Acik, G., Karabulut, HRF., Ciftci, M., Tasdelen, MA., Dag, A. Synthesis and characterization of bile acid-based polymeric micelle as a drug carrier for doxorubicin. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, 32(12), 4860-4868. DOI: 10.1002/pat.5478 (December 2021) |
H.R.F. KARABULUT, B. MERT,C. ALTINKOK, A.O. KARATAVUK, G. ACIK, M. TÜRKYILMAZ, Synthesis of new bio-based hydrogels derived from bile acids by free-radical photo-polymerization, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, 32(1), 220–227. DOI: 10.1002/pat.5077. (January 2021) |
C. ALTINKOK, H.R.F. KARABULUT, M.A. TASDELEN, G. ACIK, Bile acid bearing poly (vinyl chloride) nanofibers by combination of CuAAC click chemistry and electrospinning process, Materials Today Communications, vol. 25, pp. 101425-, 12, 2020. (July 2020) |
A.O. KARATAVUK, H.R.F. KARABULUT, Synthesis of novel dimers containing cholesterol and ergosterol using click reaction and their anti-proliferative effects, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, vol. 151, no. 5, pp. 837-844, 5, 2020. (May 2020) |
H.R.F. KARABULUT, A.O. KARATAVUK, H. ÖZYILDIRIM, O. DOGANLAR, Z.B. DOGANLAR, Synthesis of novel dimeric compounds containing triazole using click method and their selective antiproliferative and proapoptotic potential via mitochondrial apoptosis signaling, Medicinal Chemistry Research, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 643-655, 4, 2020. (January 2020) |
G. ACIK, H.R.F. KARABULUT, C. ALTINKÖK, A.O. KARATAVUK, Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polyurethanes made from cholic acid and l-lysine diisocyanate ethyl ester, Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 165, pp. 43-48, 7, 2019. (April 2019) |
G. ACIK, M.KAMACI, C. ALTINKÖK, H.R.F. KARABULUT, M.A. TAŞDELEN (2018). Synthesis and properties of soybean oil-based biodegradable polyurethane films. Progress in Organic Coatings, 123, 261-266. (July 2018) |
Complexation, thermal and catalytic studies of N-substituted piperazine, morpholine and thiomorpholine with some metal ions, M. Kacan, M. Turkyilmaz, F. Karabulut, O. Altun, Y. Baran, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 118, 572–577, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2013.09.031 (January 2014) |
A mild, aromatization of cyclic compounds and oxidation of amino groups to carbonyls using o-iodoxybenzoic acid, M. Kacan, G. Cicek, H.R.F. Karabulut and H. Ozyildirim, Asian J. Chem., 25 (13), 7649-7650, 2013. DOI: 10.14233/ajchem.2013.15129 (October 2013) |
M Turkyilmaz, F Karabulut, O Altun, Y Baran (2013). Syntheses spectroscopic and thermal characterization of Cu II Ni II and Pt II complexes of some tridentate ligands. Synthesıs and Reactıvıty In Inorganıc Metal-Organıc and Nano-Metal Chemıstry, 43(9), 1267-1273., Doi: 10.1080/15533174.2012.757746 (July 2013) |
Synthesis, structural aspects, and antimicrobial activity investigation of novel macrocyclic amide containing compounds, Aghatabay, N.M., Gunduz, S, Bas, A, Turkyilmaz, M, Karabulut, HRF, Dulger, B. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 48, 6, (2012), 936-942. |
Notable chenodeoxycholic acid oligomers—synthesis, characterization, and 7α-OR steric hindrance evaluation, H. R. Ferhat Karabulut, Suad A. Rashdan and Jerry Ray Dias, Tetrahedron 63 (2007) 5030–5035 |
Application of IBX Method for the Synthesis of Ketones from Carboxylic Acids, Mesut KAÇAN, H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Hasan Özyıldırım. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 27 (6), 713-716, 2003 |
A New Method for the Synthesis of N-Benzylamides, Mesut KAÇAN, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Synthetic Communication, 32 (15), 2345-2348, 2002. |
Diels-Alder Reactions Using 5 M LiClO4-Diethyl Ether Catalyst. Mesut KAÇAN, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 26 (2), 251-254, 2002. |
Esterification of Lithocholic Acid with Some Analgesics, H.R. Ferhat Karabulut, Murat Donmez and Hasan Ozyildirim, 64th Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, p.52, June 28- July 1, 2009, Tacoma, WA. (July 2009) |
Purification of Vitamine E from Waste Oil, H.R. Ferhat Karabulut, Ömer ZAİM, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, p.314, May 17-21, 2008, Quenss, New York. (May 2008) |
Oxidation of Sterols with IBX and Their Iminization Products, H.R. Ferhat Karabulut, Hasan Ozyildirim, and Mesut Kacan, The Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, p.117, November 7 – 10, 2007, Kansas City, MO (November 2007) |
Time-Depended Reactions of Lewis Acid with Some Cyclic Alcohols, Mesut KACAN, H.R. FERHAT KARABULUT, Faruk YANDI, Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM, Jubilee National Scientific conference with International participation “Twenty years Union of Scientists of Bulgaria-Branch Smolyan, Smolyan, Bulgaristan, Ekim 2006, Poster. (October 2006) |
The Synthesis of Some Schiff-Base Coplexes of Zinc, Nickel and Copper, Murat TURKYILMAZ, Fatma GENC, and H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, The 61st Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 25 – 28 2006, Reno, Nevada, USA (June 2006) |
Synthesis of Cyclodi- and Cyclotri (Chenodeoxycholate) Acetate By DCC/DMAP Reagent, H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, J.R. Dias, The 40th Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, s.92, 2005, Joplin, Missouri, ABD. |
One-Pot Synthesis Of Cyclotri-(Chenodeoxycholate) Tripentenoate By Yamaguchi Method, H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, J.R. Dias, The 40th Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, s.93, 2005, Joplin, Missouri, ABD |
.Ö. ZAIM, A. ÇELEBI, F. R. H. KARABULUT, H. KOLANCILAR, H. ÇALISKAN, H. ÖZYILDIRIM, M. BOZ, M. KACAN, O. DEMIRKIRAN, ILERI ORGANIK KIMYA KITAP A: YAPI VE MEKANIZMAFrancis A. Carey and Richard J. Sundberg, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: 2. Bölüm Stereokimyanin Ilkeleri, Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 75-122, TÜRKIYE-Istanbul, ISBN978-975-511-693-8, STM Bilgi Hizmetleri Yayincilik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., 20191. Basim. |
Obtaining Triazole Containing Lithocolic Acid and Glucose Derivative by Click Method and Investigation of Antiproliferative Effect (September 2024) |
Hypervalent İyot Bileşiği (IBX) İle Amin Bileşiklerinin Oksidasyonu, Mesut KAÇAN, Gülizar YILMAZ, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM, XX Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 4-8 Eylül 2006, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri, TURKIYE (September 2006) |
Hidroksifenil Ketoksimlerin Halka Kapanma Reaksiyonlarının İncelenmesi, Mesut KAÇAN, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM, XX Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Eylül 2006, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri, TURKIYE (September 2006) |
IBX ile İmin Bileşiklerinin Sentez Çalışmaları, Mesut KAÇAN, Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM, H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Gülizar YILMAZ, 18. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 917, 2004, Kars- TURKIYE |
Sikloalkollerin Lewis Asitleri ile Reaksiyonlarında Zamanın Ürünlerin Verimine Etkisi, Mesut KAÇAN, Hasan ÖZYILDIRIM, H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, Faruk YANDI, 18. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 916, 2004, Kars- TURKIYE. |
Lewis Asidi (FeCl3.6H2O) Katalizörlüğünde Yüksek Verimle Amid Eldesi, Mesut KAÇAN, Mesut BOZ, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, 15. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 588, 2000, Diyarbakır-TURKIYE |
2-[(2-İyodometilfenil)oksi]-2-Sikloheksen-1-on Bileşiğinin Radikal Halka Kapanma Reaksiyonundan Oluşabilecek 4h-1,2,3,4a,9,9a-Heksahidroksantan-1-on ve spiro [Sikloheksan-1-On-2,2’-2’,3’-Dihidrobenzofuran] Bileşiklerinin Farklı Yöntemlerle Sentezi. Ömer ZAİM ve H. R. Ferhat KARABULUT, 13. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 545, 1999, Samsun- TURKIYE |
Diels-Alder Reaksiyonlarında 5.0 M LPDE (LiClO4-Dietileter) Katalizörü Kullanarak Yüksek Verim Eldesi, Mesut KAÇAN, H.R. Ferhat KARABULUT, 12. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 414, 1998, Edirne- TURKIYE |