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.E. Atilgan, H. Ertugrul, O. Baycan, H. Ulucan (2024) Health-led growth hypothesis and health financing systems: an econometric synthesis for OECD countries, 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1437304, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, vol. 12, pp. 13, 2024. |
.POLAT ONUR,ÖZCAN BURCU,ERTUGRUL HASAN MURAT,ATILGAN EMRE,ÖZÜN ALPER (2024) Fintech: A Conduit for sustainability and renewable energy? Evidence from R2 connectedness analysis, Resources Policy, vol. 94, 2024. |
Alkanlı, N., Sipahi, T., Ay, A., Güldiken F. B., Bakır, A., Alkanlı, S.S., ÇElebi, C. & Atılgan, E. (2017). Calcitonin related polypeptide alpha gene polymorphisms according to plasma total homocysteine levels in ischemic stroke patients of Trakya Region, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 9, pp. 1-8 |
.Atılgan, E., Kılıç., D. & Ertuğrul, H. M. (2017). The dynamic relationship between health expenditure and economic growth: is the health-led growth hypothesis valid for Turkey?, The European Journal of Health Economics, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 567-574. |
Çalışkan, Z., Kılıç, D., Öztürk, S., & Atılgan, E. (2015). Equity in Maternal Health Care Service Utilization: A Systematic Review for Developing Countries, International Journal of Public Health, Volume 60, Issue 7, pp 815-825, DOI: 10.1007/s00038-015-0711-x (November 2015) |
Mihci, S., & Atilgan, E. (2010). Unemployment and growth: Okun coefficients for Turkish economy, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, Vol.25, 296, pp. 33-54 (November 2010) |
.TAS MEMDUHA, ARSLAN MURAT, HANÇER ARSLAN GÜLÇIN, ATILGAN EMRE, ERKIRAZ YURDAGÜL MELEK, ABAY SÖHRET, ERYILMAZ ELIF, YILMAZ SÜLE, BULUT NAGEHAN GÜMÜSEL, DEVELIOGLU ÖMER, BULUT ERDOGAN, Evaluation of age-related hearing loss and hearing aid use related problems in geriatric population, Türk Odyoloji ve Isitme Arastirmalari Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 14-19, 2023. |
.ÖZDEMIR KARACA PINAR, ATILGAN EMRE, Karsilastirmali perspektifte saglik sistemleri: kavramsal bir çerçeve ve siniflandirma, Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-22, 2021. |
.ÖZDEMIR KARACA PINAR, ATILGAN EMRE, ZEKIOGLU AYSU, Saglik Hizmetlerinde Sürdürülebilirlik Baglaminda Inovatif Bir Uygulama: Yesil Hastaneler, Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 77-87, 2018. |
Atilgan, E. (2016). Technical Efficiency of Turkish Public Hospitals' Intensive Care Units: Multiple Input-Output Technologies and Distance Functions, Journal of Management and Economics Research, 14(2), pp. 200-213. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.11611/JMER857 (May 2016) |
Atılgan, E. (2016). The Technical Efficiency Of Hospital Inpatient Care Services: an Application for Turkish Public Hospitals, Business and Economics Research Journal, 7(2):203-214. DOI: 10.20409/berj.2016217537 (April 2016) |
Atılgan, E. (2016) Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Hospital Efficiency: Does The Model Spesification Matter?, Journal of Business, Economics and Finance 5(1), 17-26. DOI: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2016116550 |
Atılgan, E. (2016). An Assessment for Public Hospitals Associations' Performance Measurement Approach, International Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 695-712. doi: 10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3601 |
Atilgan, E., & Çalişkan, Z. (2015). The Cost Efficiency of Turkish Hospitals: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 30(355), 09-30. DOI: 10.3848/iif.2015.355.4448 (October 2015) |
.ATILGAN EMRE, ERTUGRUL HASAN MURAT, BAYCAN ISMAIL ONUR, Health Financing Systems and Health-Led Growth Hypothesis, EconWorld2022@Athens Conference, Atina-YUNANISTAN. |
.BÜYÜKSIRIN BILGE,ATILGAN EMRE, The Effect of Public Hospital Associations Supply and Demand Indicator of Health Services in Turkey, VI. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & Extended with Social Sciences (ICOAEF VI), Balikesir-TÜRKIYE. |
.YILDIZ ONUR,ATILGAN EMRE, Health Systems and Health Expenditures: An Analysis for the Developing European Countries, VI. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & Extended with Social Sciences (ICOAEF VI), Balikesir-TÜRKIYE. |
.ÖZDEMIR KARACA PINAR,ATILGAN EMRE,ZEKIOGLU AYSU, Saglik Hizmetlerinde Sürdürülebilirlik Baglaminda Inovatif Bir Uygulama: Yesil Hastaneler, International Congress on Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation and Design 2018, pp. 48-48, Kirklareli-TÜRKIYE. |
.ATILGAN EMRE,YAS HAKAN, Edirne ve Kirklareli’nde Dog?al Riskler ve C¸evresel Etkilerinin Hata Tu¨ru¨ ve Etkileri Analiziyle Belirlenmesi, International Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Protection Conference, pp. 13-17, Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
.BÜYÜKSIRIN BILGE,ATILGAN EMRE, Toplu Nüfus Hareketleri: Suriyeli Mülteciler ve Türkiye Üzerindeki Etkileri, VII. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series, pp. 718-718, Tekirdag-TÜRKIYE. |
Yaş, H. & Atılgan, E. (2017) Decentralization or Deconcentration in Health Sector? What Did Turkey Need to Do and What Happened?, 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance. Girne-TRNC. (December 2017) |
Atılgan, E. (2017) The Effect of Decentralization Policies on Hospital Performance: A Case Study for Turkish Public Hospital Reform, 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance, Girne-TRNC. (December 2017) |
Özer, S., Aytaç, A., Kayapınar, Ö. & Atılgan, E. (2017) The Relationship between State Support Provided toCompanies and Patent Applications, International Economics Research and Financial Markets Congress Proceedings, pp.1188-1200, ISBN: 978-605-9440-72-1 (May 2017) |
Atilgan, E., Ertuğrul, H. M. & Basar, D. (2017). The Relationship Between Health Expenditure and Economic Growth: An application for OECD Countries, International Economics Research and Financial Markets Congress Proceedings, pp..423-430, ISBN: 978-605-9440-72-1 (May 2017) |
Atılgan, E., Öztürk, S. & Başar, D. (2017). Regional Differences of Labor Force Participation Rate in Turkey, International Economics Research and Financial Markets Congress Proceedings, pp..431-436, ISBN: 978-605-9440-72-1 (May 2017) |
Yaş, H. & Atılgan, E. (2016) The Determinants of Borrowing Behaviors of Turkish Municipalities, Conference Full Paper Proceedings Book of The 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF 2016), 5 - 6 December 2016, Girne American University, North Cyprus, pp. 140-148 (December 2016) |
Atilgan, E. (2016) The Principal-Agent Problem in Health Care Systems: Is It Effected by Performance-Based Supplementary Payment System? Conference Full Paper Proceedings Book of The 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF 2016), 5 - 6 December 2016, Girne American University, North Cyprus, pp. 117-122 (December 2016) |
Yaş, H. & Atilgan, E. (2016) Do Intergovernmental Financial Transfers Have An Effect Upon Municipal Borrowing? Subsequent Effect of Flypaper Theory in Municipalities in Turkey, Proceedings of The IIER International Conference on Social Science and Economics (ICSSE), 4 August 2016, Athens, pp. 1-5 (August 2016) |
Atılgan, E. (2015). The Health-Led Growth Hypothesis: an empirical evidence from Turkey, 30th International conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS), Amsterdam, Netherlands. (December 2015) |
Atılgan, E. (2015). The Technical Efficiency Of Outpatient Services In Turkish Public Hospitals: A Stochastic Frontier Estimation - International Healthcare Management Conference (IHMC), Gumushane, Turkey (June 2015) |
Kızıltepe, A. & Atılgan, E. (2014). Project on Collaboration Between Family Physicians and Nurses in Edirne Province Turkey, 1st International Balkan Health Sciences Congress, Edirne, Turkey. (May 2014) |
Atılgan, E. (2014). Hospital-related fears of children and coping strategies, 1st International Balkan Conference on Health Sciences, Edirne,Turkey (May 2014) |
Atılgan, E. (2016). The Technical Efficiency of Hospital Surgical Services: an application for Turkish Public Hospitals, In A. Y. Kaptanoglu (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Health Management, (pp. 67-80), Iaşi:Rotipo. ISBN:978-068552-67-5. (March 2016) |
Atılgan, E. & Köksal, M. Z. (2011). Discussion of Post Keynesian Economic Analysis and Endogenous Money Supply, in H. Mihci ed. "İktisada Dokunmak", Phoneix, Ankara. pp.91-105. ISBN: 978 605 5738 89-1 |
Karaca, P. Ö.& Atılgan,E. (2020). Economic Evaluation Techniques in Health Economics, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), 10, 28-40. (December 2020) |
Atılgan, E. (2015) The Effects of Health Transformation Program on The Demand of Health Services, Journal of Social Security World, 18(96), 8-23. |
Atılgan, E. (2015). Cost Management in Health Care Institutions and Current Practices, 3. Health Management Conference, 13-16 April 2015, Ankara, Turkey (April 2015) |
Baltacıoğulları, H. & Atılgan, E. (2016) Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Temel Özellikleri, in Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Tripodu: Emek Ekonomi Piyasa, Kitapana, İzmir, pp.36-47. ISBN: 978-605-66475-9-8 |
Söyler, S. & Atılgan, E. (2016) Sağlık Hizmetleri Piyasasında Asimetrik Bilgi Kaynaklı Problemler, in Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Tripodu: Emek Ekonomi Piyasa, Kitapana, İzmir, pp.159-170. ISBN: 978-605-66475-9-8 |
Çavmak, D. & Atılgan, E. (2016) Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Ekonomik Değerlendirme Kavramı, in Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Tripodu: Emek Ekonomi Piyasa, Kitapana, İzmir, pp.204-217. ISBN: 978-605-66475-9-8 |
Atılgan, E. & Köksal, M. Z. (2010)Adam Smith and David Ricardo's Economic Growth Analysis, in H. Kapucu et al. Ed. "Politik İktisat ve Adam Smith", Yön Yayınları, İstanbul. pp. 367 - 382. ISBN: 978 975 545 254-8 |
Yıldız, O. (2018) Analysis of Health Expenditures in The Developing European Countries, Trakya University, I.H.S., Department of Health Management, MSc. Dissertation. (April 2018) |
CrossBorder Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs) - European Union Interreg –IPA CBC Project NO: CB005.3.12.001, Coordinator (November 2023) |
Get Together-Practical Tools for Youth Engagement - European Union Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme, Coordinator (February 2020) |
Prevention of Risk For Sustainable Development of The Region, European Union Interreg –IPA CBC Project NO: CB005.11.047 (December 2018) |
Advanced Statistical Analysis and Applied Numerical Methods Course, Trakya Development Agency, Ministry of Development, Date: 10.10.2016 - 24.11.2016, completed. |
Edirne Active Aging Center, Trakya Development Agency Project, Vice Coordinator (June 2015) |
Determination of Production Efficiencies of the Ministry of Health Hospitals and Creating Productivity Rating Cards, T.R. Ministry of Health,Turkey Public Hospitals Institution, Supervisor / Coordinator. |
Unemployment and growth: Okun coefficients for Turkish economy in national and regional level |
.Best Paper in the filed of ”Health Economics”, 2017, 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance. |
2nd. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance " Best paper in the field of microeconomics", 5-6 December 2016, Girne American University, Girne/North Cyprus (December 2016) |
2nd. International Journal of Health Administration and Education Congress Best Award Competition “Winner”, 26-27 March 2016, Gebze, Turkey (March 2016) |
9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health - 2015, Best Review Award Competition, The runner-up: “Equity in Maternal Health Care Service Utilization: A Systematic Review for Developing Countries” (September 2015) |
Atılgan, E. (2015). Efficiency Scores in Public Hospital Associations Assessment Report, Turkish Public Hospitals Institution Health Efficiency J., pp.14-23 (February 2015) |