» Educational Qualifications

» Academic Titles

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • İ. Çetinkaya, E.D. Çatmabacak, E. Öztürk, Detection of Fractured Endodontic Instruments in Periapical Radiographs: A Comparative Study of YOLOv8 and Mask R-CNN. Diagnostics, 15(6):1-16 (March 2025)
  • E. Öztürk, A. Mesut, Learning-based short text compression using BERT models. PeerJ Computer Science, 10, e2423 (October 2024)
  • E. Öztürk, XCompress: LLM assisted Python-based text compression toolkit. SoftwareX, 27, 101847. (September 2024)
  • E. Öztürk, A. Mesut, Sıkıştırılmış kelime arama için paralel bir sıkıştırma algoritması, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3, 1933 - 1944 (May 2024)
  • E. Öztürk, A.Ş. Mesut, Ö.A. Fidan, A character based steganography using masked language modeling, IEEE Access (January 2024)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, B. DİRİ, "Multi-Stream Word-Based Compression Algorithm for Compressed Text Search", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, doi: 10.1007/s13369-018-3378-9 (June 2018)
  • S. Akleylek, V. Rijmen, M.T. Sakallı, E. Öztürk, Efficient Methods to Generate Cryptographically Significant Binary Diffusion Layers, IET Information Security, doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2016.0085 (June 2017)
  • S. Akleylek, M.T. Sakallı, E. Öztürk, A.Ş. Mesut, G. Tuncay, Generating binary diffusion layers with maximum/high branch numbers and low search complexity, Security and Communication Networks, doi: 10.1002/sec.1561 (June 2016)

International Articles

  • A. MESUT, E. ÖZTÜRK. A method to improve full-text search performance of MongoDB, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences (December 2021)

International Conference Proceedings

  • A. GÜLLÜ, E. ÖZTÜRK, M. ARDA, "Fully Automatic Sampling and Data Monitoring Automation for Wastewater Treatment Plants", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’22, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2022)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, "Performance Evaluation of JPEG Standards, WebP and PNG in Terms of Compression Ratio and Time for Lossless Encoding", International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2021), Türkiye (September 2021)
  • A.Ş. MESUT, Ö. AYDIN, E.ÖZTÜRK, "Finding the Optimal Color Channel for Information Hiding in LSB Insertion Method", TECHSYS2020, Plovdiv (May 2020)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, "Static Multi-Stream Word-Based Compression Algorithm", International Scientific Confrence UNITECH'17, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2017)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, B. DİRİ, "Çoklu Akış Destekli Kelime Tabanlı Sıkıştırma Algoritması", Uluslararası Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Konferansı, UBMK 2017, Antalya - Türkiye (October 2017)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT "Finding The Optimal Lossless Compression Method For Images Using Machine Learning Algorithms", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’16, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2016)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, B. DİRİ, "The performance analysis of data compression algorithms used in NoSQL databases", UBMK 2016, Tekirdağ (October 2016)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, "Makine Öğrenmesi Kullanılarak Jpeg Xr Standardında Dosya Boyutu Belirleme İşlemi", 24. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-16), 2016, Zonguldak, Türkiye (May 2016)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, A. CARUS, "Jpeg, Jpeg2000 & Jpeg Xr Görüntü Sıkıştırma Standartlarının Performans Karşılaştırması", 24. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU-16), 2016, Zonguldak, Türkiye (May 2016)
  • M. ARDA, H. KUŞÇU, E. ÖZTÜRK, "Obtaining Chess Moves with Image Processing", International Scientific Conference UNITECH’13, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (Kasım 2013) (November 2013)
  • Ö. AYDIN, A.Ş.MESUT, E. ÖZTÜRK, “A Text Steganography Approach Using Collocation for Turkish”, International Scientific Conference UNITECH’13, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2013)
  • A.Ş.MESUT, D. ARDA, E. ÖZTÜRK, “An Application of Secret Sharing Scheme and Text Steganography for Cryptographic Key Security”, International Scientific Conference UNITECH’13, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2013)
  • D. ARDA, E.BULUŞ, A.Ş.MESUT, E. ÖZTÜRK, “Secret Sharing Scheme Based on MDS Codes Defined over Prime Finite Field”, International Scientific Conference UNITECH’13, Gabrovo-Bulgaria (November 2013)
  • A.Ş.MESUT, Ö. AYDIN, E. ÖZTÜRK, “Anlamsal Yöntemler Kullanan Bir Metin Steganografi Uygulaması”, “1st International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS’13)”, Elazığ - Türkiye (May 2013)
  • N. DEMİRCİ, R. KANDEMİR, E. ÖZTÜRK, "Exam Scheduling With Genetic Algorithms", "International Scientific Conference UNITECH'12", Gabrovo - Bulgaristan (November 2012)

National Articles

  • O. Kırat, T. Yerlikaya, E. Öztürk, Performance Evaluation of AVC and HEVC for E-Learning: Optimizing Quality and Reducing Bandwidth Usage, Dicle University Journal of Engineering (December 2023)
  • A BERT-Based Method for Compressing Short Texts, European Journal of Science and Technology, DOI: 10.31590/ejosat.1039450 (December 2021)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, Finding the Optimum JPEG Quality Factor Using Deep Learning, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 8 (4) , 1010-1018 . DOI: 10.21923/jesd.698719 (December 2020)
  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, "Entropy Based Estimation Algorithm Using Split Images to Increase Compression Ratio", Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences (June 2017)

National Conference Proceedings

National Conferences and Symposiums

  • E. ÖZTÜRK, A. MESUT, B. DİRİ, "LevelDB Üzerinde Kullanılabilecek Bir Sıkıştırma Yöntemi", 5. Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı, BAŞARIM2017, İstanbul - Türkiye (September 2017)
  • G. TUNCAY, E. ÖZTÜRK, S. AKLEYLEK, M. T. SAKALLI, A. Ş. MESUT, "Kriptografik Özellikleri İyi Olan İkili Matrislerin Geliştirilmesi İçin Yeni Bir Yöntem", II. Ulusal Kripto Günleri Çalıştayı, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, 2015 (April 2015)



» Courses Given

Advanced Java Programming

Artificial Intelligence and Python Programming

Big Data

C# Programming

Computer III

Computer Programming

Data Science and Big Data Analysis

Deep Learning Algorithms

Introduction to Programming Languages

Object Oriented Programming

Visual Programming