» Educational Qualifications

» Academic Titles

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Umaroğulları, F., Mıhlayanlar, E., & Seyit, M. (2024). ISI KÖPRÜLERİNDE HİGROTERMAL PERFORMANSIN VE ISI KAYIPLARININ İNCELENMESİ. Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 44(1), 245-258. https://doi.org/10.47480/isibted.1494504 (June 2024)
  • A Yıldız, AG Küçükkaya, E Mıhlayanlar - "Investigation and characterization of black crusts on limestone at historical buildings in the cities of İstanbul and Edirne (Turkey)" Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2023/9/29, 1-18.Taylor & Francis. (September 2023)
  • Cihan M.T., Yardımlı S., Özşahin B., Mıhlayanlar E., "Mechanical properties of mortars with EarthZyme additive", GRAĐEVINAR 75 (2023) 6, 555-564. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14256/JCE.3469.2022 (June 2023)
  • Aydın, D., Yardımlı, S. & Mıhlayanlar, E. (2023). "The effects of physical environment in Ottoman healthcare facilities: 2nd Beyazid Complex in Edirne". GRID - Architecture Planning and Design Journal, 6(1):254-284. (Web of Science Core Collection, Avery Index). (January 2023)
  • D Aydın, E Mıhlayanlar - " Determination of the significance of project delivery attributes (PDAs) on sustainable projects in Turkey" , Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2022/12/19. (Web of Science Core Collection, ICONDA Index) (December 2022)
  • Mıhlayanlar E., Yüksek İ. "Constructionand Architecture Students Perceptions of Renewable Energy and Determination of Awareness Level of Its Usage", Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE) Vol. 19, No:2, 901-913. (June 2018)
  • “Analysis of the effect of production process parameters and density of expanded polystyrene insulation boards on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity” (May 2008)

International Articles

  • Tachir, G., Altınöz, M., & Mıhlayanlar, E. (2024). Energy Consumption at Accommodation Buildings: A Case Study of a Boutique Hotel-Abdera. Kocaeli Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(1), 71-80. https://doi.org/10.34088/kojose.1095837 (May 2024)
  • Energy Efficiency Renovation and EKB Application in Existing Buildings (December 2023)
  • Aydın D., Mıhlayanlar E., A CASE STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF BUILDING ENVELOPE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, Architecture Civil Enngineering Environment, ACEE. Doi: 1 0 . 2 1 3 0 7 / A C E E - 2 0 2 0 - 0 0 1 (March 2020)
  • Aktif Güneş Sistemlerinin Bina Enerji Verimliliği Üzerindeki Katkısının İncelemesi (December 2019)
  • Yardımlı S., Dal M., Mıhlayanlar E., "Investigation of Earthquake Behaviour of Construction System and Materials in Traditional Turkish Architecture", ITM Web of Conferences 22, CMES-2018- 01034 https://doi.org/10.1051/itmconf/20182201034 (November 2018)
  • Altınöz M., Mıhlayanlar E., Yardımlı S., (2017), Analyzing Energy and Bio mimesis Concepts in the Context of Sustainability on Building Envelope, A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design, 3(2) s:1-14 (December 2017)
  • "An Investigation For Indoor Environmental Quality In High-Rise Residential Buildings" (June 2017)
  • Investigation of Thermal Comfort Conditions in Higher Education Facilities: A Case Study for Engineering Faculty in Edirne, TEM Journal 6/2017 page :71-79. (January 2017)

International Conference Proceedings

  • Mıhlayanlar E., Erdem Y.D., Umaroğulları F., "Earthquakes in Turkiye A View Through The Example Buildings: Kahramanmaras Earthquakes" ,16th International Conference "Standardization, Protypes and Quality,a Means of Balkan Countries' Cooperation”, 5-6 October Thessaloniki, Greece. (October 2024)
  • Karabulut D., Mıhlayanlar E. "THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL, CONSTRUCTION SECTOR AND IMPACTS ON TÜRKİYE", XIIIth International Sinan Symposium, April 27 – 28th 2023. (April 2023)
  • Tekin, H., T., Mıhlayanlar, E., "Examination of Earthen Building Material of Modern Architectural Examples", Kerpic’22 – Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development, 9th International Conference , İstanbul Turkey, 30 June –3 July / 2022. (July 2022)
  • Kurt B., Mıhlayanlar E., "FLOATING HOUSES AND TECHNOLOGIES",XIIth International Sinan Symposium, Architecture and Technology, Trakya University, Edirne. (April 2021)
  • Avcı E., Mıhlayanlar E., "Hygrothermal Behaviour of Adobe Buildings in Traditional Architecture: Lapseki Sample", 8th International Conference-KERPIC'2020 Healthy Buildings:The Role of Earthen Materials on Providing Healthy and Sustainable Indoor Environment, p:417-426. https://cdn.www.gob.pe/uploads/document/file/1487403/Kerpic%C2%B420%20healthy%20buildings.pdf (November 2020)
  • Aydın, D., Umaroğulları, F., Mıhlayanlar, E. (2020). "A Comparative Case Study on Investigation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Higher Education Buildings" Istanbul: 6th International Project and Construction Management Conference (IPCMC2020). Proceedings Book, pp. 877-888. (November 2020)
  • Aydın, D., Mıhlayanlar, E. (2020)"A Meta-Analysis Study on the Sustainability Performance of Project Delivery Systems" Istanbul: 6th International Project and Construction Management Conference (IPCMC2020) Proceedings Book, pp. 844-862. (November 2020)
  • Avcı E., Mıhlayanlar E., "Areas of Use of Biomass Energy and Its Integration into Building Envelope", II. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference. p: 1178-1191. Edirne/Turkey. https://agbiol.org/index/sayfa/1519/agbiol-2020-full-proceeding-book (September 2020)
  • Seytablev Özdamar M., Mıhlayanlar E., "Investigation of Accommodation Buildings According to the Fire Regulation: Case of a Hotel in Edirne", 15th International Conference In Standardization, Protypes And Quality: A Means Of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration, BCC, p :145 ISBN: 978-975-374-247-4, Edirne (October 2019)
  • Moral H.O., Mıhlayanlar E., "Investigation of Energy Consumption in Adobe Buildings Through Edirne Sample", Kerpic’19 Earthen Heritage, New Technology, Management, 7 th. International Conference, s: 567-576, Muğla. (September 2019)
  • Aydın D. Mıhlayanlar E "Causesand Effects of Construction Project Delays: A Local Case Study in Edirne City Centre, 5th International Project and Construction Management Conference (IPCMC 2018) Cyprus International University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, North Cyprus. (November 2018)
  • Mıhlayanlar E., Altınöz M. "Investigation of Environmental Assessment Tools in Terms of Construction and Building Materials",,14th International Conference in “STANDARDIZATION, PROTYPES AND QUALITY: A MEANS OF BALKAN COUNTRIES’ COLLABORATION”, p:154-163, September 21 - 22, 2018, Tirana, Albania (September 2018)
  • Sever Ü., Mıhlayanlar E., "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PRACTICES IN EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURES", 4th Anatolian Energy Symposium with International Participation, AES, 62-71. Edirne (April 2018)
  • Investigation of Edirne Ekmekçizade Ahmet Pasha Caravanserai in Terms of Refunctioning (October 2017)
  • The Effects Of Buıldıng Physıcs Problems On Neıghbourhood” (April 2017)
  • "The Use of Beams in Traditional Masonry Structures of Anatolia and Thrace" (December 2016)
  • “Investigation Of The Heat Performance İn Education Facilities”, (November 2016)
  • Investigation Of Environmental İmpacts and Sustainable Architecture In Terms Of The Edirne Technical High School (October 2016)
  • (May 2015)
  • "Legal Restrictions Building Envelope In Terms Of Energy Performance" (April 2015)
  • "Thermal Analysis Of Thermal Bridges Of Concrete Beams in Buildings" (November 2014)
  • Revival of Historical Areas: Example of Edirne/Karaaağaç (May 2014)
  • “Re-Use In Edırne Cıty Centre:Harbıye Barrack / Archıtecture Faculty” (April 2014)

International Books and Book Chapters

  • Temur Boz, H. & Mıhlayanlar, E. (2024). Evaluation of Architectural Housing Heritage in Terms of Energy Efficiency: A Case Study in Edirne, Türkiye. Günçe, K. & Gül, A. (Eds.). Conservation of Architectural Heritage: Trace of History. 2024, Chapter: 6, ISBN: 978-625-367-978-1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14242321. Iksad Publications. (December 2024)
  • Mıhlayanlar, E., Umaroğulları, F., "Kadın Dostu Kampüs Yaklaşımına Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Yerleşkesi Üzerinden Bakış.", s:137-146, Trakya Araştırmaları Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 290, ISBN: 978-975-374-339-6, 1. Baskı: Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası. (December 2022)

National Articles

  • Maksud, F. & Mıhlayanlar E., "Investigation of Religious, Military And Civil Architectural Examples in Bitola, North Macedonia" , Studi'ou, İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Sanat Tasarım ve Mimarlık Dergisi, Cilt 1, Sayı 1, S:1-15, ISSN: 3062-1712. (December 2024)
  • Turgutlugil, G., & Mıhlayanlar, E. (2024). GELENEKSEL KONUT BİNALARINDA PASİF TASARIM STRATEJİLERİNİN İNCELEMESİ: TEKİRDAĞ ERTUĞRUL MAHALLESİ. Karesi Journal of Architecture, 3(1), 1-24. (June 2024)
  • Mıhlayanlar E., Tachir G., "Mimarlık Eğitiminde Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarımdan Bina Enformasyonuna", Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Artium Mimarlık, Planlama Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi 7(2), s :167-179. (August 2019)
  • The Investigation of Thermal Comfort Conditions in University Buildings: The Sample of Architecture Faculty , (June 2017)
  • Investigation Temperature And Humidity Performance At The Limestone Walls (June 2016)
  • Thermal Performance Comparison of Wall Sections Used in EPS ICF Wall System and Conventional Costruction Systems (December 2013)

National Conference Proceedings


National Books and Book Chapters

  • Mıhlayanlar, E., Duran, S., Karabulut, D., "Sürdürülebilir, Akıllı Kent Olma Yolunda Keşan İlçesinin İncelenmesi", Keşan Araştırmaları, Keşan'ın Kurtuluşunun 100. Yıl Anısına, ISBN:978-975-374-310-5, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 266,Trakya Üniversitesi Matbaası. (September 2021)
  • Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatında Mimarlık "Sinek Isırıklarının Müelllifi" Bölüm Yazarlığı, YEM YAYINEVİ, 296:78, ISBN 978-625-7008-30-3, (February 2021)

Doctoral Dissertations Advised

  • A Prediction Model for Determining Energy Performance in Existing School Buildings (January 2024)
  • "Sustainable Project Delivery System Model for the Construction Projects in Turkey" Trakya University Institute of Natural Sciences Department of Architecture, Arş.Gör. Dinçer AYDIN. (July 2022)

Master`s Theses Advised

  • "Tarihi Binalarda Doğal Aydınlatma Performansının İncelenmesi: Rami Kışlası Örneği", Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı (Mimar Dilara Karabulut). (July 2024)
  • “Fotobiyoreaktör (FBR) Sistemlerin Bina Kabuğuna Bütünleştirilmesinin İncelenmesi” Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, (Mimar Ezgi Avcı) (June 2023)
  • “Üniversite Kampüslerinin Sürdürülebilirlik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi: Trakya Üniversitesi Balkan Yerleşkesi Örneği”, Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, (Mimar Tuğba Darendelioğlu) (August 2020)
  • "Pasif Enerji Tüketimi Açısından Tekirdağ Geleneksel Konut Mimarisinin İncelenmesi", Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı( Mimar Gizem Turgutlugil) (June 2019)
  • "Investigation of roof element as material and structure In terms of energy efficiency and sustainability" (January 2017)
  • "Effects Of Indoor Environmental Quality On Energy Efficiency And Occupant Comfort İn High-Rise Residential Buildings" (January 2017)

Editorial Positions

  • T.Ü Mimarlık Fakültesi, Kapu / Trakya Mimarlık ve Tasarım Dergisi, Baş editör (June 2021)
  • Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences (Trakya Univ J Eng Sci), Alan Editörü

Referee Positions

  • Parameters That Effect Efficiency In Heat Insulatıon And A Suggestion For System Design For Heat Insulation Applications In Turkey, International Refereed Journal Of Design And Architecture, January / February / March / April 2016 Issue: 07. (April 2016)
  • The Effect Of Material Properties Isolation System On Thermal Bridge Behavior, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences.
  • Investigation of Clay Bound Exterior Plaster Properties on Mud-Walls in Diyarbakir Region, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi A+ArchDesign Dergisi


  • "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları Kongresi", TÜBAP Bilimsel Toplantı Düzenleme, Araştırmacı (December 2022)
  • 2. Mimarlik ve Enerji Çalistayi "SIFIR ENERJILI BINALAR ve IKLIM DEGISIKLIGI", TÜBAP Bilimsel Toplantı Düzenleme, Araştırmacı (October 2022)
  • T.Ü Kadın Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi "Mutlu Kadın, Mutlu Aile, Mutlu Toplum" TÜBAP Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, Araştırmacı (March 2022)
  • 40. Yılda “40 Kadın 40 Eser” TÜBAP Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi, Araştırmacı (March 2022)
  • TÜBİTAK 4004 Doğa ve Bilim Okulları Programı 119B932 no’lu “MOAA” projesi Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi Eğitmen (September 2020)
  • Investigation of the Indoor Comfort Conditions in Educational Buildings (September 2016)