» Educational Qualifications

» Academic Titles

» Professional Experience

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • Işıklı AG, Soydaş D, Önüt F, Şen H. The effect of video information before insertion of an implantable port catheter on cancer patients’ fear of pain and pain levels. Cancer Nursing 2023;48(1):64-70. Doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000001267 (ISSN: 0162-220X) (January 2025)
  • Topçu SY, Soydaş D, Özkan ZK, Ünver S, Orğan EM, Fındık ÜY. Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire for Adult Patients. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 2023;38(1):127-133. Doi: 10.1016/j.jopan.2022.06.014 (ISSN: 1089- 9472) (February 2023)
  • Soydaş D, Işıklı AG, Özavcı K, Şen H. Investigation of the problems experienced by perioperative nurses due to the use of personal protective equipment and their attitudes towards caregiving roles. Journal of Tissue Viability 2022;31(3):431-437. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtv.2022.06.002 (ISSN: 0965-206X) (August 2022)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D, Ünver S, Özkan ZK. Effect of stoma model based education on knowledge and skill levels of student nurses: a quasi-experimental study from Turkey. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 2019;69(10):1496-1500. Doi: 10.5455/JPMA.292930 (ISSN: 0030-9982) (October 2019)
  • Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. Effect of preoperative video information on anxiety and satisfaction in patients undergoing abdominal surgery. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2019;37(8):430-436. Doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000505 (ISSN: 1538-2931) (August 2019)

International Articles

  • Topçu SY, Özkan ZK, Orğan EM, Ünver S, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. Effect of the pandemic on stress perception of nursing students during clinical internships: A cross-sectional study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing 2024;19:e269-e275. Doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2023.11.009 (ISSN: 1557-3087) (May 2024)
  • Soydaş D, Özkan ZK, Fındık ÜY. Evaluation of statistics anxiety levels of nurses continuing postgraduate or doctorate education in the fields of surgical diseases nursing. Sağlık Akademisi Kastamonu 2024;9(1):107-119. Doi: 10.25279/sak.1182435 (e-ISSN: 2548-1010) (April 2024)
  • Topçu SY, Soydaş D, Albayrak D. Monitoring food images after rectal surgery to accelerate recovery of postoperative bowel motility: A quasi-experimental study. Sakarya Üniversitesi Holistik Sağlık Dergisi 2023;6(3):438-449. Doi: 10.54803/sauhsd.1233040 (ISSN:2687-6078) (December 2023)
  • Soydaş D, Orğan EM, Fındık ÜY, Işıklı AG. The relationship between the perception of surgical fear and nursing satisfaction. Journal of Perioperative Practice 2023;33(12):380-385. Doi:10.1177/17504589221137983 (ISSN: 1750-4589) (December 2023)
  • Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Urinary Catheter Self-Care Management Questionnaire. International Journal of Urological Nursing 2023;17(3):258-271. Doi: 10.1111/ijun.12375 (e-ISSN: 1749-771X) (November 2023)
  • Işıklı AG, Şen H, Soydaş D. Assessment of psychological resilience, job satisfaction, and fear level of nurses infected and not infected with the COVID-19 virus. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 2021;12(4):281-287. (E-ISSN: 2149- 374X) (December 2021)
  • Fındık ÜY, Gürdoğan EP, Soydaş D, Aksoy B. Determination of postoperative care dependency and anxiety levels of older cancer patients. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2021;14(2):1062-1070. (E-ISSN: 1972-037X) (October 2021)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D, Makal E. Determining student nurses’ opinions of the low-fidelity simulation method. Nursing Practice Today 2019;6(2):68-73. (E-ISSN: 2383-1162) (April 2019)
  • Fındık ÜY, Ünver S, Soydaş D, Özkan ZK. Satisfaction levels of nursing students about summer term education. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2018;11(1):118-124. (E-ISSN: 1792-037X) (April 2018)
  • Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü. Informational needs of postmastectomy patients. Journal of Breast Health 2016;12(4):155-157. (E-ISSN: 2149- 1976) (October 2016)

International Conference Proceedings

  • Soydaş D, Şen H, Işıklı AG. “Retrospective Evaluation of Pain Level in Patients with Lung Lobectomy”. Union of Thrace Universities V. International Health Sciences Congress, 1-2 December 2022, Bandırma, Turkey, pp.177. (ID:249, Oral Virtual Presentation) (December 2022)
  • Şen H, Soydaş D, Işıklı AG, Güneş A. “Opinions of nurses working in a thoracic surgery clinics on complementary and alternative medicine practices: A qualitative research”. 3rd International 5th National Complementary Therapies and Supportive Care Practices Congress, 21-23 April 2022, Online, Turkey, pp.174. (SB-67, Oral Presentation) (April 2022)
  • Soydaş D, Güneş A, Işıklı AG, Şen H. “Effects of massage in surgical patient care: an analysis of the nursing theses in Turkey”. 3rd International 5th National Complementary Therapies and Supportive Care Practices Congress, 21-23 April 2022, Online, Turkey, pp.59-70. (SB-11, Oral Presentation) (April 2022)
  • Işıklı AG, Güneş A, Şen H, Soydaş D. “Music therapy in thoracic surgery”. 3rd International 5th National Complementary Therapies and Supportive Care Practices Congress, 21-23 April 2022, Online, Turkey, pp.43-44. (SB-11, Oral Presentation) (April 2022)
  • Topçu SY, Özkan ZK, Orğan EM, Ünver S, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. "The relationship between Coronavirus awareness and perceived stress in nursing students completed internships in surgical clinics during the pandemic". 4. Uluslararası 12. Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireliği Kongresi, 13-16 Ocak 2022, Antalya, Turkey, pp.826. (S191, Oral Presentation) (January 2022)
  • Soydaş D, Işıklı AG, Şen H, Özavcı K. "Investigation of the problems experienced by perioperative nurses due to the use of personal protective equipment and their attitudes towards caregiving roles”. 4. International 12. National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 13-16 January 2022, Antalya, Turkey, pp.820. (S185, Oral Presentation) (January 2022)
  • Soydaş D, Orğan EM, Fındık ÜY, Işıklı AG. “The relationship between the perception of surgical fear and nursing satisfaction”. 4. International 12. National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 13-16 January 2022, Antalya, Turkey, pp.649. (S53, Oral Presentation) (January 2022)
  • Topçu SY, Soydaş D, Özkan ZK, Ünver S, Orğan EM, Fındık ÜY. “Turkish validity and reliability study of the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire”. Union Of Thrace Universities, 4th International Health Sciences Congress, 11-12 November 2021, Kırklareli, Turkey, pp.102. (O-89, Oral Virtual Presentation) (November 2021)
  • Güneş A, Işıklı AG, Soydaş D. "Investigation of ethical attitudes of nurses in nursing care during the COVID-19 Pandemic period". Union Of Thrace Universities, 4th International Health Sciences Congress, 11-12 November 2021, Kırklareli, Turkey, pp.93. (O-80, Oral Virtual Presentation) (November 2021)
  • Işıklı AG, Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D. “Effect of port catheter implantation on activities of daily living: a qualitative research”. 3rd International 11th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 3-6 October 2019, İzmir, Turkey, pp.432-435. (S-19, Oral Presentation) (October 2019)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D, Işıklı AG. “Postoperative complications and their impact on patients’ perception of nursing care quality”. 3rd International 11th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 3-6 October 2019, İzmir, Turkey, pp.511-515. (S-32, Oral Presentation) (October 2019)
  • Topçu SY, Soydaş D, Albayrak D. ''Effect of monitoring food images on bowel motility after rectal surgery''. Union of Thrace Universities 2nd International Health Sciences Congress, 15-17 November 2018, Tekirdağ, Turkey, pp.171-173. (O_3198, Oral Presentation) (November 2018)
  • Öztürk S, Aksoy B, Soydaş D, Sarıkaya NA. ‘‘An Evaluation of Eating Attitudes of University Students''. 21th International Nursing Research Conference, 14-17 November, 2017, Madrid- Spain, pp.209-210. (Oral Presentation) (November 2017)
  • Sağlam FT, Işıklı AG, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. ‘‘Retrospective Analysis of Postoperative Nursing Care After Pulmonary Lobectomy’’. 2nd International 10th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 2-5 November, 2017, Antalya-Turkey, pp. 732-733. (P-138, Poster Presentation) (November 2017)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D, Işıklı AG. ‘‘Evaluating Fall Risk in Surgical Patients''. 2nd International 10th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 2-5 November 2017, Antalya-Turkey, pp.575-576. (P-20, Poster Presentation) (November 2017)
  • Işıklı AG, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY, Sağlam FT. ‘’Ethical Sensitivity of Surgical Nurses: An Example of University Hospital’’. 2nd International 10th National Congress of Turkish Surgical and Operating Room Nurses, 2-5 November, 2017, Antalya-Turkey, pp.348-349. (S-20, Oral Presentation) (November 2017)
  • Soydaş D, Tuncel Sağlam F, Paslı Gürdoğan E, Yıldız Fındık Ü, Gökce Işıklı A. ‘‘Ethical Problems Experienced by Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units’’. International Congress on Ethics in Nursing Applications, 11-12 September, 2017, Izmir/ Turkey. (Oral Presentation) (September 2017)
  • Soydaş D, Pelin M, Kızılcık Özkan Z. ''Nursing students' feelings and opinions about death and terminal stage''. International Conference on Quality in Higher Education (ICQH), 24-25 November, 2016, Sakarya-Turkey, pp.573-575. (Poster Presentation). (November 2016)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Ünver S, Soydaş D, Kızılcık Özkan Z. ''Determining the satisfaction level of summer school nursing students''. 20th International Nursing Research Conference, 15-18 November, 2016, A Coruna-Spain, pp.540-541. (PP:127, Poster Presentation). (November 2016)
  • Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü, Ünver S. ''Determining the competency level of postgraduate nurses''. 20th International Nursing Research Conference, 15-18 November, 2016, A Coruna-Spain, pp.324-325. (Virtual- Oral Presentation). (November 2016)
  • Ünver S, Kızılcık Özkan Z, Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü. ''What nursing students think about taking a part in the care of a patient with colostomy?'' 20th International Nursing Research Conference, 15-18 November, 2016, A Coruna-Spain, pp.123-124. (Virtual- Oral Presentation). (November 2016)
  • Ünver S, Soydaş D, Kızılcık Özkan Z. ''Effect of Groupwork on Satisfaction and Preparing Nursing Care Plans Among Students''. 15th Euro Nursing & Medicare Summit, 17-19 October, 2016, Rome- Italy, p.69. (Oral Presentation). (October 2016)
  • Kızılcık Özkan Z, Ünver S, Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü. ‘’Difficulties of Nursing Students in Patients Undergoing Colerectal Surgery’’. 19th International Nursing Research Conference, 17-20 November, 2015, Cuenca-Spain, pp.257-258. (Virtual Presentation) (November 2015)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Ünver S, Yıldızeli Topçu S, Kasimi T, Soydaş D. ''Operating Room Nurses' Anxiety and Burnout Levels According to Safety Precautions''. 7th European Operating Room Nurses Congress, 7-10 May, 2015, Roma- Italy, pp.21-23. (Oral Presentation) (May 2015)
  • Avcibasi IM, Soydaş D, Ünver S, Doğan I, Dindar I. ''Nurses and Midwives Attitudes on Patient's Rights: Survey in University Hospital of Turkey''. 18th International Nursing Research Conference, 11-14 November, 2014, Vitoria-Gasteiz/ Spain, pp.284-285. (Oral Presentation) (November 2014)

International Books and Book Chapters

  • Soydaş D, Karaman EÖ. “Gebelikte stoma cerrahisi ve ebelik bakımı” (Eds. E. Çevik, S. Eyi, F.A. Özçoban, F.D. Sayıner). Gebelikte Cerrahi Hastalıklar, Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara, 2024. ss.315-338. (ISBN: 978-625-375-192-0) (December 2024)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D. "Ameliyathanede çalışan güvenliği" (Eds. A. Gürkan, A Özbaş, İ Çavdar). Ameliyathane Hemşireliği, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 2024. ss.425-444. (ISBN:978-625-397-749-8) (June 2024)
  • Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. "Intestinal and urinary stoma surgery" (Ed. İ. Çavdar), Stoma Care Nursing. Türkiye Klinikleri Surgical Nursing - Special Topics, Türkiye Klinikleri, Ankara, 2024. ss. 1-7. (ISBN: 978-625-395-226-6) (March 2024)
  • Soydaş D, Özkan ZK. "Kas-İskelet Sisteminin Değerlendirilmesi" (Ed. N Zengin, H Özcan, A Çuvadar) Ebe ve Hemşireler için Fizik Muayene, Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara, 2023. ss.135-155. ISBN: 978-625-399-334-4 (October 2023)
  • Soydaş D, Işıklı AG. “Hibrit Bakım” (Editör A Aydın). Bakım Kalitesini İyileştirmede İnovasyon, Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara, 2021. ss.275-285. ISBN: 978-625-7496-57-5 (November 2021)
  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D. “Bariatric Surgery and Nursing Care” (Eds. ÜY Fındık, S Ünver, S Eyi) Gastrointestinal Sistemin Cerrahi Hastalıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı [Surgical Diseases of Gastrointestinal System and Nursing Care], Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2019. ss.227-244 ISBN: 9786053354482 (March 2019)

National Articles

  • Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D, Gökce Işıklı A. "Postoperative complications after thoracic and cardiac surgery and their impact on patients' perception of nursing care quality". Balkan Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2024;3(2):69-80. (e-ISSN: 2980-0781) (December 2024)
  • Karakaya S, Tunç Z, Dinçer E, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. "Attitudes of faculty members and students of a health sciences faculty towards aesthetic surgery". Etkili Hemşirelik Dergisi 2024;17(4):549-559. (e-ISSN: 2980-3527) (October 2024)
  • Güneş A, Gökce Işıklı A, Soydaş D. "Investigation of the ethical attitudes of internal medicine and surgical nurses: the case of a university hospital." Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2024;11(1):85-90. (e-ISSN: 2147-9607) (March 2024)
  • Gökce Işıklı A, Soydaş D. "Surviving Covid-19 and dying from pressure injury complications: a case report". Balkan Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2023;2(1):15-20. (e-ISSN: 2980-0781) (June 2023)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Soydaş D, Gökce Işıklı A. "Nursing care in intra- and inter-hospital transfer of critically ill patients". Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi, 2019;23(2):123-130. (ISSN: 1302-0498) (August 2019)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Soydaş D, Gökce Işıklı A. "Evaluating fall risk in surgical patients". Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi, 2019;7(2):90-95. (e-ISSN 2587-0262) (August 2019)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Soydaş D. ‘‘Surgical patients' perception of the postoperative nursing care quality". Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2017;20(3):195-200. (ISSN: 1309- 5471) (October 2017)

National Conference Proceedings

  • Karakaya S, Tunç Z, Dinçer E, Soydaş D, Fındık ÜY. “Bir sağlık bilimleri fakültesi öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilerinin estetik cerrahiye yönelik tutumları.” 19. Ulusal Hemşirelik Öğrencileri Kongresi, 3-4 Haziran 2021, Edirne (E-Kongre), ss.172. (P087, Poster Bildiri) (June 2021)
  • Yazman EB, Çakmak SC, Perçimli BC, Fındık ÜY, Soydaş D. “Hemşirelik öğrencilerinde yorgunluk ve etki eden faktörler.” 19. Ulusal Hemşirelik Öğrencileri Kongresi, 3-4 Haziran 2021, Edirne (E-Kongre), ss.101. (S059, Sözel Bildiri). (June 2021)
  • Soydaş D, Ünver S, Makal E, Fındık ÜY. ''Patients affecting pediatric surgical nurses in professional life: a qualitative research". 35. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi, 21. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Hemşireliği Kongresi, 25-28 Ekim 2017, Edirne, ss.502-503. (SS-11, Oral Presentation) (October 2017)
  • Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü. ‘‘Informational Needs of Post-Mastectomy Patients". 20. Ulusal Cerrahi 15. Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi, 13-17 Nisan 2016, Antalya. (PS-1138, E-Poster Presentation). (April 2016)
  • Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü, Dığın F. "Determination of roles undertaken by patient attendants in the care". 9. Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireliği Kongresi, 12-15 Kasım 2015, Muğla, ss.257-259. (P-007, Poster Presentation) (November 2015)
  • Yıldız Fındık Ü, Soydaş D, Gökce Işıklı A, Sönmez A. ''Evaluation of glove usage behaviour of nurses". 9. Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireliği Kongresi, 12-15 Kasım 2015, Muğla, ss.275-278. (P-016, Poster Presentation) (November 2015)
  • Özavcı K, Soydaş D, Yıldız Fındık Ü, Albayrak D, Fidan Ş. '' Mechanical bowel preparation for colorectal surgery: an overview". 8. Kolorektal Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi, 19-23 Mayıs 2015, Antalya, ss.136-137. (HPB-09, E-Poster Presentation) (May 2015)


  • Fındık ÜY (Project manager), Ünver S, Özkan ZK, Soydaş D (Research project team members). ''Effect of stoma model-based education on knowledge and skill levels of student nurses". Trakya University Scientific Research Projects Unit, Project number = 2015/193. (July 2017)