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![]() Print Staff CV |
Kılıç, O., Baş, D. (2020) “An Analysis Method for Architectural Detail Design that Provides Adaptability in Establishing the Design-Application Association”, Karadeniz Journal of Science, 10 (1), 91-110 . DOI: 10.31466/kfbd.682420, TR Index, International Journal. (June 2020) |
D. Baş Yanarateş “Cognitive Evaluation of Creativity in Architecture in The Context of Art and Design”, International Refereed Journal of Architecture and Design, 209-232 pp. 2018-15 Doi:10.17365/TMD.2018.3.2. (March 2018) |
D. Baş Yanarateş “Unfolding Evolution Strategically in Integrated Studios of Building and Design to Innovative Grasp of Design Creativity”, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A., 665-674 pp., Dec-2015 (December 2015) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, “Material Paradoxes In: Archıtectural Sustainability-Material Priorities In: Architectural Sustainability” , A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture (ISI), 44-61 pp., 2008-2. (February 2008) |
D.Baş, O.Yıldırım, “Comparative Academic Perspectives on MUDEK And MIAK Accredıtatıons”, 8th International Congress on Engineering, Architecture and Design, 751-769 pp., 6-7 December 2021, Online Conference. (December 2021) |
D.Baş, D.Karagözler, “Prefabrication and New Generation Housing Design Criteria in Interior Architecture”, 7th International E-Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, 34-43 pp., 2-3 October 2021 (October 2021) |
D. Baş, “Evaluation of Civil Architecture Samples of Cukurova with Their Adaptability Capacıties”, Cukurova 7th International Scientific Reseraches Conference, 7-8 September 2021, Adana. (September 2021) |
D. Baş Yanarates, “The Formation of Design: Architectural Detail Following the Evolution Strategy, Organizing in the Design Process”, 1st International Architecture and Design Congress, 01-02.12.2017, Istanbul Association of Science and Academicians, Istanbul. (http://www.mimarlikvetasarimsempozyumu.org/source/mimarlik01.pdf) (December 2017) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, “Unfolding Evolution Strategicaly in Studios of Building and Design: To Grasp of Design Innovation at the Present”, International Conference ARQUITECTONICS NETWORK: ARCHITECTURE, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY, the College of Architects of Catalonia and in the School of Architecture of Barcelona, Barcelona 3-4-5 June 2015. (June 2015) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, ‘Materials of Spaces’ & ‘Spaces for Material’ , AIOC: International Conferences on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Designing Proceedings Book, 126-132 pp. Dubai, UAE, 24-28 March 2015. (March 2015) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, G. Usta, F.Yalçın, “Experimental Studio Oriented Innovative Thinking Mode: The Case Study of IKU Interior Architecture for First Year Design Studio”, 4.Annual International Conference on Arhitecture, Athens, Greece, 7-10 July 2014. (July 2014) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, G. Usta, F.Yalçın, A Design Studio Experience For What if an Architectural Pattern is Organized with Its Place, Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal: Environmental design for innovation in the post-crisis world- ENHSA(European network of heads of schools of architecture) " A Design Studio Experience For What if an Architectural Pattern is Organized with Its Place ",161-168 pp. Napoli, Italya, October 2013 (October 2013) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, "Teaching of Variations Proceeding Cultural Landscapes "Models of Places"", International Workshop ARCHITECTURE, EDUCATION and SOCIETY,International Seminar Arquitectonics Network, International Association Architectural Research (IAAR), Col.legi d'Arquites de Catalunya (COAC), Barcelona May 2012. (May 2012) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, Architecture and Research: Third International Seminar Arquitectonics, International Association Architectural Research (IAAR),Col.legi d'Arquites de Catalunya (COAC) Architecture and Research: Third International Seminar Arquitectonics, ARQUITECTONICS International Review:Mind, Land & Society", "The Study of a Local Systematic Model For Detail Thinking- How We Transform Codes To Modern", www.pa.upc.edu/.../bas-didem pp., Barcelona, Spain, November 2010 (November 2010) |
D. Baş, "International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium", "The Mean of “Innovative Material” Inquiring “Ecological” Term Leads Architecture Detailing:(The Study Of A Local Syatematic Model For Detail Thinking)", 363-366 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2009 (October 2009) |
D. Baş, Reading on Bruno Taut For Participating in a “Life Culture” konferansı dahilinde "Humbolt-Kolleg'09, Beitrittsprozess der Türkei zur EU und Ihre Widerspiegelung auf die Deutsch-Türkischen Beziehungen, "Reading on Bruno Taut For Participating in a “Life Culture”", 127-138 pp., İstanbul, Turkey, May 2009 (May 2009) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, Living Under The Materials Powerful Expression of Architectural Dominance, Livenarch III Contextualism in Architecture, 3rd International Congress, Liveable Environments & Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Dept. Of Architecture, Proceedings Volume III, 955-960 pp., Trabzon, Turkey, July 2007 (July 2007) |
D.Baş Yanarateş, “An Analytıc Tool For The Detailing Dictated Through The Material Preferences” Housing In Historical Centers & Rural Areas, 3rd International Sinan Symposium, pp.80, Edirne, April 2007 (April 2007) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, Material Destination As Sustainable Architecture in Detail, Creating The Future-4th FAE Internatıonal Symposium, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Symposium Proceedings Volume 1, 29-32 pp., Lefke, KKTC, Nov.-Dec. 2006 (December 2006) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, The Contemplations on Material: From “To Form The Space” To “To Be Formed By The Space”, Creating The Future-3rd FAE International Symposium, European University of Lefke, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Symposium Proceedings", 21-23 pp., Lefke, KKTC, Oct., 2004 (December 2004) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, “Mekan Mekan Çatılan Yaşamların Görünümleri” ile Mimari Bedenden Ruhu Olan Kentlere, XV. Uluslararası Yapı ve Yaşam Kongre Kitabı: Kentler ve Mimarlık, 279-283 pp., Bursa, Turkey, Sept. 2003. (September 2003) |
D. Baş Yanarates, “Inspirational Concrete Architecture”, Editor: Ü.Bulut, Architecture- Urbanism and Environmental Issues / Prof.Dr. Dr. Gift to Yıldız Sey. 1st Edition, Arel University Press - Hiperlink Publishing House, Istanbul, 2021. (January 2021) |
D. Baş Yanarates, “New Media as an Architectural Research Laboratory”, Editors: M. Yak, G. Özdoyran, Media from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. 1st Edition, Arel University Press- Hiperlink Publishing House, Istanbul, 2021. pp: 201-220. (January 2021) |
D.Bas, “Architectural Technologies Paradox”, Editor: M. Dal, Architectural Sciences and Technologies. 1st Edition, Livre De Lyon, Lyon, France, 2021. pp:1-26. (January 2021) |
D. Baş Yanarates, "Reconciliation Against Loss of Meaning and Texture in Architecture", Güney Mimarlık, issue 8, 79-83 pp., June 2012. (June 2012) |
D. Baş Yanarates, "Thinking Systematics as Creativity Tools in Architectural Design", YAPI, 76-82 pp., 2011 (January 2011) |
D. Baş Yanarates, "Thinking with the Language of Space", YAPI, 61-64 pp., 2004. (January 2004) |
D. Baş Yanarates, "The Establishment of a Expression Language Between Designer and User in Space Design", YAPI, 54-60 pp., 2002 (January 2002) |
Y.Gürçınar, N. Yener, D.Yanarateş, "Determination of Use of Glass Divider Elements in Different Interior Designs, YAPI, 97-101 pp., 2000. (January 2000) |
D. Baş Yanarates, S.Kılıç Batmaz, Development of Interaction and Creativity Criteria with Digital Systematic Tools in Architecture within the conference "VII. Digital Design National Symposium Digital Design-Entropy-Creativity in Architecture," within the conference. ", 27-38 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013. (June 2013) |
D. Baş Yanarates, S.Kılıç Batmaz, within the conference "Designing the Space with the Industrial Creation Process", in the "3rd National Interior Architecture Symposium Industrial Dimension in Space Design, Symposium Proceedings," "Designing the Space with the Industrial Creation Process", 222-231 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, April 2013. (April 2013) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, "Forecasts of Materials for the Future and Spaces of Materials" in the conference book "Future-Oriented Approaches in Space Design of the 1st National Interior Architecture Symposium, Symposium Proceedings," "Forecasts of Materials for the Future and Spaces of Materials", 13-24 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2008 (October 2008) |
D. Baş Yanarates, "Construction of Materials in Architectural Detail Design", 102-113 pp., in the "3rd National Construction Materials Congress and Exhibition, Congress Proceedings" booklet, within the scope of the conference "Editing Materials in Architectural Detail Design", Istanbul, Turkey, November 2006 (November 2006) |
D. Baş Yanarateş, “Space as the Common Denominator from the Past to the Future in Establishing the Balance between the Existing and the Created Environment”, 7th National Art Symposium Art and Environment, 22-27, Ankara, May 2003. (May 2003) |
D.Baş Yanarates, “The Effects of System Properties on Material and Detail Design in Divider Elements on Space Construction in the Design Process; Glass Partition System Examples”, 1st National Construction Materials Congress and Exhibition, Congress Proceedings Volume 1, pp.127-132, Istanbul, October 2002. (October 2002) |
D. Baş Yanarates, The Effects of the Textural Expressions Acquired in the Development Process of the Material on the Visual Perception of the User at the Space Scale, in the "1st National Construction Materials Congress and Exhibition, Congress Proceedings Volume 1" in the proceedings book "The Textual Expressions Acquired in the Development Process of the Material, at the Space Scale, of the User" Effects on Visual Perception", 28-34 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, October 2002 (October 2002) |
D. Baş, Formation of Architectural Thinking: Construction Language, 235 pp., Istanbul, ES Publications, 2010. (November 2010) |
O. Erman, D. Baş Yanarates, “The Relationship between Historical Texture and Urban Identity in Adana”, Editors: İ. Durukan, F. Karaman, D. Saban, O. Erman, D. Baş Yanarateş, G.Ramazanoğlu, Adana Urban Culture Inventory 2006, Adana Governorship Special Provincial Administration, Adana, 2006. pp: 27-29 pp. (January 2006) |
Cukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, (Included in TÜBİTAK/ ULAKBİM Social Sciences Database) 2003-2009. (January 2009) |
İ.Durukan, F. Karaman,D. Saban, O. Erman, D. Chief Yanarates, G. Ramazanoğlu, “Adana Urban Culture Inventory 2006”, Adana Governorship Special Provincial Administration, ISBN: 975-487-130-2, Adana, 2006. (January 2006) |
9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TRENDS IN ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIOR DESIGN(9th ICNTAD 2023): Rethinking Static Typologies: Negotiating Territories as New Design Approach for Dynamic Experiences in Hyperdense Context (November 2023) |
Architecture and Life, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi. Bilimsel Hakemlik (January 2022) |
International Refereed Journal Of Design And Architecture, ISSN 2148-4880, Bilimsel Hakemlik.Alan Indeksleri: ICONDA-(Internetional Construction Database) DAAI (Design and Applied Art Index)-AVERY Index to Architectural Periodicals, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). GENAMICS JournalSeek (January 2022) |
7th ICNTAD International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (7th ICNTAD 2021), Scientific Committee Member. (May 2021) |
Kent Akademi/ International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management / International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management. Scientific Refereeing. TUBITAK/ULAKBIM(TR) (January 2021) |
Bookchapter, Refereeing Internationally Referred and Internationally Indexed Books. Architectural Sciencesand Technology, Editor:M.Dal, Livre De Lyon, 2021. (January 2021) |
Journal of Near Architecture, Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, Hakemlik. EBSCOhost index. (January 2021) |
ICONARP International Journal Of Architecture and Planning, Reviewers, Avery Index. (January 2021) |
Athens Journal of Architecture, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Reviewers’ Board. EBSCO index. (January 2021) |
6th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (6th ICNTAD 2020), Scientific Committee Member. (May 2020) |
Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, International Refereed and Inexed Journal of Social Sciences. Scientific Refereeing. TÜBİTAK/ ULAKBİM Social Sciences (January 2020) |
Electronic Journal of Social Sciences/Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. Scientific Refereeing. TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM(TR), EBSCO host, Sobiad and Arastirmax (January 2020) |
5th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (5th ICNTAD 2019), Istanbul, Science Board Member. (May 2019) |
IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/IBAD Journal of Social Sciences Bilimsel Hakemlik. Alan indeksleri: EBSCO, SCOPUS, E-SCI ve TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM(TR) (January 2019) |
4th International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (4th ICNTAD 2018), St.Petersburg, Scientific Committee Member. (May 2018) |
Cukurova University 2nd International Art Research Symposium (April11-14), 2018, Adana, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği. (April 2018) |
International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (3rd ICNTAD' 2017), Helsinki, Member of Scientific Committee. (May 2017) |
All in One Conferences, International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design (ICNTAD' 2016), Zagreb, Member of Scientific Committee. (January 2016) |
Design+Theory Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Faculty of Architecture journal, (included in TÜBİTAK/ ULAKBİM Social Sciences Database) “A systematic analysis on the livability of space”, number 18, (It is the PhD thesis article of Armağan Seçil Melikoğlu Eke and the members of the thesis jury submitted the article for publication. served as a referee.) TÜBİTAK/ ULAKBİM (TR), EBSCO. (January 2014) |
Balıkesir University Journal of Science Institute, Scientific Refereeing. TÜBİTAK/ ULAKBİM (TR), Scientific Refereeing. |
2nd Rumeli Energy and Design Symposium for Sustainable Environment with International Participation, 2nd Rumeli Energy and Design Symposium for Sustainable Environment with International Participation, Istanbul Rumeli Univeristy (2nd Rumeli SUCET Symposium) Scientific Committee Member. |
1st Rumeli Energy and Design Symposium for Sustainable Environment, 1nd Rumeli Energy and Design Symposium for Sustainable Environment, Member of Scientific Committee of Istanbul Rumeli University (1st Rumeli SUCET Symposium). |