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Çağlayan Karaoğlu Bircan was born in Kırklareli. When she was one year old she went with her parents to Germany and finished elementary and secondary school education in Germany. After returning to Turkey she made higher education at the German teaching department in the University of Marmara in İstanbul. After graduation she worked for 9 years as german teacher. In 1998, she started working at the University of Trakya in Edirne as lecturer for German language and teachings, where she is still working . 2002 made she her master degree at the University of İstanbul. Since 2012 she does a PhD in the field of interdisciplinary disability studies and since 2014 in the field of german language and teaching.
In addition to this ongoing doctoral program, she completed his doctorate in the German Language and Education Doctorate Program at Trakya University Institute of Social Sciences in 2020 and received the title of doctor.
Karaoğlu Bircan, Ç., Köksal, H., (2021). Individual Writing Counselling. Case Study Using the Example of The University of Trakya, German Teacher Training.Diyalog ,Zeitschrift für Interkulturelle Germanistik 2021/2, S. 611-632, ISSN 2148-1482. https://doi.org/10.37583/diyalog.1030764 (December 2021) |
Karaoğlu Bircan, Ç., Doğan, C., (2023). Untersuchung der Sichtweisen von Deutschlehramtskandidaten zum Einsatz digitaler Medien beim Fertigkeitstraining am Beispiel der Universität Trakya. Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress 08.-10. Mai 2023 Marmara Universität, Türkisch-Deutsche Universität. İstanbul (Examination of the perspectives of German teacher candidates of digital media in skills training using the example of the University of Trakya.) (May 2023) |
Karaoğlu Bircan,Ç., (2021).Language learning advice in university education. Practical example of the German teacher training Trakya.Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress Sprache und Literatur im Wandel der Digitalisierung. 30.September- 02. Oktober 2021, Universität Trakya Deutschlehrerausbildung, EDIRNE. (October 2021) |
Karaoğlu B., Ç., (2019) “OKUL ÖNCESİ ÖYKÜ KİTAPLARINDAKİ METİNLERİN METİNSELLİK ÖLÇÜTLERİNE UYGUNLUKLARI”; 2. Uluslararası Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazını Kongresi IBCYL 2019, 26-28 Nisan, Priştina - Kosova. (April 2019) |
Karaoğlu B., Ç., (2019) " MONTESSORİ YAKLAŞIMINDA ÇOCUĞUN GELİŞİMİ VE EĞİTİMİNDE DUYU GELİŞTİRME AKTİVİTELERİNİN YERİ”; 2. Uluslararası Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazını Kongresi IBCYL 2019, 26-28 Nisan, Priştina - Kosova. (April 2019) |
Karaoğlu,B.,Ç., (2017). SELİM ÖZDOĞAN AND "IT'S SO LONELY IN THE SADDLE SINCE THAT HORSE IS DEAD" CONSIDERS FROM THE SIGHT OF THE GERMAN POP CULTURE. Balkan Educational Studies – 2017. Book Of Internatıonal Scıentıfıc Research. Trakya University Publication No: 188. ISBN: 978-975-374-213-9. S.52-67 (November 2017) |
Karaoğlu,Bircan,Ç., (2017), KOntrastive Betrachtung der Modalverben im Rahmen der strukturellen Grammatik. Eine syntaktische Analyse der deutschen und türkischen . GERMANISMUS IM MODERNEN WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN RAUM, Materialien der V. Internationalen Konferenz für Wissenschaft und Praxis, Krasnodar, 18. bis 19. Oktober 2017 ISBN 978-5-8209-1407-2 G 381 Germanistika im modernen wissenschaftlichen Raum: Materialien des V Intern. wissenschaftlich-praktisch conf. - Krasnodar: Kuban State. Univ., 2017. - 299 S. - 500 Exemplare ISBN 978-5-8209-1407-2 (October 2017) |
Doğan, M., Karaoğlu B., Ç., (2016). Renate Welsh ve Muzaffer Izgü'nün Yazin Bilim Açisindan Karsilastirilmasi, 1. Uluslararasi Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyati Kongresi, vol. 1, no. 171, pp. 86-92, Edirne |
Karaoğlu B., Ç., Tuğlu, Y. (2016). Medienkompetenz im universitären Bereich und die neue Rolle des Lehrers, IV Germanistische Beiträge Studien zur Sprache und Literatur, vol. 1, no. IV, pp. 36-45, Krasnador, Russia |
Karaoğlu B., Ç. (2016). Aus Perspektive Problemorientierter Deutschsprachigen Jugendliteratur Betrachtet Zoran Drvenkar Und Touch The Flame, 1. Uluslararasi Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyati Kongresi, vol. 1, no. 171, pp. 577-587, Edirne-Türkiye |
Karaoğlu ,B., Ç. (2015),"An analysis of german pronunciation training of German teacher candidates. A resarch in Edirne". (October 2015) |
Karaoğlu, Ç., (2014), Attitudes Of The Foreign Language Teacher Candidates In The University Of Trakya Toward The Disabled: An Investigation In Edirne (September 2014) |
Karaoğlu, Ç., (2013). Germanistische Beiträge ; Der Stellenwert des Faches Materialentwicklung in der Deutschlehrerausbildung der Universität Trakya Edirne, Türkei , S.179-182, Blickpunkt: Germanistik, Kuban Universität, Krasnodar, Russia (June 2013) |
Examination of the perspectives of German teacher candidates on the use of digital media in skills training using the example of the University of Trakya. |
“2. Uluslararası Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazını Kongresi’’ 26-28 Nisan 2019 Priştina - Kosova (Nisan 2019) (April 2019) |
KARAOĞLU ÇAĞLAYAN (2011). Germanistische Beiträge ; Podcast als Medien im Fremdsprachunterricht , S.255-263, Blickpunkt: Germanistik, 26-29 April, Kuban Universität, Krasnodar, Russia Almanca (Tam Metin Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum) (Yayın No: 14937022) (April 2011) |
Examination of the perspectives of German teacher candidates on the use of digital Media in skills training sing the example of Trakya University (April 2024) |
Language learning advice in university education Practical example of the German teacher training University of Trakya (January 2022) |
KARAOGLU BIRCAN ÇAGLAYAN, Germanistik in der Türkei 18. Digitalisierung im Kontext von Sprache und Literatur in der Türkei: Potenziale, Herausforderungen und Prognosen, Berlin: Logos Verlag., Berlin-ALMANYA. |
Karaoğlu B., Ç., (2019). Montessori Yaklaşımında Çocuğun Gelişimi Ve Eğitiminde Duyu Geliştirme Aktivitelerinin Yeri, içinde Asutay ve diğ. (2019) "Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazınında Çokkültürcülük" Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 210, ISBN : 978-975-374-241-2, ss. 42-51 (Ekim 2019) (October 2019) |
Karaoğlu B., Ç., (2019). Hayvanlarla Terapi Uygulamaları Çerçevesinde Tek-Denekli Araştırmaları İnceleme Ve Değerlendirme; içinde: Asutay, H. ve diğ.(2019) "Eğitimde Yeni Yönelimler- New Trends in Education" Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 217, ISBN: 978-975-374-245-0, ss.40-64 (Eylül 2019) (September 2019) |
Karaoğlu, B., Ç., (2019). Eine Diskursanalyse zur Studie «Autonomes und interkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht – unvereinbar oder untrennbar”? İçinde: Deutsch lehren und lernen in einem multikulturellen Raum. Basım Türü: Basılı, pp. 136-148, Yayın kurulu: I.A. Belokopytova, S.S. Bychkov, M.A. Oleynik (ed.), Z.I. Chale, I. Jacewicz (Polonya). Kuban State Universität , Krasnodar, 16-17 Mayıs 2019 Krasnodar: Kuban devleti. Univ., 2019.-- 163 p. - 500 kopya. ISBN 978-5-8209-1601-4 (May 2019) |
Karaoğlu,B., Çağlayan (2017).Kontrastive Betrachtung der Modalverben im Rahmen der strukturellen Grammatik. DEUTSCH IM MODERNENWISSENSCHAFTLICHEN RAUM, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: Eine syntaktische Analyse der deutschen und türkischen Modalverben, Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 24-41, RUSYA FEDERASYONU-Krasnador, ISBN978-5-8209-1407-2, Kuban State Universität UDC 800 BBK 81, 20172. Basim. |
Karaoğlu, B.,Ç. (2017). Und es ist so einsam im Sattel seit das Pferd tot ist. Betrachtet aus der Sicht der deutschen Pop-Kultur, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazini / Basim Balkan Egitim Arastirmalari 2017,Türü: Basili+Elektronik, pp. 52-61, TÜRKIYE-Edirne, ISBN978-975-374-213-9, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayin No:188, 20171. Basim |
.Ç. B. KARAOGLU, Çocuk ve Gençlil Edebiyatinda Baris Kültürü, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: 6.5 Sorun Odakli Gençlik Edebiyati (Aus Perspektive Problemorientierter Deutschsprachigen Jugendliteratur Betrachtet Zoran Drvenkar Und “Touch The Flame”, Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 577-587, TÜRKIYE-Edirne, ISBN978-975-374-192-7, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayin No:171, 2016 1. Basim. |
Y. TUGLU, Ç. B. KARAOGLU, Lyuboslovie, Uluslararasi, Bölüm: Ögretimde Metodoloji, Medienkompotenzentwicklung der Deutschlehrer, Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 173-203, BULGARISTAN-Shumen, ISBN1314-6033, Konstantin Preslavsky Publishing House, 20161. Basim. |
Hatice, A., Karaoğlu Ç., K. Mine, (2014), “Games To Develop Socıal Skılls Of Chıldren Wıth Autısms”, I AM HERE…Try to Understand Me....Children on The Autsm Spectrum A Manual for Parents and Professionals, S.97-116, Edited by Yeşim Fazlıoğlu -April Rebecca , St. Kliment Ohridski University Press,2014 |
Karaoğlu Bircan, Ç. (2021). Stakeholder Opinions about the German Teaching Undergraduate Program. Trakya University Example. I. Almanca Öğretmenliği Lisans Programı Değerlendirme ve Güncelleme Çalıştayı 9.Nisan 2021, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne (April 2021) |
Asutay, H. Jable, E. Demirali Y. E., Karaoğlu–Bircan, Ç.(2019) "Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazınında Çokkültürcülük", Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No: 208, ISBN:978-975-374-237-5. Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları - Edirne (Ekim 2019) (October 2019) |
ASUTAY, Hikmet, Ergin JABLE, Demirali Yaşar ERGİN, Çağlayan KARAOĞLU-BİRCAN (2019) "2. Uluslararası Balkan Çocuk ve Gençlik Yazını ÖZET VE PROGRAM KİTABI", Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No:211 - ISBN:978-975-374-240-5 (Nisan 2019) (April 2019) |
Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi (November 2024) |
Congress Participation and Presidency: XV. Internations Germanistik Kongress " Sprache und Literatur im Wandel der Digitalsierung" (September 2021) |
Seminar: Trakya Üniversitesi Alman Dili ve Eğitimi Oryantasyon Programı. Trakya Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi (September 2021) |
Participation in Scientific Meeting: Deutschlehrer*innen-Tagung PRIMAR Südosteuropa am 17. & 18. April 2021 (April 2021) |
Webinar Participation: Creative writing in DaF and DaZ lessons. Webinar. Hueber-Münschen,10.02.2021 (February 2021) |
Online Projekt: Project work with German teacher candidates: Coffee break in German.Microsoft Teams Platformu. Trakya Üniversitesi, (January 2021) |
Participation in Scientific Meeting: German Teacher Day. Webinar. Deutschlehrertagung Goethe Institut .14.11.2020 (November 2020) |
Karaoğlu-Bircan, Çağlayan (2020).Language learning advice in German teacher training Focus on writing.Dissertationsarbeit an dem Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Universität Trakya. (https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp; 27.04.2021). (May 2020) |
Seminar: Trakya Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Kariyer Günleri Etkinliği . Trakya Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi (October 2019) |
Karaoğlu, Ç., (2000). Avrupa Dil Politikası Işığında Bir Sınır Kenti Olarak Edirne Örneğinde Çok dillilik ve Yabancı Dil Olgusuna Bakış, Oluşum 31, Edirne (January 2000) |