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Yılmazturk, Y. & Akdogan, C. "The effect of materialism on sustainable consumption behavior: The mediating role of green purchase intent", KAÜİİBFD, 14(27), 51-82. DOI:10.36543/kauiibfd.2023.003 (June 2023) |
Akdogan, C., & Yılmazturk, Y. (2023). The Effect of Consumer Greenwashing Perception on Green Brand Equity: The Mediating Role of Green Perceived Risk and Green Confusion. Bingol University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 7(1), 169-187. (June 2023) |
Akdogan, C. “Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals and Fair Trade Practices in Thrace Region”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Inquiries (EMI), Vol:5, No:9, 341-355. (December 2021) |
Guduk, T., Akdogan, C., Akyol, A., “The Effecets of Internal Branding on Brand Citizenship Behavior And Intent To Stay: A Research in Service Sector”, Trakya University Journal of Social Science, Vol:23, No:1, 143-170. DOI: 10.26468/trakyasobed.734245. (June 2021) |
Kucukkancabas, S., Turgut, E., Akdogan, C.,"The Medıatıng Role Of Attıtudes Towards Brand Pages in The Relatıonshıp Between Belıefs On Brands’ Advertısements On Socıal Medıa And Intentıon To Joın Brand Pages", Journal of Administrative Sciences, 19(39), 1-22. (January 2021) |
Yılmazturk, Y., Akdogan, C., Kayapınar, O., "Relationship Between Materialistic Values and Hedonic Shopping and Utilitarian Shopping on Effect of Life Satisfaction”, Trakya University Journal of Social Science, Vol:21, No:2, 715-735, December 2019 (December 2019) |
Akkus, Y., Akdogan, C., Akyol, A., “Effects Of Personality Traits And Entrepreneur Personality Aspects On Entrepreneurship Intention: A Sample Of Thrace” Kırklareli University Journal of Social Sciences, TÜBİTAK 4005 IDEATHON Special, Vol 3, No 1, 1-13, May 2019 (May 2019) |
Guler, E. G., Akdogan, Ç. and Yakar, G., “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kent Marka İmajına Yönelik Algı ve Tutumları: Edirne İlinde Bir Uygulama”, Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol 6, No 4, 223-243, December 2017 (December 2017) |
Akdogan, C. and A. Akyol, “Online Tuketici Yorumlarina Ait Genel Tutum ile Agizdan Agiza Pazarlama Arasindaki Iliski”, Trakya Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Cilt 18, Sayi 1,117-134, Haziran 2016 (June 2016) |
Yılmaztürk, Y. and Akdoğan, Ç. “Examination of Consumers' Minimalist Consumption Behaviors: A Study On Generation X and Z”, 11th International European Congress On Advanced Studies In Basic Sciences, November 11-13 2024, Roma, Italy. (November 2024) |
Yılmazturk, Y. and Akdogan, C. “Sustainable Consumption Behavior: A Comparative Analysis of Generation X and Generation Y Consumers”, Ege 7th International Conference on Social Sciences, December 24-25 2022, İzmir, Turkey. (December 2022) |
Akdogan, C. “An Intercountry Comparison of Consumers' Gift-Giving Research for Special Days with “Google Trends” Data”, 11th International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, June 10-12 2022, Antalya, Turkey. (June 2022) |
Akdogan, C. “The New Actor of Transmedia Storytelling in Marketing Communication: Metaverse”, 6th International New York Conference on Evolving Trends in Interdisciplinary Research & Practices, April 3-5 2022, New York, ABD. (April 2022) |
Akdogan, C. “A Study on The Effect of Price on Consumer Purchase Decision-Making”, XVI. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series (IBANESS), September 11-12, 2021 Istanbul, Turkey. (September 2021) |
Akdogan, C. “Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals and Fair Trade Practices in Thrace Region”, 6th International EMI Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences Congress, September 16-18 2021, Gorazde, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (September 2021) |
Akdogan, C. ve Üzerem, N., “Residents' Perceptions Toward Tourists From Balkan Countries: Edirne Case”, XV. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series (IBANESS), May 29-30, 2021 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (May 2021) |
Akyol, A., Doganlar, O., Karadag, C. H., Doganlar, Z. B., Akdogan, C.,“Evaluatıng The Effectıveness Of Dıfferent Advertısement Content Through Fnırs”, 28th Annual Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) Conference, June 17-20, Ankara, Turkey. (June 2019) |
Akyol, A., Doganlar, O., Karadag, C. H., Doganlar, Z. B., Akdogan, C., "Analysis of Advertisement Effectiveness on Functional, Cognitive and Genetic Responses of Subjects Exposed to Different Advertisement Content", MMRA Marketing Congress, 1-4 May, 2019, Kusadası-Aydin, Turkey. (May 2019) |
Kurt, S., Karagoz-Zeren, S., Akdogan, C., Calıyurt, K., " Sustainability Reports in Universities: Content Analysis", 1st International Sustainable Cooperative and Social Enterprise Conference (1st ISCSEC), April 25-26, 2019, Edirne, Turkey (April 2019) |
Yılmazturk, Y., Akdogan, C., Kayapınar, O., "Relationship Between Materialistic Values and Hedonic Shopping and Utilitarian Shopping on Effect of Life Satisfaction" XI. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences (IBANESS) Congress Series, March 9-10, Tekirdag, Turkey. (March 2019) |
Akdogan, C., “A General Evaluation of “Born-Global Fırms” and Internationalization Processes of Enterprises”, 7th International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA), May 3-5, 2018, Canakkale, Turkey. (May 2018) |
Akdogan, C., “Evaluation of Sustainable Marketing in the Context of Responsible Consumption and Production Goals”, VII. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Congress Series, March 24-25, 2018 Tekirdag, Turkey. (March 2018) |
Akdogan, C., "A General Evaluation of the Slow City (Cittaslow) Movement in the context of Destination Branding" 2nd International Scientific Researches Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, IBAD-2017, April 20-23, Istanbul. (April 2017) |
Akdoğan, Ç. (2023). Neuromarketing, Nevin, Ü. ve Şeniz Ö. (Ed.), in Current Developments in Marketing (599-624 pp.), Nobel Academic Publishing: Ankara. (December 2023) |
Akdoğan, Ç. ve Cebeci, G. Anti-Consumerism and Simplicity in Consumption. Senem E. (Ed.), Dark Marketing in (25-38 pp.), Bursa: Ekin Publisher. (October 2023) |
Akdogan, C. Consumer and Neuroscience: Neuromarketing, Sevilay Ö. and Şükrü Ü. (Ed.), in Research in Social and Human Sciences: Concepts, Research and Practice -2 (281-302 pp.), Lyon: Livre De Lyon. (December 2022) |
Yılmazturk, Y. and Akdogan, C. Sustainable Marketing, Hasan C., Merve E. and Mehmet D. (Ed.), in Selected Topics in Social Sciences -8 (207-238 pp), Ankara: İksad Yayınevi. (December 2022) |
Akdogan, C. Green Packaging, Onur Ç. (Ed.), in Sustainability and Technology in Supply Chain Management (39-75 pp), Çanakkale: Paradigma Akademi. (October 2022) |
Akdogan, C. Email Marketing, Bil, E and Özdemir, E (Ed.), in Strategic Digital Marketing (159-180 pp), İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım. (September 2021) |
Akdogan, C. Transmedia Storytelling in Social Media, D. T. Akkaya and S. Ozhan (Ed.), The Power of Marketing in Social Media: Concepts, Operations and Current Approaches in (357-382 pp.), Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi. (August 2021) |
Akdogan, C. Consumer Behavior, A. S. Unsar (Ed.), Behavioral Sciences in (543-588 pp), Canakkale: Paradigma Akademi. (August 2021) |
Akdogan, C. Consumer Behavior and Neuromarketing. D. Karaman (Ed.), Consumer Behavior - I Current Academic Studies in (221-253 pp.), Konya: Eğitim Publisher. (April 2021) |
Akdogan C., Akyol, A., "An Exploratory Approach to the Analysıs of Advertısement Effectıveness on Functıonal, Cognıtıve and Genetıc Responses of Subjects Exposed to Dıfferent Advertısement Content", Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, Vol 12, No 24, 417-434, July 2019 (July 2019) |
Akdogan C., Akyol, A., “A Exploratory Approach to the Analysis of Advertisement Effectiveness on Functional, Cognitive and Genetic Responses of Subjects Exposed to Different Advertisement Content”, 23rd Marketing Congress, June 27-29, 2018, Kocaeli, Turkey. (June 2018) |
Yılmaztürk, Y. (ed), Akdoğan, Ç. (ed) (2023). Selected Topics in Marketing: Concepts and Studies. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub199. License: CC-BY-NC 4.0 (September 2023) |
Higher Education Council Outstanding Achievement Awards: Doctoral Thesis of the Year Award (October 2021) |
6th International EMI Entrepreneurship & Social Sciences Congress: Best Paper Award (September 2021) |
24. Marketing and Marketing Research Association (PPAD) Marketing Congress Mehmet Oluç Best Paper Awards. "Analysis of Advertisement Effectiveness on Functional, Cognitive and Genetic Responses of Subjects Exposed to Different Advertisement Content" (May 2019) |
2. Trakya Project Market (R & D and Technology Competition) First Prize. "Neuroprint: Neuromarketing Analysis Set Determining Advertising Effectiveness with Mirna Relationship and Transcriptomic Cognitive-Functional Networking" (December 2018) |