» Educational Qualifications

» Publications

SCI-SSCI or SCI Expanded Articles

  • .F. TUNA, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, B. H. CAN, H. TUNA, Rapid Geriatric Assessment, Physical Activity, and Sleep Quality in Adults Aged more than 65 Years: A Preliminary Study, Journal of Nutrition Health Aging, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 617-622, 7, 2019.
  • .G. YILMAZ, S. ÜSTÜNDAG, O. TEMIZÖZ, N. SÜT, M. A. DEMIR, V. ERMIS, C. SEVINÇ, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness in Chronic Kidney Disease, Clinical Laboratory, vol. 61, no. 08/2015, pp. 1061-1070, 1, 2015.
  • .S. ÜSTÜNDAG, G. YILMAZ, C. SEVINÇ, S. AKPINAR, O. TEMIZÖZ, N. SÜT, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, Carotid intima media thickness is independently associated with urinary sodium excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease, Renal Failure, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 1285-1292, 9, 2015.
  • .A. ÜSTÜNDAG, A. A. TUGRUL, S. ÜSTÜNDAG, N. SÜT, B. DEMIRKAN, The Effects of Spironolactone on Nephron Function in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, Renal Failure, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 982-991, 7, 2009.

International Articles

  • V. K. ÇOBAN, S. ÜSTÜNDAG, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, N. SÜT, Son Dönem Kronik Böbrek Hastalarinda Alti Aylik Hemodiyaliz Tedavisinin Kognitif Fonksiyona Etkisi, Turkish Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 178-188, 5, 2018. (May 2018)
  • I. KILIÇ, E. M. ÖZEKIN, I. KURULTAK, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, Recurrent Cathartic Use and Acute Kidney Injury, BANTAO Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 32-34, 2018. (January 2018)
  • .R. AK, S. ÜSTÜNDAG, A. ÜSTÜNDAG, F. B. GÜLDIKEN, N. SÜT, Kronik Böbrek Hastaliginda Bilissel Fonksiyon Bozuklugu: Diyaliz Modalitesinin Etkisi, Turkish Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 283-293, 2015.
  • Hepatotoxicity and Anti-Nuclear Antibody Positivity During Methimazole Therapy for Thyrotoxicosis: A Case Report A Gokyer, M Celik, H Celik, S Ayturk, S Guldiken, A Tugrul, A Ustundag, ... Journal of Medical Cases 6 (1), 30-32

International Conference Proceedings

  • .A. ÜSTÜNDAG, Preoperatif Biyokimyasal Belirteçler ile Soliter Paratiroid Adenom Volümünün Iliskisi, Trakya Üniversiteler Birligi III. Uluslararasi Saglik Bilimleri Kongresi, ÇANAKKALE-TÜRKIYE.

International Conferences and Symposiums

  • Cognitive dysfunction in chronic renal disease: impact of dialysis modality. R. Ak, A. Üstündağ, B. Güldiken, N. Süt, S. Şen. 15th congress of the international society for peritoneal dialysis, 2014 (September 2014)
  • Time-to-diagnosis in inflammatory bowel disease. G. Can, A. Tezel, G. Ünsal, A. Üstündağ, H. Ümit, A.R. Soylu. Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Gastroenterology Department, Edirne, Turkey. 9th Congress of ECCO, Copenhagen, 2014. (February 2014)
  • The rate of drug usage and side-effects in inflammatory bowel disease. G. Can, A. Tezel, G. Ünsal, A. Üstündağ, H. Ümit, A.R. Soylu. Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Gastroenterology Department, Edirne, Turkey. 9th Congress of ECCO, Copenhagen, 2014. (February 2014)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease and pregnancy; our clinical experience. A. Tezel, G. Can, G. Dökmeci, A. Üstündağ, H.C. Ümit, A.R. Soylu. Trakya University Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Edirne, Turkey. 8th Congress of ECCO, Vienna, 2013. (February 2013)
  • Surgery during first 10 years of inflammatory bowel disease; our clinical experience. G. Can, A. Tezel, H.C. Ümit, A. Üstündağ, G. Dökmeci, A.R. Soylu. Trakya University Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Edirne, Turkey. 8th Congress of ECCO, Vienna, 2013. (February 2013)
  • Assessment of thrombin formation in patients with ulcerative colitis without a history of thrombotic events M Demir, S Halhalli, A Tezel, A Ustundag, G Can, E Umit JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS 11, 316-317

National Conferences and Symposiums

  • Primer hipertansiyon: tuz kısıtlaması ve aterojenisite. Z. Özgen, S. Üstündağ, H. Kunduracılar, A. Üstündağ, B. Alıcı, S. Şen. 27. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, 2010. (September 2010)

Referee Positions

  • "Filiform polyposis in ulcerative colitis: A rare pediatric case" . BalkMedJ-2018 (March 2018)


  • Primer Hipertansiyon: Tuz Kısıtlaması ve Aterojenisite. Z. Özgen, S. Üstündağ, H. Kunduracılar, A. Üstündağ, B. Alıcı, S. Şen. Anadolu Böbrek Vakfı En İyi Poster Ödülü. Türk Nefroloji Derneği 27. Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, 2010. (September 2010)


  • Cleveland Clinic İç Hastalıkları. Çeviri editörü Prof. Dr. Ahmet Muzaffer Demir. Bölüm 57 Diyare ve Malabsorbsiyon. 2014