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Solmaz, V., Özlece, H.K., Him, A., Güneş, A., Cordano, C., Aksoy, D., Çelik, Y.: Evaluation of the association between sexual dysfunction and demyelinating plaque location and number in female multiple sclerosis patients. Neurol. Res. 40(8), 683–688 (2018) (March 2018) |
Işıklı G.A., Güneş A., Dinçkol Z.R., Determination of Disaster Preparedness of Nurses Working in Adult Internal Medicine-Surgical Emergency Department, Unıon of Thrace Universıtıes VI. Internatıonal Health Scıences Congress 2023 30 November – 01 December, 2023 / Edirne / Türkiye (November 2023) |
Güneş A., Erol Ö., Kehaya S., Effect Of Sour Lıquid Swallowing Function Of The Patients Whith Post-Stroke Dsyphagıa, VI. Uluslararası Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, (Oral Presentation) (November 2023) |
Güneş A, Işıklı AG, Soydaş D. "Investigation of ethical attitudes of nurses in nursing care during the COVID-19 Pandemic period". Union Of Thrace Universities, 4th International Health Sciences Congress, 11-12 November 2021, Kırklareli, Turkey, pp.93. (O-80, Oral Virtual Presentation) (November 2021) |
Güneş A., Erol Ö., Ünsar S., Multiple Sclerosis and Self-Managment, 2 nd Internatıonel Internal Medicine nursing Congress, 17-19 December, İzmir, 2020 (poster Presentation) (December 2020) |
Investigation of the Ethical Attitudes of Internal Medicine and Surgical Nurses: The Case of a University Hospital (February 2024) |
Erol Ö., Ünsar S., Yacan L., Güneş A., Innovation Characteristics of Nurses and Their Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Nursing, JERN 2022; 19(1): 33-39 (Original Article DOI: 10.5152/jern.2022.55563) |