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Taskin D, Taskin C, Yazar S, Colak A. Real-Time Low Energy Indoor Positioning System to Efficient Use of Operating Theaters with Medical Asset and Staff Tracking. Romanıan Journal Of Informatıon Scıence And Technology. Volume 27, Number 2, 2024, 151–165. (2024 sci-expand, q2, ISSN: 1453-8245) (July 2024) |
Comparison of the Analgesic Effect of Pericapsular Nerve Group Block and Lumbar Erector Spinae Plane Block in Elective Hip Surgery (June 2024) |
S Is Music The Food Of The Anesthesia In Children? World Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2022;5:e000328. doi:10.1136/ wjps-2021-000328 (2022) (May 2022) | 1 ATIF |
Peri-operative blood transfusion in elective major surgery: incidence, indications and outcome - an observational multicentre study. Blood Transfus. 2020 Jul;18(4):261-279. doi: 10.2450/2020.0011-20. https://typeset.io/papers/peri-operative-blood-transfusion-in-elective-major-surgery-1jkn7xcep7?msID=1f6ef09f-cbcf-4ffc-b759-64b92b584f50 (July 2020) | 6 ATIF |
A Comparison of the Effects of Different Types of Laryngoscope on the Cervical Motions: Randomized Clinical Trial” Balkan Med J 32: 176-182, (2015). (April 2015) | 4 ATIF |
The effect of methylene blue treatment on aspiration pneumonia. The Journal of Surgical Research 193: 909–919 (2015). (February 2015) | 6 ATIF |
Modified 45-degree head-up tilt increases success rate of lumbar puncture in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia.” J Anesth 28(4): 544-8, (2014) (August 2014) | 6 ATIF |
Lateral Trendelenburg With The Injection Side Under Position After The Block Improves The Efficacy Of Axillary Approach Of Brachial Plexus Block” J Anesth 28(4): 538-43, (2014). (August 2014) |
.S. Sahin, E. Copuroglu, H. Ugur, G. Sagiroglu, A. Colak, Anaesthesia Management of a Child with West Syndrome, 10.5152/TJAR.2014.65002, TURKISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND REANIMATION, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 362-364, 2014. |
Comparison Of Risk Indexes Used In Determining The Postoperative Respiratory Insufficiency Risk”, Nobel Medicus, 9(2): 26-31, (2013). (May 2013) |
Comparison of temporal artery, nasopharyngeal, and axillary temperature measurement during anesthesia in children.” J Clin Anesth, 24(8): 647-51, (2012). (December 2012) | 15 ATIF |
Comparıson Of Different Anesthetic Techniques On Postoperative Outcomes In Elderly Patients With Hıp Fracture.” Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi: 32 (3): 623-629 (2012). (June 2012) | 6 ATIF |
Preventive effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on glycerol-induced myoglobinuric acute renal failure in rats.” J Mol Histol 43 (2): 161-70 (2012). (April 2012) | 11 ATIF |
What can anthropometric measurements tell us about the Mallampati classification?” Balkan Medical Journal 29 (1): 68-72 (2012). (March 2012) | 3 ATIF |
Valproic Acid Intoxication With Suicide Attempt In A Pediatric Patient: Case Report.” Pediatr Int 53: 781-783 (2011). (October 2011) | 1 ATIF |
Effects of bupivacaine versus levobupivacaine on pulmonary function in patients with COPD undergoing urologic surgery: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.” Current Therapeutic Research 72: 164-172 (2011). (August 2011) | 1 ATIF |
A retrospective trial comparing the effects of different anesthetic techniques on phantom pain after lower limb amputation.” Current Therapeutic Research 72: 127-137 (2011). (July 2011) | 14 ATIF |
Investigation of the availability of tongue movements in mallampati classification.” Saudi Med J 32: 607-611 (2011). (July 2011) | 3 ATIF |
Effect of epidural levobupivacaine on recovery from vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery.” Anaesth Intensive Care 39: 607-610 (2011). (July 2011) | 5 ATIF |
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on aspiration pneumonia.” J Mol Histol 42: 301-310 (2011). (April 2011) | 6 ATIF |
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A Vivid Example of Angioedema.” Internal and Emergency Medicine 4: 347-348 (2009). (August 2009) |
A Severe Complication of Accidentally Epidural Administration of Gluteraldehyde.” Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 26: 83-86 (2009). (March 2009) |
Propofol-Lidokain Karışımı ile Anestezi İndüksiyonunda Yağ Embolisi Gelişimi: Olgu Sunumu (Fat embolism associated with anesthesia induction with propofol-lidocaine combination: A case report)”. Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 25: 52-55 (2008). (April 2008) | 2 ATIF |
The use of esmolol and magnesium to prevent haemodynamic responses to extubation after coronary artery grafting.” Eur J Anaesthesiol 24: 826-831 (2007) (September 2007) | 17 ATIF |
Yüsek Kardiyak Riskli Hastada Sürekli Spinal Anestezi Uygulaması: Olgu Sunumu (Continuous spinal anesthesia application in a patient with high cardiac risk: case report).” Trakya Univ Tıp Fak Derg 24: 150-152 (2007). (August 2007) | 1 ATIF |
Preoperative oral celecoxib versus preoperative oral rofecoxib for pain relief after thyroid surgery.” Eur J Anaesthesiol, 20: 490-495 (2003). (June 2003) | 24 ATIF |
Effects of Aminophylline on Recovery of Sevoflurane.” Eur J Anaesthesiol, 19: 452-454 (2002). (June 2002) | 12 ATIF |
Post-Operative Malignant Hyperthermia in a Child after Colon Interposition (December 2015) |
Comparison Of The Use Of Thoracic Epidural Analgesia In Awake Patients Versus General Anesthesia Undergoing Intra-Abdominal Surgery”, Trakia Journal of Sciences, 3: 250-8, (2014). (September 2014) |
Anesthesia Management in a patient with Takayasu Arteritis (March 2018) |
Elektif Cerrahi Girişimlerde Uygulanan Farklı Anestezi Tekniklerinin Perfüzyon İndeksine Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması. (March 2018) |
Anesthesia Management of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Syndrome. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. PP-178, p: 379-380. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November 2017. (November 2017) |
Airway Management in Patient Which Have Mandibualr Fracture and Hyperparathyroidism. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. OP-74, p: 305. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November 2017. (November 2017) |
Anesthesia Management in Emergency Conditions Neurofibromatosis Pregnancy. Association of Thrace Universities 1st International Health Sciences Congress. PP-142, p:199. Edirne, Turkey, 23-25 November 2017 (November 2017) |
Prediction of difficult intubation using tongue mobility. XXIII. Congress Of The Bulgarian Anatomical Society. Varna Bulgaria, 5-7 October (2017). Sözlü sunu (October 2017) |
New anthropometric measurements for predicting difficult intubation: the goniomastoid distance and the thyrogonial distance. XXIII CONGRESS OF THE BULGARIAN ANATOMICAL SOCIETY. Varna Bulgaria, 5-7 October (2017). Sözlü sunu (October 2017) |
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on aspiration pneumonia. Euroanaesthesia 2016. London UK, 28-30 May (2016). (May 2016) |
Modified 45-degree head-up tilt increases success rate of lumbar puncture in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. Euroanaesthesia 2016. London UK, 28-30 May (2016). (May 2016) |
Comparison of temporal artery, nasopharyngeal, and axillary temperature measurement during anesthesia in children”. Euroanaesthesia 2015. Berlin Germany, 30 May-2 June 2015. SAP 4-5. (June 2015) |
Effects of Dexmedetomidine and Esmolol on Hemodynamic Response to Tracheal Intubation.” Euroanaesthesaia 2005, Annual Meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 22 (Suppl 34), 134-135, A-514, 28-31 May, Vienna, Austria 2005. (May 2005) | 1 ATIF |
6th International Conference for Pain Treatment 28-29 October 2016, Prizren, Kosova (Konuşmacı: Labour Analgesia) (October 2016) |
Şenveli M, Çolak A, Yılmaz ME, Hekimoglu Sahin S, Turan FN. Effects of postoperative three-balls respiratory exercise on respiratory function tests in smoking patients who underwent extremity surgery under generel anesthesia.. Hipokrat Tıp Dergisi. 2023; 3(1): 25-31. (April 2023) |
Ozen E, Colak A, Hekimoglu S, Arar C. Sigara İçen Ve İçmeyenlerde Genel Anestezi Sırasında Kullanılan Taze Gaz Akımının Karboksihemoglobin Düzeylerine Etkisi. Eskisehir Medical Journal 2023; 4(1): 29-33. doi: 10.48176/esmj.2023.100 (March 2023) |
Sugammadex-Induced Hypersensitivity Reaction in a Pediatric Patient (Pediatrik Vakada Sugammadeks Enjeksiyonunu Takiben Oluşan Hipersensitivite Reaksiyonu). Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim 2018; 46: 66-8. (January 2018) | 3 ATIF |
Mandibula Kırığı Olan Hipertiroidili Hastada Anestezi Yönetimi- Olgu Sunumu (Anesthesia Management of a Patient Having Hyperparathyroidism and Mandibular Fracture- Case Report). Journal of Anesthesia – JARSS 2017; 25(1): 50,52. (March 2017) |
Şahin SH, Çolak A, Arar MC. Epidermolizis Büllosalı Hastada Anestezi Yönetimi: Olgu Sunumu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim 8: 157-160 (2010). (August 2010) |
Çakıcı Z, Sağ F, Çolak A. Pediyatrik Anestezide Kritik Preoperatif Muayene. Fallot Tetralojisi. 53. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kongresi, 7-10 Kasım 2019, Susesi Resort Hotel, Antalya, Türkiye, Program Kitabı ve Genel Bilgiler, P-176, S: 72. (November 2019) |
Atriyoventriküler Blok’lu Kalp Pili Olan Hastada Sugammadex Kullanımı. Olgu Sunumu. 50. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kongresi, 26-30 Ekim 2016, Haliç kongre Merkezi, İstanbul, Türkiye, Program Kitabı ve Genel Bilgiler, P-271, S: 66. (October 2016) |
Allerjik Astım Öyküsü Olan Çocuk Hastada Sugammadex Kullanımı: Olgu Sunumu. 50. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kongresi, 26-30 Ekim 2016, Haliç kongre Merkezi, İstanbul, Türkiye, Program Kitabı ve Genel Bilgiler, P-203, S: 60. (October 2016) |
Anestezi Teknisyen ve Teknikerleri Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitimi, Konuşmacı, 11-12 Nisan 2015, Edirne (April 2015) |
Anestezi Teknisyen ve Teknikerleri Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitimi, Düzenleme Kurulu Üyesi, 11-12 Nisan 2015, Edirne (April 2015) |
Edirne Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurul Üyeliği (January 2017) |
Edirne Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu Üyeliği (January 2016) |
Manuscript ID: BalkanMedJ-2022-1-62EFFECTS OF CAUDAL AND PENILE BLOCKS ON THE COMPLICATION RATES OF HYPOSPADIAS REPAIRType: Original Article Submitted: 2022-01-17 (February 2022) |
Türkiye Klinikleri Anesteziyoloji Reanimasyon Dergisi (May 2018) |
Comparison of pressure-controlled ventilation with volumecontrolled ventilation during laparoscopic bariatric surgery: Effects on peripheral tissue oxygenation (April 2015) |
Rapid fluid administration and the incidence of hypotension induced by spinal anaesthesia and ephedrine requirement: crystalloid versus colloid coloading (December 2014) |
Acupuncture and bee venom therapy versus diclofenac in the chronic low back pain treatment (October 2014) |
Relation between Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Postoperative Extubation With The Use of Preoperative Steroid in Treatment of Ventricular Septal Defect Surgery (May 2014) |
Ultrasound-guided lateral sagittal infraclavicular block in upper extremity with flexion contracture (February 2014) |
Silver save: Özel aparatı sayesinde fonksiyonel kullanıma sahip yenilikçi pratik ve kolay kullanımlı sürdürülebilir güvenli antibakteryel yara sprey prototip imalatı (December 2023) |
.E. Copuroglu, A. Colak, G. Sagiroglu, C. Copuroglu, I. Gunday, Airway management with supraglottic airway device at pierre robin sequence, BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 108, pp. 282-282, 2012. |