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Prof. Dr. Ahmet Asan is graduated from Hacettepe University-Ankara, Department of Biology in 1984, the be assigned as research assistant in Trakya University between the 1985-1993 years. He finished MSc education in 1987 and PhD education in 1992. Then be assigned as Assistant Professor in Trakya University Department of Biology 1993. Then he succeed Associate Professor Exam and be assigned in 1996 and also be appointed as professor doctor in Trakya University Deparment of Biology in 2002. He is studying about mycology.
Giray, G., Zimowska, B., Asan, A. (2022). Airborne mycotoxigenic fungi in Türkiye and Poland. Mycotaxon. 137 (3): 617-617. https://doi.org/10.5248/137.617 (May 2022) |
Ökten S, Şen B, Kaynak Onurdağ F, Kolukırık M, Asan A. Is new generation sequencing an alternative to cultivation based methods for investigating fungal diversity in indoor air samples? Aerobiologia. 36 (3): 433-440, 2020. Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10453-020-09642-y?utm_source=toc (August 2020) |
Sert E, Asan A, Ergül CC. Determination of Protosteliomycetes group organisms isolated from forestry and wildlife saving area of Uludag University Campus, Bursa-Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 29 (1): 130-142, 2020. (February 2020) |
Tikveşli M, Asan A, Gurcan S, Sen B. Airborne fungal biodiversity in indoor and outdoor air of three mosques in Edirne City, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 27 (8): 5252-5258, 2018. (August 2018) |
Yılmaz O, Asan A, Aydogdu H, Sen B. Airborne fungal diversity inside a nursing home in Edirne, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26 (12): 7025-7033, 2017. (December 2017) |
Kocak Z, Sut N, Asan A. Development and Progress of Balkan Medical Journal. Balkan Medical Journal. 34 (5): 385-387, 2017. Link: http://balkanmedicaljournal.org/uploads/pdf/pdf_BMJ_1768.pdf (October 2017) |
Demirel R, Sen B, Kadaifciler D, Yoltas A, Okten S, Ozkale E, Berikten B, Samson RA, Uztan Hali,ki A, Yilmaz N, Abaci Gunyar O, Aydogdu H, Asan A, Kivanc M, Ozdil S, Sakartepe E. Indoor airborne fungal pollution in newborn units in Turkey. Environmetal Monitoring and Assessment. 189 (7): 362, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-6051-y. Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10661-017-6051-y (June 2017) |
de Jong Y, Kouwenberg J, Boumans L, Hussey C, Hyam R, Nicolson N, Kirk P, Paton A, Michel E, Guiry M, Boegh P, Pedersen H, Enghoff H, von Raab-Straube E, Güntsch A, Geoffroy M, Müller A, Kohlbecker A, Berendsohn W, Appeltans W, Arvanitidis C, Vanhoorne B, Declerck J, Vandepitte L, Hernandez F, Nash R, Costello M, Ouvrard D, Bezard-Falgas P, Bourgoin T, Wetzel F, Glöckler F, Korb G, Ring C, Hagedorn G, Häuser C, Aktaç N, Asan A, Ardelean A, Borges P, Dhora D, Khachatryan H, Malicky M, Ibrahimov S, Tuzikov A, De Wever A, Moncheva S, Spassov N, Chobot K, Popov A, Boršić I, Sfenthourakis S, Kõljalg U, Uotila P, Olivier G, Dauvin J, Tarkhnishvili D, Chaladze G, Tuerkay M, Legakis A, Peregovits L, Gudmundsson G, Ólafsson E, Lysaght L, Galil B, Raimondo F, Domina G, Stoch F, Minelli A, Spungis V, Budrys E, Olenin S, Turpel A, Walisch T, Krpach V, Gambin M, Ungureanu L, Karaman G, Kleukers R, Stur E, Aagaard K, Valland N, Moen T, Bogdanowicz W, Tykarski P, Węsławski J, Kędra M, M. de Frias Martins A, Abreu A, Silva R, Medvedev S, Ryss A, Šimić S, Marhold K, Stloukal E, Tome D, Ramos M, Valdés B, Pina F, Kullander S, Telenius A, Gonseth Y, Tschudin P, Sergeyeva O, Vladymyrov V, Rizun V, Raper C, Lear D, Stoev P, Penev L, Rubio A, Backeljau T, Saarenmaa H, Ulenberg S (2015). PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5848. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e5848. Published 28 Sept. 2015. Internet: http://bdj.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=5848 ISNN: 1314-2828. (September 2015) |
Okten S, Sen B, Asan A, Bahadir N. Airborne microfungi in Oncology Service of Medical School Hospital of Trakya University. Indoor and Built Environment. 24 (6): 771-776, 2015. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X14533712. (September 2015) |
Okten S, Asan A. Airborne fungi and bacteria in indoor and outdoor environment of the Pediatric Unit of Edirne Government Hospital. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 184 (3) : 1739-1751, 2012. (March 2012) |
David L. Hawksworth, Pedro W. Crous, Scott A. Redhead, Don R. Reynolds, Robert A. Samson, Keith A. Seifert, John W. Taylor, Michael J. Wingfield, Özlem Abaci, Catherine Aime, Ahmet Asan, Feng-Yan Bai, Z. Wilhelm de Beer, Dominik Begerow, Derya Berikten, Teun Boekhout, Peter K. Buchanan, Treena Burgess, Walter Buzina, Lei Cai, Paul F. Cannon, J. Leland Crane, Ulrike Damm, Heide-Marie Daniel, Anne D. van Diepeningen, Irina Druzhinina, Paul S. Dyer, Ursula Eberhardt, Jack W. Fell, Jens C. Frisvad, David M. Geiser, József Geml, Chirlei Glienke, Tom Gräfenhan, Johannes Z. Groenewald, Marizeth Groenewald, Johannes de Gruyter, Eveline Guého-Kellermann, Liang-Dong Guo, David S. Hibbett, Seung-Beom Hong, G. Sybren de Hoog, Jos Houbraken, Sabine M. Huhndorf, Kevin D. Hyde, Ahmed Ismail, Peter R. Johnston, Duygu G. Kadaifciler, Paul M. Kirk, Urmas Kõljalg, Cletus P. Kurtzman, Paul-Emile Lagneau, C. André Lévesque, Xingzhong Liu, Lorenzo Lombard, Wieland Meyer, Andrew Miller, David W. Minter, Mohammad Javad Najafzadeh, Lorelei Norvell, Svetlana M. Ozerskaya, Rasime Öziç, Shaun R. Pennycook, Stephen W. Peterson, Olga V. Pettersson, William Quaedvlieg, Vincent A. Robert, Constantino Ruibal, Johan Schnürer, Hans-Josef Schroers, Roger Shivas, Bernard Slippers, Henk Spierenburg, Masako Takashima, Evrim Taşkın, Marco Thines, Ulf Thrane, Alev Haliki Uztan, Marcel van Raak, János Varga, Aida Vasco, Gerard Verkley, Sandra I.R. Videira, Ronald P. de Vries, Bevan S. Weir, Neriman Yilmaz, Andrey Yurkov, Ning Zhang. The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature. Ima Fungus. 2 (1): 105-112, 2011 (July 2011) |
Asan A. Checklist of Fusarium Species Reported from Turkey. Mycotaxon. 116 (1): 479, 2011 (Last update: May 14, 2023). Link: http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/asan-v116-checklist.pdf (January 2011) |
Celtik C, Okten S, Okutan O, Aydogdu H, Bostancioglu M, Ekuklu G, Asan A, Yazicioglu M. Investigation of indoor molds and allergic diseases in public primary schools in Edirne Region of Turkey. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology. 29 (1): 42-49, 2011. |
Asan A, Okten SS, Sen B. Airborne and soilborne microfungi in the vicinity Hamitabat Thermic Power Plant in Kirklareli City (Turkey), their seasonal distributions and relations with climatological factors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 164 (1-4): 221-231, 2010. |
Aydogdu H, Asan A., Tatman Otkun M. Indoor and outdoor airborne bacteria in Child Day-Care Centers in Edirne City (Turkey), seasonal distribution and influence of meteorological factors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 164 (1-4): 53-66, 2010. |
Sen B, Asan A. Fungal Flora in Indoor and Outdoor Air of Different Residential Houses in Tekirdag City (Turkey): Seasonal Distribution and Relationship with Climatic Factors". Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 151 (1-4): 209-219, 2009. |
Aydogdu H, Asan A. Airborne Fungi in the Child Day-Care Centers in Edirne City, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 147 (1-3): 423-444, 2008. |
Erkara IP, Asan A, Yilmaz V, Pehlivan S, Okten SS. Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium species and relationship with Meteorological conditions in Eskisehir City, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 144 (1-3): 31-41, 2008. |
Kara O, Asan A. Microfungal community structure from forest soils in Northern Thrace Region, Turkey. Annals of Microbiology. 57 (2): 149-155, 2007. |
Aydogdu H, Asan A, Tatman-Otkun M, Ture M. Monitoring of Microorganisms in the Indoor Air of Primary Schools in Edirne City, Turkey. Indoor and Built Environment. 14 (5): 411-425, 2005. |
Demirel R, Ilhan S, Asan A, Kinaci E, Oner S. Microfungi in cultivated fields in Eskisehir province (Turkey). Journal of Basic Microbiology. 45 (4): 279-293, 2005. |
Asan A. Aspergillus, Penicillium and related species reported from Turkey. Mycotaxon. 89 (1): 155-157, 2004. Link: http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/asan-v89-checklist.pdf |
Asan A, Ilhan S, Sen B, Potoglu-Erkara I, Filik C, Cabuk A, Demirel R, Ture M, Sarica-Okten S, Tokur S. Airborne fungi and Actinomycetes concentrations in the air of Eskisehir City (Turkey). Indoor and Built Environment. 13 (1): 63-74, 2004. |
Asan A, Kirgiz T, Sen B, Camur-Elipek B, Guner U, Guher H. Isolation, identification and seasonal distribution of airborne and waterborne fungi in Terkos Lake (Istanbul-Turkey). Journal of Basic Microbiology. 43 (2): 83-95, 2003. |
Asan A. Letter to the Editor. Mycopathologia. 156 (2): 49-49, 2002. |
Sarica S, Asan A, Tatman-Otkun M, Ture M. Monitoring indoor airborne fungi and bacteria in the different areas of Trakya University Hospital (Edirne-Turkey). Indoor and Built Environment. 11 (5): 285-292, 2002. |
Asan A, Sen B, Sarica S. Airborne fungi in urban air of Edirne City (Turkey). Biologia. 57 (1): 59-68, 2002. |
Ilhan S, Asan A. Soilborne fungi in wheat fields of Kırka Vicinity (Eskisehir-Turkey). Biologia. 56 (4): 363-371, 2001. |
Asan, A. (2024). Bacterial diversity of the corpses. European Journal of Biology. 83 (1): 106-116. https://doi.org/10.26650/EurJBiol.2024.1441286 (May 2024) |
Asan, A. (2024). Classification of scholarly journals based on journal indexes coverage (Классификация научных журналов с опорой на индексы цитирования). Nauchnye I Tekhnicheskie Biblioteki - Scientific and Technical Libraries (NTB). 5: 56-84. https://doi.org/10.33186/1027-3689-2024-5-56-70 (May 2024) |
Gedik G, Asan H, Özyurt A., Allı H, Asan A, Nazlı H, Sarp Ö. Effect of gel formulation obtained from Fomes fomentarius on bleeding and clotting time: A pilot study. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 50 (3): 216-223, (2020). Link for full text: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1477915 (December 2020) |
Firildak G, Asan A, Goren E. Chicken Carcasses Bacterial Concentration at Poultry Slaughtering Facilities. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 8 (1): 16-29, 2015. ISSN 1996-3351 / DOI: 10.3923/ajbs.2015.16.29. Link: http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/knowledgia/ajbs/2015/16-29.pdf (May 2015) |
Yazicioglu M, Asan A, Ones U, Vatansever U, Sen B, Ture M, Bostancioglu M, Pala O. Indoor airborne fungal spores and home characteristics in asthmatic children from Edirne region of Turkey. Allergologia et Immunopathologia. 32 (4): 197-203, 2004. |
Asan A, Sesli E, Gucin F, Stojchev G. The taxonomy of Myriostoma coliforme and Phellinus ribis (Basidiomycetes): first reports from European Turkey. Botanika Chronika. 15: 45-49, 2002. |
Sen B, Asan A. Airborne fungi in vegetable growing areas of Edirne city, Turkey. Aerobiologia. 17 (1): 69-75, 2001. |
Simsekli Y, Gucin F, Asan A. Isolation and identification of indoor airborne fungal contaminants of food production facilities and warehouses in Bursa, Turkey. Aerobiologia. 15 (3), 225-231, 1999. |
Asan A, Giray G, Demirel R, Aydoğdu H. Single name nomenclature of fungi and its some reflections since 2011 especially in Turkey. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC’ 19). Book of Proceedings and Abstracts. (Eds.: Gıyasettin Kaşık, Celaleddin Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin Doğan, Ilgaz Akata, Sinan Aktaş, Gönül Eroğlu, Sinan Alkan, Hatice Esra Akgül). e-ISBN: 978-605-184-186-1. Sage Yay. Reklam Matbaacılık. pp 121-121. Abstract. September 4-6, 2019, Konya-Turkey. Ekim 2019. Link: http://emckonya.org/uploads/files2/EMC19_Book.pdf (October 2019) |
Ayva F, Ouzeir G, Demirel, R, Şen, B, Asan A, Kadaifçiler D. Biodiversity of heat resistance soil fungi in agricultural areas of Eskişehir Province. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC’ 19). Book of Proceedings and Abstracts. (Eds.: Gıyasettin Kaşık, Celaleddin Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin Doğan, Ilgaz Akata, Sinan Aktaş, Gönül Eroğlu, Sinan Alkan, Hatice Esra Akgül). e-ISBN: 978-605-184-186-1. Sage Yay. Reklam Matbaacılık. pp 120-120. Abstract. September 4-6, 2019, Konya-Turkey. Ekim 2019. Link: http://emckonya.org/uploads/files2/EMC19_Book.pdf (October 2019) |
Giray G, Giray AD, Asan A. Hasta bina sendromu ve mikroorganizmaların etkisi. 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC’ 19). Book of Proceedings and Abstracts. (Eds.: Gıyasettin Kaşık, Celaleddin Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin Doğan, Ilgaz Akata, Sinan Aktaş, Gönül Eroğlu, Sinan Alkan, Hatice Esra Akgül). e-ISBN: 978-605-184-186-1. Sage Yay. Reklam Matbaacılık. pp 46-48. Full text. September 4-6, 2019, Konya-Turkey. Ekim 2019. Link: http://emckonya.org/uploads/files2/EMC19_Book.pdf (October 2019) |
Asan A. Analysis of distribution rates of some publications that contains Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria and Cladosporium fungal genera originated in some countries via Web of Science Database (1.1.1900 - 25.7.2019). 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC’ 19). Book of Proceedings and Abstracts. (Eds.: Gıyasettin Kaşık, Celaleddin Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin Doğan, Ilgaz Akata, Sinan Aktaş, Gönül Eroğlu, Sinan Alkan, Hatice Esra Akgül). e-ISBN: 978-605-184-186-1. Sage Yay. Reklam Matbaacılık. pp 2-9. Full text. September 4-6, 2019, Konya-Turkey. Ekim 2019. (Davetli Konuşmacı – Invited speaker). Link: http://emckonya.org/uploads/files2/EMC19_Book.pdf (October 2019) |
Tuz MK, Asan A, Okten S. Determination of Aflatoxin M1 on Follow-on Milk by ELISA Method. 1st International Euroasia Mycology Congress. July 3-4, 2017, Manisa-Turkey. Proceeding Book. 238 pp. Pp. 208. P-78. (July 2017) |
Gedik G, Dulger G, Asan H, Ozyurt A, Alli H, Asan A. Antimicrobial activity of various formulations from Fomes fomentarius (L.) Gillet. 1st International Euroasia Mycology Congress. July 3-4, 2017, Manisa-Turkey. Proceeding Book. 238 pp. Pp. 40-41. O-02 (July 2017) |
Sert E, Asan A, Ergul CC. Determination of Protosteliomycetes group organisms ısolated from forestry and wildlife saving area of Uludag University campus, Bursa-Turkey. 1st International Euroasia Mycology Congress. July 3-4, 2017, Manisa-Turkey. Proceeding Book. 238 pp. Pp. 60-61. O-15 (July 2017) |
Asan H, Asan A. Analysis of publications addressed of Turkey published in three endodontics journals covered by SCI-Expanded Database, 1.1.1900–17.4.2016. Türk Endodonti Derneği 13. Uluslararası Bilimsel Kongresi. 26-29 Mayıs 2016. Ürgüp-Nevşehir (Poster bildiri). Kongre Elektronik Kitabı. Sayfa 241-243, 2016. (May 2016) |
Tikveşli M, Asan A, Gürcan Ş, Şen B. Fungal concentration of indoor and outdoor air in three mosques of Edirne, Turkey and climatic effects. 7. Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases (EACID). September 30-October 03, 2015, Tiflis-Georgia. (Poster). Link: http://www.eacid.org/EACID2015/index.html (September 2015) |
Checklist of Alternaria species reported from Turkey published in journals covered by Web of Science Database. Second International Workshop on Ascomycete Systematics. 22-24 April 2015, Amsterdam-The Netherlands. Proceeding Book. pp. 26. Amsterdam, 2015. Link for full text: |
Demirel R, Kadaifciler D, Sen B, Yoltas A, Berikten D, Taskin E, Okten S, Abaci Gunyar O, Aydogdu H, Haliki Uztan A, Kivanc M, Asan A, Ozdil S, Sakartepe E, Samson RA, Yilmaz N. Cultural and Morphological Identifıcations of Trichocomaceae Members from Indoor Air of Hospitals in Five Cities of Turkey. Page 2.
CBS Symposium Genera and Genomes, 24-25 April 2014, Amsterdam-The Netherlands, Abstracts
Link: |
Demirel R, Kadaifcıler D , Sen B , Yoltas A , Berikten D , Okten S , Aydogdu H , Abaci Gunyar O , Halikı Uztan A , Taskın E , Merih Kivanc M , Asan A , Ozdil S , Sakartepe E, Samson RA , Yılmaz N. Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Trichocomaceae Family From Indoor Air of Hospitals In five Cities of Turkey. CBS Symposium Genera and Genomes, 24-25 April 2014, Amsterdam-The Netherlands, Abstracts. Page 2.
Link: |
Aysegul Yoltas, Rasime Demirel, Burhan Sen, Duygu Kadaifciler, Ozlem Abacı Gunyar, Soner Ozdil, Derya Berikten, Erhan Sakartepe, Suzan Okten, Halide Aydogdu, Evrim Taskın, Alev Haliki Uztan, Ahmet Asan,, Merih Kıvanc, Neriman Yilmaz, Robert A. Samson. Determination of Indoor Microfungal Biodiversity of Potential Infectious Risk in Hospital Newborn Units in Five Provinces of Turkey: Preliminary Results. CBS Spring Symposium, One Fungus : Which Gene(s) (1F = ?G) 2013. Bildiri Kitabi. Sayfa 53-54. Link: http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/News/NewsDetails.aspx?Rec=78 (April 2013) |
Firildak G, Asan A, Okten S. Indoor Microfungal and Bacterial concentration in Chicken Carcases in The Different Sections of A Poultry Processing Plant. CBS symposium: One Fungus = Which Name? (2012). 12-13 April 2012 (Poster)Link: http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/News/abstracts.pdf (April 2012) |
Ertugrul B, Asan A, Sen B. DETERMINATION OF MICROFUNGI IN INDOOR AIR OF SOME COVERED SWIMMING POOLS IN EDIRNE CITY (TURKEY). CBS symposium: One Fungus = Which Name? (2012). 12-13 April 2012 (Poster) Link: http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/News/abstracts.pdf (April 2012) |
Kokver D, Asan A, Sen B. INVESTIGATION ON SEEDBORNE MICROFUNGI ON PACKAGED RICE GRAIN. CBS symposium: One Fungus = Which Name? (2012). 12-13 April 2012 (Poster) Link: http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/News/abstracts.pdf (April 2012) |
Asan A. Checklist of Fusarium Species Reported from Turkey. One Fungus One Name (1F = 1N) Sempozyumunda (19-20 Nisan 2011, Amsterdam-Hollanda) poster bildiri olarak. (Full format of above article was published in Mycotaxon in 2011). (April 2011) |
Aktac N, Yurtsever S, Asan A. A short overview of the FaEu Focal Points and their national functioning. A Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI). First General Meeting – Seville (Spain) 28-29 November 2008. (November 2008) |
Yazicioglu M, Asan A, Ones U, Vatansever U, Sen B, Ture M, Bostancioglu M, Pala O. Indoor Airborne Fungal Spores and Home Characteristics in Asthmatic Children From Edirne Region of Turkey. AAAAI (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunolgy) 58th Annual Meeting. New York, USA. March 1-March 6, 2002. (Above work was published as full article in Allergologia et Immunopathologi in 2004). |
Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Giray, G., Baba, H. (2022). Fungal üreme. Sayfa 97-110. İçinde: Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray (Editörler). Genel Mikoloji. I-XIII + 528 Sayfa. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0. E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7. (October 2022) |
Selçuk, F., Asan, A., Giray, G. (2022). Fungal taksonomi. Sayfa 67-96. İçinde: Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray (Editörler). Genel Mikoloji. I-XIII + 528 Sayfa. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0. E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7. (October 2022) |
Bıyık, H.H., Asan, A. (2022). Fungal Morfoloji. Sayfa 21-46. İçinde: Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray (Editörler). Genel Mikoloji. I-XIII + 528 Sayfa. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0. E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7. (October 2022) |
Demirel, R., Asan, A. (2022). Giriş ve tarihsel gelişim. Sayfa 1-20. İçinde: Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray (Editörler). Genel Mikoloji. I-XIII + 528 Sayfa. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0. E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7. (October 2022) |
Aslan, A., Asan, A. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of the Joint Diseases and Related Surgery: Part-2: The period after the SCI-E (Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Dergisinin Bibliometrik Analizi: Bölüm-2: SCI-E sonrası dönem). Acta Medica Alanya. 8 (3): 236-243. https://doi.org/10.30565/medalanya.1574723 (December 2024) |
Asan, A., Karabıyık, H., Giray, G. (2024). New additions to the list of fungi of Türkiye-3. [Türkiye mantarları listesi’ne yeni ilaveler (3)]. Anatolian Journal of Botany. 8 (2): 114-127. https://doi.org/10.30616/ajb.146098 (October 2024) |
Asan, A., Karabıyık, H., Giray, G. (2024). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi’ne Eklentiler-2 (New Additions to the list of Fungi of Türkiye-2). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi. 11 (1): 25-43. https://doi.org/10.35163/bagbahce.1375946 Tam metin – full text: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/bagbahce/issue/84398/1375946 (April 2024) |
Asan, A., Karabıyık, H., Giray, G. (2023). Türkiye Arke ve Bakterileri Listesine İlaveler: İkinci Güncelleme (New Additions to the List of Archaea and Bacteria of Türkiye: Second Update). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi. 10 (3): 380-388. https://doi.org/10.35163/bagbahce.1298450 (December 2023) |
Asan, A., Giray, G., Aydoğdu, H. (2022). Türkiye Arke ve Bakterileri Listesine İlaveler-1 (New Additions to the list of Archaea and Bacteria of Turkiye-1). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi. 9 (3): 90-98. https://doi.org/10.35163/bagbahce.1112069 (December 2022) |
Asan, A., Selçuk, F., Giray, G., Aydoğdu, H., Ulukapı, M., Ceylan, M.F. (2022). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi’ne İlaveler-1 (New Additions to the list of Fungi of Turkey-1). Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi. 9 (3): 65-89. https://doi.org/10.35163/bagbahce.1130135 (June 2022) |
Gümüşkaya Elbasan D, Asan A, Ökten S. (2021). Bazı kullanılmış kozmetik ürünlerinde fungal çeşitlilik (Fungal diversity in some used cosmetic products). Mantar Dergisi-The Journal of Fungus. 12 (2): 172-179. Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1668273 (October 2021) |
Asan A, Giray G. (2021). Comparison of quartile scores of mycology journals covered by Web of Science and SCImago SCOPUS databases. Mantar Dergisi-The Journal of Fungus. 12 (2): 209-217. (October 2021) |
Tikveşli M, Asan A, Gürcan Ş, Şen B. Fungal biodiversity on slippers and carpets dusts in three mosques of Edirne City, Turkey (Türkiye’de Edirne şehrinin üç camisinde halı tozları ve terliklerde mantar biyoçeşitliliği). Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 11 (2): 105-113, 2020. (October 2020) |
Asan A, Sezgin M, Giray G. Web of Science veritabanı kapsamındaki dergilerde Türkiye adresli tam makalelerin analizi: 1900-2019 (Analysis full articles addressed Turkey in journals covered by Web of Science Database: 1900-2019). Social Sciences (NWSASOS). 15 (4): 1-15, 2020. (May 2020) |
Asan A, Aslan A. Quartile scores of scientific journals: Meaning, importance and usage (Bilimsel Dergilerin Q Değerleri: Anlamı, Önemi ve Kullanımı). Acta Medica Alanya. 4 (1): 102-108, 2020. Link for full text: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/992300 (March 2020) |
Ayva, F., Ouzeir, G., Demirel, R., Şen, B., Asan, A., Kadaifçiler, D. Biodiversity of Heat Resistance Soil Microfungi in Agricultural Areas of Eskisehir Province (Eskişehir İli Tarım Topraklarındaki Isıya Dirençli Toprak Mikrofunguslarının Biyoçeşitliliği). Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 10 (Özel Sayı): 67-78, 2019. Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/900331 (December 2019) |
Asan, A., Giray, G., Demirel, R., Aydoğdu, H. Single name nomenclature of fungi and its some reflections ince 2011 especially in Turkey (Fungusların tek isimle isimlendirilmesi ve 2011’den bu yana özellikle Türkiye’deki yansımaları). Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 10 (Özel Sayı): 50-59, 2019. Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/900276 (December 2019) |
Gedik, G., Dülger, G., Asan, H., Özyurt, A., Allı, H., Asan, A. The antimicrobial effect of various formulations obtained from Fomes fomentarius against hospital isolates. Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 10 (2): 103-109, 2019. Link for full text: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/842182 (October 2019) |
Asan, A., Kıran, K. Yırtıcı-yağmacı dergiler ve açık erişim bilimsel dergilerin ücret talepleri hakkında (About article processing charge of predatory journals and open access journals). Acta Med. Alanya. 3 (2): 203-204, 2019. (Letter to the Editor). Link for full text: https://dergipark.org.tr/medalanya/issue/48174/568774 (August 2019) |
Korur Kolanlarlı, T., Asan, A., Şen, B., Ökten, S. Biodiversity of Penicillium species isolated from Edirne Söğütlük Forest soil (Turkey). Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 10 (1): 26-39, 2019. (April 2019) |
Ayan EG, Asan A, Şen B, Ökten S. Edirne ili Sogutluk ormanı topragından izole edilen Aspergillus türlerinin biyoçeşitliliği (Biodiversity of Aspergillus species isolated from Sogutluk Forest Soil of Edirne City). Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 9 (2): 126-141, 2018. (October 2018) |
Asan A, Karaltı I. Book review: Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Bagbahçe. 78. Issue July-August. pp: 12-13, 2018. (August 2018) |
Tuney E, Asan A, Sen B. Molecular based identification of some stocked microfungi as pure culture according to ITS, beta-tubulin and actin genes. Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 9 (1): 1-17, 2018. (April 2018) |
Ozdil S, Asan A, Sen B, Okten S. Evlerde kullanılan buzdolaplarının iç ortamında havayla taşınan fungusların biyoçeşitliliği (Biodiversity of airborne fungi in the indoor environment of refrigerators using in houses). Mantar Dergisi-The Journal of Fungus. 8 (2): 109-124, 2017. (November 2017) |
Kaya Tuz M, Asan A, Okten S. Devam sütlerinde aflatoksin M1 varlığının Elisa yöntemiyle tespit edilmesi (Determination of Aflatoxin M1 on Follow-on Milk by ELISA Method). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences. 18 (1): 55-58, 2017. DOI: 10.23902/trkjnat.294972. ISNN: 2147-0294; e-ISNN: 2528-2691 Link: http://dergipark.gov.tr/trkjnat/issue/30632/294972 (August 2017) |
Asan A. Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi İndeksleri, Önemleri ve Türkiye Kaynaklı Dergilerin Durumu: Bölüm 2: Türkiye’deki Durum - International Scientific Journal Indexes, Their Importance, and Status of Turkey Journals: Part 2: Situation in Turkey. Acta Medica Alanya. 1 (1): 43-54, 2017. Link: http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/290492 (April 2017) |
Asan A. Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi İndeksleri, Önemleri ve Türkiye Kaynaklı Dergilerin Durumu: Bölüm 1: Bilimsel Dergi İndeksleri -International Scientific Journal Indexes, Importance and Status of Turkey Journals: Part 1: Scientific Journal Indexes. Acta Medica Alanya. 1 (1): 33-42, 2017. Link: http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/290492 (April 2017) |
Asan A, Ozkale E, Kalyoncu F. Checklist of Cladosporium species reported from Turkey. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. 12 (2): 221-229, 2016. (September 2016) |
Asan A. Analyses of Publඈcatඈons Orඈgඈnated from Turkey Publඈshed ඈn 27 Mycology Journals Covered by SCI-Expanded Database, 1.1.1900-5.8.2015. Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 7 (1): 1-17, 2016. Link: http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/mantar/issue/view/5000016922/showToc (May 2016) |
Fırıldak G, Asan A, Ökten S. Indoor airborne microfungin different sections of a poultry processing plant in Sakarya City, Turkey. Mantar Dergisi-The Journal of Fungus. 6 (2): 24-37, 2015. Link: http://www.mantarcilik.selcuk.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/mantar/article/view/96 (October 2015) |
Asan A. Checklist of Alternaria species reported from Turkey. Mantar Dergisi-The Journal of Fungus. 6 (2): 43-57, 2015. Link: http://www.mantarcilik.selcuk.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/mantar/article/view/98 (October 2015) |
Bahadır N, Asan A, Şen B. Investigations Of Microscopic And Macroscopic Structure Of Some Fungal Species in Standard And Modified Media. Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 2 (1-2): 49-56, 2011. |
Mumcu HSK, Asan A. Okten S. Indoor and Outdoor Microfungi of Edirne Selimiye Mosque Library. Mantar Dergisi – The Journal of Fungus. 2 (1): 1-8, 2010. |
Asan A. Phylogenetics and systematics of medically important fungi. Infeksiyon Derg- Turkish Journal of Infection. 21 (2, Suppl): pp 21-31, 2007. 5th National Fungal Diseases and Clinical Mycology Congress, June 21-23, 2013, Canakkale-Turkey. (June 2007) |
Okten SS, Asan A, Sabuncuoğlu Y, Yavuz E. Airborne Fungal Concentrations of Morning and Evening in East Patch of Edirne City Using two Sampling Methods. Trakya Univ Fen Bil Derg-Trakya Univ J Sci. 8 (1): 15-20, 2007. |
Ilhan S, Demirel R, Asan A, Baycu C, Kinacı E. Colonial and morphological characteristics of some microfungal species isolated from agricultural soils in Eskisehir Province (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany. 30 (2): 95-104, 2006. |
Okten SS, Asan A, Tungan Y, Ture M. Airborne fungal concentrations in East patch of Edirne City (Turkey) in Autumn using two sampling methods. Trakya Univ J Sci. 6 (1): 97-106, 2005. (June 2005) |
Asan A. ISI®’nin kullandığı indeksler: SCI-Expanded, SSCI ve AHCI: Tarihsel gelişim, bugünkü durum ve etki faktörü (IF). OrLab Online Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. 2 (5): 1-21, 2004. |
Asan A. Book Review: Identification of Common Aspergillus species, by Dr. Maren A. KLICH (New Orleans-USA). Turkish Journal of Botany. 27 (2): 161-161, 2003. |
Asan A, Ekmekci S. Contribution to the colonial and morphological characteristics of some Aspergillus species isolated from soil. J Fac Sci Ege Univ 25 (1): 121-139, 2002. |
Asan A. Check list of Aspergillus and Penicillium species reported from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 24 (3): 151-167, 2000. |
Stojchev G, Asan A, Gucin F. Some macrofungi species of European part of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 22 (5): 341-346, 1998. |
Simsekli Y, Asan A, Gucin F. Microbiota of Penicillium and Aspergillus species isolated from outdoor air in various districts of Bursa province and their seasonal distribution) (Turkish, with English summary). Kükem Derg. 21 (1): 13-20, 1998. |
Guven K, Kivanc M, Karakas N, Asan A. Determination of microflora of cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imb. in Eskisehir). Kukem Dergisi – Journal of Kukem. 20 (1): 31-36, 1997. |
Asan A. Studies on the microfungi flora occurrence in the corn fields of European Turkey-II. Kukem Dergisi – Journal of Kukem. 20 (1): 9-18, 1997. |
Asan A. Microfungi Flora Occurrence in the Corn Fields of European Part of Turkey-1. Turkish Journal of Biology 21 (1): 89-101, 1997. |
Asan A, Soran H. Taxonomic problems in Fusarium genus. Kukem Dergisi - Journal of Kukem. 18 (1): 9-18, 1995. |
Asan A. Microorganism Culture Collections and Fusarium Research Center, The Pennsylvania State University, USA. Kükem Dergisi – Journal of Kukem. 17 (2): 23-28, 1994. |
Asan A. Preservation of some Fusarium species in the sterile soil media. Kukem Dergisi - Journal of Kukem. 17 (1): 33-38, 1994. |
Asan A, Ekmekçi S. The determination of Penicillium and Aspergillus species in Edirne soils and their seasonal distribution. Turkish Journal of Biology. 18 (4): 291-303, 1994. |
Asan A. Fungal succession on the leaf litters (Turkish, with English summary). Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi. 3 (9): 6-8, 1993. |
Asan A. Biological factors on soil formation (Turkish, with English abstract). Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi. 2 (8): 36-38, 1993. |
Asan A, Yarcı Y. Botany excursions in Trakya Region (Turkish, with English abstract). Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi. 2 (7): 26-29, 1993. |
Asan A, Erdemir Ş. Studies of the colours produced bu Fusarium Link. Ex Fr. 1821 (Deuteromycetes) species in various carbohydrayes cultures II. Fusarium graminearum Schwabe 1838. Kükem Dergisi. 16 (1): 51-60, 1993. |
Asan A. Studies of the colours produced bu Fusarium Link. Ex Fr. 1821 (Deuteromycetes) species in various carbohydrayes cultures I. Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc. 1886. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni. 27 (1): 71-76,1993. |
Asan A. Studies of the colours produced bu Fusarium Link. Ex Fr. 1821 (Deuteromycetes) species in various carbohydrayes cultures III. Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon 1904. Kükem Dergisi. 15 (2): 1-6, 1992. |
Untersuchungen uber die feststellung der pilzeflora an maiskornern in der umgebung von Edirne. Bitki Koruma Bulteni-Plant Protect Bulletin. 27 (1-2): 111-117, 1987. |
Demirel R, Kadaifçiler D, Sen B, Yoltas A, Ökten S, Özkale E, Berikten D, Asan A, Samson RA, Haliki Uztan A, Yilmaz Visagie N, Abacı Günyar Ö, Aydoğdu H, Kıvanç M, Özdil S, Dakartepe E. Indoor Airborne Microfungal Biodiversity of Potential Infectious Risks in Newborn Units of University Hospitals in Turkey. 2nd Nationak Mycology Days 2nd Symposium. 9-11 September 2015, Yeditepe University, Istanbul. Proceeding Book, pp 54-55, 2015. (September 2015) |
Analyses of Publications Originated from Turkey Published in 27 Mycology Journals Covered by Web of Science (SCI-Expanded+SSCI+AH&CI) Database, 1.1.1900-1.6.2015. 2nd National Mycology Days2nd Symposium. 9-11 September 2015, Yeditepe University, Istanbul-Turkey. Proceeding Book, pp 21-22, 2015. (September 2015) |
Gümüşkaya D, Asan A, Ökten S, Şen B. Bazı kullanılmış kozmetik ürünlerinde bulunan mikrofungusların tespiti (Determination of the Microfungi in Certain Cosmetic Products That Were Used). I. Ulusal Mikoloji Günleri I. Ulusal Sempozyum. Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi 1-4 Eylül 2014 Erzurum. P-02, Sayfa 57-58, 2014. (September 2014) |
Asan A. Fungal Kontrol Listeleri (= Check List) ve Türkiye’deki Durum (Fungal Check Lists and status in Turkey). I. Ulusal Mikoloji Günleri I. Ulusal Sempozyum. Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi 1-4 Eylül 2014 Erzurum. S-30, Sayfa 49-50, 2014. (September 2014) |
Özdil S, Asan A, Şen B, Ökten S. Evlerde Kullanılan Buzdolapların İç Havasından İzole Edilen Mikrofunguslar Üzerinde Morfolojik ve Moleküler Çalışmalar. 22. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Kongre Kitabi. M-Mikrobiyoloji-Poster sunum. M-P2-20. Sayfa 1387. 23-27 Haziran 2014, Eskisehir. (June 2014) |
Asan A. Position of Turkish Journals in Web of Science, Impact Factor and h index. 16th National Public Health Congress. October 27-31, 2013, Proceeding Book, pp: 61-79. Akka Antedon, Beldibi-Antalya. http://uhsk.org. ISBN: 978-975-97836-6-2. (October 2013) |
Advanced In Fungal Taxonomy. I. National Medical Mycology Congress. Proceeding Book. pp 3. September 24-26, 2014. Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Ankara. (September 2014) |
SCI-Expanded, SSCI, AHCI and Impact Factor. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık-2005. 3. Ulusal Sempozyumu. 8-9 Nisan 2005, TÜBİTAK-ANKARA. Sempozyum Kitapçığı. S. 221-263, 2005. (Invited presentation) (November 2005) |
Asan, A., Bıyık, H.H. (2024). Mikrofungal kültürleri saklama yöntemleri. Sayfa 746-784. Kısım 5, Bölüm 13. İçinde: Mustafa Yamaç, Ahmet Asan, Hacı Halil Bıyık (Editörler) (2024). Fungal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamaları. e-kitap. ISBN: 978-625-94009-1-4. Mikolojik Araştırmalar Derneği Yayınları No 2. 1012 Sayfa. Konya. https://fbuproje.org.tr/ (November 2024) |
Asan, A. (2024). Adli Mikoloji. Kısım 8, Bölüm 1. pp 939-973. In: Mustafa Yamaç, Ahmet Asan, Hacı Halil Bıyık (Editörler). Fungal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamaları. e-book. Mikolojik Araştırmalar Derneği Yayınları No 2. 1012 Sayfa. Konya. ISBN: 978-625-94009-1-4. Link: https://fbuproje.org.tr/ (October 2024) |
Asan, A., Bıyık, H.H. (2024). Mikrofungal kültürleri saklama yöntemleri (Methods for preservation of microfungal cultures). pp 746-784. Kısım 5, Bölüm 13. In: Mustafa Yamaç, Ahmet Asan, Hacı Halil Bıyık (Eds) (2024). Fungal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamaları. e-book. ISBN: 978-625-94009-1-4. Mikolojik Araştırmalar Derneği Yayınları No 2. 1012 Sayfa. Konya. https://fbuproje.org.tr/ (October 2024) |
Asan, A., Aydoğdu, H., Karaltı, İ., Kocagöz, Z.T. (editörs), Altıntaş Kazar, G., Asan, H., Aygül, A., Bıyık, H.H., Dülger, B., Dülger, G., Ersoy Ömeroğlu, E., Giray, G., Görmez, A., Kadaifçiler, D., Kipritçi, Z., Korkmaz Güvenmez, H., Korkmaz, A.F., Masume Uslu, F., Mercimek Takcı, H.A., Örtücü, S., Özşavlı, A., Poyrazoğlu Çoban, E., Selamoğlu, Z., Sesin Kocagöz, A., Sevindik, M., Türksever Tetiker, A., Uğraş, S., Zorba, N.N. (2021). Türkiye Arke ve Bakterileri Listesi (Checklist of the Archaea and Bacteria of Turkey). 951 pp. Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını. İstanbul-Turkey. ISBN: 9786057000439. Link: https://satis.ang.org.tr/urun/turkiye-arke-ve-bakterileri-listesi/ (December 2021) |
Sesli, E., Asan, A. ve Selçuk, F. (edlr.) Abacı Günyar, Ö., Akata, I., Akgül, H., Aktaş, S., Alkan, S., Allı, H., Aydoğdu, H., Berikten, D., Demirel, K., Demirel, R., Doğan, H.H., Erdoğdu, M., Ergül, C.C., Eroğlu, G., Giray, G., Halikî Uztan, A., Kabaktepe, Ş., Kadaifçiler, D., Kalyoncu, F., Karaltı, İ., Kaşık, G., Kaya, A., Keleş, A., Kırbağ, S., Kıvanç, M., Ocak, İ., Ökten, S., Özkale, E., Öztürk, C., Sevindik, M., Şen, B., Şen, İ., Türkekul, İ., Ulukapı, M., Uzun, Ya., Uzun, Yu.,Yoltaş, A. (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi (The Checklist of Fungi of Turkey). 1177 pp. Publisher: Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı. Istanbul-Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-70004-2-2. Link: http://satis.ang.org.tr/ (December 2020) |
Asan, A., Giray, G. Epidemiology of SARS Cov-2 (Turkish). pp 1-19. İçinde: Koronavirüs pandemisi ve geçmişten günümüze salgın hastalıklar. Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi yayınları. Editör: Mehmet Ali YILDIRIM-Kilis. 2020. 198 Sayfa. Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi Basın Yayın ve Halkla İlişkiler Müdürlüğü. 2020. ISBN: 978-605-70196-0-8. (June 2020) |
Asan, A., Giray, G. Aeromikrobiyoloji. Gece Kitaplığı (Gece Akademi) Yayınları. 143 S. Birinci Baskı. Ankara, 2019. Yayıncı Sertifika No: 15476. Baskı-Cilt Sertifika No: 34559. ISBN: 978-605-7852-71-7. (May 2019) |
Asan A. SCI, Impact Factor, Number of Citations. In Bilimsel Yayınlar Kitabı (416 pp). Editor: Hamdi AKAN. pp: 285-408. Bilimsel Tıp yayınevi, Ankara, 2010. (124 pp book chapter). ISBN No: 978-975-6058-89-3 (December 2010) |
Melek Tikvesli. Fungal concentration in atmosphere of three mosques and their carpets in Edirne City, Turkey. Trakya University, Edirne. (May 2013) |
Gulay FIRILDAK. The Indoor Airborne Microfungal Flora Concentration in Different Sections of A Poultry Processing Plant, Along With The Microfungal and Bacterial Concentration Found in The Chicken Carcases. Trakya University, Edirne. (March 2012) |
Suzan OKTEN. Airborne Fungi and Bacteria in Indoor and Outdoor Environment of Pediatry Unit of Edirne Government Hospital. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Halide Karabiyik AYDOGDU. Airborne fungi and bacteria in the indoor and outdoor of day-care centers in Edirne City, Turkey. Trakya University, Edirne. (January 2006) |
Burhan Sen. Fungal flora in indoor and outdoor air of different residental houses in Tekirdag city (Turkey), seasonal distribution and relatinship with some climatic factors. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Omer Kara. Seasonal changes of the soil microfungi in the pure stands of beech, oak and pine at the mountainous site of Northern Thrace. PhD Thesis. Istanbul University, Istanbul*. *Prof. Dr. Ahmet Asan was deputy advisor for above thesis; the first advisor was Prof. Dr. Dogan Kantarcı (Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry). (May 2002) |
Tuğba Korur Kolanlarlı: Orman toprağından izole edilen Penicillium türleri üzerinde, morfolojik, koloniyal ve moleküler çalışmalar (Penicillium species which isolated from forest soil; morphological, colonial and molecular studies). Yüksek Lisans Tesi – MSc Thesis. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Edirne, 19 Haziran 2017. (June 2017) |
Eda Gizem Ayan: Orman toprağından izole edilen Aspergillus türleri üzerinde, morfolojik, koloniyal ve moleküler çalışmalar (Morphological, colonial and molecular studies of Aspergillus species isolated from forest soil). Yüksek Lisans Tesi – MSc Thesis. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Edirne, 19 Haziran 2017. (June 2017) |
Meltem Kaya Tuz: Devam sütlerinde aflatoksin M1’in araştırılması (Determination of aflatoxin M1 on follow-on milk). Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Edirne, November 03, 2016. (Second Adviser: Assistan Prof. Dr. Suzan Ökten) (November 2016) |
Elcin Tuney: Molecular (based) identification of stocked some microfungi as pure culture according to ITS, β-tubulin and actin genes. Trakya University Intitute of Applied and Natural Sciences Dept of Biology. pp 49. February 23, 2016. Edirne-Turkey (February 2016) |
Ebru Turan Sert. The Definication and Diagnosis of Protosteliomycetes Group Organisims that are Isolated in Forestry and Wildlife Saving Area of Uludağ University Campus. MSc Thesis. (January 2015) |
Dondu Gumuskaya. Determination of the Microfungi in Certain Cosmetic Products. Trakya University, Department of Biology. Edirne. (January 2014) |
Soner Ozdil. Morphological and molecular studies on microfungi isolated from indoor air of refrigerators used at homes. Trakya University, Edirne. (June 2013) |
Donus Kokver. RESEARCH ON RICE-BORNE MICROFUNGI. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Bersan Ertugrul. Determination of fungal flora and total amount of bacteria in pool water at indoor air of different swimming pools in Edirne city. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Ozturk Dundar. Researching of Antimicrobial Activities on Some Species of Fungi to some species of Bacteria. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Oznur Yilmaz. Fungal Flora and Bacteria Concentrations Determine in Indoor Air the Different Stations of Welfare Home in Edirne City (Turkey). Trakya University, Edirne. |
Nurcan Bahadir. Microscopic and Macrosopic Investigations of Some Fungal Species in Standard and Modified Media. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Hanim Sinem Kizilyaprak. Indoor and outdoor airborne microfungi in library of Edirne Selimiye Mosque. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Halide Karabiyik Aydogdu. Bacterial and fungal flora in indoor air of 5 different primary schools of Edirne. Trakya University, Edirne. |
Suzan Sarica Okten. Monitoring indoor airborne fungi and bacteria in THA different parts of Trakya University Hospital (Edirne-Turkey). Trakya University, Edirne. |
Burhan Sen. The Studies on atmospherical fungal flora in vegetable growing fields of Karaağaç region of Edirne province. Trakya University, Edirne. |
- Mycological Society of America (1992-1993) - Turkish Microbiological Society (1987-2016) - Ankara Microbiological Society (1987-2000) (January 2016) |
Bican Süerdem, T (Şef Editör-Editor In Chief)., Özcan Ateş, G., Demirel Zorba, N.N., Asan, A. (Editörler-Editors). (2024). 4th International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC’24) [4. Uluslararası Avrasya Mikoloji Kongresi (EMC’24)]. Book of Proceedings. XXII + 208 pp. September 3-5, 2024, Çanakkale-Türkiye. e-ISBN: 978-625-8278-49-1 (November 2024) |
Mustafa Yamaç, Ahmet Asan, Hacı Halil Bıyık (Editörler) (2024). Fungal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamaları. (Yeni bölümler eklenmiş ve güncellenmiş ikinci Baskı). e-kitap. Mikolojik Araştırmalar Derneği Yayınları No 2. 1012 Sayfa. ISBN: 978-625-94009-1-4. Konya. https://fbuproje.org.tr/ (October 2024) |
Mustafa Yamaç, Ahmet Asan, Hacı Halil Bıyık (Editors). Fungal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamaları. e-book. Mikolojik Araştırmalar Derneği Yayınları No 1. XI + 642 pp. Konya. Link: https://fbuproje.org.tr/ (October 2023) |
Ahmet Asan, Faruk Selçuk, Mustafa Sevindik, Gülay Giray (Editörler) (2022). Genel Mikoloji. (General Mycology) I-XIII + 528 Sayfa. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. Ankara. ISBN: 978-625-427-240-0. E-ISBN: 978-625-427-238-7. (October 2022) |
Asan, A., Aydoğdu, H., Karaltı, İ., Kocagöz, Z.T. (edlr). (2021). Türkiye Arke ve Bakterileri Listesi (Checklist of the Archaea and Bacteria of Turkey). 951 Sayfa. Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını. İstanbul. ISBN: 9786057000439. (December 2021) |
Sesli, E., Asan, A. ve Selçuk, F. (edlr.). (2020). Türkiye Mantarları Listesi (The Checklist of the Fungi of Turkey). XVII + 1177 Sayfa (XVII + 1177 pp). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Yayını. Istanbul. ISBN: 978-605-70004-2-2. (December 2020) |
Member of Editorial Board: Turkish Journal of Botany |
Editor: Trakya University Journal of Science (November 15, 2002-September 07, 2004). Link: http://fenbil.trakya.edu.tr/tujs/ (November 2002) |
Reviewer: Turkish Journal of Botany (May 2016) |
Reviewer: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (February 2016) |
Reviewer: Indoor and Built Environment (October 2015) |
Reviewer: Turkish Journal of Botany (April 2014) |
Reviewer: Science of the Total Environment (January 2014) |
Reviewer Tasks by Asan for some scientific Journals from different countries: Journal of Basic Microbiology (Germany-SCI); Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (The Netherlands-SCI); Atmospheric Environment (USA-SCI); Chemosphere(UK-SCI); Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (Germany-SCI-Expanded); Mycotaxon (USA-SCI-Expanded); Journal of Food Safety (USA-SCI-Expanded); Pharmaceutical Biology (USA-SCI-Expanded); Biofouling (UK-SCI-Expanded); Journal of Environmental Management (UK-SCI-Expanded); Indoor Air (Denmark-SCI); Indoor and Built Environment (Switzerland-SCI-Expanded); Ekoloji (Turkey-Covered by Web of Science in July 21, 2008ı; Turkish Journal of Botany (Turkey-SCI-Expanded since 2009); Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi (Turkeyi-Zoological Record); Journal of Applied Biological Sciences (JABS) [Turkey]; Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (Turkey); Kahramanmaraş Sütcü Imam Universitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi (Turkey); Elektronik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi (Eski Adı: OrLab On-Line Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi) (On-Line dergi); Gazi Univ J Sci (Turkey); Journal of the Faculty of Science (JFS) (Turkey); Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences (Jordan); IUFS Journal of Biology (Turkey-Zoological Record); ANKEM Dergisi (Antibiyotik ve Kemotarepi Derneği (Turkey); Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (Polen-SCI-Expanded); Czech Mycology (Czech Republic; Science of the Total Environment (The Netherlands-SCI). |
Rasime Demirel, Ahmet Asan, Burhan Şen, Duygu Kadaifçiler. Polyphasic Taxonomy of Heat Resistant Species of the Genus Aspergillus from Turkey Soils. (TUBITAK 1001 Project, Researcher) (June 2018) |
Ahmet Asan, Eda Gizem Ayan. Morphological, colonial and molecular studies of Aspergillus species isolated from forest soil (July 2017) |
Some microfungi stocked in pure culture in the laboratory, molecular diagnosis based on ITS, β-tubulin and actin gene sequences (April 2016) |
Performance Project for the year of 2015-2. (January 2016) |
Performance Project for the year of 2015-1. (November 2015) |
Species Discrimination of Fungi by Multilocus Sequence Typing and Establisment of a MLST Database. TUBITAK 1001 Project. (Dr. Burhan SEN and Dr. Ahmet ASAN) (January 2015) |
PESI Project. 2008-2011. (July 2011) |
Coordinator of TUBITAK 1001 research Project entitled "Determination of indoor microfungal biodiversity of potential infectious risk in hospital newborn units in five provinces of Turkey" between the April 2012-June 2015. (January 2011) |
The definition of science, scientific method, definitation of research and type of researchs, error sources in research, research process and techniques, the planning and stages of research. Methods to access knowledge, sampling and accumulation of data. Indexes. Sampling and data collecting methods. Important of statistics. Treat, solution and comments of data. Preparation of main titles of manuscript, title, abstract, introduction, method, results and discussion, proposals. Writing of scientific article. Citation methods from scientific publications, type of citations, type of publications, preparation of table and figures. Choosing of scientific journal for submit of manuscript; evaluation of referee reports and correction of manuscript.