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Lorcu, F., Bolat A.,B,. ATAKİŞİ, A. 2012, “Examining Turkey and member states of European Union in terms of health perspectives of millennium development goals”, Quality & Quantity, Vol. 46, p. 959-978 (December 2012) |
SÖNMEZLER G., ATAKİŞİ A., GÜNDÜZ O., 2007, “EU Fiscal Policies on Process for New Member States”, Romania Within The EU: Opportunities, Requirements and Perspectives, Vol III. 10-11 May, Sibiu / Romanina, pp: 342-346, (May 2007) |
.ATAKISI AHMET,ERDOGAN ALI,ÖNCÜ ERDEM, Investigation of the Relationship Between Financial Development and CO2 Emissions: The Case of Turkey and Cyprus, International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Sciences Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 54-60, 2024. |
.Kazaz Davut, ATAKISI AHMET, Türkiye'de Enerji Tüketimi, CO2 Emisyonlari ve Yabanci Yatirimlar Arasindaki Dinamik Iliskinin Incelenmesi, IDEA STUDIES Journal, vol. 9, no. 52, pp. 1422-1430, 2023. |
.ERDOGAN ALI, ATAKISI AHMET, Bankacilik ve Sigortacilik Lisans Programi Ögrencilerinin Istatistiksel Arastirma ve Problem Çözme Yeteneklerinin Tespiti; Teknolojik Donatilar Ile Gelistirilmesi, IDEA STUDIES Journal, vol. 9, no. 50, pp. 1213-1220, 2023. |
.Öztürk Nil, ATAKISI AHMET, The Effect Of Tax Revenues From Foreign Trade Transactions On The General Budget Of The Covid-19 Period In Turkey, International SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDIES Journal, vol. 8, no. 93, pp. 22-25, 2022. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, CEBECI ATILLA, Kalkinma Planlarinin Kiyaslamali Analizi: Türkiye Örnegi, Journal of Economics and Financial Researches, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 157-172, 2022. |
.UZUNOGLU ISMAIL SADI, ATAKISI AHMET, AKTAÇ ORKUN, The Trade Relations between Turkey and United Kingdom after Brexit and in the Covid-19 Epidemic, Bulgarian Journal of International Economics and Politics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 45-54, 2021. |
Ü. MURAT, A. ATAKISI, Türkiye’de Enflasyon Olgusu ve Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, International Journal of Academic Value Studies (Javstudies JAVS), vol. 4, no. 19, pp. 478-484, 1, 2018. |
.AVCI PINAR,DEMIREL ENGIN,ATAKISI AHMET, The Effect of 2008 Global Financial Crisis on Financial Ratios in Turkish Banking Sector, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, no. 128, pp. 56-64, 2014. |
.DEMIREL ENGIN,ATAKISI AHMET,ATMACA METIN, Financial and Economic Factors Affecting Debt Ratio and ROE ISE Tourism Firms Case, European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 458-466, 2011. |
ATAKİŞİ, A., DEMİREL, E., SÖNMEZLER, G., 2010 “Adam Smith’s view on economic crises: south sea bubble case”, Trakya University Journal of Social Science, Volume 12, No: 2, p.48-58 (June 2010) |
UZUNOĞLU S., AYTAÇ A., ATAKİŞİ A., 2007, “The Future of Raw Material Prices and the World Economy”, Minerals & Energy: Raw Materials Report, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol: 22, No: 3-4 (December 2007) |
.ERDOGAN ALI,ATAKISI AHMET,ÖNCÜ ERDEM,USTAOGLU MEHMET ONUR, Assessing TRNC Banks' Financial Strength and Risk Profiles: Insights from the Bankometer Method, VIII. International Applied Social Sciences Congress - C-iasoS 2024, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 327-335, Peja-KOSOVA. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, Kazaz Davut, Alitoska Kazaz Adjera, Social Media and Communication Strategies in B2B Marketing, Conference "B2B Marketing", vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 325-330. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, YILDIZ NURAL, 2021, Tarimda Örgütlenmenin Ekonomik Etkileri: Edirne Ili Örnegi, 4. Uluslararasi Bölgesel Kalkinma ve Üniversitelerin Rolü Sempozyumu "Edirne'nin Gelecegi", vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-73, Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
.E. KOÇ, A. ATAKISI, 2019, EKONOMIK BÜYÜME: FAKTÖRLER VE HESAPLAMALAR, 3. International Economic Researches and Financial Markets Congress (IEFRM), pp. 244-263, Gaziantep-TÜRKIYE. |
.B. ISÇIMEN, Ö. ÖZDEMIR, A. ATAKISI, 2019, Büyüme Stratejisinde Kurumsal Yönetisim, 11. IBANESS Congess Series, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 167-171, Tekirdag-TÜRKIYE. |
.Z. E. BOYACIOGLU, A. ATAKISI, O. USTAOGLU, A. ATAKISI, 2019, Döviz Kuru, Ekonomik Büyüme ve Turizm Göstergelerinin Seçili Ülkeler Açisindan Analizi, 3. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RESERACH AND FINANCIAL MARKETS CONGRESS, pp. 849-864, Gaziantep-TÜRKIYE. |
.L. ÖZKAN, C. EKIZCELEROGLU, A. ATAKISI, 2018, Hammadde Piyasalari ve Dünya Ekonomisinde Istikrar, 2. International Economic Research and Financial Markets Congress, no. 2, pp. 211-230, Nevsehir-TÜRKIYE. |
A. ATAKISI, E. U. SENALP, P. ZHELEV, 2018, THE IMPACT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON JOB CREATION, 2. International Economic Researches and Financial Markets Congress (IEFRM), pp. 282-288, Nevsehir-TÜRKIYE. |
.H. ARABACI, A. ATAKISI, Türkiye’de Vergi Ve Ekonomik BüyümeArasindaki Iliski, http://www.icomuscongress.org, vol. 2, pp. 364-373, ISTANBUL-TÜRKIYE. |
.C. EKIZCELEROGLU, L. ÖZKAN, A. ATAKISI, Büyümeyi Yakalamak, 2. International Economic Research and Financial Markets Congress, no. 2, pp. 99-116. |
.G. SERAP, S. ÖZER, A. ATAKISI, 2017, Risk Yönetiminde Riske Maruz Deger Hesaplamalari ve Yatirim Araçlari Portföy Uygulamasi, IERFM, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 914-927, Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
D. TASDEMIR, A. ATAKISI, 2017, Turizm Sektörü ile Ekonomik Büyüme Iliskisi: Türkiye Örnegi, International Economics Research andFinancial Markets Congress, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 415-422, Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
.H. ARABACI, A. ATAKISI, 2017, The Effects of Monetary Policy Implemented After 2010 onEconomic Growth in Turkey, IBANESS III., Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. ÖZER, S. GÜVENBAS, A. ATAKISI, 2017, BIST Portföy Yönetiminde Riske Maruz Deger Uygulamasi, IERFM, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 723-736, Edirne-TÜRKIYE. |
BAYRAM, S.,ATAKİŞİ, A., DEMİREL, E., 2016, Tourism Indicators Effect on The Financial Structure; Istanbul Stock Exchange Firms Analyse, , 3rd International Congress of Tourism & Management Researches, Antalya, Turkey, (May 2016) |
BAYRAM, S., ALTUNTAŞ, M., ATAKİŞİ, A., DEMİREL, E., 2016, Currency Fluctuations Effect on Tourism Indicators and Economic Growth: The Case of OECD and Non-OECD Member Countries, 3rd International Congress of Tourism & Management Researches, Antalya, Turkey (May 2016) |
DEMİREL, E., ATAKİŞİ, A., ABACIOĞLU, S., 2012 Financial Ratio Analyzes on Staff Cost: ISE Banking Case, 1st International Symposium on Business, Economics and Financial Applications (ISBEFA), s.23-27, Kefalonia; Greece. |
GÜVEMLİ, B., ATAKİŞİ, A., DEMİREL, E., 2009, Inner- City Maritime Transportation in Istanbul in The 17th Century, ICSS Conference, Readings in Social Sciences, pp: 189-202 |
UZUNOĞLU S., YURUK M.S., ATAKİŞİ A., 2006, “Underground Economy: It is an Economic Problem or a Solution”, Science, Economics, and Technologies in The Global World Vol II., 15-16 September, Burgas / Bulgaria, pp: 19-22 (September 2006) |
APAK S., ATAKİŞİ A., ÖZKAN L., EKİZCELEROĞLU C., 2006 “The Privatization of Public Banks: Will It Always Turn out to be Satisfactory?”, Science, Economics, and Technologies in The Global World, 15-16 September, Bourgas / Bulgaria, pp: 156 – 162 (September 2006) |
UZUNOĞLU S., CESUR F., ATAKİŞİ A., YURUK M.S., 2006, “The Effect of Financial Liberalization on Economic Growth in Transition Economies”, Science, Economics, and Technologies in The Global World, 15-16 September, Bourgas / Bulgaria, pp: 184-188 (September 2006) |
ALTUĞ N., ÇETİN O., ATAKİŞİ A., DEMİREL, E., 2005, “The Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Joint-Ventures”, First Applied Conference with International Participation “Science, Economics, and Technologies in The Global World, 16-17 September, Bourgas / Bulgaria, pp: 106-111 (September 2005) |
GENÇLER, A., DEMİREL, E., ATAKİŞİ, A., 2004, Effects of EU’s Enlargement Process in the Globalizing World. The Challenges for Science and Education in the Globalization Context International Conference Bourgas Free University Bourgas/Bulgaristan: pp.203-216 (September 2004) |
DEMİREL E., ATAKİŞİ A., ALTUK E., 2004, “Effects of China’s Integration into WTO with the Perspective of EU Competitive Strategies”, The Competition Power of the European Union After The Enlargement, The Proceedings of The Third International Symposium on Business Administration, 27-29 May, Çanakkale, pp: 111-120 (May 2004) |
.AKIN MEHMET TÜRKSAD,ATAKISI AHMET, Türkiye Ekonomisinde Güncel Sorunlar ve Politikalar, Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, Istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
.ATAKISI AHMET,Türksever Ertugrul, Güncel Ekonomik Sorunlar: Yaslilik Ekonomisi, Literatür Yayinlari, Istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, Dereli Mert, 100. Yılında Her Yönüyle Keşan, Bölüm Adı:Keşan İlçesinin Mavi Ekonomi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, Paradigma Akademi Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Çanakkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, Kazaz Davut, Alitoska Kazaz Adjera, Cumhuriyetin 100. Yilinda Illerin Iktisadi Gelisimi: 100. Yildan Yüzyillara – Marmara Bölgesi, Bölüm: Edirne, Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, Istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
ATAKISI AHMET, Türksever Ertugrul, 100. Yilinda Her Yönüyle Kesan,Bölüm Adı:AVUSTURYA İKTİSAT OKULUNDA PİYASANIN ÖNEMİ: KEŞAN-SAVERNE ÖRNEĞİ, Paradigma Akademi Basin Yayin Dagitim, Çanakkale-TÜRKIYE. |
.ATAKISI AHMET, Güncel Ekonomik Sorunlar: Covid 19'un Sosyo-Ekonomik Etkileri, Literatür Yayincilik, Istanbul-TÜRKIYE. |
.S. I. UZUNOGLU, E. DEMIREL, A. ATAKISI, O. I. GÜNDÜZ, M. SAVRUL, H. YAS, Ö. TOPKAYA, M. TORUN, B. ALTAYLi, V. ÇANKAYA, Ekonominin Temelleri, Uluslararasi, Basim Türü: Basili, TÜRKIYE-Istanbul, ISBN978-975-040763-5, Literatür Yayincilik, 20172. Basim. |
Aba, A, ATAKİSİ, A., 2015, Neoclassical Thought , “The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications”, Thousand Oaks, pp: 1127-1129 (December 2015) |
Aba, A, ATAKİSİ, A., 2015, Microcredit, “The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications”, Thousand Oaks, pp: 1033-1034 (December 2015) |
Aba, A, ATAKİSİ, A., 2015, Gini Coefficient, “The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, SAGE Publications”, Thousand Oaks, pp: 666-668 (December 2015) |
Uzunoğlu, S., Sönmezler G., ATAKİŞİ, A. 2011, “Evaluation of the Facts of Financial Fragility” in Political Economy, Crisis & Development, IJOPEC Publication, London, pp:299-306 |
UZUNOĞLU, S., YÜRÜK M., ATAKİŞİ, A., 2008, Underground Economy: Is it an economic problem or a solution ?, in Underground Economy Issues and Approaches, Asha Josi B. ed., ICFAI Books, India, pp: 17-27, |
.KOÇ EMIRCAN, ATAKISI AHMET, BESERI SERMAYE VE EKONOMIK BÜYÜME ILISKISI: ARDL ES- BÜTÜNLESME VE GRANGER NEDENSELLIK TESTI, 1988-2019, Nisantasi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 82-97, 2021. |
.A. ATAKISI, O. MECHMET, Syriza Hükümetinin Yunanistan Krizine Karsi Almis Oldugu Önlemler, Nisantasi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 22-44, 8, 2018. |
.B. S. ARZOVA, A. ATAKISI, U. EKMEKÇI, Endekslerle Türkiye Ekonomisi, Ulusal, Basim Türü: Basili, TÜRKIYE-Istanbul, ISBN978-975-14-1975-0, Remzi Kitabevi, 2020, 1. Basim. |
.A. ATAKISI, 2020, Güncel Ekonomik Sorunlar: Ticaret Savaslari, Ulusal, Bölüm: Avrupa Birligi Boyutundan Ticaret Savaslari, Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 83-108, TÜRKIYE-Istanbul, ISBN978-975-04-0824-3, Literatür Yayincilik, 1. Basim. |
A. ATAKISI, Türkiye’nin Ekonomik Krizleri, Ulusal, Bölüm: Petrol Krizlerinin Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Etkileri (1970’ler), Basim Türü: Basili, pp. 125-142, TÜRKIYE-Istanbul, ISBN978-605-5899-50-9, Okan Üniversitesi Yayinlari, 20191. Basim. |
.Proje Yönetim Platformu Bütçe Toolu, 2023-2023. |
.Discover The City (Mobil Aplikasyon Uygulamalari), 2020-2020. |
.Save the Nature to Save the Future, 2019-2019. |
The Ministry of Development, Serbet-i Fünun, is to bring the Ottoman cerbet, desserts and dishes, which are located in the historical Ottoman State cuisine, to the daylight and bring them to Edirne tourism.Completed. |
EUROPEAN UNION CROSSBORDER PROJECT "Women Entrepreneurs CrossBorder Cooperation - Together in Business" |
.Trakya Teknopark Kurulum Projesi. |
.S. I. UZUNOGLU, E. DEMIREL, A. ATAKISI, O. I. GÜNDÜZ, M. SAVRUL, H. YAS, Ö. TOPKAYA, M. TORUN, F. F. M. TUNCER, Y. ERDINÇ, B. ALTAYLi, V. ÇANKAYA, Ekonominin Temelleri, Ulusal, Basim Türü: Basili, TÜRKIYE-ISTANBUL, ISBN978-975-04-0763-5, Literatür Yayinlari, 20171. Basim. |